(PDF) Business Events News for Mon 06 May 2013 - SCEC celebrates 25 years, What the doctor ordered, Funding Victoria\'s sizzle, Abu Dhabi\'s double digit growth and much more - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

  • 7/30/2019 Business Events News for Mon 06 May 2013 - SCECcelebrates 25 years, What the doctor ordered, Funding Victori


    Out & AboutLike sands throughthe hourglass, the

    team from BEN

    and our sister


    Travel Dailyis scaered across

    the globe today.

    BENis in Bali on a Club Med

    famil while TD sta are in Dubai,

    Singapore and Central Australia,

    where IT rm Travelport is

    hosng a major conference.

    Meanwhile, back home in

    Epping our great support team

    is beavering on.

    TravMedias inaugural

    Internaonal Media

    Marketplace (IMM), held in

    Brisbane on Friday proved to be

    a resounding success, creang

    one-on-one opportunies for

    the media and travel industry

    operators to meet face-to-face.

    Keith Bellows, senior vice-

    president and editor-in-chief

    Naonal Geographic Traveler

    was own in from the USA as

    guest speaker.

    His thought provoking topic

    on The Power of Travel

    considered the queson of

    travel trends to desnaons

    such as Bhutan, Cuba, Myanmar

    and Mongolia and the ne

    balance that needed to be

    addressed between tourism

    growth and sustainability.

    What, he quesoned did it

    mean for the next generaon?

    Enjoy reading about SCECs

    25th anniversary and so much

    more in todays issue -Jill.

    business events news Page 1

    business events news

    6th May 2013

    Editor: JillVarleyinfo@businesseventsnews.com.auwww.businesseventsnews.com.au

    1300 799 220

    Team building. More fun in the

    Starwood Expos fnal

    places up for grabsStarwood Hotels and

    Resorts annual Expo will take

    place in Australia this week.

    The sales mission will kick o in

    Melbourne on 7 May following

    on in Sydney and North Ryde on

    8 and 9 May respecvely and

    ending in Brisbane on 10 May.

    Featuring more than 30 hotels

    from across the Asia Pacic and

    North America regions, the local

    travel trade and the businessevents industry, it willshowcase

    Starwood Hotels and Resorts

    nine disnct lifestyle brands;

    St Regis, The Luxury Collecon,

    W Hotels, Le Mridien, Wesn,

    Sheraton, Alo, Element and Four

    Points by Sheraton.

    All aendees will be entered

    into a prize draw featuring

    a range of luxurious and

    internaonal travel prizes.

    Places are limited so register

    online for your spot at oneof these events - www.



    What the doctor orderedBeStCitieSGlobal

    Alliance is





    its just what

    the doctor

    ordered with



    some of theworlds most

    presgious medical conferences

    over the next three years.

    BestCies desnaons in

    Australia, Asia and the Middle

    East all have considerable

    investment in medical-related

    infrastructure, which is paying

    o with internaonal medical

    conferences bringing visitors and

    economic benet to the cies.

    Melbourne will hold three

    of the worlds most signicantmedical conferences less than

    eight months apart starng

    with the presgious 22nd World

    Diabetes Congress in December

    for approximately 12,500

    delegates and including the 20th

    Internaonal AIDS Conference in

    July 2014 which, aracng over

    14,000 delegates, will be the

    largest medical conference ever

    held in Australia.

    Karen Bolinger, ceo of the

    Melbourne Convenon Bureau,said, Internaonal associaons

    bringing conferences to

    Melbourne have indicated that

    the strength of their disciplines

    local research community and

    the size of the wider academic

    community were major factors in

    their decision to choose the city

    as the host desnaon.

