GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE - · 2017-08-29 · GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (2024)

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (1)



Edited by

Birgitta BerglundThomas Lindvall

Dietrich H Schwela

This WHO document on the Guidelines for Community Noise is the outcome of the WHO- expert taskforce meeting held in London, United Kingdom, in April 1999. It bases on the document entitled“Community Noise” that was prepared for the World Health Organization and published in 1995 by theStockholm University and Karolinska Institute.

World Health Organization, GenevaCluster of Sustainable Development and Healthy Environment (SDE)

Department of the Protection of the Human Environment (PHE)Occupational and Environmental Health (OEH)

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (2)



Foreword .........................................................................................................................................iiiPreface..............................................................................................................................................vExecutive Summary.......................................................................................................................vii1. Introduction............................................................................................................................. 12. Noise sources and their measurement ..................................................................................... 3

2.1. Basic Aspects of Acoustical Measurements........................................................................ 32.2. Sources of Noise.................................................................................................................. 52.3. The Complexity of Noise and Its Practical Implications .................................................... 82.4. Measurement Issues .......................................................................................................... 112.5. Source Characteristics and Sound Propagation................................................................. 142.6. Sound transmission Into and Within Buildings................................................................. 152.7. More Specialized Noise Measures .................................................................................... 172.8. Summary........................................................................................................................... 19

3. Adverse Health Effects Of Noise.......................................................................................... 213.1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 213.2. Noise-Induced Hearing Impairment .................................................................................. 213.3. Interference with Speech Communication........................................................................ 243.4. Sleep Disturbance.............................................................................................................. 263.5. Cardiovascular and Physiological Effects......................................................................... 293.6. Mental Health Effects........................................................................................................ 303.7. The Effects of Noise on Performance ............................................................................... 313.8. Effects of Noise on Residential Behaviour and Annoyance ............................................. 323.9. The Effects of Combined Noise Sources .......................................................................... 343.10. Vulnerable Groups ........................................................................................................ 35

4. Guideline Values................................................................................................................... 374.1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 374.2. Specific Effects ................................................................................................................. 384.3. Specific Environments ...................................................................................................... 434.4. WHO Guideline Values .................................................................................................... 45

5. Noise Management................................................................................................................ 485.1. Stages in Noise Management ............................................................................................ 485.2. Noise Exposure Mapping.................................................................................................. 525.3. Noise Exposure Modeling................................................................................................. 535.4. Noise Control Approaches................................................................................................ 535.5. Evaluation of Control Options .......................................................................................... 565.6. Management of Indoor Noise............................................................................................ 575.7. Priority Setting in Noise Management.............................................................................. 605.8. Conclusions on Noise Management .................................................................................. 70

6. Conclusions And Recommendations .................................................................................... 726.1. Implementation of the Guidelines..................................................................................... 726.2. Further WHO Work on Noise ........................................................................................... 736.3. Research Needs ................................................................................................................. 73

Appendix 1 : Bibliographical References ..................................................................................... 77Appendix 2 : Examples Of Regional Noise Situations ................................................................ 95

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (3)


Appendix 3 : Glossary..................................................................................................................124Appendix 4 : Acronyms ...............................................................................................................133Appendix 5 : Equations and other technical information............................................................136Appendix 6 : Participant list of THE WHO Expert Task Force meeting on Guidelines ForCommunity Noise, 26-30 April 1999, MARC, London, UK ......................................................140

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (4)



Edited by

Birgitta BerglundThomas Lindvall

Dietrich H Schwela

This WHO document on the Guidelines for Community Noise is the outcome of the WHO- expert taskforce meeting held in London, United Kingdom, in April 1999. It bases on the document entitled“Community Noise” that was prepared for the World Health Organization and published in 1995 by theStockholm University and Karolinska Institute.

World Health Organization, GenevaCluster of Sustainable Development and Healthy Environment (SDE)

Department of the Protection of the Human Environment (PHE)Occupational and Environmental Health (OEH)

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (5)



Foreword .........................................................................................................................................iiiPreface..............................................................................................................................................vExecutive Summary.......................................................................................................................vii1. Introduction............................................................................................................................. 12. Noise sources and their measurement ..................................................................................... 3

2.1. Basic Aspects of Acoustical Measurements........................................................................ 32.2. Sources of Noise.................................................................................................................. 52.3. The Complexity of Noise and Its Practical Implications .................................................... 82.4. Measurement Issues .......................................................................................................... 112.5. Source Characteristics and Sound Propagation................................................................. 142.6. Sound transmission Into and Within Buildings................................................................. 152.7. More Specialized Noise Measures .................................................................................... 172.8. Summary........................................................................................................................... 19

3. Adverse Health Effects Of Noise.......................................................................................... 213.1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 213.2. Noise-Induced Hearing Impairment .................................................................................. 213.3. Interference with Speech Communication........................................................................ 243.4. Sleep Disturbance.............................................................................................................. 263.5. Cardiovascular and Physiological Effects......................................................................... 293.6. Mental Health Effects........................................................................................................ 303.7. The Effects of Noise on Performance ............................................................................... 313.8. Effects of Noise on Residential Behaviour and Annoyance ............................................. 323.9. The Effects of Combined Noise Sources .......................................................................... 343.10. Vulnerable Groups ........................................................................................................ 35

4. Guideline Values................................................................................................................... 374.1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 374.2. Specific Effects ................................................................................................................. 384.3. Specific Environments ...................................................................................................... 434.4. WHO Guideline Values .................................................................................................... 45

5. Noise Management................................................................................................................ 485.1. Stages in Noise Management ............................................................................................ 485.2. Noise Exposure Mapping.................................................................................................. 525.3. Noise Exposure Modeling................................................................................................. 535.4. Noise Control Approaches................................................................................................ 535.5. Evaluation of Control Options .......................................................................................... 565.6. Management of Indoor Noise............................................................................................ 575.7. Priority Setting in Noise Management.............................................................................. 605.8. Conclusions on Noise Management .................................................................................. 70

6. Conclusions And Recommendations .................................................................................... 726.1. Implementation of the Guidelines..................................................................................... 726.2. Further WHO Work on Noise ........................................................................................... 736.3. Research Needs ................................................................................................................. 73

Appendix 1 : Bibliographical References ..................................................................................... 77Appendix 2 : Examples Of Regional Noise Situations ................................................................ 95

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (6)


Appendix 3 : Glossary..................................................................................................................124Appendix 4 : Acronyms ...............................................................................................................133Appendix 5 : Equations and other technical information............................................................136Appendix 6 : Participant list of THE WHO Expert Task Force meeting on Guidelines ForCommunity Noise, 26-30 April 1999, MARC, London, UK ......................................................140

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (7)


ForewordNoise has always been an important environmental problem for man. In ancient Rome, rules existed as tothe noise emitted from the ironed wheels of wagons which battered the stones on the pavement, causingdisruption of sleep and annoyance to the Romans. In Medieval Europe, horse carriages and horse backriding were not allowed during night time in certain cities to ensure a peaceful sleep for the inhabitants.However, the noise problems of the past are incomparable with those of modern society. An immensenumber of cars regularly cross our cities and the countryside. There are heavily laden lorries with dieselengines, badly silenced both for engine and exhaust noise, in cities and on highways day and night.Aircraft and trains add to the environmental noise scenario. In industry, machinery emits high noise levelsand amusem*nt centres and pleasure vehicles distract leisure time relaxation.

In comparison to other pollutants, the control of environmental noise has been hampered by insufficientknowledge of its effects on humans and of dose-response relationships as well as a lack of definedcriteria. While it has been suggested that noise pollution is primarily a “luxury” problem for developedcountries, one cannot ignore that the exposure is often higher in developing countries, due to bad planningand poor construction of buildings. The effects of the noise are just as widespread and the long termconsequences for health are the same. In this perspective, practical action to limit and control theexposure to environmental noise are essential. Such action must be based upon proper scientificevaluation of available data on effects, and particularly dose-response relationships. The basis for this istheprocess of risk assessment and risk management.

The extent of the noise problem is large. In the European Union countries about 40 % of the populationare exposed to road traffic noise with an equivalent sound pressure level exceeding 55 dB(A) daytime and20 % are exposed to levels exceeding 65 dB(A). Taking all exposure to transportation noise togetherabout half of the European Union citizens are estimated to live in zones which do not ensure acousticalcomfort to residents. More than 30 % are exposed at night to equivalent sound pressure levels exceeding55 dB(A) which are disturbing to sleep. The noise pollution problem is also severe in cities of developingcountries and caused mainly by traffic. Data collected alongside densely travelled roads were found tohave equivalent sound pressure levels for 24 hours of 75 to 80 dB(A).

The scope of WHO’s effort to derive guidelines for community noise is to consolidate actualscientific knowledge on the health impacts of community noise and to provide guidance toenvironmental health authorities and professional trying to protect people from the harmfuleffects of noise in non-industrial environments. Guidance on the health effects of noise exposureof the population has already been given in an early publication of the series of EnvironmentalHealth Criteria. The health risk to humans from exposure to environmental noise was evaluatedand guidelines values derived. The issue of noise control and health protection was brieflyaddressed.At a WHO/EURO Task Force Meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany, in 1992, the health criteria andguideline values were revised and it was agreed upon updated guidelines in consensus. Theessentials of the deliberations of the Task Force were published by Stockholm University andKarolinska Institute in 1995. In a recent Expert Task Force Meeting convened in April 1999 inLondon, United Kingdom, the Guidelines for Community Noise were extended to provide globalcoverage and applicability, and the issues of noise assessment and control were addressed inmore detail. This document is the outcome of the consensus deliberations of the WHO ExpertTask Force.

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (8)


Dr Richard HelmerDirector, Department of Protection of the Human EnvironmentCluster Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (9)



Community noise (also called environmental noise, residential noise or domestic noise) is defined asnoise emitted from all sources except noise at the industrial workplace. Main sources of community noiseinclude road, rail and air traffic, industries, construction and public work, and the neighbourhood. Themain indoor sources of noise are ventilation systems, office machines, home appliances and neighbours. Typical neighbourhood noise comes from premises and installations related to the catering trade(restaurant, cafeterias, discotheques, etc.); from live or recorded music; sport events including motorsports; playgrounds; car parks; and domestic animals such as barking dogs. Many countries haveregulated community noise from road and rail traffic, construction machines and industrial plants byapplying emission standards, and by regulating the acoustical properties of buildings. In contrast, fewcountries have regulations on community noise from the neighbourhood, probably due to the lack ofmethods to define and measure it, and to the difficulty of controlling it. In large cities throughout theworld, the general population is increasingly exposed to community due to the sources mentioned aboveand the health effects of these exposures are considered to be a more and more important public healthproblem. Specific effects to be considered when setting community noise guidelines include: interferencewith communication; noise-induced hearing loss; sleep disturbance effects; cardiovascular and psycho-physiological effects; performance reduction effects; annoyance responses; and effects on socialbehaviour.

Since 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) has addressed the problem of communitynoise. Health-based guidelines on community noise can serve as the basis for deriving noisestandards within a framework of noise management. Key issues of noise management includeabatement options; models for forecasting and for assessing source control action; setting noiseemission standards for existing and planned sources; noise exposure assessment; and testing thecompliance of noise exposure with noise immission standards. In 1992, the WHO RegionalOffice for Europe convened a task force meeting which set up guidelines for community noise. A preliminary publication of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, on behalf of WHO, appearedin 1995. This publication served as the basis for the globally applicable Guidelines forCommunity Noise presented in this document. An expert task force meeting was convened byWHO in March 1999 in London, United Kingdom, to finalize the guidelines.The Guidelines for Community Noise have been prepared as a practical response to the need for action oncommunity noise at the local level, as well as the need for improved legislation, management andguidance at the national and regional levels. WHO will be pleased to see that these guidelines are usedwidely. Continuing efforts will be made to improve its content and structure. It would be appreciated ifthe users of the Guidelines provide feedback from its use and their own experiences. Please send yourcomments and suggestions on the WHO Guidelines for Community Noise – Guideline document to theDepartment of the Protection of the Human Environment, Occupational and Environmental Health, WorldHealth Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (Fax: +41 22-791 4123, e-mail: [emailprotected]).

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (10)



The World Health Organization thanks all who have contributed to the preparation of this document,Guidelines for Community Noise. The international, multidisciplinary group of contributors to, andreviewers of, the Guidelines are listed in the “Participant list” in Annex 6. Special thanks are due to thechairpersons and workgroups of the WHO expert task force meeting held in London, United Kingdom, inMarch 1999: Professor Thomas Lindvall, who acted as the chairperson of the meeting, Professor BirgittaBerglund, Dr John Bradley and Professor Gerd Jansen, who chaired the three workgroups. Specialcontributions from those who provided the background papers and who contributed to the success of theWHO expert meeting are gratefully acknowledged:

Professor Birgitta Berglund, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden;Bernard F. Berry, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, United Kingdom; Dr. HansBögli, Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft, Bern, Switzerland;Dr. John S. Bradley, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada;Dr. Ming Chen, Fujian Provincial Hospital, People=s Republic of China;Lawrence S. Finegold, Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL/HECA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA;Mr Dominique Francois, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhague, Denmark;Professor Guillermo L. Fuchs, Córdoba, Argentina;Mr Etienne Grond, Messina, South Africa;Professor Andrew Hede, University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore South, Qld., Australia;Professor Gerd Jansen, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany;Dr. Michinori Kabuto, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan;Professor Thomas Lindvall, National Institute of Environmental Medicine and Karolinska Institute,Stockholm, Sweden;Dr. Amanda Niskar, CDC/NCEH, Atlanta, Georgia, USA;Dr Sudhakar B. Ogale, Medical College and KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India;Mrs. Willy Passchier-Vermeer, TNO Prevention and Health, Leiden, The Netherlands;Dr. Dieter Schwela, World Health Organization, Geneva 27, Switzerland;Dr. Michinki So, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan;Professor Shirley Thompson, University of SouthCarolina, Columbia, USA;Max Thorne, National Environmental Noise Service, Rotorua, New Zealand;Frits van den Berg, Science Shop for Physics, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands;Professor Peter Williams, Director MARC, King=s College London, UK;Professor Shabih Haider Zaidi, Dow Medical College, Karachi , Pakistan;

Particular thanks are due to the Ministry of Environment of Germany, which provided the funding toconvene the WHO expert task force meeting in London, United Kingdom, in March 1999 to produce theGuidelines for Community Noise.

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (11)


Executive Summary

1. Introduction

Community noise (also called environmental noise, residential noise or domestic noise) is defined asnoise emitted from all sources except noise at the industrial workplace. Main sources of community noiseinclude road, rail and air traffic; industries; construction and public work; and the neighbourhood. Themain indoor noise sources are ventilation systems, office machines, home appliances and neighbours.

In the European Union about 40% of the population is exposed to road traffic noise with an equivalentsound pressure level exceeding 55 dB(A) daytime, and 20% are exposed to levels exceeding 65 dB(A). When all transportation noise is considered, more than half of all European Union citizens is estimated tolive in zones that do not ensure acoustical comfort to residents. At night, more than 30% are exposed toequivalent sound pressure levels exceeding 55 dB(A), which are disturbing to sleep. Noise pollution isalso severe in cities of developing countries. It is caused mainly by traffic and alongside densely-travelled roads equivalent sound pressure levels for 24 hours can reach 75–80 dB(A).

In contrast to many other environmental problems, noise pollution continues to grow and it isaccompanied by an increasing number of complaints from people exposed to the noise. The growth innoise pollution is unsustainable because it involves direct, as well as cumulative, adverse health effects. It also adversely affects future generations, and has socio-cultural, esthetic and economic effects.

2. Noise sources and measurement

Physically, there is no distinction between sound and noise. Sound is a sensory perception and thecomplex pattern of sound waves is labeled noise, music, speech etc. Noise is thus defined as unwantedsound.

Most environmental noises can be approximately described by several simple measures. All measuresconsider the frequency content of the sounds, the overall sound pressure levels and the variation of theselevels with time. Sound pressure is a basic measure of the vibrations of air that make up sound. Becausethe range of sound pressures that human listeners can detect is very wide, these levels are measured on alogarithmic scale with units of decibels. Consequently, sound pressure levels cannot be added oraveraged arithmetically. Also, the sound levels of most noises vary with time, and when sound pressurelevels are calculated, the instantaneous pressure fluctuations must be integrated over some time interval.

Most environmental sounds are made up of a complex mix of many different frequencies. Frequencyrefers to the number of vibrations per second of the air in which the sound is propagating and it ismeasured in Hertz (Hz). The audible frequency range is normally considered to be 20–20 000 Hz foryounger listeners with unimpaired hearing. However, our hearing systems are not equally sensitive to allsound frequencies, and to compensate for this various types of filters or frequency weighting have beenused to determine the relative strengths of frequency components making up a particular environmentalnoise. The A-weighting is most commonly used and weights lower frequencies as less important thanmid- and higher-frequencies. It is intended to approximate the frequency response of our hearing system.

The effect of a combination of noise events is related to the combined sound energy of those events (theequal energy principle). The sum of the total energy over some time period gives a level equivalent to theaverage sound energy over that period. Thus, LAeq,T is the energy average equivalent level of the A-weighted sound over a period T. LAeq,T should be used to measure continuing sounds, such as roadtraffic noise or types of more-or-less continuous industrial noises. However, when there are distinctevents to the noise, as with aircraft or railway noise, measures of individual events such as the maximum

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (12)


noise level (LAmax), or the weighted sound exposure level (SEL), should also be obtained in addition toLAeq,T. Time-varying environmental sound levels have also been described in terms of percentile levels.

Currently, the recommended practice is to assume that the equal energy principle is approximately validfor most types of noise and that a simple LAeq,T measure will indicate the expected effects of the noisereasonably well. When the noise consists of a small number of discrete events, the A-weighted maximumlevel (LAmax) is a better indicator of the disturbance to sleep and other activities. In most cases,however, the A-weighted sound exposure level (SEL) provides a more consistent measure of single-noiseevents because it is based on integration over the complete noise event. In combining day and nightLAeq,T values, night-time weightings are often added. Night-time weightings are intended to reflect theexpected increased sensitivity to annoyance at night, but they do not protect people from sleepdisturbance.

Where there are no clear reasons for using other measures, it is recommended that LAeq,T be used toevaluate more-or-less continuous environmental noises. Where the noise is principally composed of asmall number of discrete events, the additional use of LAmax or SEL is recommended. There are definitelimitations to these simple measures, but there are also many practical advantages, including economyand the benefits of a standardized approach.

3. Adverse health effects of noise

The health significance of noise pollution is given in chapter 3 of the Guidelines under separate headingsaccording to the specific effects: noise-induced hearing impairment; interference with speechcommunication; disturbance of rest and sleep; psychophysiological, mental-health and performanceeffects; effects on residential behaviour and annoyance; and interference with intended activities. Thischapter also considers vulnerable groups and the combined effects of mixed noise sources.

Hearing impairment is typically defined as an increase in the threshold of hearing. Hearing deficits maybe accompanied by tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Noise-induced hearing impairment occurspredominantly in the higher frequency range of 3 000–6 000 Hz, with the largest effect at 4 000 Hz. Butwith increasing LAeq,8h and increasing exposure time, noise-induced hearing impairment occurs even atfrequencies as low as 2 000 Hz. However, hearing impairment is not expected to occur at LAeq,8h levelsof 75 dB(A) or below, even for prolonged occupational noise exposure.

Worldwide, noise-induced hearing impairment is the most prevalent irreversible occupational hazard andit is estimated that 120 million people worldwide have disabling hearing difficulties. In developingcountries, not only occupational noise but also environmental noise is an increasing risk factor for hearingimpairment. Hearing damage can also be caused by certain diseases, some industrial chemicals, ototoxicdrugs, blows to the head, accidents and hereditary origins. Hearing deterioration is also associated withthe ageing process itself (presbyacusis).

The extent of hearing impairment in populations exposed to occupational noise depends on the value ofLAeq,8h, the number of noise-exposed years, and on individual susceptibility. Men and women areequally at risk for noise-induced hearing impairment. It is expected that environmental and leisure-timenoise with a LAeq,24h of 70 dB(A) or below will not cause hearing impairment in the large majority ofpeople, even after a lifetime exposure. For adults exposed to impulse noise at the workplace, the noiselimit is set at peak sound pressure levels of 140 dB, and the same limit is assumed to be appropriate forenvironmental and leisure-time noise. In the case of children, however, taking into account their habitswhile playing with noisy toys, the peak sound pressure should never exceed 120 dB. For shooting noisewith LAeq,24h levels greater than 80 dB(A), there may be an increased risk for noise-induced hearingimpairment.