    Singapore has become a major

    draw for internaonal medical

    meengs, hosng the 2013 World

    Health Summit (WHS) regional

    meeng in April, the rst me

    this took place outside Berlin.Jeannie Lim, execuvedirector,

    Convenons & Meengs and

    Exhibions & Conferences,

    Singapore Tourism Board, says,

    Singapores unique strength is its

    ability to integrate infrastructure,

    technology and research


    Some of Singapores

    upcoming biomedical and

    scienc congresses include

    the 6th Internaonal Singapore

    Symposium of Immunologyin June 2013 and the 9th

    World Congress on Cosmec

    Dermatology (WCOCD) 2014.

    Dubais standing as a world-

    class host of medical meengs

    was rmly established when the

    World Diabetes Congress, which

    the city hosted in 2011, aracted

    an unprecedented 15,100


    BestCies managing director

    Jane Vong Holmes summarises

    We are certainly seeing anupward trend in the number of

    internaonal medical associaons

    who are choosing more than one

    BestCies partner to host their


    SCEC celebrates its25th anniversary

    the Sydney Convenon and

    Exhibion Centre marked its 25th

    anniversary over the weekend.

    The silver anniversary was a

    milestone for the Australian

    events sector and a cause forcelebraon said Centre chief

    execuve, Ton van Amerongen.

    With a million people passing

    through our doors each year, the

    Centre has formed part of the

    economic and social fabric of our


    During the Saturday event van

    Amerongen thanked his sta for

    their contribuon to the Centres

    success, saying that their skills

    and professionalism had kept the

    venue at the cung edge of theindustry since its opening in1988.

    BENtoday has a special two

    page spread featuring the Sydney

    Convenon and Exhibion Centre

    - see pgs 4 and pg 5.

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    business events news6th May 2013


    IMMs memorable dinnerthe Internaonal

    Media Marketplaces

    (IMM) Brisbane

    farewell dinner

    commenced Riverside

    at Pony for drinks

    and canaps and

    connued on to BradJollys award-winning

    Alchemy Restaurant &

    Bar that overlooks the

    Brisbane River and

    Storey Bridge.

    During a taste tour

    of Queensland, via a ve course

    degustaon dinner, guests

    were entertained by a pasche

    of upcoming Brisbane events

    which included ballet dancers

    represenng the Bolshoi Ballet

    season, jockeys and punterscheering on at the Carnival of

    Winter Racing and a rowdy mob

    from the much ancipated launch

    of the Brish and Irish Lions tour.

    The following day delegates

    departed on various Queensland

    famil components, sponsored by

    Tourism and Events Queensland

    and Brisbane Markeng.

    Pc above at the

    Internaonal Media Marketplace

    from le are: Anne-Maree Moon,Brisbane Markeng; Bruce

    Wallace, Tourism and Events

    Queensland and Kae Mills,

    Brisbane & Southern Queensland


    Meet in PolandShouLd Poland be under

    onsideraon for a congress orncenve, the VII edion of Polish

    ncoming Tourism Workshop

    Meet Poland - being held

    n Warsaw 26-28 September,

    provides the ideal vehicle to

    gather rst-hand informaon.

    Supported by the main Polish

    ourist organisaons, they oer

    plenty of reasons to aend,

    ncluding tourism suppliers

    rom all Polish regions coming

    o Warsaw to meet their

    nternaonal business partners.Top representaves, such as

    hotels, SPA, tour operators will

    oer their products and services

    and the new way of approaching


    Leading internaonal tour

    operators have previously taken

    part in incoming workshops.

    The aracveness of Poland

    s increasing due to the growing

    tandards of its tourism industry.

    Visit www.meetpoland.pl for

    more informaon.

    Funding Victorias sizzlewith tourism

    and events

    contribung nearly

    $16 billion to

    Victorias economy

    each year and

    employing more

    than 200,000

    people, Victorias

    peak tourism

    industry body has

    welcomed the announcement

    of $11.7 million in Victorian

    Government funding to renewFederaon Square.

    It will, says Victoria Tourism

    Industry Council (VTIC) chief

    execuve Dianne Smith, help

    maintain Federaon Square as

    the prime meeng place for

    Melburnians and visitors.

    We congratulate the Victorian

    Government on having the

    foresight to maintain this iconicMelbourne site which adds a

    sizzle to our already fabulous

    tourism experience, she said.

    We encourage the

    Government to connue invesng

    in proven tourism products across

    the enre state and urge further

    investment in improving tourism

    products and experiences, she

    said, adding that it must include

    the extension of the Melbourne

    Convenon & Exhibion Centre

    and appropriate investment inplaces like Point Nepean and

    Phillip Island Nature Parks.

    Free TradersNespresso machines

    traderS Hotel, Brisbane

    by Shangri-La on Roma Street,who by the way oer free wi-

    throughout the hotel, have an

    unbeatable oer.

    For just $298, Stay Connected

    with "U" guests who stay and play

    on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday

    night before 30 June will receive

    a brand new Nespresso "U"

    machine and Aeroccino3 milk-

    frothing device (RRP $299).

    The overnight stay in one of the

    Traders revitalised rooms also

    includes the added convenienceof early check-in and latecheck-

    out, plus a $50 return credit


    What is even more incredible,

    conference organisers can take

    advantage of the oer - pay the

    $298 per night, per delegate

    weekend rate and every

    delegate receives the brand new

    Nespresso U machine.

    Traders Hotel general manager

    Bruno Cristol said being adjacent

    to the Brisbane Transit Centre onthe CBD fringe meant thehotel

    was perfectly situated as a base

    to explore the city and connect

    with all the wonderful cultural

    acvies on oer around town.

    Meet at their placeFrom 1 May - 31 August, meet

    at Langham Place, Mongkok and

    enjoy exclusive summer oers

    uch as special room rates from

    HK$1,400 and up to HK$1,650,

    both with complimentary

    nternet access and daily buet

    breakfast for two per room, full

    day summer meeng packages

    tarng from HK$650pp and

    he half day summer meeng

    package at HK$550pp.

    An array of other privileges

    exist for groups of over 30

    ooms including, one hour

    welcome drinks and canaps, one

    omplimentary room throughout

    he stay, room upgrade for

    one guestroom, Ying welcome

    amenies, Dream Big turndown

    gis and a special discount at

    Chuan Spa.

    In addion, Double takethelead

    or mileage points will be oered

    o groups conrmed between

    1 May and 30 June, who

    tay between 1 May and 31

    August - see www.hongkong.


    with Great Gatsby, F. Sco

    Fitzgerald fever about to engulf

    the world with the premiere

    of Baz Luhrmanns movie The

    Great Gatsby this week, Oscar-

    winning Australian costume

    designer Catherine Marn has

    designed The Fitzgerald Suite, at

    The Plaza Hotel in New York.

    It is a tribute to its author F.

    Sco Fitzgerald who with his

    wife was a patron at the hotel.

    The 200sqm suite is lled

    with 1920s-inspired Art Deco

    furniture, bedspread and towels

    embroidered with a Jay Gatsby

    and Daisy-inspired monogram,

    as seen throughout the lm,

    portraits of the lm cast and

    photos of Fitzgerald and his wife

    featured on the walls.

    BENs bonus offer

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    Free value adds when booking advertising

    Great branding opportunity

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    business events news6th May 2013

    CONTACT US:PublisherBruce PiperEditorJillVarleyContributor/Coordinator


    P: 1300 799 220F: 1300 799 221

    PO Box 1010 Epping, NSW,1710Business Events News is partof theTravel Daily groupof publications which alsoinclude: Travel Daily,Cruise

    Weekly and Pharmacy Daily.

    Disclaimer:While every care has been

    taken in the preparaon ofBusinessEents News no liability can beaccepted

    for errors or omissions. BENtakes no

    responsibility for the opinions of its

    contributors/columnists. Informaon

    is published in good faith to smulate

    independent invesgaon of the mat-

    ters canvassed.