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (13)


The main social consequence of hearing impairment is the inability to understand speech in daily livingconditions, and this is considered to be a severe social handicap. Even small values of hearingimpairment (10 dB averaged over 2 000 and 4 000 Hz and over both ears) may adversely affect speechcomprehension.

Speech intelligibility is adversely affected by noise. Most of the acoustical energy of speech is in thefrequency range of 100–6 000 Hz, with the most important cue-bearing energy being between 300–3 000Hz. Speech interference is basically a masking process, in which simultaneous interfering noise rendersspeech incapable of being understood. Environmental noise may also mask other acoustical signals thatare important for daily life, such as door bells, telephone signals, alarm clocks, fire alarms and otherwarning signals, and music.

Speech intelligibility in everyday living conditions is influenced by speech level; speech pronunciation;talker-to-listener distance; sound level and other characteristics of the interfering noise; hearing acuity;and by the level of attention. Indoors, speech communication is also affected by the reverberationcharacteristics of the room. Reverberation times over 1 s produce loss in speech discrimination and makespeech perception more difficult and straining. For full sentence intelligibility in listeners with normalhearing, the signal-to-noise ratio (i.e. the difference between the speech level and the sound level of theinterfering noise) should be at least 15 dB(A). Since the sound pressure level of normal speech is about50 dB(A), noise with sound levels of 35 dB(A) or more interferes with the intelligibility of speech insmaller rooms. For vulnerable groups even lower background levels are needed, and a reverberation timebelow 0.6 s is desirable for adequate speech intelligibility, even in a quiet environment.

The inability to understand speech results in a large number of personal handicaps and behaviouralchanges. Particularly vulnerable are the hearing impaired, the elderly, children in the process of languageand reading acquisition, and individuals who are not familiar with the spoken language.

Sleep disturbance is a major effect of environmental noise. It may cause primary effects during sleep,and secondary effects that can be assessed the day after night-time noise exposure. Uninterrupted sleep isa prerequisite for good physiological and mental functioning, and the primary effects of sleep disturbanceare: difficulty in falling asleep; awakenings and alterations of sleep stages or depth; increased bloodpressure, heart rate and finger pulse amplitude; vasoconstriction; changes in respiration; cardiacarrhythmia; and increased body movements. The difference between the sound levels of a noise event andbackground sound levels, rather than the absolute noise level, may determine the reaction probability. Theprobability of being awakened increases with the number of noise events per night. The secondary, orafter-effects, the following morning or day(s) are: reduced perceived sleep quality; increased fatigue;depressed mood or well-being; and decreased performance.

For a good night’s sleep, the equivalent sound level should not exceed 30 dB(A) for continuousbackground noise, and individual noise events exceeding 45 dB(A) should be avoided. In setting limitsfor single night-time noise exposures, the intermittent character of the noise has to be taken into account. This can be achieved, for example, by measuring the number of noise events, as well as the differencebetween the maximum sound level and the background sound level. Special attention should also begiven to: noise sources in an environment with low background sound levels; combinations of noise andvibrations; and to noise sources with low-frequency components.

Physiological Functions. In workers exposed to noise, and in people living near airports, industries andnoisy streets, noise exposure may have a large temporary, as well as permanent, impact on physiologicalfunctions. After prolonged exposure, susceptible individuals in the general population may developpermanent effects, such as hypertension and ischaemic heart disease associated with exposure to highsound levels. The magnitude and duration of the effects are determined in part by individualcharacteristics, lifestyle behaviours and environmental conditions. Sounds also evoke reflex responses,particularly when they are unfamiliar and have a sudden onset.

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (14)


Workers exposed to high levels of industrial noise for 5–30 years may show increased blood pressure andan increased risk for hypertension. Cardiovascular effects have also been demonstrated after long-termexposure to air- and road-traffic with LAeq,24h values of 65–70 dB(A). Although the associations areweak, the effect is somewhat stronger for ischaemic heart disease than for hypertension. Still, these smallrisk increments are important because a large number of people are exposed.

Mental Illness. Environmental noise is not believed to cause mental illness directly, but it is assumed thatit can accelerate and intensify the development of latent mental disorders. Exposure to high levels ofoccupational noise has been associated with development of neurosis, but the findings on environmentalnoise and mental-health effects are inconclusive. Nevertheless, studies on the use of drugs such astranquillizers and sleeping pills, on psychiatric symptoms and on mental hospital admission rates, suggestthat community noise may have adverse effects on mental health.

Performance. It has been shown, mainly in workers and children, that noise can adversely affectperformance of cognitive tasks. Although noise-induced arousal may produce better performance insimple tasks in the short term, cognitive performance substantially deteriorates for more complex tasks. Reading, attention, problem solving and memorization are among the cognitive effects most stronglyaffected by noise. Noise can also act as a distracting stimulus and impulsive noise events may producedisruptive effects as a result of startle responses.

Noise exposure may also produce after-effects that negatively affect performance. In schools aroundairports, children chronically exposed to aircraft noise under-perform in proof reading, in persistence onchallenging puzzles, in tests of reading acquisition and in motivational capabilities. It is crucial torecognize that some of the adaptation strategies to aircraft noise, and the effort necessary to maintain taskperformance, come at a price. Children from noisier areas have heightened sympathetic arousal, asindicated by increased stress hormone levels, and elevated resting blood pressure. Noise may alsoproduce impairments and increase in errors at work, and some accidents may be an indicator ofperformance deficits.

Social and Behavioural Effects of Noise; Annoyance. Noise can produce a number of social andbehavioural effects as well as annoyance. These effects are often complex, subtle and indirect and manyeffects are assumed to result from the interaction of a number of non-auditory variables. The effect ofcommunity noise on annoyance can be evaluated by questionnaires or by assessing the disturbance ofspecific activities. However, it should be recognized that equal levels of different traffic and industrialnoises cause different magnitudes of annoyance. This is because annoyance in populations varies notonly with the characteristics of the noise, including the noise source, but also depends to a large degree onmany non-acoustical factors of a social, psychological, or economic nature. The correlation betweennoise exposure and general annoyance is much higher at group level than at individual level. Noise above80 dB(A) may also reduce helping behaviour and increase aggressive behaviour. There is particularconcern that high-level continuous noise exposures may increase the susceptibility of schoolchildren tofeelings of helplessness.

Stronger reactions have been observed when noise is accompanied by vibrations and contains low-frequency components, or when the noise contains impulses, such as with shooting noise. Temporary,stronger reactions occur when the noise exposure increases over time, compared to a constant noiseexposure. In most cases, LAeq,24h and Ldn are acceptable approximations of noise exposure related toannoyance. However, there is growing concern that all the component parameters should be individuallyassessed in noise exposure investigations, at least in the complex cases. There is no consensus on amodel for total annoyance due to a combination of environmental noise sources.

Combined Effects on Health of Noise from Mixed Sources. Many acoustical environments consist ofsounds from more than one source, i.e. there are mixed sources, and some combinations of effects arecommon. For example, noise may interfere with speech in the day and create sleep disturbance at night.

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These conditions certainly apply to residential areas heavily polluted with noise. Therefore, it isimportant that the total adverse health load of noise be considered over 24 hours, and that theprecautionary principle for sustainable development be applied.

Vulnerable Subgroups. Vulnerable subgroups of the general population should be considered whenrecommending noise protection or noise regulations. The types of noise effects, specific environmentsand specific lifestyles are all factors that should be addressed for these subgroups. Examples ofvulnerable subgroups are: people with particular diseases or medical problems (e.g. high blood pressure);people in hospitals or rehabilitating at home; people dealing with complex cognitive tasks; the blind;people with hearing impairment; fetuses, babies and young children; and the elderly in general. Peoplewith impaired hearing are the most adversely affected with respect to speech intelligibility. Even slighthearing impairments in the high-frequency sound range may cause problems with speech perception in anoisy environment. A majority of the population belongs to the subgroup that is vulnerable to speechinterference.

4. Guideline values

In chapter 4, guideline values are given for specific health effects of noise and for specific environments.

Specific health effects.

Interference with Speech Perception. A majority of the population is susceptible to speech interferenceby noise and belongs to a vulnerable subgroup. Most sensitive are the elderly and persons with impairedhearing. Even slight hearing impairments in the high-frequency range may cause problems with speechperception in a noisy environment. From about 40 years of age, the ability of people to interpret difficult,spoken messages with low linguistic redundancy is impaired compared to people 20–30 years old. It hasalso been shown that high noise levels and long reverberation times have more adverse effects in children,who have not completed language acquisition, than in young adults.

When listening to complicated messages (at school, foreign languages, telephone conversation) thesignal-to-noise ratio should be at least 15 dB with a voice level of 50 dB(A). This sound levelcorresponds on average to a casual voice level in both women and men at 1 m distance. Consequently,for clear speech perception the background noise level should not exceed 35 dB(A). In classrooms orconference rooms, where speech perception is of paramount importance, or for sensitive groups,background noise levels should be as low as possible. Reverberation times below 1 s are also necessaryfor good speech intelligibility in smaller rooms. For sensitive groups, such as the elderly, a reverberationtime below 0.6 s is desirable for adequate speech intelligibility even in a quiet environment.

Hearing Impairment. Noise that gives rise to hearing impairment is by no means restricted tooccupational situations. High noise levels can also occur in open air concerts, discotheques, motor sports,shooting ranges, in dwellings from loudspeakers, or from leisure activities. Other important sources ofloud noise are headphones, as well as toys and fireworks which can emit impulse noise. The ISOstandard 1999 gives a method for estimating noise-induced hearing impairment in populations exposed toall types of noise (continuous, intermittent, impulse) during working hours. However, the evidencestrongly suggests that this method should also be used to calculate hearing impairment due to noiseexposure from environmental and leisure time activities. The ISO standard 1999 implies that long-termexposure to LAeq,24h noise levels of up to 70 dB(A) will not result in hearing impairment. To avoidhearing loss from impulse noise exposure, peak sound pressures should never exceed 140 dB for adults,and 120 dB for children.

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Sleep Disturbance. Measurable effects of noise on sleep begin at LAeq levels of about 30 dB. However,the more intense the background noise, the more disturbing is its effect on sleep. Sensitive groups mainlyinclude the elderly, shift workers, people with physical or mental disorders and other individuals whohave difficulty sleeping.

Sleep disturbance from intermittent noise events increases with the maximum noise level. Even if thetotal equivalent noise level is fairly low, a small number of noise events with a high maximum soundpressure level will affect sleep. Therefore, to avoid sleep disturbance, guidelines for community noiseshould be expressed in terms of the equivalent sound level of the noise, as well as in terms of maximumnoise levels and the number of noise events. It should be noted that low-frequency noise, for example,from ventilation systems, can disturb rest and sleep even at low sound pressure levels.

When noise is continuous, the equivalent sound pressure level should not exceed 30 dB(A) indoors, ifnegative effects on sleep are to be avoided. For noise with a large proportion of low-frequency sound astill lower guideline value is recommended. When the background noise is low, noise exceeding 45 dBLAmax should be limited, if possible, and for sensitive persons an even lower limit is preferred. Noisemitigation targeted to the first part of the night is believed to be an effective means for helping people fallasleep. It should be noted that the adverse effect of noise partly depends on the nature of the source. Aspecial situation is for newborns in incubators, for which the noise can cause sleep disturbance and otherhealth effects.

Reading Acquisition. Chronic exposure to noise during early childhood appears to impair readingacquisition and reduces motivational capabilities. Evidence indicates that the longer the exposure, thegreater the damage. Of recent concern are the concomitant psychophysiological changes (blood pressureand stress hormone levels). There is insufficient information on these effects to set specific guidelinevalues. It is clear, however, that daycare centres and schools should not be located near major noisesources, such as highways, airports, and industrial sites.

Annoyance. The capacity of a noise to induce annoyance depends upon its physical characteristics,including the sound pressure level, spectral characteristics and variations of these properties with time. During daytime, few people are highly annoyed at LAeq levels below 55 dB(A), and few are moderatelyannoyed at LAeq levels below 50 dB(A). Sound levels during the evening and night should be 5–10 dBlower than during the day. Noise with low-frequency components require lower guideline values. Forintermittent noise, it is emphasized that it is necessary to take into account both the maximum soundpressure level and the number of noise events. Guidelines or noise abatement measures should also takeinto account residential outdoor activities.

Social Behaviour. The effects of environmental noise may be evaluated by assessing its interference withsocial behavior and other activities. For many community noises, interference withrest/recreation/watching television seem to be the most important effects. There is fairly consistentevidence that noise above 80 dB(A) causes reduced helping behavior, and that loud noise also increasesaggressive behavior in individuals predisposed to aggressiveness. In schoolchildren, there is also concernthat high levels of chronic noise contribute to feelings of helplessness. Guidelines on this issue, togetherwith cardiovascular and mental effects, must await further research.

Specific environments.

A noise measure based only on energy summation and expressed as the conventional equivalent measure,LAeq, is not enough to characterize most noise environments. It is equally important to measure themaximum values of noise fluctuations, preferably combined with a measure of the number of noiseevents. If the noise includes a large proportion of low-frequency components, still lower values than theguideline values below will be needed. When prominent low-frequency components are present, noise

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measures based on A-weighting are inappropriate. The difference between dB(C) and dB(A) will givecrude information about the presence of low-frequency components in noise, but if the difference is morethan 10 dB, it is recommended that a frequency analysis of the noise be performed. It should be notedthat a large proportion of low-frequency components in noise may increase considerably the adverseeffects on health.

In Dwellings. The effects of noise in dwellings, typically, are sleep disturbance, annoyance and speechinterference. For bedrooms the critical effect is sleep disturbance. Indoor guideline values for bedroomsare 30 dB LAeq for continuous noise and 45 dB LAmax for single sound events. Lower noise levels maybe disturbing depending on the nature of the noise source. At night-time, outside sound levels about 1metre from facades of living spaces should not exceed 45 dB LAeq, so that people may sleep withbedroom windows open. This value was obtained by assuming that the noise reduction from outside toinside with the window open is 15 dB. To enable casual conversation indoors during daytime, the soundlevel of interfering noise should not exceed 35 dB LAeq. The maximum sound pressure level should bemeasured with the sound pressure meter set at “Fast”.

To protect the majority of people from being seriously annoyed during the daytime, the outdoor soundlevel from steady, continuous noise should not exceed 55 dB LAeq on balconies, terraces and in outdoorliving areas. To protect the majority of people from being moderately annoyed during the daytime, theoutdoor sound level should not exceed 50 dB LAeq. Where it is practical and feasible, the lower outdoorsound level should be considered the maximum desirable sound level for new development.

In Schools and Preschools. For schools, the critical effects of noise are speech interference, disturbanceof information extraction (e.g. comprehension and reading acquisition), message communication andannoyance. To be able to hear and understand spoken messages in class rooms, the background soundlevel should not exceed 35 dB LAeq during teaching sessions. For hearing impaired children, a stilllower sound level may be needed. The reverberation time in the classroom should be about 0.6 s, andpreferably lower for hearing impaired children. For assembly halls and cafeterias in school buildings, thereverberation time should be less than 1 s. For outdoor playgrounds the sound level of the noise fromexternal sources should not exceed 55 dB LAeq, the same value given for outdoor residential areas indaytime.

For preschools, the same critical effects and guideline values apply as for schools. In bedrooms inpreschools during sleeping hours, the guideline values for bedrooms in dwellings should be used.

In Hospitals. For most spaces in hospitals, the critical effects are sleep disturbance, annoyance, andcommunication interference, including warning signals. The LAmax of sound events during the nightshould not exceed 40 dB(A) indoors. For ward rooms in hospitals, the guideline values indoors are 30dBLAeq, together with 40 dB LAmax during night. During the day and evening the guideline value indoorsis 30 dB LAeq. The maximum level should be measured with the sound pressure instrument set at “Fast”.

Since patients have less ability to cope with stress, the LAeq level should not exceed 35 dB in most roomsin which patients are being treated or observed. Attention should be given to the sound levels in intensivecare units and operating theaters. Sound inside incubators may result in health problems for neonates,including sleep disturbance, and may also lead to hearing impairment. Guideline values for sound levelsin incubators must await future research.

Ceremonies, Festivals and Entertainment Events. In many countries, there are regular ceremonies,festivals and entertainment events to celebrate life periods. Such events typically produce loud sounds,including music and impulsive sounds. There is widespread concern about the effect of loud music andimpulsive sounds on young people who frequently attend concerts, discotheques, video arcades, cinemas,amusem*nt parks and spectator events. At these events, the sound level typically exceeds 100 dB LAeq. Such noise exposure could lead to significant hearing impairment after frequent attendances.

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Noise exposure for employees of these venues should be controlled by established occupationalstandards; and at the very least, the same standards should apply to the patrons of these premises. Patronsshould not be exposed to sound levels greater than 100 dB LAeq during a four-hour period more than fourtimes per year. To avoid acute hearing impairment the LAmax should always be below 110 dB.

Headphones. To avoid hearing impairment from music played back in headphones, in both adults andchildren, the equivalent sound level over 24 hours should not exceed 70 dB(A). This implies that for adaily one hour exposure the LAeq level should not exceed 85 dB(A). To avoid acute hearing impairmentLAmax should always be below 110 dB(A). The exposures are expressed in free-field equivalent soundlevel.

Toys, Fireworks and Firearms. To avoid acute mechanical damage to the inner ear from impulsivesounds from toys, fireworks and firearms, adults should never be exposed to more than 140 dB( lin) peaksound pressure level. To account for the vulnerability in children when playing, the peak sound pressureproduced by toys should not exceed 120 dB( lin), measured close to the ears (100 mm). To avoid acutehearing impairment LAmax should always be below 110 dB(A).

Parkland and Conservation Areas. Existing large quiet outdoor areas should be preserved and the signal-to-noise ratio kept low.

Table 1 presents the WHO guideline values arranged according to specific environments and criticalhealth effects. The guideline values consider all identified adverse health effects for the specificenvironment. An adverse effect of noise refers to any temporary or long-term impairment of physical,psychological or social functioning that is associated with noise exposure. Specific noise limits have beenset for each health effect, using the lowest noise level that produces an adverse health effect (i.e. thecritical health effect). Although the guideline values refer to sound levels impacting the most exposedreceiver at the listed environments, they are applicable to the general population. The time base for LAeqfor “daytime” and “night-time” is 12–16 hours and 8 hours, respectively. No time base is given forevenings, but typically the guideline value should be 5–10 dB lower than in the daytime. Other timebases are recommended for schools, preschools and playgrounds, depending on activity.

It is not enough to characterize the noise environment in terms of noise measures or indices based only onenergy summation (e.g., LAeq), because different critical health effects require different descriptions. Itis equally important to display the maximum values of the noise fluctuations, preferably combined with ameasure of the number of noise events. A separate characterization of night-time noise exposures is alsonecessary. For indoor environments, reverberation time is also an important factor for things such asspeech intelligibility. If the noise includes a large proportion of low-frequency components, still lowerguideline values should be applied. Supplementary to the guideline values given in Table 1, precautionsshould be taken for vulnerable groups and for noise of certain character (e.g. low-frequency components,low background noise).

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Table 1: Guideline values for community noise in specific environments.


Critical health effect(s) LAeq





Outdoor living area Serious annoyance, daytime and eveningModerate annoyance, daytime and evening




Dwelling, indoors

Inside bedrooms

Speech intelligibility & moderate annoyance,daytime & eveningSleep disturbance, night-time




8 45Outside bedrooms Sleep disturbance, window open

(outdoor values)45 8 60

School class rooms& pre-schools,indoors

Speech intelligibility,disturbance of information extraction,message communication

35 duringclass


Pre-schoolbedrooms, indoor

Sleep disturbance 30 sleeping-time


School, playgroundoutdoor

Annoyance (external source) 55 duringplay


Hospital, wardrooms, indoors

Sleep disturbance, night-timeSleep disturbance, daytime and evenings




Hospitals, treatmentrooms, indoors

Interference with rest and recovery #1

Industrial,commercialshopping and trafficareas, indoors andoutdoors

Hearing impairment 70 24 110

Ceremonies, festivalsand entertainmentevents

Hearing impairment (patrons:<5 times/year) 100 4 110

Public addresses,indoors and outdoors

Hearing impairment 85 1 110

Music and othersounds throughheadphones/earphones

Hearing impairment (free-field value) 85 #4 1 110

Impulse sounds fromtoys, fireworks andfirearms

Hearing impairment (adults)

Hearing impairment (children)






Outdoors in parklandand conservationsareas

Disruption of tranquillity #3

#1: As low as possible.

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#2: Peak sound pressure (not LAF, max) measured 100 mm from the ear.#3: Existing quiet outdoor areas should be preserved and the ratio of intruding noise to

natural background sound should be kept low.#4: Under headphones, adapted to free-field values.

5. Noise Management

Chapter 5 is devoted to noise management with discussions on: strategies and priorities in managingindoor noise levels; noise policies and legislation; the impact of environmental noise; and on theenforcement of regulatory standards.

The fundamental goals of noise management are to develop criteria for deriving safe noise exposurelevels and to promote noise assessment and control as part of environmental health programmes. Thesebasic goals should guide both international and national policies for noise management. The UnitedNation's Agenda 21 supports a number of environmental management principles on which governmentpolicies, including noise management policies, can be based: the principle of precaution; the "polluterpays" principle; and noise prevention. In all cases, noise should be reduced to the lowest level achievablein the particular situation. When there is a reasonable possibility that the public health will beendangered, even though scientific proof may be lacking, action should be taken to protect the publichealth, without awaiting the full scientific proof. The full costs associated with noise pollution (includingmonitoring, management, lowering levels and supervision) should be met by those responsible for thesource of noise. Action should be taken where possible to reduce noise at the source.

A legal framework is needed to provide a context for noise management. National noise standards canusually be based on a consideration of international guidelines, such as these Guidelines for CommunityNoise, as well as national criteria documents, which consider dose-response relationships for the effects ofnoise on human health. National standards take into account the technological, social, economic andpolitical factors within the country. A staged program of noise abatement should also be implemented toachieve the optimum health protection levels over the long term.

Other components of a noise management plan include: noise level monitoring; noise exposure mapping;exposure modeling; noise control approaches (such as mitigation and precautionary measures); andevaluation of control options. Many of the problems associated with high noise levels can be prevented atlow cost, if governments develop and implement an integrated strategy for the indoor environment, inconcert with all social and economic partners. Governments should establish a "National Plan for aSustainable Noise Indoor Environment" that applies both to new construction as well as to existingbuildings.

The actual priorities in rational noise management will differ for each country. Priority setting in noisemanagement refers to prioritizing the health risks to be avoided and concentrating on the most importantsources of noise. Different countries have adopted a range of approaches to noise control, using differentpolicies and regulations. A number of these are outlined in chapter 5 and Appendix 2, as examples. It isevident that noise emission standards have proven insufficient and that the trends in noise pollution areunsustainable.

The concept of environmental an environmental noise impact analysis is central to the philosophy ofmanaging environmental noise. Such an analysis should be required before implementing any project thatwould significantly increase the level of environmental noise in a community (typically, greater than a 5dB increase). The analysis should include: a baseline description of the existing noise environment; the

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expected level of noise from the new source; an assessment of the adverse health effects; an estimation ofthe population at risk; the calculation of exposure-response relationships; an assessment of risks and theiracceptability; and a cost-benefit analysis.

Noise management should:1. Start monitoring human exposures to noise.2. Have health control require mitigation of noise immissions, and not just of noise source

emissions. The following should be taken into consideration:- specific environments such as schools, playgrounds, homes, hospitals.- environments with multiple noise sources, or which may amplify the effects of noise.- sensitive time periods such as evenings, nights and holidays.- groups at high risk, such as children and the hearing impaired.

3. Consider the noise consequences when planning transport systems and land use.4. Introduce surveillance systems for noise-related adverse health effects.5. Assess the effectiveness of noise policies in reducing adverse health effects and exposure, and in

improving supportive "soundscapes".6. Adopt these Guidelines for Community Noise as intermediary targets for improving human

health.7. Adopt precautionary actions for a sustainable development of the acoustical environments.

Conclusions and recommendations

In chapter 6 are discussed: the implementation of the guidelines; further WHO work on noise; andresearch needs are recommended.

Implementation. For implementation of the guidelines it is recommended that:

• Governments should protection the population from community noise and consider it an integralpart of their policy of environmental protection.

• Governments should consider implementing action plans with short-term, medium-term and long-term objectives for reducing noise levels.

• Governments should adopt the Health Guidelines for Community Noise values as targets to beachieved in the long-term.

• Governments should include noise as an important public health issue in environmental impactassessments.

• Legislation should be put in place to allow for the reduction of sound levels.• Existing legislation should be enforced.• Municipalities should develop low noise implementation plans.• Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses should be considered potential instruments for

meaningful management decisions.• Governments should support more policy-relevant research.

Future Work. The Expert Task Force worked out several suggestions for future work for the WHO in thefield of community noise. WHO should:

• Provide leadership and technical direction in defining future noise research priorities.• Οrganize workshops on how to apply the guidelines.

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• Provide leadership and coordinate international efforts to develop techniques for designingsupportive sound environments (e.g. "soundscapes").

• Provide leadership for programs to assess the effectiveness of health-related noise policies andregulations.

• Provide leadership and technical direction for the development of sound methodologies forenvironmental and health impact plans.

• Encourage further investigation into using noise exposure as an indicator of environmentaldeterioration (e.g. black spots in cities).

• Provide leadership and technical support, and advise developing countries to facilitatedevelopment of noise policies and noise management.

Research and Development. A major step forward in raising the awareness of both the public and ofdecision makers is the recommendation to concentrate more research and development on variables whichhave monetary consequences. This means that research should consider not only dose-responserelationships between sound levels, but also politically relevant variables, such as noise-induced socialhandicap; reduced productivity; decreased performance in learning; workplace and school absenteeism;increased drug use; and accidents.

In Appendices 1–6 are given: bibliographic references; examples of regional noise situations (AfricanRegion, American Region, Eastern Mediterranean Region, South East Asian Region, Western PacificRegion); a glossary; a list of acronyms; and a list of participants.

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Community noise (also called environmental noise, residential noise or domestic noise)is defined as noise emitted from all sources, except noise at the industrial workplace. Main sources of community noise include road, rail and air traffic, industries,construction and public work, and the neighbourhood. Typical neighbourhood noisecomes from premises and installations related to the catering trade (restaurant, cafeterias,discotheques, etc.); from live or recorded music; from sporting events including motorsports; from playgrounds and car parks; and from domestic animals such as barking dogs. The main indoor sources are ventilation systems, office machines, home appliances andneighbours. Although many countries have regulations on community noise from road,rail and air traffic, and from construction and industrial plants, few have regulations onneighbourhood noise. This is probably due to the lack of methods to define and measureit, and to the difficulty of controlling it. In developed countries, too, monitoring ofcompliance with, and enforcement of, noise regulations are weak for lower levels ofurban noise that correspond to occupationally controlled levels (>85 dB LAeq,8h; Frank1998). Recommended guideline values based on the health effects of noise, other thanoccupationally-induced effects, are often not taken into account.

The extent of the community noise problem is large. In the European Union about 40%of the population is exposed to road traffic noise with an equivalent sound pressure levelexceeding 55 dBA daytime; and 20% is exposed to levels exceeding 65 dBA (Lambert& Vallet 19 1994). When all transportation noise is considered, about half of allEuropean Union citizens live in zones that do not ensure acoustical comfort to residents. At night, it is estimated that more than 30% is exposed to equivalent sound pressurelevels exceeding 55 dBA, which are disturbing to sleep. The noise pollution problem isalso severe in the cities of developing countries and is caused mainly by traffic. Datacollected alongside densely traveled roads were found to have equivalent sound pressurelevels for 24 hours of 75–80 dBA (e.g. National Environment Board Thailand 19 1990;Mage & Walsh 19 1998).

(a) In contrast to many other environmental problems, noise pollution continues togrow, accompanied by an increasing number of complaints from affectedindividuals. Most people are typically exposed to several noise sources, with roadtraffic noise being a dominant source (OECD-ECMT 19 1995). Population growth,urbanization and to a large extent technological development are the main drivingforces, and future enlargements of highway systems, international airports andrailway systems will only increase the noise problem. Viewed globally, the growthin urban environmental noise pollution is unsustainable, because it involves notsimply the direct and cumulative adverse effects on health. It also adversely affectsfuture generations by degrading residential, social and learning environments, withcorresponding economical losses (Berglund 1998). Thus, noise is not simply a localproblem, but a global issue that affects everyone (Lang 1999; Sandberg 1999) andcalls for precautionary action in any environmental planning situation.

The objective of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the attainment by all peoplesof the highest possible level of health. As the first principle of the WHO Constitution thedefinition of ‘health’ is given as: “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-

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being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This broad definition of healthembraces the concept of well-being and, thereby, renders noise impacts such aspopulation annoyance, interference with communication, and impaired task performanceas ‘health’ issues. In 1992, a WHO Task Force also identified the following specifichealth effects for the general population that may result from community noise:interference with communication; annoyance responses; effects on sleep, and on thecardiovascular and psychophysiological systems; effects on performance, productivity,and social behavior; and noise-induced hearing impairment (WHO 1993; Berglund &Lindvall 1995; cf. WHO 1980). Hearing damage is expected to result from bothoccupational and environmental noise, especially in developing countries, wherecompliance with noise regulation is known to be weak (Smith 1998).

Noise is likely to continue as a major issue well into the next century, both in developedand in developing countries. Therefore, strategic action is urgently required, includingcontinued noise control at the source and in local areas. Most importantly, joint effortsamong countries are necessary at a system level, in regard to the access and use of land,airspace and seawaters, and in regard to the various modes of transportation. Certainly,mankind would benefit from societal reorganization towards healthy transport. Tounderstand noise we must understand the different types of noise and how we measureit, where noise comes from and the effects of noise on human beings. Furthermore, noisemitigation, including noise management, has to be actively introduced and in each casethe policy implications have to be evaluated for efficiency.

This document is organized as follows. In Chapter 2 noise sources and measurement arediscussed, including the basic aspects of source characteristics, sound propagation andtransmission. In Chapter 3 the adverse health effects of noise are characterized. Theseinclude noise-induced hearing impairment, interference with speech communication,sleep disturbance, cardiovascular and physiological effects, mental health effects,performance effects, and annoyance reactions. This chapter is rounded out by aconsideration of combined noise sources and their effects, and a discussion of vulnerablegroups. In Chapter 4 the Guideline values are presented. Chapter 5 is devoted to noisemanagement. Included are discussions of: strategies and priorities in the managementof indoor noise levels; noise policies and legislation; environmental noise impact; andenforcement of regulatory standards. In Chapter 6 implementation of the WHOGuidelines is discussed, as well as future WHO work on noise and its research needs. InAppendices 1–6 are given: bibliographic references; examples of regional noisesituations (African Region, American Region, Eastern Mediterranean Region, South EastAsian Region, Western Pacific Region); a glossary; a list of acronyms; and a list ofparticipants.

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2. Noise sources and their measurement

2.1. Basic Aspects of Acoustical Measurements

Most environmental noises can be approximately described by one of several simple measures.They are all derived from overall sound pressure levels, the variation of these levels with timeand the frequency of the sounds. Ford (1987) gives a more extensive review of variousenvironmental noise measures. Technical definitions are found in the glossary in Appendix 3.

2.1.1. Sound pressure level

The sound pressure level is a measure of the air vibrations that make up sound. All measuredsound pressures are referenced to a standard pressure that corresponds roughly to the threshold ofhearing at 1 000 Hz. Thus, the sound pressure level indicates how much greater the measuredsound is than this threshold of hearing. Because the human ear can detect a wide range of soundpressure levels (10–102 Pascal (Pa)), they are measured on a logarithmic scale with units ofdecibels (dB). A more technical definition of sound pressure level is found in the glossary.

The sound pressure levels of most noises vary with time. Consequently, in calculating somemeasures of noise, the instantaneous pressure fluctuations must be integrated over some timeinterval. To approximate the integration time of our hearing system, sound pressure meters havea standard Fast response time, which corresponds to a time constant of 0.125 s. Thus, allmeasurements of sound pressure levels and their variation over time should be made using theFast response time, to provide sound pressure measurements more representative of humanhearing. Sound pressure meters may also include a Slow response time with a time constant of 1s, but its sole purpose is that one can more easily estimate the average value of rapidlyfluctuating levels. Many modern meters can integrate sound pressures over specified periods andprovide average values. It is not recommended that the Slow response time be used whenintegrating sound pressure meters are available.

Because sound pressure levels are measured on a logarithmic scale they cannot be added oraveraged arithmetically. For example, adding two sounds of equal pressure levels results in atotal pressure level that is only 3 dB greater than each individual sound pressure level.Consequently, when two sounds are combined the resulting sound pressure level will besignificantly greater than the individual sound levels only if the two sounds have similar pressurelevels. Details for combining sound pressure levels are given in Appendix 2.

2.1.2. Frequency and frequency weighting

The unit of frequency is the Hertz (Hz), and it refers to the number of vibrations per second ofthe air in which the sound is propagating. For tonal sounds, frequency is associated with theperception of pitch. For example, orchestras often tune to the frequency of 440 Hz. Mostenvironmental sounds, however, are made up of a complex mix of many different frequencies.They may or may not have discrete frequency components superimposed on noise with a broad

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frequency spectrum (i.e. sound with a broad range of frequencies). The audible frequency rangeis normally considered to range from 20–20 000 Hz. Below 20 Hz we hear individual soundpulses rather than recognizable tones. Hearing sensitivity to higher frequencies decreases withage and exposure to noise. Thus, 20 000 Hz represents an upper limit of audibility for youngerlisteners with unimpaired hearing.

Our hearing systems are not equally sensitive to all sound frequencies (ISO 1987a). Thus, not allfrequencies are perceived as being equally loud at the same sound pressure level, and whencalculating overall environmental noise ratings it is necessary to consider sounds at somefrequencies as more important than those at other frequencies. Detailed frequency analyses arecommonly performed with standard sets of octave or 1/3 octave bandwidth filters. Alternatively,Fast Fourier Transform techniques or other types of filters can be used to determine the relativestrengths of the various frequency components making up a particular environmental noise.

Frequency weighting networks provide a simpler approach for weighting the importance ofdifferent frequency components in one single number rating. The A-weighting is mostcommonly used and is intended to approximate the frequency response of our hearing system. Itweights lower frequencies as less important than mid- and higher-frequency sounds. C-weighting is also quite common and is a nearly flat frequency response with the extreme highand low frequencies attenuated. When no frequency analysis is possible, the difference betweenA-weighted and C-weighted levels gives an indication of the amount of low frequency content inthe measured noise. When the sound has an obvious tonal content, a correction to account forthe additional annoyance may be used (ISO 1987b).

2.1.3. Equivalent continuous sound pressure level

According to the equal energy principle, the effect of a combination of noise events is related tothe combined sound energy of those events. Thus, measures such as the equivalent continuoussound pressure level (LAeq,T) sum up the total energy over some time period (T) and give alevel equivalent to the average sound energy over that period. Such average levels are usuallybased on integration of A-weighted levels. Thus LAeq,T is the average energy equivalent levelof the A-weighted sound over a period T.

2.1.4. Individual noise events

It is often desired to measure the maximum level (LAmax) of individual noise events. For casessuch as the noise from a single passing vehicle, LAmax values should be measured using theFast response time because it will give a good correlation with the integration of loudness by ourhearing system. However, for very short-duration impulsive sounds it is often desirable tomeasure the instantaneous peak amplitude to assess potential hearing-damage risk. If actualinstantaneous pressure cannot be determined, then a time-integrated ‘peak’ level with a timeconstant of no more than 0.05 ms should be used (ISO 1987b). Such peak readings are oftenmade using the C- (or linear) frequency weightings.

Alternatively, discrete sound events can be evaluated in terms of their A-weighted soundexposure level (SEL, for defintion see appendix 5). The total amount of sound energy in a

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particular event is assessed by the SEL. One can add up the SEL values of individual events tocalculate a LAeq,T over some time period, T, of interest. In some cases the SEL may providemore consistent evaluations of individual noise events because they are derived from thecomplete history of the event and not just one maximum value. However, A-weighted SELmeasurements have been shown to be inadequate for assessing the (perceived) loudness ofcomplex impulsive sounds, such as those from large and small weapons (Berglund et al. 1986).In contrast, C-weighted SEL values have been found useful for rating impulsive sounds such asgun shots (Vos 1996; Buchta 1996; ISO 1987b).

2.1.5. Choice of noise measure

LAeq,T should be used to measure continuing sounds such as road traffic noise, many types ofindustrial noises and noise from ventilation systems in buildings. When there are distinct eventsto the noise such as with aircraft or railway noise, measures of the individual events should beobtained (using, for example, LAmax or SEL), in addition to LAeq,T measurements.

In the past, time-varying environmental sound levels have also been described in terms ofpercentile levels. These are derived from a statistical distribution of measured sound levels oversome period. For example, L10 is the A-weighted level exceeded 10% of the time. L10 valueshave been widely used to measure road-traffic noise, but they are usually found to be highlycorrelated measures of the individual events, as are LAmax and SEL. L90 or L95 can be used asa measure of the general background sound pressure level that excludes the potentiallyconfounding influence of particular local noise events.

2.1.6. Sound and noise

Physically, there is no distinction between sound and noise: sound is a sensory perceptionevoked by physiological processes in the auditory brain. The complex pattern of sound waves isperceptually classified as “Gestalts” and are labeled as noise, music, speech, etc. Consequently,it is not possible to define noise exclusively on the basis of the physical parameters of sound.Instead, it is common practice to define noise simply as unwanted sound. However, in somesituations noise may adversely affect health in the form of acoustical energy.

2.2. Sources of Noise

This section describes various sources of noise that can affect a community. Namely, noise fromindustry, transportation, and from residential and leisure areas. It should be noted that equalvalues of LAeq,T for different sources do not always imply the same expected effect.

2.2.1. Industrial noise

Mechanized industry creates serious noise problems. It is responsible for intense noise indoorsas well as outdoors. This noise is due to machinery of all kinds and often increases with thepower of the machines. Sound generation mechanisms of machinery are reasonably wellunderstood. The noise may contain predominantly low or high frequencies, tonal components,

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be impulsive or have unpleasant and disruptive temporal sound patterns. Rotating andreciprocating machines generate sound that includes tonal components; and air-movingequipment tends also to generate noise with a wide frequency range. The high sound pressurelevels are caused by components or gas flows that move at high speed (for example, fans, steampressure relief valves), or by operations involving mechanical impacts (for example, stamping,riveting, road breaking). Machinery should preferably be silenced at the source.

Noise from fixed installations, such as factories or construction sites, heat pumps and ventilationsystems on roofs, typically affect nearby communities. Reductions may be achieved byencouraging quieter equipment or by zoning of land into industrial and residential areas.Requirements for passive (sound insulating enclosures) and active noise control, or restriction ofoperation time, may also be effective.

2.2.2. Transportation noise

Transportation noise is the main source of environmental noise pollution, including road traffic,rail traffic and air traffic. As a general rule, larger and heavier vehicles emit more noise thansmaller and lighter vehicles. Exceptions would include: helicopters and 2- and 3-wheeled roadvehicles.

The noise of road vehicles is mainly generated from the engine and from frictional contactbetween the vehicle and the ground and air. In general, road-contact noise exceeds engine noiseat speeds higher than 60 km/h. The physical principle responsible for generating noise from tire-road contact is less well understood. The sound pressure level from traffic can be predicted fromthe traffic flow rate, the speed of the vehicles, the proportion of heavy vehicles, and the nature ofthe road surface. Special problems can arise in areas where the traffic movements involve achange in engine speed and power, such as at traffic lights, hills, and intersecting roads; or wheretopography, meteorological conditions and low background levels are unfavourable (forexample, mountain areas).