    Unleash your creativityViVid Sydney, which takes place

    between 31 May - 2 June at the

    Overseas Passenger Terminal, will

    present The Digital Playground,

    oering a range of excing

    exhibits, talks, workshops and

    pop-up events celebrang the

    visual arts and digital lifestyles.

    Highlights will include award-

    winning blogger, author and

    professional photographer,Rachel Devine and her young

    daughter Gemma, YouTube

    sensaon ThatNikonGuy,

    portrait photographer Ma

    Granger will run a number of

    workshops, freelance sports

    photographer, Delly Carr will talk

    about his lifeme list of subjects,

    while Australia Geographic

    photographer, Chris Bray will

    speak about his adventures.

    Informaon online at - www.


    Rafter opens French Quarter

    tenniS legend and Mantra

    Ambassador, Pat Raer, ocially

    opened the newly refurbished

    and rebranded Mantra French

    Quarter Noosa (formerly

    BreakFree French Quarter).

    In keeping with the Sunshine

    Coast, beach side venue, a signed

    uroard was unveiled for the

    esorts new and improved lobby.

    Raer gratefully accepted akey to the hotels Hasngs

    Street car park - a coveted

    permanent spot on Noosas busy

    premier strip.

    Pc above with Pat Raer

    s the Mantra Groups Ibrahim

    Saad and Susan Ewington and

    uanita Bloomeld from Tourism


    rg: Pat Raer is pictured

    holding the plaque for his

    permanent car park at the

    resort and Mantra French

    Quarter general manager Jusn

    Cave is seen next to the signed


    Kingfsher bonus dealhead north to Mercure

    Kingsher Bay Resort Hotel on

    Fraser Island if you are aer a

    warm winter conference.

    Celebrang their 20th year

    of operaon with a major

    conferencing and event

    refurbishment, business

    development manager

    Leonie Belbin said, Therefurbishment program - with

    high-tech equipment, so and

    hard furnishings - will bring

    Kingsher Bay Resort in line with

    current industry standards and

    expectaons, she said.

    Kick starng the refurb, the

    resort is oering Residenal

    Packages from $135 per person,

    which includes twin share hotel

    accommodaon, buet breakfast

    and delegate day package.

    Book and host a meengup unl 31 August and be

    rewarded with a one-hour sunset

    experience package; return

    passenger ferry transfers or a

    15% discount on spa treatments.

    Contact - leonie_belbin@

    kingsherbay.com for more

    details on the oer or to make a


    Lafayettes ooh la lafocus on Paris

    FranCe is regularly featured

    on top of the incenve

    desnaon pops and Lafayee

    Travel, a French specialist for

    the organisaon and operaon

    of convenons, meengs,

    congresses and incenve

    programs say last year they

    hosted groups from all over

    the world and from many

    diversied industries, including

    pharmaceucal, automove, IT,

    nance, F&B, bar associaonsand special interest groups.

    You name it, they came to

    France, they said.

    The most popular places were

    Paris and the French Riviera (with

    Monaco), but also less known

    regions were Aquitaine, Briany,

    Normandy, Burgundy, the

    Champagne region and Provence.

    This season, they are zooming in

    on Paris and the French Riviera.

    Its on the French Riviera that

    since April the Hotel Marnez inCannes and the Mediterranean

    Palace in Nice are now managed

    by the Hya Hotels Corporaon,

    as is the Concorde Lafayee and

    the Hotel du Louvre in Paris.

    Abu Dhabis double digit growth100 high achieving travel agentsfrom an Australia-wide educaonal

    ales incenve run by Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authoriy(TCA Abu

    Dhabi) from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, le thesix-day

    our even more movated to sell the emirate as both apoint-to-point

    and stop-over desnaon.

    Jointly arranged with Ehad Airways and Virgin Australia, thefamil

    omes as TCA Abu Dhabi gures reveal double-digit growth inthe

    number of Australians staying in the emirates 141 hotels &apartments.