Railway noise depends primarily on the speed of the train, but variations are present dependingupon the type of engine, wagons, and rails and their foundations, as well as the roughness ofwheels and rails. Small radius curves in the track, such as may occur for urban trains, can lead tovery high levels of high-frequency sound referred to as wheel squeal. Noise can be generated instations because of running engines, whistles and loudspeakers, and in marshaling yards becauseof shunting operations. The introduction of high-speed trains has created special noise problemswith sudden, but not impulsive, rises in noise. At speeds greater than 250 km/h, the proportionof high-frequency sound energy increases and the sound can be perceived as similar to that ofoverflying jet aircraft. Special problems can arise in areas close to tunnels, in valleys or in areaswhere the ground conditions help generate vibrations. The long-distance propagation of noisefrom high-speed trains will constitute a problem in the future if otherwise environment-friendlyrailway systems are expanded.

Aircraft operations generate substantial noise in the vicinity of both commercial and militaryairports. Aircraft takeoffs are known to produce intense noise, including vibration and rattle.The landings produce substantial noise in long low-altitude flight corridors. The noise is

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produced by the landing gear and automatic power regulation, and also when reverse thrust isapplied, all for safety reasons. In general, larger and heavier aircraft produce more noise thanlighter aircraft. The main mechanism of noise generation in the early turbojet-powered aircraftwas the turbulence created by the jet exhaust mixing with the surrounding air. This noise sourcehas been significantly reduced in modern high by-pass ratio turbo-fan engines that surround thehigh-velocity jet exhaust with lower velocity airflow generated by the fan. The fan itself can bea significant noise source, particularly during landing and taxiing operations. Multi-bladedturbo-prop engines can produce relatively high levels of tonal noise. The sound pressure levelfrom aircraft is, typically, predicted from the number of aircraft, the types of airplanes, theirflight paths, the proportions of takeoffs and landings and the atmospheric conditions. Severenoise problems may arise at airports hosting many helicopters or smaller aircraft used for privatebusiness, flying training and leisure purposes. Special noise problems may also arise insideairplanes because of vibration. The noise emission from future superjets is unknown.

A sonic boom consists of a shock wave in the air, generated by an aircraft when it flies at a speedslightly greater than the local speed of sound. An aircraft in supersonic flight trails a sonic boomthat can be heard up to 50 km on either side of its ground track, depending upon the flightaltitude and the size of the aircraft (Warren 1972). A sonic boom can be heard as a loud double-boom sound. At high intensity it can damage property.

Noise from military airfields may present particular problems compared to civil airports (vonGierke & Harris 1987). For example, when used for night-time flying, for training interruptedlandings and takeoffs (so-called touch-and-go), or for low-altitude flying. In certain instances,including wars, specific military activities introduce other intense noise pollution from heavyvehicles (tanks), helicopters, and small and large fire-arms.

2.2.3. Construction noise and building services noise

Building construction and excavation work can cause considerable noise emissions. A variety ofsounds come from cranes, cement mixers, welding, hammering, boring and other workprocesses. Construction equipment is often poorly silenced and maintained, and buildingoperations are sometimes carried out without considering the environmental noise consequences.Street services such as garbage disposal and street cleaning can also cause considerabledisturbance if carried out at sensitive times of day. Ventilation and air conditioning plants andducts, heat pumps, plumbing systems, and lifts (elevators), for example, can compromise theinternal acoustical environment and upset nearby residents.

2.2.4. Domestic noise and noise from leisure activities

In residential areas, noise may stem from mechanical devices (e.g. heat pumps, ventilationsystems and traffic), as well as voices, music and other kinds of sounds generated by neighbours(e.g. lawn movers, vacuum cleaners and other household equipment, music reproduction andnoisy parties). Aberrant social behavior is a well-recognized noise problem in multifamilydwellings, as well as at sites for entertainment (e.g. sports and music events). Due topredominantly low-frequency components, noise from ventilation systems in residentialbuildings may also cause considerable concern even at low and moderate sound pressure levels.

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The use of powered machines in leisure activities is increasing. For example, motor racing, off-road vehicles, motorboats, water skiing, snowmobiles etc., and these contribute significantly toloud noises in previously quiet areas. Shooting activities not only have considerable potential fordisturbing nearby residents, but can also damage the hearing of those taking part. Even tennisplaying, church bell ringing and other religious activities can lead to noise complaints.

Some types of indoor concerts and discotheques can produce extremely high sound pressurelevels. Associated noise problems outdoors result from customers arriving and leaving. Outdoorconcerts, fireworks and various types of festivals can also produce intense noise. The generalproblem of access to festivals and leisure activity sites often adds to road traffic noise problems.Severe hearing impairment may also arise from intense sound produced as music in headphonesor from children’s toys.

2.3. The Complexity of Noise and Its Practical Implications

2.3.1. The problem

One must consider many different characteristics to describe environmental noises completely.We can consider the sound pressure level of the noise and how this level varies over a variety ofperiods, ranging from minutes or seconds to seasonal variations over several months. Wheresound pressure levels vary quite substantially and rapidly, such as in the case of low-level jetaircraft, one might also want to consider the rate of change of sound pressure levels (Berry 1995;Kerry et al. 1997). At the same time, the frequency content of each noise will also determine itseffect on people, as will the number of events when there are relatively small numbers of discretenoisy events. Combinations of these characteristics determine how each type of environmentalnoise affects people. These effects may be annoyance, sleep disturbance, speech interference,increased stress, hearing impairment or other health-related effects.

Thus, in total there is a very complex multidimensional relationship between the variouscharacteristics of the environmental noise and the effects it has on people. Unfortunately, we donot completely understand all of the complex links between noise characteristics and theresulting effects on people. Thus, current practice is to reduce the assessment of environmentalnoise to a small number of quite simple quantities that are known to be reasonably well related tothe effects of noise on people (LAeq,T for continuing sounds and LAmax or SEL where there area small number of distinct noise events). These simple measures have the distinct advantage thatthey are relatively easy and inexpensive to obtain and hence are more likely to be widelyadopted. On the other hand, they may ignore some details of the noise characteristics that relateto particular types of effects on people.

2.3.2. Time variation

There is evidence that the pattern of noise variation with time relates to annoyance (Berglund etal. 1976). It has been suggested that the equal-energy principle is a simple concept for obtaininga measure representative of the annoyance of a number of noise events. For example, theLAeq,T of the noise from a busy road may be a good indicator of the annoyance this noise may

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cause for nearby residents. However, such a measure may not be very useful for predicting thedisturbance to sleep of a small number of very noisy aircraft fly-overs. The disturbance causedby small numbers of such discrete events is usually better related to maximum sound pressurelevels and the number of events.

While using LAeq,T measures is the generally accepted approach, it is still important toappreciate the limitations and errors that may occur. For example, some years ago measures thatassessed the variation of sound pressure levels with time were popular. Subsequently, these havebeen shown not to improve predictions of annoyance with road traffic noise (Bradley 1978).However, it is possible that time variations may contribute to explaining the very differentamounts of annoyance caused by equal LAeq,T levels of road-traffic noise, train noise andaircraft noise (cf. Miedema & Vos 1998).

More regular variations of sound pressure levels with time have been found to increase theannoying aspects of the noise. For example, noises that vary periodically to create a throbbing orpulsing sensation can be more disturbing than continuous noise (Bradley 1994b). Researchsuggests that variations at about 4 per second are most disturbing (Zwicker 1989). Noises withvery rapid onsets could also be more disturbing than indicated by their LAeq,T (Berry 1995;Kerry et al. 1997).

LAeq,T values can be calculated for various time periods and it is very important to specify thisperiod. It is quite common to calculate LAeq,T values separately for day- and night-timeperiods. In combining day and night LAeq,T values it is usually assumed that people will bemore sensitive to noise during the night-time period. A weighting is thus normally added tonight-time LAeq,T values when calculating a combined measure for a 24 hour period. Forexample, day-night sound pressure measures commonly include a 10 dB night-time weighting.Other night-time weightings have been proposed, but it has been suggested that it is not possibleto determine precisely an optimum value for night-time weightings from annoyance surveyresponses, because of the large variability in responses within groups of people (Fields 1986; seealso Berglund & Lindvall 1995). Night-time weightings are intended to indicate the expectedincreased sensitivity to annoyance at night and do not protect people from sleep disturbance.

2.3.3. Frequency content and loudness

Noise can also be characterized by its frequency content. This can be assessed by various typesof frequency analysis to determine the relative contributions of the frequency components to thetotal noise. The combined effects of the different frequencies on people, perceived as noise, canbe approximated by simple frequency weightings. The A-weighting is now widely used toobtain an approximate, single-number rating of the combined effects of the various frequencies.The A-weighting response is a simplification of an equal-loudness contour. There is a family ofthese equal-loudness contours (ISO 1987a) that describe the frequency response of the hearingsystem for a wide range of frequencies and sound pressure levels. These equal-loudnesscontours can be used to determine the perceived loudness of a single frequency sound. Morecomplicated procedures have been derived to estimate the perceived loudness of complex sounds(ISO 1975). These methods involve determining the level of the sound in critical bands and themutual masking of these bands.

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Many studies have compared the accuracy of predictions based on A-weighted levels with thosebased on other frequency weightings, as well as more complex measures such as loudness levelsand perceived noise levels (see also Berglund & Lindvall 1995). The comparisons depend on theparticular effect that is being predicted, but generally the correlation between the more complexmeasures and subjective scales are a little stronger. A-weighted measures have been particularlycriticized as not being accurate indicators of the disturbing effects of noises with strong low-frequency components (Kjellberg et al. 1984; Persson & Björkman 1988; Broner & Leventhall1993; Goldstein 1994). However, these differences in prediction accuracy are usually smallerthan the variability of responses among groups of people (Fields 1986; see also Berglund &Lindvall 1995). Thus, in practical situations the limitations of A-weighted measures may not beso important.

In addition to equal-loudness contours, equal-noisiness contours have also been developed forcalculating perceived noise levels (PNL) (Kryter 1959; Kryter 1994; see also section 2.7.2).Critics have pointed out that in addition to equal-loudness and equal-noisiness contours, wecould have many other families of equal-sensation contours corresponding to other attributes ofthe noises (Molino 1974). There seems to be no limit to the possible complexity and number ofsuch measures.

2.3.4. Influence of ambient noise level

A number of studies have suggested that the annoyance effect of a particular noise would dependon how much that noise exceeded the level of ambient noise. This has been shown to be true fornoises that are relatively constant in level (Bradley 1993), but has not been consistently found fortime-varying noises such as aircraft noise (Gjestland et al. 1990; Fields 1998). Because at sometime during an aircraft fly-over the noise almost always exceeds the ambient level, responses tothis type of noise are less likely to be influenced by the level of the ambient noise.

2.3.5. Types of noise

A number of studies have concluded that equal levels of different noise types lead to differentannoyance (Hall et al. 1981; Griffiths 1983; Miedema 1993; Bradley 1994a; Miedema & Vos1998). For example, equal LAeq,T levels of aircraft noise and road traffic noise will not lead tothe same mean annoyance in groups of people exposed to these noises. This may indicate thatthe LAeq,T measure is not a completely satisfactory description of these noises and perhaps doesnot completely reflect the characteristics of these noises that lead to annoyance. Alternatively,the differences may be attributed to various other factors that are not part of the noisecharacteristics (e.g. Flindell & Stallen 1999). For example, it has been said that aircraft noise ismore disturbing, because of the associated fear of aircraft crashing on people’s homes (cf.Berglund & Lindvall 1995).

2.3.6. Individual differences

Finally, there is the problem of individual response differences. Different people will respondquite differently to the same noise stimulus (Job 1988). These individual differences can be

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quite large and it is often most useful to consider the average response of groups of peopleexposed to the same sound pressure levels. In annoyance studies the percentage of highlyannoyed individuals is usually considered, because it correlates better with measured soundpressure levels. Individual differences also exist for susceptibility to hearing impairment (e.g.Katz 1994).

2.3.7. Recommendations

In many cases we do not have specific, accurate measures of how annoying sound will be andmust rely on the simpler quantities. As a result, current practice is to assume that the equalenergy principle is approximately valid for most types of noise, and that a simple LAeq,T typemeasure will indicate reasonably well the expected effects of the noise. Where the noise consistsof a small number of discrete events, the A-weighted maximum level (LAmax) will be a betterindicator of the disturbance to sleep and other activities. However, in most cases the A-weightedsound exposure level (SEL) will provide a more consistent measure of such single-noise events,because it is based on an integration over the complete noise event.

2.4. Measurement Issues

2.4.1. Measurement objectives

The details of noise measurements must be planned to meet some relevant objective or purpose.Some typical objectives would include:

a. Investigating complaints.b. Assessing the number of persons exposed.c. Compliance with regulations.d. Land use planning and environmental impact assessments.e. Evaluation of remedial measures.f. Calibration and validation of predictions.g. Research surveys.h. Trend monitoring.

The sampling procedure, measurement location, type of measurements and the choice ofequipment should be in accord with the objective of the measurements.

2.4.2. Instrumentation

The most critical component of a sound pressure meter is the microphone, because it is difficultto produce microphones with the same precision as the other, electronic components of apressure meter. In contrast, it is usually not difficult to produce the electronic components of amicrophone with the desired sensitivity and frequency-response characteristics. Lower qualitymicrophones will usually be less sensitive and so cannot measure very low sound pressure levels.They may also not be able to accurately measure very high sound pressure levels found closer toloud noise sources. Lower quality microphones will also have less well-defined frequency-response characteristics. Such lower quality microphones may be acceptable for survey type

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measurements of overall A-weighted levels, but would not be preferred for more precisemeasurements, including detailed frequency analysis of the sounds.

Sound pressure meters will usually include both A- and C-weighting frequency-response curves.The uses of these frequency weightings were discussed above. They may also include a linearweighting. Linear weightings are not defined in standards and may in practice be limited by theresponse of the particular microphone being used. Instead of, or in addition to, frequency-response weightings, more complex sound pressure meters can also include sets of standardbandpass filters, to permit frequency analysis of sounds. For acoustical measurements, octaveand one-third octave bandwidth filters are widely used with centre frequencies defined instandards (ISO 1975b).

The instantaneous sound pressures are integrated with some time constant to provide soundpressure levels. As mentioned above most meters will include both Fast- and Slow-responsetimes. Fast-response corresponds to a time constant of 0.125 s and is intended to approximatethe time constant of the human hearing system. Slow-response corresponds to a time constant of1 s and is an old concept intended to make it easier to obtain an approximate average value offluctuating levels from simple meter readings.

Standards (IEC 1979) classify sound pressure meters as type 1 or type 2. Type 2 meters areadequate for broad band A-weighted level measurements, where extreme precision is notrequired and where very low sound pressure levels are not to be measured. Type 1 meters areusually much more expensive and should be used where more precise results are needed, or incases where frequency analysis is required.

Many modern sound pressure meters can integrate sound pressure levels over some specifiedtime period, or may include very sophisticated digital processing capabilities. Integrating metersmake it possible to directly obtain accurate measures of LAeq,T values over a user-specifiedtime interval, T. By including small computers in some sound pressure meters, quite complexcalculations can be performed on the measured levels and many such results can be stored forlater read out. For example, some meters can determine the statistical distribution of soundpressure levels over some period, in addition to the simple LAeq,T value. Recently, hand-heldmeters that perform loudness calculations in real time have become available. Continuing rapiddevelopments in instrumentation capabilities are to be expected.

2.4.3. Measurement locations

Where local regulations do not specify otherwise, measurements of environmental noise areusually best made close to the point of reception of the noise. For example, if there is concernabout residents exposed to road traffic noise it is better to measure close to the location of theresidents, rather than close to the road. If environmental noises are measured close to the source,one must then estimate the effect of sound propagation to the point of reception. Soundpropagation can be quite complicated and estimates of sound pressure levels at some distancefrom the source will inevitably introduce further errors into the measured sound pressure levels.These errors can be avoided by measuring at locations close to the point of reception.

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Measurement locations should normally be selected so that there is a clear view of the soundsource and so that the propagation of the sound to the microphone is not shielded or blocked bystructures that would reduce the incident sound pressure levels. For example, measurements ofaircraft noise should be made on the side of the building directly exposed to the noise. Theposition of the measuring microphone relative to building façades or other sound-reflectivesurfaces is also important and will significantly influence measured sound pressure levels (ISO1978). If the measuring microphone is located more than several meters from reflectingsurfaces, it will provide an unbiased indication of the incident sound pressure level. At the otherextreme, when a measuring microphone is mounted on a sound-reflecting surface, such as abuilding façade, sound pressure levels will be increased by 6 dB, because the direct and reflectedsound will coincide. Some standards recommend a position 2 m from the façade and anassociated 3 dB correction (ISO 1978; ASTM 1992). The effect of façade reflections must beaccounted for to represent the true level of the incident sound. Thus, while locating themeasuring microphone close to the point of reception is desirable, it leads to some other issuesthat must be considered to accurately interpret measurement results. Where exposures aremeasured indoors, it is necessary to measure at several positions to characterize the averagesound pressure level in a room. In other situations, it may be necessary to measure at theposition of the exposed person.

2.4.4. Sampling

Many environmental noises vary over time, such as for different times of day or from season toseason. For example, road traffic noise may be considerably louder during some hours of theday but much quieter at night. Aircraft noise may vary with the season due to different numbersof aircraft operations. Although permanent noise monitoring systems are becoming commonaround large airports, it is usually not possible to measure sound pressure levels continuouslyover a long enough period of time to completely define the environmental noise exposure. Inpractice, measurements usually only sample some part of the total exposure. Such sampling willintroduce uncertainties in the estimates of the total noise exposure.

Traffic noise studies have identified various sampling schemes that can introduce errors of 2-3dB in estimates of daytime LAeq,T values and even larger errors in night-time sound pressurelevels (Vaskor et al. 1979). These errors relate to the statistical distributions of sound pressurelevels over time (Bradley et al. 1979). Thus, the sampling errors associated with road trafficnoise may be quite different from those associated with other noise, because of the quite differentvariations of sound pressure levels over time. It is also difficult to give general estimates ofsampling errors due to seasonal variations. When making environmental noise measurements itis important that the measurement sample is representative of all of the variations in the noise inquestion, including variations of the source and variations in sound propagation, such as due tovarying atmospheric conditions.

2.4.5. Calibration and quality assurance

Sound pressure meters can be calibrated using small calibrated sound sources. These devices areplaced on the measurement microphone and produce a known sound pressure level with aspecified accuracy. Such calibrations should be made at least daily, and more often if there is

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some possibility that handling of the sound pressure meter may have modified its sensitivity. Itis also important to have a complete quality assurance plan. This should require annualcalibration of all noise measuring equipment to traceable standards and should clearly specifycorrect measurement and operating procedures (ISO 1994).

2.5. Source Characteristics and Sound Propagation

To make a correct assessment of noise it is important to have some appreciation of thecharacteristics of environmental noise sources and of how sound propagates from them. Oneshould consider the directionality of noise sources, the variability with time and the frequencycontent. If these are in some way unusual, the noise may be more disturbing than expected. Themost common types of environmental noise sources are directional and include: road-trafficnoise, aircraft noise, train noise, industrial noise and outdoor entertainment facilities (cf. section2.2). All of these types of environmental noise are produced by multiple sources, which in manycases are moving. Thus, the characteristics of individual sources, as well as the characteristics ofthe combined sources, must be considered.

For example, we can consider the radiation of sound from individual vehicles, as well as from aline of vehicles on a particular road. Sound from an ideal point source (i.e. non-directionalsource) will spread out spherically and sound pressure levels would decrease 6 dB for eachdoubling of distance from the source. However, for a line of such sources, or for an integrationover the complete pass-by of an individual moving source, the combined effect leads to soundthat spreads cylindrically and to sound pressure levels that decrease at 3 dB per doubling ofdistance. Thus, there are distinct differences between the propagation of sound from an idealpoint source and from moving sources. In practice one cannot adequately assess the noise from afixed source with measurements at a single location; it is essential to measure in a number ofdirections from the source. If the single source is moving, it is necessary to measure over acomplete pass-by, to account for sound variation with direction and time.

In most real situations this simple behaviour is considerably modified by reflections from theground and from other nearby surfaces. One expects that when sound propagates over looseground, such as grass, that some sound energy will be absorbed and sound pressure levels willactually decrease more rapidly with distance from the source. Although this is approximatelytrue, the propagation of sound between sources and receivers close to the ground is much morecomplicated than this. The combination of direct and ground-reflected sound can combine in acomplex manner which can lead to strong cancellations at some frequencies and not at others(Embleton & Piercy 1976). Even at quite short source-to-receiver distances, these complexinterference effects can significantly modify the propagating sound. At larger distances(approximately 100 m or more), the propagation of sound will also be significantly affected byvarious atmospheric conditions. Temperature and wind gradients as well as atmosphericturbulence can have large effects on more distant sound pressure levels (Daigle et al. 1986).Temperature and wind gradients can cause propagating sound to curve either upwards ordownwards, creating either areas of increased or decreased sound pressure levels at points quitedistant from the source. Atmospheric turbulence can randomize sound so that the interferenceeffects resulting from combinations of sound paths are reduced. Higher frequency sound isabsorbed by air depending on the exact temperature and relative humidity of the air (Crocker &

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Price 1975; Ford 1987). Because there are many complex effects, it is not usually possible toaccurately predict sound pressure levels at large distances from a source.

Using barriers or screens to block the direct path from the source to the receiver can reduce thepropagation of sound. The attenuating effects of the screen are limited by sound energy thatdiffracts or bends around the screen. Screens are more effective at higher frequencies and whenplaced either close to the sound source or the receiver; they are less effective when placed farfrom the receiver. Although higher screens are better, in practice it is difficult to achieve morethan about a 10 dB reduction. There should be no gaps in the screen and it must have anadequate mass per unit area. A long building can be an effective screen, but gaps betweenbuildings will reduce the sound attenuation.

In some cases, it may be desirable to estimate environmental sound pressure levels usingmathematical models implemented as computer programmes (House 1987). Such computerprogrammes must first model the characteristics of the source and then estimate the propagationof the sound from the source to some receiver point. Although such prediction schemes haveseveral advantages, there will be some uncertainty as to the accuracy of the predicted soundpressure levels. Such models are particularly useful for road traffic noise and aircraft noise,because it is possible to create data bases of information describing particular sources. For morevaried types of noise, such as industrial noise, it would be necessary to first characterize thenoise sources. The models then sum up the effects of multiple sources and calculate how thesound will propagate to receiver points. Techniques for estimating sound propagation areimproving and the accuracy of these models is also expected to improve. These models can beparticularly useful for estimating the combined effect of a large number of sources over anextended period of time. For example, aircraft noise prediction models are typically used topredict average yearly noise exposures, based on the combination of aircraft events over acomplete year. Such models can be applied to predict sound pressure level contours aroundairports for these average yearly conditions. This is of course much less expensive thanmeasuring at many locations over a complete one year-period. However, such models can bequite complex, and require skilled users and accurate data bases. Because environmental noiseprediction models are still developing, it is advisable to confirm predictions with measurements.

2.6. Sound transmission Into and Within Buildings

Sources of environmental noise are usually located outdoors; for example, road traffic, aircraft ortrains. However, people exposed to these noises are often indoors, inside their home or someother building. It is, therefore, important to understand how environmental noises aretransmitted into buildings. Most of the same fundamentals discussed earlier apply to airbornesound propagation between homes in multifamily dwellings, via common walls and floors.However, within buildings we can also consider impact sound sources, such as footsteps, as wellas airborne sounds.

The amount of incident sound that is transmitted through a building façade is measured in termsof the sound reduction index. The sound reduction index, or transmission loss, is defined as 10times the logarithm of the ratio of incident-to-transmitted sound power, and it describes indecibels how much the incident sound is reduced on passing through a particular panel. This

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index of constructions usually increases with the frequency of the incident sound and with themass of the construction (Kremer 1950). Thus, heavier or more massive constructions tend tohave higher sound reductions. When it is not possible to achieve the desired transmission loss byincreasing the mass of a panel, increased sound reduction can be achieved by a double panelconstruction. The two layers should be isolated with respect to vibrations and there should besound absorbing material in the cavity. Such double panel constructions can provide muchgreater sound reduction than a single panel. Because sound reduction is also greater at higherfrequencies most problems occur at lower frequencies, where most environmental noise sourcesproduce relatively high sound pressure levels.

The sound reduction of buildings can be measured in standard laboratory tests, where the testpanel is constructed in an opening between two reverberant test chambers (ISO 1995; ASTM1997). In these tests sound fields are quite diffuse in both test chambers and the sound reductionindex is calculated as the difference between the average sound pressure levels in the two rooms,plus a correction involving the area of the test panel and the total sound absorption in thereceiving room. The sound reduction of a complete building façade can also be measured in thefield using either natural environmental noises or test signals from loudspeakers (ISO 1978;ASTM 1992). In either case the noise, as transmitted through the façade, must be greater in levelthan other sounds in the receiving room. For this outdoor-to-indoor sound propagation case, themeasured sound reduction index will also depend on the angle of incidence of the outdoor sound,as well as the position of the outdoor measuring microphone relative to the building façade.Corrections of up to 6 dB must be made to the sound pressure level measured outdoors, toaccount for the effect of reflections from the façade (see also section 2.4.3).

The sound reduction of most real building façades is determined by a combination of severaldifferent elements. For example, a wall might include windows, doors or some other type ofelement. If the sound reduction index values of each element are known, the values for thecombined construction can be calculated from the area-weighted sums of the sound energytransmitted through each separate element. Although parts of the building façade, such asmassive wall constructions, can be very effective barriers to sound, the sound reduction index ofthe complete façade is often greatly reduced by less effective elements such as windows, doorsor ventilation openings. Completely open windows as such would have a sound reduction indexof 0 dB. If window openings makes up 10% of the area of a wall, the sound reduction index ofthe combined wall and open window could not exceed 10 dB. Thus it is not enough to specifyeffective sound reducing façade constructions, without also solving the problem of adequateventilation that does not compromise the sound transmission reduction by the building façade.

Sound reduction index values are measured at different frequencies and from these, singlenumber ratings are determined. Most common are the ISO weighted sound reduction index (ISO1996) and the equivalent ASTM sound transmission class (ASTM 1994a). However, in theiroriginal form these single number ratings are only appropriate for typical indoor noises thatusually do not have strong low frequency components. Thus, they are usually not appropriatesingle number ratings of the ability of a building façade to block typical environmental noises.More recent additions to the ISO procedure have included source spectrum corrections intendedto correct approximately for other types of sources (ISO 1996). Alternatively, the ASTM-Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class rating calculates the A-weighted level reduction to a

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standard environmental noise source spectrum (ASTM 1994b). Within buildings the impactsound insulation index can be measured with a standard impact source and determined accordingto ISO and ASTM standards (ISO 1998; ASTM 1994c 1996)

2.7. More Specialized Noise Measures

2.7.1. Loudness and perceived noise levels

There are procedures to accurately rate the loudness of complex sounds (Zwicker 1960; Stevens1972; ISO 1975a). These usually start from a 1/3 octave spectrum of the noise. The combinationof the loudness contributions of each 1/3 octave band with estimates of mutual masking effects,leads to a single overall loudness rating in sones. A similar system for rating the noisiness ofsounds has also been developed (Kryter 1994). Again a 1/3 octave spectrum of the noise isrequired and the 1/3 octave noise levels are compared with a set of equal-noisiness contours.The individual 1/3 octave band noisiness estimates are combined to give an overall perceivednoise level (PNL) that is intended to accurately estimate subjective evaluations of the samesound. The PNL metric was initially developed to rate jet aircraft noise.

PNL values will vary with time, for example when an aircraft flies by a measuring point. Theeffective perceived noise level measure (EPNL) is derived from PNL values and is intended toprovide a complete rating of an aircraft fly-over. EPNL values add both a duration correctionand a tone correction to PNL values. The duration correction ensures that longer duration eventsare rated as more disturbing. Similarly, noise spectra that seem to have prominent tonalcomponents are rated as more disturbing by the tone-correction procedure. There is someevidence that these tone corrections are not always successful in improving predictions ofadverse responses to noise events (Scharf & Hellman 1980). EPNL values are used in thecertification testing of new aircraft. These more precise measures ensure that the noise from newaircraft is rated as accurately as possible.

2.7.2. Aviation noise measures

There are many measures for evaluating the long-term average sound pressure levels fromaircraft near airports (Ford 1987; House 1987). They include different frequency weightings,different summations of levels and numbers of events, as well as different time-of-dayweightings. Most measures are based on either A-weighted or PNL-weighted sound pressurelevels. Because of the many other large uncertainties in predicting community response toaircraft noise, there seems little justification for using the more complex PNL-weighted soundpressure levels and there is a trend to change to A-weighted measures.

Most aviation noise measures are based on an equal energy approach and hence they sum up thetotal energy of a number of aircraft fly-overs. However, some older measures were based ondifferent combinations of the level of each event and the number of events. These types ofmeasures are gradually being replaced by measures based on the equal energy hypothesis such asLAeq,T values. There is also a range of time-of-day weightings incorporated into current aircraftnoise measures. Night-time weightings of 6–12 dB are currently in use. Some countries alsoinclude an intermediate evening weighting.

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The day-night sound pressure level Ldn (von Gierke 1975; Ford 1987) is an LAeq,T basedmeasure with a 10 dB night-time weighting. It is based on A-weighted sound pressure levels andthe equal energy principle. The noise exposure forecast (NEF) (Bishop & Horonjeff 1967) isbased on the EPNL values of individual aircraft events and includes a 12 dB night-timeweighting. It sums multiple events on an equal energy basis. However, the Australian variationof the NEF measure has a 6 dB evening weighting and a 6 dB night-time weighting (Bullen &Hede 1983). The German airport noise equivalent level (LEQ(FLG)) is based on A-weightedlevels, but does not follow the equal energy principle.

The weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level (WECPNL) measure (Ford 1987)proposed by ICAO is based on the equal energy principle and maximum PNL values of aircraftfly-overs. However, in Japan an approximation to this measure is used and is based onmaximum A-weighted levels. The noise and number index (NNI), formerly used in the UnitedKingdom, was derived from maximum PNL values but was not based on the equal energyprinciple. An approximation to the original version of the NNI has been used in Switzerland andis based on maximum A-weighted levels of aircraft fly-overs, but its use will soon bediscontinued. Changes in these measures are slow because their use is often specified in nationallegislation. However, several countries have changed to measures that are based on the equalenergy principle and A-weighted sound pressure levels.

2.7.3. Impulsive noise measures

Impulsive sounds, such as gun shots, hammer blows, explosions of fireworks or other blasts, aresounds that significantly exceed the background sound pressure level for a very short duration.Typically each impulse lasts less than one second. Measurements with the meter set to ‘Fast’response (section 2.1.1) do not accurately represent impulsive sounds. Therefore the meterresponse time must be shorter to measure such impulse type sounds. C-weighted levels havebeen found useful for ratings of gun shots (ISO 1987). Currently no mathematical descriptionexists which unequivocally defines impulsive sounds, nor is there a universally acceptedprocedure for rating the additional annoyance of impulsive sounds (HCN 1997). Future versionsof ISO Standard 1996 (present standard in ISO 1987b) are planned to improve this situation.

2.7.4. Measures of speech intelligibility

The intelligibility of speech depends primarily on the speech-to-noise ratio. If the level of thespeech sounds are 15 dB or more above the level of the ambient noise, the speech intelligibilityat 1 m distance will be close to 100% (Houtgast 1981; Bradley 1986b). This can be most simplyrated in terms of the speech-to-noise ratio of the A-weighted speech and noise levels.Alternatively, the speech intelligibility index (formerly the articulation index) can be used ifoctave or 1/3 octave band spectra of the speech and noise are available (ANSI 1997).

When indoors, speech intelligibility also depends on the acoustical properties of the space. Theacoustical properties of spaces have for many years been rated in terms of reverberation times.The reverberation time is approximately the time it takes for a sound in a room to decrease toinaudibility after the source has been stopped. Optimum reverberation times for speech have

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been specified as a function of the size of the room. In large rooms, such as lecture halls andtheaters, a reverberation time for speech of about 1 s is recommended. In smaller rooms such asclassrooms, the recommended value for speech is about 0.6 s (Bradley 1986b,c). More modernmeasures of room acoustics have been found to be better correlates of speech intelligibility, andsome combine an assessment of both the speech/noise ratio and room acoustics (Bradley1986a,c). The most widely known is the speech transmission index (STI) (Houtgast &Steeneken 1983), or the abbreviated version of this measure referred to as RASTI (Houtgast &Steeneken 1985; IEC 1988). In smaller rooms, such as school classrooms, the conventionalapproach of requiring adequately low ambient noise levels, as well as some optimumreverberation time, is probably adequate to ensure good speech intelligibility (Bradley 1986b).In larger rooms and other more specialized situations, use of the more modern measures may behelpful.

2.7.5. Indoor noise ratings

The simplest procedure for rating levels of indoor noise is to measure them in terms of integratedA-weighted sound pressure levels, as measured by LAeq,T. As discussed earlier, this approachhas been criticized as not being the most accurate rating of the negative effects of various typesof noises, and is thought to be particularly inadequate when there are strong low-frequencycomponents. Several more complex rating schemes are available based on octave bandmeasurements of indoor noises. In Europe the noise rating system (Burns 1968), and in NorthAmerica the noise criterion (Beranek 1971), both include sets of equal-disturbance type contours.Measured octave band sound pressure levels are compared with these contours and an overallnoise rating is determined. More recently, two new schemes have been proposed: the balancednoise criterion procedure (Beranek 1989) and the room criterion system (Blazier 1998). Theseschemes are based on a wider range of octave bands extending from 16–8 000 Hz. They provideboth a numerical and a letter rating of the noise. The numerical part indicates the level of thecentral frequencies important for speech communication and the letter indicates whether thequality of the sound is predominantly low-, medium- or high-frequency in nature. Extensivecomparisons of these room noise rating procedures have yet to be performed. Because the newermeasures include a wider range of frequencies, they can better assess a wider range of noiseproblems.

2.8. Summary

Where there are no clear reasons for using other measures, it is recommended that LAeq,T beused to evaluate more-or-less continuous environmental noises. LAeq,T should also be used toassess ongoing noises that may be composed of individual events with randomly varying soundpressure levels. Where the noise is principally composed of a small number of discrete eventsthe additional use of LAmax or SEL is recommended. As pointed out in this chapter, there aredefinite limitations to these simple measures, but there are also many practical advantages,including economy and the benefits of a standardized approach.

The sound pressure level measurements should include all variations over time to provide resultsthat best represent the noise in question. This would include variations in both the source and inpropagation of the noise from the source to the receiver. Measurements should normally be

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made close to typical points of reception. The accuracy of the measurements and the details ofthe measurement procedure must be adapted to the type of noise and to other details of the noiseexposure. Assessment of speech intelligibility, aviation noise or impulse noise may require theuse of more specialized methods. Where the exposed people are indoors and noisemeasurements are made outdoors, the sound attenuating properties of the building façade mustalso be measured or estimated.

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3. Adverse Health Effects Of Noise

3.1. Introduction

The perception of sounds in day-to-day life is of major importance for human well-being.Communication through speech, sounds from playing children, music, natural sounds inparklands, parks and gardens are all examples of sounds essential for satisfaction in every daylife. Conversely, this document is related to the adverse effects of sound (noise). According tothe International Programme on Chemical Safety (WHO 1994), an adverse effect of noise isdefined as a change in the morphology and physiology of an organism that results in impairmentof functional capacity, or an impairment of capacity to compensate for additional stress, orincreases the susceptibility of an organism to the harmful effects of other environmentalinfluences. This definition includes any temporary or long-term lowering of the physical,psychological or social functioning of humans or human organs. The health significance ofnoise pollution is given in this chapter under separate headings, according to the specific effects:noise-induced hearing impairment; interference with speech communication; disturbance of restand sleep; psychophysiological, mental-health and performance effects; effects on residentialbehaviour and annoyance; as well as interference with intended activities. This chapter alsoconsiders vulnerable groups and the combined effects of sounds from different sources.Conclusions based on the details given in this chapter are given in Chapter 4 as they relate toguideline values.

3.2. Noise-Induced Hearing Impairment

Hearing impairment is typically defined as an increase in the threshold of hearing. It is assessedby threshold audiometry. Hearing handicap is the disadvantage imposed by hearing impairmentsufficient to affect one’s personal efficiency in the activities of daily living. It is usuallyexpressed in terms of understanding conventional speech in common levels of background noise(ISO 1990). Worldwide, noise-induced hearing impairment is the most prevalent irreversibleoccupational hazard. In the developing countries, not only occupational noise, but alsoenvironmental noise is an increasing risk factor for hearing impairment. In 1995, at the WorldHealth Assembly, it was estimated that there are 120 million persons with disabling hearingdifficulties worldwide (Smith 1998). It has been shown that men and women are equally at riskof noise-induced hearing impairment (ISO 1990; Berglund & Lindvall 1995).

Apart from noise-induced hearing impairment, hearing damage in populations is also caused bycertain diseases; some industrial chemicals; ototoxic drugs; blows to the head; accidents; andhereditary origins. Deterioration of hearing capability is also associated with the aging processper se (presbyacusis). Present knowledge of the physiological effects of noise on the auditorysystem is based primarily on laboratory studies on animals. After noise exposure, the firstmorphological changes are usually found in the inner and outer hair cells of the cochlea, wherethe stereocilia become fused and bent. After more prolonged exposure, the outer and inner haircells related to transmission of high-frequency sounds are missing. See Berglund & Lindvall(1995) for further discussion.

The ISO Standard 1999 (ISO 1990) gives a method for calculating noise-induced hearing

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impairment in populations exposed to all types of noise (continuous, intermittent, impulse)during working hours. Noise exposure is characterized by LAeq over 8 hours (LAeq,8h). In theStandard, the relationships between LAeq,8h and noise-induced hearing impairment are givenfor frequencies of 500–6 000 Hz, and for exposure times of up to 40 years. These relations showthat noise-induced hearing impairment occurs predominantly in the high-frequency range of 3000–6 000 Hz, the effect being largest at 4 000 Hz. With increasing LAeq,8h and increasingexposure time, noise-induced hearing impairment also occurs at 2 000 Hz. But at LAeq,8h levelsof 75 dBA and lower, even prolonged occupational noise exposure will not result in noise-induced hearing impairment (ISO 1990). This value is equal to that specified in 1980 by theWorld Health Organization (WHO 1980a).

The ISO Standard 1999 (ISO 1990) specifies hearing impairment in statistical terms (medianvalues, and percentile fractions between 0.05 and 0.95). The extent of noise-induced hearingimpairment in populations exposed to occupational noise depends on the value of LAeq,8h andthe number of years of noise exposure. However, for high LAeq,8h values, individualsusceptibility seems to have a considerable effect on the rate of progression of hearingimpairment. For daily exposures of 8–16 h, noise-induced hearing impairment can be reasonablywell estimated from LAeq,8h extrapolated to the longer exposure times (Axelsson et al. 1986).In this adaptation of LAeq,8h for daily exposures other than 8 hours, the equal energy principleis assumed to be applicable. For example, the hearing impairment due to a 16 h daily exposure isequivalent to that at LAeq,8h plus 3 dB (LAeq,16h = LAeq,8h + 10*log10 (16/8) = LAeq,8h + 3dB. For a 24 h exposure, LAeq,24h = LAeq,8h + 10*log10 (24/8) = LAeq,8h + 5 dB).

Since the calculation method specified in the ISO Standard 1999 (ISO 1990) is the onlyuniversally adopted method for estimating occupational noise-induced hearing impairment,attempts have been made to assess whether the method is also applicable to hearing impairmentdue to environmental noise, including leisure-time noise. There is ample evidence that shootingnoise, with LAeq,24h values of up to 80 dB, induces the same hearing impairment as anequivalent occupational noise exposure (Smoorenburg 1998). Moreover, noise-induced hearingimpairment studies from motorbikes are also in agreement with results from ISO Standard 1999(ISO 1990). Hearing impairment in young adults and children 12 years and older has beenassessed by LAeq on a 24 h time basis, for a variety of environmental and leisure-time exposurepatterns (e.g. Passchier-Vermeer 1993; HCN 1994). These include pop music in discothequesand concerts (Babisch & Ising 1989; ISO 1990); pop music through headphones (Ising et al.1994; Struwe et al. 1996; Passchier-Vermeer et al. 1998); music played by brass bands andsymphony orchestras (van Hees 1992). The results are in agreement with values predicted by theISO Standard 1999 method on the basis of adjusted time.