    In the rst three months of this year, 7,987 Australians bookedinto

    Abu Dhabi hotels - a 17% increase over Q1 last year.

    This resulted in 30,199 guest nights - an increase of 21%,and

    extended the average-length-of-stay by 3% to 3.78 nights.

    The upward trend is encouraging and we want to maintainthemomentum by leng these top sellers know just how much morethere

    s to see and do in the emirate said director promoons andoverseas

    ocers Mubarak Al Nuaimi.

    We want these agents to be our mouthpieces in the Australian

    market, encouraging Australians to stay here even longer.

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    Top 10 famous visitors to the Centre1. The Queen - opened theCentre in 1988 and returned on a royal

    tour in 2000.

    2. George Clooney - the actor and director aended the Global

    Leadership Forum in 2011.

    3. Bill Clinton - the 42nd US President visited twice in 2002,for a

    congress on China and a fundraising dinner.

    4. Neil Armstrong the rst man on the moon gave a rareappearance

    at a CPA Australia event in 2011.

    5. Tony Blair - the former Brish Prime Minister came in 2011, aspart

    of his Tony Blair Speaking Tour.

    6. Dalai Lama the Tibetan Buddhist leader came twice, in 2007and

    2009, for spiritual events.

    7. Christopher Reeve Superman actor and acvist aended theNSW

    Premiers Forum on Spinal Cord Injury and Condions in 2003.

    8. Diana, Princess of Wales aended the Commonwealth Day

    Council Charity lunch in 1997.

    9. Condoleezza Rice the US Secretary of State was a highprole

    face at meengs held at the Centre during the 2007 Asia-Pacic

    Economic Cooperaon (APEC) Summit.

    10. Archbishop Desmond Tutu the Nobel Peace Prize winnercame

    in 1995 for the Global Cultural Diversity Conference.

    Other big names include UN Secretaries General BoutrosBoutros

    Ghali and Ko Annan; IOC Present, Juan Antonio Samaranch; US

    entertainer, Sammy Davis Jr; singer, Gotye and many more.

    business events news6th May 2013

    Sydneys 25 Inspirational YearsauStraLiaS events industry

    oday celebrates 25 inspiraonal

    ears since the opening of the

    ydney Convenon and Exhibion

    Centre, a landmark not just for

    ydney but for the enre events


    Centre Chief Execuve Ton van

    Amerongen marked the 4 May silver

    nniversary, saying the past 25 years

    had seen a remarkable development

    n Australias business events


    The opening of the SydneyConvenon and Exhibion Centre in

    1988 represented much more than

    ust a Bicentenary project and a

    ejuvenaon of Darling Harbour, van

    Amerongen said.

    It was also the catalyst for the growth and

    development of the enre business events industry,

    ight across the country.

    The opening of the Centre created a completely

    new environment and gave us the opportunity to

    expand, innovate and mature, he said.

    It introduced us to internaonal markets that we

    hadnt moved in before, and allowed us to developnew capabiliesand experse. Ulmately, all of

    Australia beneed, not just Sydney.

    van Amerongen paid tribute to the people of the

    events sector who had been responsible for creang

    ydneys excellent reputaon on the world stage, in

    parcular the Centres own sta.

    I can proudly say theres none beer, he said.

    Many of our team have been at the Centre for

    more than 10 or even 20 years, and they are leaders

    in their elds.

    Sydneys success as one of the worlds top events

    desnaons has been born out of the dedicaon of

    its people, and its our people who will ensure our

    citys success in the future. Pc above with Chief Execuve, Tonvan

    Amerongen (l) are: Dale King, Manager

    Events; Simon Lomas, Director of Operaons;

    Amanda Anker, Director of Markeng and Sales and

    Uwe Habermehl, Execuve Chef.