In the publications cited above, exposure to noise with known characteristics, such as durationand level, was related to hearing impairment. In addition to these publications, there is also anextensive literature showing hearing impairment in populations exposed to specific types of non-occupational noise, although these exposures are not well characterized. These noises originatefrom shooting, motorcycling, snowmobile driving, playing in arcades, listening to music atconcerts and through headphones, using noisy toys, and fireworks (e.g. Brookhouser et al. 1992;see also Berglund & Lindvall 1995). Although the characteristics of these exposures are to acertain extent unknown, the details in the publications suggest that LAeq,24h values of these

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exposures exceed 70 dB.

In contrast, epidemiological studies failed to show hearing damage in populations exposed to anLAeq,24h of less than 70 dB (Lindemann et al. 1987). The data imply that even a lifetimeexposure to environmental and leisure-time noise with an LAeq,24h <70 dBA would not causehearing impairment in the large majority of people (over 95%). Overall, the results of manystudies strongly suggest that the method from ISO Standard 1999 can also be used to estimatehearing impairment due to environmental and leisure-time noise, in addition to estimating theeffects of occupational noise exposure.

Although the evidence suggests that the calculation method from ISO Standard 1999 (ISO 1990)should also be accepted for environmental and leisure time noise exposures, large-scaleepidemiological studies of the general population do not exist to support this proposition.Taking into account the limitations of the studies, care should be taken with respect to thefollowing aspects:

a. Data from animal experiments indicate that children may be more vulnerable inacquiring noise-induced hearing impairment than adults.

b. At very high instantaneous sound pressure levels, mechanical damage to the ear mayoccur (Hanner & Axelsson 1988). Occupational limits are set at peak sound pressurelevels of 140 dB (EU 1986a). For adults exposed to environmental and leisure-timenoise, this same limit is assumed to be valid. In the case of children, however, takinginto account their habits while playing with noisy toys, peak sound pressure levelsshould never exceed 120 dB.

c. For shooting noise with LAeq,24h over 80 dB, studies on temporary threshold shiftsuggest the possibility of an increased risk for noise-induced hearing impairment(Smoorenburg 1998).

d. Risk for noise-induced hearing impairment may increase when the noise exposure iscombined with exposure to vibrations, the use of ototoxic drugs, or some chemicals(Fechter 1999). In these circ*mstances, long-term exposure to LAeq,24h of 70 dBAmay induce small hearing impairments.

e. It is uncertain whether the relationships between hearing impairment and noiseexposure given in ISO Standard 1999 (ISO 1990) are applicable for environmentalsounds of short rise time. For example, in the case of military low-altitude flyingareas (75–300 m above ground) LAmax values of 110–130 dB occur within secondsafter the onset of the sound.

Usually noise-induced hearing impairment is accompanied by an abnormal loudness perceptionwhich is known as loudness recruitment (cf. Berglund & Lindvall 1995). With a considerableloss of auditory sensitivity, some sounds may be perceived as distorted (paracusis). Anothersensory effect that results from noise exposure is tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Commonly,tinnitus is referred to as sounds that are emitted by the inner ear itself (physiological tinnitus).

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Tinnitus is a common and often disturbing accompaniment of occupational hearing impairment(Vernon and Moller 1995) and has become a risk for teenagers attending pop concerts anddiscotheques (Hetu & Fortin 1995; Passchier-Vermeer et al. 1998; Axelsson & Prasher 1999).Noise-induced tinnitus may be temporary, lasting up to 24 hours after exposure, or may have amore permanent character, such as after prolonged occupational noise exposure. Sometimestinnitus is due to the sound produced by the blood flow through structures in the ear.

The main social consequence of hearing impairment is an inability to understand speech in dailyliving conditions, which is considered a severe social handicap. Even small values of hearingimpairment (10 dB averaged over 2 000 and 4 000 Hz, and over both ears) may have an effect onthe understanding of speech. When the hearing impairment exceeds 30 dB (again averaged over2 000 and 4 000 Hz and both ears) a social hearing handicap is noticeable (cf. Katz 1994;Berglund & Lindvall 1995).

In the past, hearing protection has mainly emphasized occupational noise exposures at highvalues of LAeq,8h, or situations with high impulsive sounds. The near-universal adoption of anLAeq,8h value of 85 dB (or lower) as the limit for unprotected occupational noise exposure,together with requirements for personal hearing protection, has made cases of severe unprotectedexposures more rare. This is particularly true for developed countries. However, monitoring ofcompliance and enforcement action for sound pressure levels just over the limits may be weak,especially in non-industrial environments in developed countries (Franks 1998), as well as inoccupational and urban environments in developing countries (Smith 1998). Nevertheless,regulations for occupational noise exposure exist almost worldwide and exposures tooccupational noise are to a certain extent under control.

On the other hand, environmental noise exposures due to a number of noisy activities, especiallythose during leisure-time activities of children and young adults, have scarcely been regulated.Given both the increasing number of noisy activities and the increasing exposure duration, suchas loud music in cars and the use of Walkmen and Discmen, regulatory activities in this field areto be encouraged. Dose-response data are lacking for the general population. However, judgingfrom the limited data for study groups (teenagers, young adults and women), and the assumptionthat time of exposure can be equated with sound energy, the risk for hearing impairment wouldbe negligible for LAeq,24h values of 70 dBA over a lifetime. To avoid hearing impairment,impulse noise exposures should never exceed 140 dB peak sound pressure in adults, and 120 dBpeak sound pressure in children.

3.3. Interference with Speech Communication

Noise interference with speech comprehension results in a large number of personal disabilities,handicaps and behavioural changes. Problems with concentration, fatigue, uncertainty and lackof self-confidence, irritation, misunderstandings, decreased working capacity, problems inhuman relations, and a number of stress reactions have all been identified (Lazarus 1998).Particularly vulnerable to these types of effects are the hearing impaired, the elderly, children inthe process of language and reading acquisition, and individuals who are not familiar with thespoken language (e.g., Lazarus 1998). Thus, vulnerable persons constitute a substantialproportion of a country’s population.

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Most of the acoustical energy of speech is in the frequency range 100–6 000 Hz, with the mostimportant cue-bearing energy being between 300–3 000 Hz. Speech interference is basically amasking process in which simultaneous, interfering noise renders speech incapable of beingunderstood. The higher the level of the masking noise, and the more energy it contains at themost important speech frequencies, the greater will be the percentage of speech sounds thatbecome indiscernible to the listener. Environmental noise may also mask many other acousticalsignals important for daily life, such as door bells, telephone signals, alarm clocks, fire alarmsand other warning signals, and music (e.g., Edworthy & Adams 1996). The masking effect ofinterfering noise in speech discrimination is more pronounced for hearing-impaired persons thanfor persons with normal hearing, particularly if the interfering noise is composed of speech orbabble.

As the sound pressure level of an interfering noise increases, people automatically raise theirvoice to overcome the masking effect upon speech (increase of vocal effort). This imposes anadditional strain on the speaker. For example, in quiet surroundings, the speech level at 1 mdistance averages 45–50 dBA, but is 30 dBA higher when shouting. However, even if theinterfering noise is moderately loud, most of the sentences during ordinary conversation can stillbe understood fairly well. Nevertheless, the interpretation required for compensating themasking effect of the interfering sounds, and for comprehending what was said, imposes anadditional strain on the listener. One contributing factor could be that speech spoken loudly ismore difficult to understand than speech spoken softly, when compared at a constant speech-to-noise ratio (cf. Berglund & Lindvall 1995).

Speech levels vary between individuals because of factors such as gender and vocal effort.Moreover, outdoor speech levels decrease by about 6 dB for a doubling in the distance betweentalker and listener. Speech intelligibility in everyday living conditions is influenced by speechlevel, speech pronunciation, talker-to-listener distance, sound pressure levels, and to some extentother characteristics of interfering noise, as well as room characteristics (e.g. reverberation).Individual capabilities of the listener, such as hearing acuity and the level of attention of thelistener, are also important for the intelligibility of speech. Speech communication is affectedalso by the reverberation characteristics of the room. For example, reverberation times greaterthan 1 s produce loss in speech discrimination. Longer reverberation times, especially whencombined with high background interfering noise, make speech perception more difficult. Evenin a quiet environment, a reverberation time below 0.6 s is desirable for adequate speechintelligibility by vulnerable groups. For example, for older hearing-handicapped persons, theoptimal reverberation time for speech intelligibility is 0.3–0.5 s (Plomp 1986).

For complete sentence intelligibility in listeners with normal hearing, the signal-to-noise ratio(i.e. the difference between the speech level and the sound pressure level of the interfering noise)should be 15–18 dBA (Lazarus 1990). This implies that in smaller rooms, noise levels above 35dBA interferes with the intelligibility of speech (Bradley 1985). Earlier recommendationssuggested that sound pressure levels as high as 45 dBA would be acceptable (US EPA 1974).With raised voice (increased vocal effort) sentences may be 100% intelligible for noise levels ofup to 55 dBA; and sentences spoken with straining vocal effort can be 100% intelligible withnoise levels of about 65 dBA. For speech to be intelligible when listening to complicated

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messages (at school, listening to foreign languages, telephone conversation), it is recommendedthat the signal-to-noise ratio should be at least 15 dBA. Thus, with a speech level of 50 dBA, (at1 m distance this level corresponds to a casual speech level of both women and men), the soundpressure level of interfering noise should not exceed 35 dBA. For vulnerable groups even lowerbackground levels are needed. If it is not possible to meet the strictest criteria for vulnerablepersons in sensitive situations (e.g. in classrooms), one should strive for as low backgroundlevels as possible.

3.4. Sleep Disturbance

Uninterrupted sleep is known to be a prerequisite for good physiological and mental functioningof healthy persons (Hobson 1989); sleep disturbance, on the other hand, is considered to be amajor environmental noise effect. It is estimated that 80-90% of the reported cases of sleepdisturbance in noisy environments are for reasons other than noise originating outdoors. Forexample, sanitary needs; indoor noises from other occupants; worries; illness; and climate (e.g.Reyner & Horne 1995). Our understanding of the impact of noise exposure on sleep stemsmainly from experimental research in controlled environments. Field studies conducted withpeople in their normal living situations are scarce. Most of the more recent field research onsleep disturbance has been conducted for aircraft noise (Fidell et al. 1994 1995a,b 1998; Horne etal. 1994 1995; Maschke et al. 1995 1996; Ollerhead et al. 1992; Passchier-Vermeer 1999). Otherfield studies have examined the effects of road traffic and railway noise (Griefahn et al. 19961998).

The primary sleep disturbance effects are: difficulty in falling asleep (increased sleep latencytime); awakenings; and alterations of sleep stages or depth, especially a reduction in theproportion of REM-sleep (REM = rapid eye movement) (Hobson 1989). Other primaryphysiological effects can also be induced by noise during sleep, including increased bloodpressure; increased heart rate; increased finger pulse amplitude; vasoconstriction; changes inrespiration; cardiac arrhythmia; and an increase in body movements (cf. Berglund & Lindvall1995). For each of these physiological effects, both the noise threshold and the noise-responserelationships may be different. Different noises may also have different information content andthis also could affect physiological threshold and noise-response relationships (Edworthy 1998).

Exposure to night-time noise also induces secondary effects, or so-called after effects. These areeffects that can be measured the day following the night-time exposure, while the individual isawake. The secondary effects include reduced perceived sleep quality; increased fatigue;depressed mood or well-being; and decreased performance (Öhrström 1993a; Passchier-Vermeer1993; Carter 1996; Pearsons et al. 1995; Pearsons 1998).

Long-term effects on psychosocial well-being have also been related to noise exposure duringthe night (Öhrström 1991). Noise annoyance during the night-time increased the total noiseannoyance expressed by people in the following 24 h. Various studies have also shown thatpeople living in areas exposed to night-time noise have an increased use of sedatives or sleepingpills. Other frequently reported behavioural effects of night-time noise include closed bedroomwindows and use of personal hearing protection. Sensitive groups include the elderly, shiftworkers, persons especially vulnerable to physical or mental disorders and other individuals with

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sleeping difficulties.

Questionnaire data indicate the importance of night-time noise on the perception of sleep quality.A recent Japanese investigation was conducted for 3 600 women (20–80 years old) living ineight roadside zones with different road traffic noise. The results showed that four measures ofperceived sleep quality (difficulty in falling asleep; waking up during sleep; waking up too early;feelings of sleeplessness one or more days a week) correlated significantly with the averagetraffic volumes during night-time. An in-depth investigation of 19 insomnia cases and theirmatched controls (age,work) measured outdoor and indoor sound pressure levels during sleep(Kageyama et al. 1997). The study showed that road traffic noise in excess of 30 dB LAeq fornighttime induced sleep disturbance, consistent with the results of Öhrström (1993b).

Meta-analyses of field and laboratory studies have suggested that there is a relationship betweenthe SEL for a single night-time noise event and the percentage of people awakened, or whoshowed sleep stage changes (e.g. Ollerhead et al. 1992; Passchier-Vermeer 1993; Finegold et al.1994; Pearsons et al. 1995). All of these studies assumed that the number of awakenings pernight for each SEL value is proportional to the number of night-time noise events. However, theresults have been criticized for methodological reasons. For example, there were small groups ofsleepers; too few original studies; and indoor exposure was estimated from outdoor soundpressure levels (NRC-CNRC 1994; Beersma & Altena 1995; Vallet 1998). The most importantresult of the meta-analyses is that there is a clear difference in the dose-response curves forlaboratory and field studies, and that noise has a lower effect under real-life conditions (Pearsonset al. 1995; Pearsons 1998).

However, this result has been questioned, because the studies were not controlled for such thingsas the sound insulation of the buildings, and the number of bedrooms with closed windows.Also, only two indicators of sleep disturbance were considered (awakening and sleep stagechanges). The meta-analyses thus neglected other important sleep disturbance effects (Öhrström1993b; Carter et al. 1994a; Carter et al. 1994b; Carter 1996; Kuwano et al. 1998). For example,for road traffic noise, perceived sleep quality is related both to the time needed to fall asleep andthe total sleep time (Öhrström & Björkman 1988). Individuals who are more sensitive to noise(as assessed by different questionnaires) report worse sleep quality both in field studies and inlaboratory studies.

A further criticism of the meta-analyses is that laboratory experiments have shown thathabituation to night-time noise events occurs, and that noise-induced awakening decreases withincreasing number of sound exposures per night. This is in contrast to the assumption used in themeta-analyses, that the percentage of awakenings is linearly proportional to the number of night-time noise events. Studies have also shown that the frequency of noise-induced awakeningsdecreases for at least the first eight consecutive nights. So far, habituation has been shown forawakenings, but not for heart rate and after effects such as perceived sleep quality, mood andperformance (Öhrström and Björkman 1988).

Other studies suggest that it is the difference in sound pressure levels between a noise event andbackground, rather than the absolute sound pressure level of the noise event, that determines thereaction probability. The time interval between two noise events also has an important influence

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of the probability of obtaining a response (Griefahn 1977; cf. Berglund & Lindvall 1995).Another possible factor is the person’s age, with older persons having an increased probability ofawakening. However, one field study showed that noise-induced awakenings are independent ofa*ge (Reyner & Horne 1995).

For a good sleep, it is believed that indoor sound pressure levels should not exceedapproximately 45 dB LAmax more than 10–15 times per night (Vallet & Vernet 1991), and moststudies show an increase in the percentage of awakenings at SEL values of 55–60 dBA(Passchier-Vermeer 1993; Finegold et al. 1994; Pearsons et al. 1995). For intermittent eventsthat approximate aircraft noise, with an effective duration of 10–30 s, SEL values of 55–60 dBAcorrespond to a LAmax value of 45 dB. Ten to 15 of these events during an eight-hour night-time implies an LAeq,8h of 20–25 dB. This is 5–10 dB below the LAeq,8h of 30 dB forcontinuous night-time noise exposure, and shows that the intermittent character of noise has tobe taken into account when setting night-time limits for noise exposure. For example, this can beachieved by considering the number of noise events and the difference between the maximumsound pressure level and the background level of these events.

Special attention should also be given to the following considerations:

a. Noise sources in an environment with a low background noise level. For example,night-traffic in suburban residential areas.

b. Environments where a combination of noise and vibrations are produced. Forexample, railway noise, heavy duty vehicles.

c. Sources with low-frequency components. Disturbances may occur even though thesound pressure level during exposure is below 30 dBA.

If negative effects on sleep are to be avoided the equivalent sound pressure level should notexceed 30 dBA indoors for continuous noise. If the noise is not continuous, sleep disturbancecorrelates best with LAmax and effects have been observed at 45 dB or less. This is particularlytrue if the background level is low. Noise events exceeding 45 dBA should therefore be limitedif possible. For sensitive people an even lower limit would be preferred. It should be noted thatit should be possible to sleep with a bedroom window slightly open (a reduction from outside toinside of 15 dB). To prevent sleep disturbances, one should thus consider the equivalent soundpressure level and the number and level of sound events. Mitigation targeted to the first part ofthe night is believed to be effective for the ability to fall asleep.

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3.5. Cardiovascular and Physiological Effects

Epidemiological and laboratory studies involving workers exposed to occupational noise, andgeneral populations (including children) living in noisy areas around airports, industries andnoisy streets, indicate that noise may have both temporary and permanent impacts onphysiological functions in humans. It has been postulated that noise acts as an environmentalstressor (for a review see Passchier-Vermeer 1993; Berglund & Lindvall 1995). Acute noiseexposures activate the autonomic and hormonal systems, leading to temporary changes such asincreased blood pressure, increased heart rate and vasoconstriction. After prolonged exposure,susceptible individuals in the general population may develop permanent effects, such ashypertension and ischaemic heart disease associated with exposures to high sound pressure levels(for a review see Passchier-Vermeer 1993; Berglund & Lindvall 1995). The magnitude andduration of the effects are determined in part by individual characteristics, lifestyle behavioursand environmental conditions. Sounds also evoke reflex responses, particularly when they areunfamiliar and have a sudden onset.

Laboratory experiments and field quasi-experiments show that if noise exposure is temporary,the physiological system usually returns - after the exposure terminates - to a normal (pre-exposure) state within a time in the range of the exposure duration. If the exposure is ofsufficient intensity and unpredictability, cardiovascular and hormonal responses may appear,including increases in heart rate and peripheral vascular resistance; changes in blood pressure,blood viscosity and blood lipids; and shifts in electrolyte balance (Mg/Ca) and hormonal levels(epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol). The first four effects are of interest because of noise-related coronary heart disease (Ising & Günther 1997). Laboratory and clinical data suggest thatnoise may significantly elevate gastrointestinal motility in humans.

By far the greatest number of occupational and community noise studies have focused on thepossibility that noise may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Many studies inoccupational settings have indicated that workers exposed to high levels of industrial noise for 5–30 years have increased blood pressure and statistically significant increases in risk forhypertension, compared to workers in control areas (Passchier-Vermeer 1993). In contrast, onlya few studies on environmental noise have shown that populations living in noisy areas aroundairports and on noisy streets have an increased risk for hypertension. The overall evidencesuggests a weak association between long-term environmental noise exposure and hypertension(HCN 1994; Berglund & Lindvall 1995; IEH 1997), and no dose-response relationships could beestablished.

Recently, an updated summary of available studies for ischaemic heart disease has beenpresented (Babisch 1998a; Babisch 1998b; Babisch et al. 1999; see also Thompson 1996). Thestudies reviewed include case-control and cross-sectional designs, as well as three longitudinalstudies. However, it has not yet been possible to conduct the most advanced quantitativeintegrated analysis of the available studies. Relative risks and their confidence intervals could beestimated only for the classes of high noise levels (mostly >65 dBA during daytime) and lowlevels (mostly <55 dBA during daytime), rather than a range of exposure levels. Formethodological reasons identified in the meta-analysis, a cautious interpretation of the results iswarranted (Lercher et al. 1998).

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Prospective studies that controlled for confounding factors suggest an increase in ischaemic heartdisease when the noise levels exceed 65–70 dB for LAeq (6–22). (For road traffic noise, thedifference between LAeq (6-22h) and LAeq,24h usually is of the order of 1.5 dB). Whenorientation of the bedroom, window opening habits and years of exposure are taken into account,the risk of heart disease is slightly higher (Babisch et al. 1998; Babisch et al. 1999). However,disposition, behavioural and environmental factors were not sufficiently accounted for in theanalyses carried out to date. In epidemiological studies the lowest level at which traffic noisehad an effect on ischaemic heart disease was 70 dB for LAeq,24h (HCN 1994).

The overall conclusion is that cardiovascular effects are associated with long-term exposure toLAeq,24h values in the range of 65–70 dB or more, for both air- and road-traffic noise.However, the associations are weak and the effect is somewhat stronger for ischaemic heartdisease than for hypertension. Nevertheless, such small risks are potentially important because alarge number of persons are currently exposed to these noise levels, or are likely to be exposed inthe future. Furthermore, only the average risk is considered and sensitive subgroups of thepopulations have not been sufficiently characterized. For example, a 10% increase in risk factors(a relative risk of 1.1) may imply an increase of up to 200 cases per 100 000 people at risk peryear. Other observed psychophysiological effects, such as changes in stress hormones,magnesium levels, immunological indicators, and gastrointestinal disturbances are tooinconsistent for conclusions to be drawn about the influence of noise pollution.

3.6. Mental Health Effects

Mental health is defined as the absence of identifiable psychiatric disorders according to currentnorms (Freeman 1984). Environmental noise is not believed to be a direct cause of mentalillness, but it is assumed that it accelerates and intensifies the development of latent mentaldisorder. Studies on the adverse effects of environmental noise on mental health cover a varietyof symptoms, including anxiety; emotional stress; nervous complaints; nausea; headaches;instability; argumentativeness; sexual impotency; changes in mood; increase in social conflicts,as well as general psychiatric disorders such as neurosis, psychosis and hysteria. Large-scalepopulation studies have suggested associations between noise exposure and a variety of mentalhealth indicators, such as single rating of well-being; standard psychological symptom profiles;the intake of psychotropic drugs; and consumption of tranquilizers and sleeping pills. Earlystudies showed a weak association between exposure to aircraft noise and psychiatric hospitaladmissions in the general population surrounding an airport (see also Berglund & Lindvall1995). However, the studies have been criticized because of problems in selecting variables andin response bias (Halpern 1995).

Exposure to high levels of occupational noise has been associated with development of neurosisand irritability; and exposure to high levels of environmental noise with deteriorated mentalhealth (Stansfeld 1992). However, the findings on environmental noise and mental health effectsare inconclusive (HCN 1994; Berglund & Lindvall 1995; IEH 1997). The only longitudinalstudy in this field (Stansfeld et al. 1996) showed an association between the initial level of roadtraffic noise and minor psychiatric disorders, although the association for increased anxiety wasweak and non-linear. It turned out that psychiatric disorders are associated with noise sensitivity,

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rather than with noise exposure, and the association was found to disappear after adjustment forbaseline trait anxiety. These and other results show the importance of taking vulnerable groupsinto account, because they may not be able to cope sufficiently with unwanted environmentalnoise (e.g. Stansfeld 1992). This is particularly true of children, the elderly and people withpreexisting illnesses, especially depression (IEH 1997). Despite the weaknesses of the variousstudies, the possibility that community noise has adverse effects on mental health is suggested bystudies on the use of medical drugs, such as tranquilizers and sleeping pills, on psychiatricsymptoms and on mental hospital admission rates.

3.7. The Effects of Noise on Performance

It has been documented in both laboratory subjects and in workers exposed to occupationalnoise, that noise adversely affects cognitive task performance. In children, too, environmentalnoise impairs a number of cognitive and motivational parameters (Cohen et al. 1980; Evans &Lepore 1993; Evans 1998; Hygge et al. 1998; Haines et al. 1998). However, there are nopublished studies on whether environmental noise at home also impairs cognitive performance inadults. Accidents may also be an indicator of performance deficits. The few field studies on theeffects of noise on performance and safety showed that noise may produce some task impairmentand increase the number of errors in work, but the effects depend on the type of noise and thetask being performed (Smith 1990).

Laboratory and workplace studies showed that noise can act as a distracting stimulus. Also,impulsive noise events (e.g. sonic booms) may produce disruptive effects as a result of startleresponses. In the short term, noise-induced arousal may produce better performance of simpletasks, but cognitive performance deteriorates substantially for more complex tasks (i.e. tasks thatrequire sustained attention to details or to multiple cues; or tasks that demand a large capacity ofworking memory, such as complex analytical processes). Some of the effects are related to lossin auditory comprehension and language acquisition, but others are not (Evans & Maxwell1997). Among the cognitive effects, reading, attention, problem solving and memory are moststrongly affected by noise. The observed effects on motivation, as measured by persistence witha difficult cognitive task, may either be independent or secondary to the aforementionedcognitive impairments.

Two types of memory deficits have been identified under experimental noise exposure:incidental memory and memory for materials that the observer was not explicitly instructed tofocus on during a learning phase. For example, when presenting semantic information tosubjects in the presence of noise, recall of the information content was unaffected, but thesubjects were significantly less able to recall, for example, in which corner of the slide a wordhad been located. There is also some evidence that the lack of “helping behavior” that was notedunder experimental noise exposure may be related to inattention to incidental cues (Berglund &Lindvall 1995). Subjects appear to process information faster in working memory during noisyperformance conditions, but at a cost of available memory capacity. For example, in a runningmemory task, in which subjects were required to recall in sequence letters that they had justheard, subjects recalled recent items better under noisy conditions, but made more errors fartherback into the list.

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Experimental noise exposure consistently produces negative after-effects on performance (Glass& Singer 1972). Following exposure to aircraft noise, schoolchildren in the vicinity of LosAngeles airport were found to be deficient in proofreading, and in persistence with challengingpuzzles (Cohen et al. 1980). The uncontrollability of noise, rather than the intensity of the noise,appears to be the most critical variable. The only prospective study on noise-exposedschoolchildren, designed around the move of the Munich airport (Hygge et al. 1996; Evans et al.1998), confirmed the results of laboratory and workplace studies in adults, as well the results ofthe Los Angeles airport study with children (Cohen et al. 1980). An important finding was thatsome of the adaptation strategies for dealing with aircraft noise, such as tuning out or ignoringthe noise, and the effort necessary to maintain task performance, come at a price. There isheightened sympathetic arousal, as indicated by increased levels of stress hormone, and elevationof resting blood pressure (Evans et al. 1995; Evans et al. 1998). Notably, in the airport studiesreported above, the adverse effects were larger in children with lower school achievement.

For aircraft noise, it has been shown that chronic exposure during early childhood appears toimpair reading acquisition and reduces motivational capabilities. Of recent concern areconcomitant psychophysiological changes (blood pressure and stress hormone levels). Evidenceindicates that the longer the exposure, the greater the damage. It seems clear that daycare centersand schools should not be located near major sources of noise, such as highways, airports andindustrial sites.

3.8. Effects of Noise on Residential Behaviour and Annoyance

Noise annoyance is a global phenomenon. A definition of annoyance is “a feeling of displeasureassociated with any agent or condition, known or believed by an individual or group to adverselyaffect them” (Lindvall & Radford 1973; Koelega 1987). However, apart from “annoyance”,people may feel a variety of negative emotions when exposed to community noise, and mayreport anger, disappointment, dissatisfaction, withdrawal, helplessness, depression, anxiety,distraction, agitation, or exhaustion (Job 1993; Fields et al. 1997 1998). Thus, although the termannoyance does not cover all the negative reactions, it is used for convenience in this document.

Noise can produce a number of social and behavioural effects in residents, besides annoyance(for review see Berglund & Lindvall 1995). The social and behavioural effects are oftencomplex, subtle and indirect. Many of the effects are assumed to be the result of interactionswith a number of non-auditory variables. Social and behavioural effects include changes in overteveryday behaviour patterns (e.g. closing windows, not using balconies, turning TV and radio tolouder levels, writing petitions, complaining to authorities); adverse changes in social behaviour(e.g. aggression, unfriendliness, disengagement, non-participation); adverse changes in socialindicators (e.g. residential mobility, hospital admissions, drug consumption, accident rates); andchanges in mood (e.g. less happy, more depressed).

Although changes in social behaviour, such as a reduction in helpfulness and increasedaggressiveness, are associated with noise exposure, noise exposure alone is not believed to besufficient to produce aggression. However, in combination with provocation or pre-existinganger or hostility, it may trigger aggression. It has also been suspected that people are lesswilling to help, both during exposure and for a period after exposure. Fairly consistent evidence

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shows that noise above 80 dBA is associated with reduced helping behaviour and increasedaggressive behaviour. Particularly, there is concern that high-level continuous noise exposuresmay contribute to the susceptibility of schoolchildren to feelings of helplessness (Evans &Lepore 1993)

The effects of community noise can be evaluated by assessing the extent of annoyance (low,moderate, high) among exposed individuals; or by assessing the disturbance of specific activities,such as reading, watching television and communication. The relationship between annoyanceand activity disturbances is not necessarily direct and there are examples of situations where theextent of annoyance is low, despite a high level of activity disturbance. For aircraft noise, themost important effects are interference with rest, recreation and watching television. This is incontrast to road traffic noise, where sleep disturbance is the predominant effect (Berglund &Lindvall 1995).

A number of studies have shown that equal levels of traffic and industrial noises result indifferent magnitudes of annoyance (Hall et al. 1981; Griffiths 1983; Miedema 1993; Bradley1994a; Miedema & Vos 1998). This has led to criticism (e.g. Kryter 1994; Bradley 1994a) ofaveraged dose-response curves determined by meta-analysis, which assumed that all trafficnoises are the same (Fidell et al. 1991; Fields 1994a; Finegold et al. 1994). Schultz (1978) andMiedema & Vos (1998) have synthesized curves of annoyance associated with three types oftraffic noise (road, air, railway). In these curves, the percentage of people highly or moderatelyannoyed was related to the day and night continuous equivalent sound level, Ldn. For each of thethree types of traffic noise, the percentage of highly annoyed persons in a population started toincrease at an Ldn value of 42 dBA, and the percentage of moderately annoyed persons at an Ldnvalue of 37 dBA (Miedema & Vos 1998). Aircraft noise produced a stronger annoyanceresponse than road traffic, for the same Ldn exposure, consistent with earlier analyses (Kryter1994; Bradley 1994a). However, caution should be exercised when interpreting synthesized datafrom different studies, since five major parameters should be randomly distributed for theanalyses to be valid: personal, demographic, and lifestyle factors, as well as the duration of noiseexposure and the population experience with noise (Kryter 1994).

Annoyance in populations exposed to environmental noise varies not only with the acousticalcharacteristics of the noise (source, exposure), but also with many non-acoustical factors ofsocial, psychological, or economic nature (Fields 1993). These factors include fear associatedwith the noise source, conviction that the noise could be reduced by third parties, individualnoise sensitivity, the degree to which an individual feels able to control the noise (copingstrategies), and whether the noise originates from an important economic activity. Demographicvariables such as age, sex and socioeconomic status, are less strongly associated with annoyance.The correlation between noise exposure and general annoyance is much higher at the group levelthan at the individual level, as might be expected. Data from 42 surveys showed that at thegroup level about 70% of the variance in annoyance is explained by noise exposurecharacteristics, whereas at the individual level it is typically about 20% (Job 1988).

When the type and amount of noise exposure is kept constant in the meta-analyses, differencesbetween communities, regions and countries still exist (Fields 1990; Bradley 1996). This is welldemonstrated by a comparison of the dose-response curve determined for road-traffic noise

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(Miedema & Vos 1998) and that obtained in a survey along the North-South transportation routethrough the Austrian Alps (Lercher 1998b). The differences may be explained in terms of theinfluence of topography and meteorological factors on acoustical measures, as well as the lowbackground noise level on the mountain slopes.

Stronger reactions have been observed when noise is accompanied by vibrations and containslow frequency components (Paulsen & Kastka 1995; Öhrström 1997; for review see Berglund etal. 1996), or when the noise contains impulses, such as shooting noise (Buchta 1996; Vos 1996;Smoorenburg 1998). Stronger, but temporary, reactions also occur when noise exposure isincreased over time, in comparison to situations with constant noise exposure (e.g. HCN 1997;Klæboe et al. 1998). Conversely, for road traffic noise, the introduction of noise protectionbarriers in residential areas resulted in smaller reductions in annoyance than expected for astationary situation (Kastka et al. 1995).

To obtain an indicator for annoyance, other methods of combining parameters of noise exposurehave been extensively tested, in addition to metrics such as LAeq,24h and Ldn. When used for aset of community noises, these indicators correlate well both among themselves and withLAeq,24h or Ldn values (e.g. HCN 1997). Although LAeq,24h and Ldn are in most casesacceptable approximations, there is a growing concern that all the component parameters of thenoise should be individually assessed in noise exposure investigations, at least in the complexcases (Berglund & Lindvall 1995).

3.9. The Effects of Combined Noise Sources

Many acoustical environments consist of sounds from more than one source. For theseenvironments, health effects are associated with the total noise exposure, rather than with thenoise from a single source (WHO 1980b). When considering hearing impairment, for example,the total noise exposure can be expressed in terms of LAeq,24h for the combined sources. Forother adverse health effects, however, such a simple model most likely will not apply. It ispossible that some disturbances (e.g. speech interference, sleep disturbance) may more easily beattributed to specific noises. In cases where one noise source clearly dominates, the magnitudeof an effect may be assessed by taking into account the dominant source only (HCN 1997).Furthermore, at a policy level, there may be little need to identify the adverse effect of eachspecific noise, unless the responsibility for these effects is to be shared among several polluters(cf. The Polluter Pays Principle in Chapter 5, UNCED 1992).

There is no consensus on a model for assessing the total annoyance due to a combination ofenvironmental noise sources. This is partly due to a lack of research into the temporal patterns ofcombined noises. The current approach for assessing the effects of “mixed noise sources” islimited to data on “total annoyance” transformed to mathematical principles or rules of thumb(Ronnebaum et al. 1996; Vos 1992; Miedema 1996; Berglund & Nilsson 1997). Models toassess the total annoyance of combinations of environmental noises may not be applicable tothose health effects for which the mechanisms of noise interaction are unknown, and for whichdifferent cumulative or synergistic effects cannot be ruled out. When noise is combined withdifferent types of environmental agents, such as vibrations, ototoxic chemicals, or chemicalodours, again there is insufficient knowledge to accurately assess the combined effects on health

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(Berglund & Lindvall 1995; HCN 1994; Miedema 1996; Zeichart 1998; Passchier-Vermeer &Zeichart 1998). Therefore, caution should be exercised when trying to predict the adverse healtheffects of combined factors in residential populations.

The evidence on low-frequency noise is sufficiently strong to warrant immediate concern.Various industrial sources emit continuous low-frequency noise (compressors, pumps, dieselengines, fans, public works); and large aircraft, heavy-duty vehicles and railway traffic produceintermittent low-frequency noise. Low-frequency noise may also produce vibrations and rattlesas secondary effects. Health effects due to low-frequency components in noise are estimated tobe more severe than for community noises in general (Berglund et al. 1996). Since A-weightingunderestimates the sound pressure level of noise with low-frequency components, a betterassessment of health effects would be to use C-weighting.

In residential populations heavy noise pollution will most certainly be associated with acombination of health effects. For example, cardiovascular disease, annoyance, speechinterference at work and at home, and sleep disturbance. Therefore, it is important that the totaladverse health load over 24 hours be considered and that the precautionary principle forsustainable development is applied in the management of health effects (see Chapter 5).

3.10. Vulnerable Groups

Protective standards are essentially derived from observations on the health effects of noise on“normal” or “average” populations. The participants of these investigations are selected from thegeneral population and are usually adults. Sometimes, samples of participants are selectedbecause of their easy availability. However, vulnerable groups of people are typicallyunderrepresented. This group includes people with decreased personal abilities (old, ill, ordepressed people); people with particular diseases or medical problems; people dealing withcomplex cognitive tasks, such as reading acquisition; people who are blind or who have hearingimpairment; fetuses, babies and young children; and the elderly in general (Jansen 1987; AAP1997). These people may be less able to cope with the impacts of noise exposure and be atgreater risk for harmful effects.

Persons with impaired hearing are the most adversely affected with respect to speechintelligibility. Even slight hearing impairments in the high-frequency range may cause problemswith speech perception in a noisy environment. From about 40 years of age, people typicallydemonstrate an impaired ability to understand difficult, spoken messages with low linguisticredundancy. Therefore, based on interference with speech perception, a majority of thepopulation belongs to the vulnerable group.

Children have also been identified as vulnerable to noise exposure (see Agenda 21: UNCED1992). The evidence on noise pollution and children’s health is strong enough to warrantmonitoring programmes at schools and preschools to protect children from the effects of noise.Follow up programmes to study the main health effects of noise on children, including effects onspeech perception and reading acquisition, are also warranted in heavily noise polluted areas(Cohen et al. 1986; Evans et al. 1998).

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The issue of vulnerable subgroups in the general population should thus be considered whendeveloping regulations or recommendations for the management of community noise. Thisconsideration should take into account the types of effects (communication, recreation,annoyance, etc.), specific environments (in utero, incubator, home, school, workplace, publicinstitutions, etc.) and specific lifestyles (listening to loud music through headphones, or atdiscotheques and festivals; motor cycling, etc.).

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4. Guideline Values

4.1. Introduction

The human ear and lower auditory system continuously receive stimuli from the world aroundus. However, this does not mean that all the acoustical inputs are necessarily disturbing or haveharmful effects. This is because the auditory nerve provides activating impulses to the brain thatenable us to regulate the vigilance and wakefulness necessary for optimal performance. On theother hand, there are scientific reports that a completely silent world can have harmful effects,because of sensory deprivation. Thus, both too little sound and too much sound can be harmful.For this reason, people should have the right to decide for themselves the quality of theacoustical environment they live in.

Exposure to noise from various sources is most commonly expressed as the average soundpressure level over a specific time period, such as 24 hours. This means that identical averagesound levels for a given time period could be derived from either a large number of sound eventswith relatively low, almost inaudible levels, or from a few events with high sound levels. Thistechnical concept does not fully agree with common experience on how environmental noise isexperienced, or with the neurophysiological characteristics of the human receptor system.

Human perception of the environment through vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste ischaracterized by a good discrimination of stimulus intensity differences, and by a decayingresponse to a continuous stimulus (adaptation or habituation). Single sound events cannot bediscriminated if the interval between events drops below a threshold value; if this occurs, thesound is interpreted as continuous. These characteristics are linked to survival, since new anddifferent stimuli with low probability and high information value indicate warnings. Thus, whenassessing the effects of environmental noise on people it is relevant to consider the importance ofthe background noise level, the number of events, and the noise exposure level independently.

Community noise studies have traditionally considered noise annoyance from single specificsources such as aircraft, road traffic or railways. In recent years, efforts have been made tocompare the results from road traffic, aircraft and railway surveys. Data from a number ofsources show that aircraft noise is more annoying than road traffic noise, which, in turn, is moreannoying than railway noise. However, there is not a clear understanding of the mechanisms thatcreate these differences. Some populations may also be at greater risk for the harmful effects ofnoise. Young children (especially during language acquisition), the blind, and perhaps fetusesare examples of such populations. There are no definite conclusions on this topic, but the readershould be alerted that guidelines in this report are developed for the population at large;guidelines for potentially more vulnerable groups are addressed only to a limited extent.

In the following, guideline values are summarized with regard to specific environments andeffects. For each environment and situation, the guideline values take into consideration theidentified health effects and are set, based on the lowest levels of noise that affect health (criticalhealth effect). Guideline values typically correspond to the lowest effect level for generalpopulations, such as those for indoor speech intelligibility. By contrast, guideline values forannoyance have been set at 50 or 55 dBA, representing daytime levels below which a majority of

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the adult population will be protected from becoming moderately or seriously annoyed,respectively.