    A big year for eventsthiS year not only marks the

    Centres 25th anniversary, it alsorepresents one of thebusiest

    years in Sydneys business events


    Right through to the end of

    2013, when the Centre will close

    to enable the development of

    Sydneys new events precinct,

    the venue is working to a

    packed schedule of conferences,

    exhibions, incenves and other

    business events, bringing more

    than a million people through its

    doors.Some of the most presgious

    meengs on the world calendar

    this year will be held over the

    coming months, including the

    World Congress on Lung Cancer

    for 5000 delegates in October, the

    Perfect China corporate incenve

    for 3500 delegates in July, and the

    World Congress on Ultrasound in

    Obstetrics and Gynaecology for

    1500 delegates in October.

    The Centre will also become

    part of colourful publiccelebraons across Sydney

    Harbour when it hosts the

    Pacic2013 Internaonal

    Marime Exposion and

    Seapower naval conference

    for 1000 delegates in October,

    coinciding with the spectacle of

    an internaonal eet review to

    mark the 100th anniversary of

    the Royal Australian Navys rst

    arrival in Sydney.

    With so much sll to accomplish

    in 2013, were working hard tomake our 25th anniversary year

    one to remember, Centre CEO

    Ton van Amerongen said.

    And so say all of usitS not just the Centre

    celebrang its 25th anniversary

    this year.

    Darling Harbour itself turns

    25, along with other Sydney

    landmarks from the Bicentenary

    era including the PowerhouseMuseum, the Chinese Garden

    of Friendship, Metro Monorail,

    Sea Life Sydney Aquarium,

    Bicentennial Park at Homebush

    Bay and Sydney Football Stadium.

    Feature Report

    Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre

    Big events & numbers TheSydney Convenon and

    Exhibion Centre is Australias

    busiest, hosng an average 600

    events each year.

    the Centre welcomes more

    than 900,000 visitors through its

    doors annually.

    more than 220,000 hotel room

    night bookings are generated

    from internaonal convenon

    delegates annually.

    the biggest exhibion to

    be held at the Centre is

    the biannual Australian

    Internaonal Motor Show,

    which has aracted close to

    150,000 people in some years.

    the total esmated

    expenditure of all delegates and

    visitors to the Centre is about

    $500 million per year.

    the Centre employs

    approximately 240 full-me and

    560 casual sta.

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    business events news6th May 2013

    Centre of InnovationFrom the

    moment it opened

    its doors, the

    Sydney Convenon

    and Exhibion

    Centre signalled

    its intenon to

    be a leader in the

    events industry.

    While other


    venues were sll

    outsourcing services such as

    catering and audio visual, theCentre made the bold decision

    to bring these skills in house,

    creang internal teams of experts

    to handle all its clients needs.

    Radical for the me, the move

    was just one of many ground-

    breaking iniaves implemented

    by the Centre over the past 25


    In an era of rapid technological

    change, the Centre connued

    to invest in new infrastructure

    to ensure it oered world-classservices to its clients.

    In 2006 it unveiled one of

    Australias largest digital screen

    display systems, while in 2009

    it became the only convenon

    centre in Australia to hook up to

    the Digital Video Network (DVN).

    The venues award-winning

    culinary oerings also made their


    In 2006 the Centre launched

    a new concept for Australian

    convenon centres a stunningwaterfront business lounge for

    visitors, known as the Bayside


    Centre Chief Execuve Ton van

    Amerongen said while the Centre

    had overseen a wide range of

    iniaves, its environmental

    leadership had been a stand-out.

    Over the years, our team has

    embraced the issues of waste

    reducon and recycling not just

    with passion, but with vision.

    Their determinaon todo the right thing for the

    environment has been absolutely

    inspiraonal, van Amerongen


    Aer introducing its Ecowise

    program in 2004, the Centres

    sta set out to cut waste in boththe convenon and exhibion

    facilies, whilst also reducing the

    venues energy and water usage.

    The changes have been wide-

    ranging, from the introducon of

    intelligent lighng and waterless

    urinals, to recycling food scraps

    to produce green electricity and

    organic ferlisers.

    In 2007, the venue became

    one of only two convenon

    centres in the world to achieve

    accreditaon as a Green GlobeBenchmarked Convenon

    Centre an accolade which was

    upgraded to the presgious Silver

    cercaon just two years later.

    Always a winnerthe Centre has earned many

    accolades over the past 25 yearsfrom internaonal awards for

    creave event delivery, through

    to naonal awards for corporate

    social responsibility.

    In 2011-12 it hit a new high with

    a record 14 awards recognising

    everything from the eciency

    of its management team to its

    ongoing green iniaves.

    The current year is also looking

    strong for the venue, with award

    wins including the presgious

    Internaonal Special EventsSociety (ISES) Esprit Award for

    Best Event Design and Dcor, as

    well as a record ve Meengs and

    Events Australia State Awards.

    Centre Chief Execuve Ton van

    Amerongen said the Centres

    many awards were testament to

    his teams dedicaon to providing

    a world-class service for its


    From our rst year of operaon

    to our 25th, the Centres team

    has always worked hard todeliver excellent results, and

    we are very appreciave of the

    recognion we have received,

    van Amerongen said.

    A 25-yearculinary journey

    From the 80s to the present, few

    things chart the evoluon of events

    more vividly than the way we dine.

    At the Centre, the past quarter

    century has been like a 25-year

    degustaon - a succession of extraordinary dishes mirroring therise of

    Sydneys dining scene.

    From the me it opened, the Centre was quick to bury outdated

    percepons of event catering, introducing the same levels ofquality

    and creavity expected of a ne restaurant.

    Today, Execuve Chef Uwe Habermehl and his award-winning

    team have worked with local producers and the Centres Cered

    Sommelier William Wilson to deliver an exceponal diningexperience,

    featuring fresh local produce

    and outstanding wines.

    Together they are not only

    igning the appetes of

    internaonal delegates, theyve

    created a culinary spectacle

    that connues to earn praise

    from a whos who of Australian


    Ten of the bestOvEr the past 25 years, the

    Sydney Convenon and Exhibion

    Centre has hosted close to 15,000

    events. Here are 10 of the most


    1. The Australian Internaonal

    Motor Show - the largest public

    exhibion in Australia, the

    motor show has featured on the

    Centres calendar since 1988.

    2. The Reed Gi Fairs - the largest

    exhibions in the country based

    on exhibitor numbers.

    3. The Sydney Internaonal BoatShow - held at the Centresince

    1988, the Boat Show occupies

    more space than any other


    4. Lions Convenon 2012 this

    spectacular event aracted

    12,000 internaonal delegates.

    5. The 2002 World Congress of

    Cardiology - one of the largest

    events held at the Centre in a

    decade, the congress aracted

    more than 7000 delegates.

    6. The 2002 Internaonal

    Congress of Ophthalmology

    held just two weeks before the

    Cardiology World Congress,

    this event drew close to 5000


    7. The 1996 World Congress of

    Anaesthesiologist the largest

    internaonal congress to be

    held at the Centre, this event

    aracted 9000 delegates and

    400 speakers from 114 dierent

    countries.8. 1995 Global Cultural Diversity

    featuring global gures such as

    Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

    9. Sydney 2000 Olympics - Darling

    Harbour was the second largest

    Olympic precinct for the Sydney

    2000 Games, with the Centre

    hosng ve Olympic sports

    weightliing, wrestling, judo,

    boxing and fencing.

    10. Asia-Pacic Economic

    Cooperaon summit 2007 - the

    Centre was a key venue for this

    signicant meeng, hosng

    a range of high level bilateral

    meengs and briengs as well

    as a media centre for 1500

    internaonal journalists.

(PDF) Business Events News for Mon 06 May 2013 - SCEC celebrates 25 years, What the doctor ordered, Funding Victoria\'s sizzle, Abu Dhabi\'s double digit growth and much more - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.