In these Guidelines for Community Noise only guideline values are presented. These areessentially values for the onset of health effects from noise exposure. It would have beenpreferred to establish guidelines for exposure-response relationships. Such relationships wouldindicate the effects to be expected if standards were set above the WHO guideline values andwould facilitate the setting of standards for sound pressure levels (noise immission standards).However, exposure-response relationships could not be established as the scientific literature isvery limited. The best-studied exposure-response relationship is that between Ldn and annoyance(WHO 1995a; Berglund & Lindvall 1995; Miedema & Vos 1998). Even the most recentrelationships between integrated noise levels and the percentage of highly or moderately annoyedpeople are still being scrutinized. The results of a forthcoming meta-analysis are expected to bepublished in the near future (Miedema, personal communication).

4.2. Specific Effects

4.2.1. Interference with communication

Noise tends to interfere with auditory communication, in which speech is a most importantsignal. However, it is also vital to be able to hear alarming and informative signals such as doorbells, telephone signals, alarm clocks, fire alarms etc., as well as sounds and signals involved inoccupational tasks. The effects of noise on speech discrimination have been studied extensivelyand deal with this problem in lexical terms (mostly words but also sentences). Forcommunication distances beyond a few metres, speech interference starts at sound pressurelevels below 50 dB for octave bands centered on the main speech frequencies at 500, 1 000 and 2000 Hz. It is usually possible to express the relationship between noise levels and speechintelligibility in a single diagram, based on the following assumptions and empiricalobservations, and for speaker-to-listener distance of about 1 m:

a. Speech in relaxed conversation is 100% intelligible in background noise levels ofabout 35 dBA, and can be understood fairly well in background levels of 45 dBA.

b. Speech with more vocal effort can be understood when the background soundpressure level is about 65 dBA.

A majority of the population belongs to groups sensitive to interference with speech perception.Most sensitive are the elderly and persons with impaired hearing. Even slight hearingimpairments in the high-frequency range may cause problems with speech perception in a noisyenvironment. From about 40 years of age, people demonstrate impaired ability to interpretdifficult, spoken messages with low linguistic redundancy, when compared to people aged 20–30years. It has also been shown that children, before language acquisition has been completed,have more adverse effects than young adults to high noise levels and long reverberation times.

For speech outdoors and for moderate distances, the sound level drops by approximately 6 dB fora doubling of the distance between speaker and listener. This relationship is also applicable to

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indoor conditions, but only up to a distance of about 2 m. Speech communication is affectedalso by the reverberation characteristics of the room, and reverberation times beyond 1 s canproduce a loss in speech discrimination. A longer reverberation time combined with backgroundnoise makes speech perception still more difficult.

Speech signal perception is of paramount importance, for example, in classrooms or conferencerooms. To ensure any speech communication, the signal-to-noise relationship should exceedzero dB. But when listening to complicated messages (at school, listening to foreign languages,telephone conversation) the signal-to-noise ratio should be at least 15 dB. With a voice level of50 dBA (at 1 m distance this corresponds on average to a casual voice level in both women andmen), the background level should not exceed 35 dBA. This means that in classrooms, forexample, one should strive for as low background levels as possible. This is particularly truewhen listeners with impaired hearing are involved, for example, in homes for the elderly.Reverberation times below 1 s are necessary for good speech intelligibility in smaller rooms; andeven in a quiet environment a reverberation time below 0.6 s is desirable for adequate speechintelligibility for sensitive groups.

4.2.2. Noise-induced hearing impairment

The ISO Standard 1999 (ISO 1990) gives a method of calculating noise-induced hearingimpairment in populations exposed to all types of occupational noise (continuous, intermittent,impulse). However, noise-induced hearing impairment is by no means restricted to occupationalsituations alone. High noise levels can also occur in open-air concerts, discotheques, motorsports, shooting ranges, and from loudspeakers or other leisure activities in dwellings. Otherloud noise sources, such as music played back in headphones and impulse noise from toys andfireworks, are also important. Evidence strongly suggests that the calculation method from ISOStandard 1999 for occupational noise (ISO 1990) should also be used for environmental andleisure time noise exposures. This implies that long term exposure to LAeq,24h of up to 70 dBAwill not result in hearing impairment. However, given the limitations of the various underlyingstudies, care should be taken with respect to the following:

a. Data from animal experiments indicate that children may be more vulnerable inacquiring noise-induced hearing impairment than adults.

b. At very high instantaneous sound pressure levels mechanical damage to the earmay occur (Hanner & Axelsson 1988). Occupational limits are set at peak soundpressure levels of 140 dBA (EU 1986a). For adults, this same limit is assumed tobe in order for exposure to environmental and leisure time noise. In the case ofchildren, however, considering their habits while playing with noisy toys, peaksound pressure levels should never exceed 120 dBA.

c. For shooting noise with LAeq,24h over 80 dB, studies on temporary thresholdshift suggest there is the possibility of an increased risk for noise-induced hearingimpairment (Smoorenburg 1998).

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d. The risk for noise-induced hearing impairment increases when noise exposure iscombined with vibrations, ototoxic drugs or chemicals (Fechter 1999). In thesecirc*mstances, long-term exposure to LAeq,24h of 70 dB may induce smallhearing impairments.

e. It is uncertain whether the relationships in ISO Standard 1999 (ISO 1990) areapplicable to environmental sounds having a short rise time. For example, in thecase of military low-altitude flying areas (75–300 m above ground) LAmaxvalues of 110–130 dB occur within seconds after onset of the sound.

In conclusion, dose-response data are lacking for the general population. However, judging fromthe limited data for study groups (teenagers, young adults and women), and on the assumptionthat time of exposure can be equated with sound energy, the risk for hearing impairment wouldbe negligible for LAeq,24h values of 70 dB over a lifetime. To avoid hearing impairment,impulse noise exposures should never exceed a peak sound pressure of 140 dB peak in adults,and 120 dB in children.

4.2.3. Sleep disturbance effects

Electrophysiological and behavioral methods have demonstrated that both continuous andintermittent noise indoors lead to sleep disturbance. The more intense the background noise, themore disturbing is its effect on sleep. Measurable effects on sleep start at background noiselevels of about 30 dB LAeq. Physiological effects include changes in the pattern of sleep stages,especially a reduction in the proportion of REM sleep. Subjective effects have also beenidentified, such as difficulty in falling asleep, perceived sleep quality, and adverse after-effectssuch as headache and tiredness. Sensitive groups mainly include elderly persons, shift workersand persons with physical or mental disorders.Where noise is continuous, the equivalent sound pressure level should not exceed 30 dBAindoors, if negative effects on sleep are to be avoided. When the noise is composed of a largeproportion of low-frequency sounds a still lower guideline value is recommended, because low-frequency noise (e.g. from ventilation systems) can disturb rest and sleep even at low soundpressure levels. It should be noted that the adverse effect of noise partly depends on the natureof the source. A special situation is for newborns in incubators, for which the noise can causesleep disturbance and other health effects.

If the noise is not continuous, LAmax or SEL are used to indicate the probability of noise-induced awakenings. Effects have been observed at individual LAmax exposures of 45 dB orless. Consequently, it is important to limit the number of noise events with a LAmax exceeding45 dB. Therefore, the guidelines should be based on a combination of values of 30 dB LAeq,8hand 45 dB LAmax. To protect sensitive persons, a still lower guideline value would be preferredwhen the background level is low. Sleep disturbance from intermittent noise events increaseswith the maximum noise level. Even if the total equivalent noise level is fairly low, a smallnumber of noise events with a high maximum sound pressure level will affect sleep.

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Therefore, to avoid sleep disturbance, guidelines for community noise should be expressed interms of equivalent sound pressure levels, as well as LAmax/SEL and the number of noiseevents. Measures reducing disturbance during the first part of the night are believed to be themost effective for reducing problems in falling asleep.

4.2.4. Cardiovascular and psychophysiological effects

Epidemiologial studies show that cardiovascular effects occur after long-term exposure to noise(aircraft and road traffic) with LAeq,24h values of 65–70 dB. However, the associations areweak. The association is somewhat stronger for ischaemic heart disease than for hypertension.Such small risks are important, however, because a large number of persons are currentlyexposed to these noise levels, or are likely to be exposed in the future. Other possible effects,such as changes in stress hormone levels and blood magnesium levels, and changes in theimmune system and gastro-intestinal tract, are too inconsistent to draw conclusions. Thus, moreresearch is required to estimate the long-term cardiovascular and psychophysiological risks dueto noise. In view of the equivocal findings, no guideline values can be given.

4.2.5. Mental health effects

Studies that have examined the effects of noise on mental health are inconclusive and noguideline values can be given. However, in noisy areas, it has been observed that there is anincreased use of prescription drugs such as tranquilizers and sleeping pills, and an increasedfrequency of psychiatric symptoms and mental hospital admissions. This strongly suggests thatadverse mental health effects are associated with community noise.

4.2.6. Effects on performance

The effects of noise on task performance have mainly been studied in the laboratory and to someextent in work situations. But there have been few, if any, detailed studies on the effects of noiseon human productivity in community situations. It is evident that when a task involves auditorysignals of any kind, noise at an intensity sufficient to mask or interfere with the perception ofthese signals will also interfere with the performance of the task. A novel event, such as the startof an unfamiliar noise, will also cause distraction and interfere with many kinds of tasks. Forexample, impulsive noises such as sonic booms can produce disruptive effects as the result ofstartle responses; and these types of responses are more resistant to habituation.

Mental activities involving high load in working memory, such as sustained attention to multiplecues or complex analysis, are all directly sensitive to noise and performance suffers as a result.Some accidents may also be indicators of noise-related effects on performance. In addition tothe direct effects on performance, noise also has consistent after-effects on cognitiveperformance with tasks such as proof-reading, and on persistence with challenging puzzles. Incontrast, the performance of tasks involving either motor or monotonous activities is not alwaysdegraded by noise.

Chronic exposure to aircraft noise during early childhood appears to damage reading acquisition.

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Evidence indicates that the longer the exposure, the greater the damage. Although there isinsufficient information on these effects to set specific guideline values, it is clear that day-carecentres and schools should not be located near major noise sources, such as highways, airportsand industrial sites.

4.2.7. Annoyance responses

The capacity of a noise to induce annoyance depends upon many of its physical characteristics,including its sound pressure level and spectral characteristics, as well as the variations of theseproperties over time. However, annoyance reactions are sensitive to many non-acoustical factorsof social, psychological or economic nature, and there are also considerable differences inindividual reactions to the same noise. Dose-response relations for different types of trafficnoise (air, road and railway) clearly demonstrate that these noises can cause different annoyanceeffects at equal LAeq,24h values. And the same type of noise, such as that found in residentialareas around airports, can also produce different annoyance responses in different countries.

The annoyance response to noise is affected by several factors, including the equivalent soundpressure level and the highest sound pressure level of the noise, the number of such events, andthe time of day. Methods for combining these effects have been extensively studied. The resultsare not inconsistent with the simple, physically based equivalent energy theory, which isrepresented by the LAeq noise index.

Annoyance to community noise varies with the type of activity producing the noise. Speechcommunication, relaxation, listening to radio and TV are all examples of noise-producingactivities. During the daytime, few people are seriously annoyed by activities with LAeq levelsbelow 55 dB; or moderately annoyed with LAeq levels below 50 dB. Sound pressure levelsduring the evening and night should be 5–10 dB lower than during the day. Noise with low-frequency components require even lower levels. It is emphasized that for intermittent noise it isnecessary to take into account the maximum sound pressure level as well as the number of noiseevents. Guidelines or noise abatement measures should also take into account residentialoutdoor activities.

4.2.8. Effects on social behaviour

The effects of environmental noise may be evaluated by assessing the extent to which itinterferes with different activities. For many community noises, interference with rest,recreation and watching television seem to be the most important issues. However, there isevidence that noise has other effects on social behaviour: helping behaviour is reduced by noisein excess of 80 dBA; and loud noise increases aggressive behavior in individuals predisposed toaggressiveness. There is concern that schoolchildren exposed to high levels of chronic noisecould be more susceptible to helplessness. Guidelines on these issues must await furtherresearch.

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4.3. Specific Environments

Noise measures based solely on LAeq values do not adequately characterize most noiseenvironments and do not adequately assess the health impacts of noise on human well-being. Itis also important to measure the maximum noise level and the number of noise events whenderiving guideline values. If the noise includes a large proportion of low-frequency components,values even lower than the guideline values will be needed, because low-frequency componentsin noise may increase the adverse effects considerably. When prominent low-frequencycomponents are present, measures based on A-weighting are inappropriate. However, thedifference between dBC (or dBlin) and dBA will give crude information about the presence oflow-frequency components in noise. If the difference is more than 10 dB, it is recommended thata frequency analysis of the noise be performed.

4.3.1. Dwellings

In dwellings, the critical effects of noise are on sleep, annoyance and speech interference. Toavoid sleep disturbance, indoor guideline values for bedrooms are 30 dB LAeq for continuousnoise and 45 dB LAmax for single sound events. Lower levels may be annoying, depending onthe nature of the noise source. The maximum sound pressure level should be measured with theinstrument set at “Fast”.

To protect the majority of people from being seriously annoyed during the daytime, the soundpressure level on balconies, terraces and outdoor living areas should not exceed 55 dB LAeq fora steady, continuous noise. To protect the majority of people from being moderately annoyedduring the daytime, the outdoor sound pressure level should not exceed 50 dB LAeq. Thesevalues are based on annoyance studies, but most countries in Europe have adopted 40 dB LAeqas the maximum allowable level for new developments (Gottlob 1995). Indeed, the lower valueshould be considered the maximum allowable sound pressure level for all new developmentswhenever feasible.

At night, sound pressure levels at the outside façades of the living spaces should not exceed 45dB LAeq and 60 dB LAmax, so that people may sleep with bedroom windows open. Thesevalues have been obtained by assuming that the noise reduction from outside to inside with thewindow partly open is 15 dB.

4.3.2. Schools and preschools

For schools, the critical effects of noise are on speech interference, disturbance of informationextraction (e.g. comprehension and reading acquisition), message communication andannoyance. To be able to hear and understand spoken messages in classrooms, the backgroundsound pressure level should not exceed 35 dB LAeq during teaching sessions. For hearingimpaired children, an even lower sound pressure level may be needed. The reverberation time inthe classroom should be about 0.6 s, and preferably lower for hearing-impaired children. Forassembly halls and cafeterias in school buildings, the reverberation time should be less than 1 s.For outdoor playgrounds, the sound pressure level of the noise from external sources should notexceed 55 dB LAeq, the same value given for outdoor residential areas in daytime.

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For preschools, the same critical effects and guideline values apply as for schools. In bedroomsin preschools during sleeping hours, the guideline values for bedrooms in dwellings should beused.

4.3.3. Hospitals

For most spaces in hospitals, the critical effects of noise are on sleep disturbance, annoyance andcommunication interference, including interference with warning signals. The LAmax of soundevents during the night should not exceed 40 dB indoors. For wardrooms in hospitals, theguideline values indoors are 30 dB LAeq, together with 40 dB LAmax during the night. Duringthe day and evening the guideline value indoors is 30 dB LAeq. The maximum level should bemeasured with the instrument set at “Fast”.

Since patients have less ability to cope with stress, the equivalent sound pressure level should notexceed 35 dB LAeq in most rooms in which patients are being treated or observed. Particularattention should be given to the sound pressure levels in intensive care units and operatingtheatres. Sound inside incubators may result in health problems, including sleep disturbance, andmay lead to hearing impairment in neonates. Guideline values for sound pressure levels inincubators must await future research.

4.3.4. Ceremonies, festivals and entertainment events

In many countries, there are regular ceremonies, festivals and other entertainment to celebratelife events. Such events typically produce loud sounds including music and impulsive sounds.There is widespread concern about the effect of loud music and impulse sounds on young peoplewho frequently attend concerts, discotheques, video arcades, cinemas, amusem*nt parks andspectator events, etc. The sound pressure level is typically in excess of 100 dB LAeq. Such anoise exposure could lead to significant hearing impairment after frequent attendance.

Noise exposure for employees of these venues should be controlled by established occupationalstandards. As a minimum, the same standards should apply to the patrons of these premises.Patrons should not be exposed to sound pressure levels greater than 100 dB LAeq during a 4-hperiod, for at most four times per year. To avoid acute hearing impairment the LAmax shouldalways be below 110 dB.

4.3.5. Sounds through headphones

To avoid hearing impairment in both adults and children from music and other sounds playedback in headphones, the LAeq,24h should not exceed 70 dB. This implies that for a daily one-hour exposure the LAeq should not exceed 85 dB. The exposures are expressed in free-fieldequivalent sound pressure levels. To avoid acute hearing impairment, the LAmax should alwaysbe below 110 dB.

4.3.6. Impulsive sounds from toys, fireworks and firearms

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To avoid acute mechanical damage to the inner ear, adults should never be exposed to more than140 dB peak sound pressure. To account for the vulnerability in children, the peak soundpressure level produced by toys should not surpass 120 dB, measured close to the ears (100 mm).To avoid acute hearing impairment, LAmax should always be below 110 dB.

4.3.7. Parkland and conservation areas

Existing large quiet outdoor areas should be preserved and the signal-to-noise ratio kept low.

4.4. WHO Guideline Values

The WHO guideline values in Table 4.1 are organized according to specific environments.When multiple adverse health effects are identified for a given environment, the guideline valuesare set at the level of the lowest adverse health effect (the critical health effect). An adversehealth effect of noise refers to any temporary or long-term deterioration in physical,psychological or social functioning that is associated with noise exposure. The guideline valuesrepresent the sound pressure levels that affect the most exposed receiver in the listedenvironment.

The time base for LAeq for “daytime” and “night-time” is 16 h and 8 h, respectively. Noseparate time base is given for evenings alone, but typically, guideline value should be 5 –10 dBlower than for a 12 h daytime period. Other time bases are recommended for schools, preschoolsand playgrounds, depending on activity.

The available knowledge of the adverse effects of noise on health is sufficient to proposeguideline values for community noise for the following:

a. Annoyance.b. Speech intelligibility and communication interference.c. Disturbance of information extraction.d. Sleep disturbance.e. Hearing impairment.

The different critical health effects are relevant to specific environments, and guideline valuesfor community noise are proposed for each environment. These are:

a. Dwellings, including bedrooms and outdoor living areas.b. Schools and preschools, including rooms for sleeping and outdoor playgrounds.c. Hospitals, including ward and treatment rooms.d. Industrial, commercial shopping and traffic areas, including public addresses, indoors

and outdoors.e. Ceremonies, festivals and entertainment events, indoors and outdoors.f. Music and other sounds through headphones.g. Impulse sounds from toys, fireworks and firearms.h. Outdoors in parkland and conservation areas.

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It is not enough to characterize the noise environment in terms of noise measures or indicesbased only on energy summation (e.g. LAeq), because different critical health effects requiredifferent descriptions. Therefore, it is important to display the maximum values of the noisefluctuations, preferably combined with a measure of the number of noise events. A separatecharacterization of noise exposures during night-time would be required. For indoorenvironments, reverberation time is also an important factor. If the noise includes a largeproportion of low frequency components, still lower guideline values should be applied.

Supplementary to the guideline values given in Table 4.1, precautionary recommendations aregiven in Section 4.2 and 4.3 for vulnerable groups, and for noise of a certain character (e.g. low-frequency components, low background noise), respectively. In Section 3.10, information isgiven regarding which critical effects and specific environments are considered relevant forvulnerable groups, and what precautionary noise protection would be needed in comparison tothe general population.

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Table 4.1: Guideline values for community noise in specific environments.


Critical health effect(s) LAeq[dB]


LAmax ,


Outdoor living area Serious annoyance, daytime and eveningModerate annoyance, daytime and evening




Dwelling, indoors

Inside bedrooms

Speech intelligibility and moderateannoyance, daytime and eveningSleep disturbance, night-time




8 45Outside bedrooms Sleep disturbance, window open (outdoor

values)45 8 60

School class roomsand pre-schools,indoors

Speech intelligibility, disturbance ofinformation extraction, messagecommunication

35 duringclass


Pre-schoolBedrooms, indoors

Sleep disturbance 30 sleeping-time


School, playgroundoutdoor

Annoyance (external source) 55 duringplay


Hospital, wardrooms, indoors

Sleep disturbance, night-timeSleep disturbance, daytime and evenings




Hospitals, treatmentrooms, indoors

Interference with rest and recovery #1

Industrial,commercial,shopping and trafficareas, indoors andOutdoors

Hearing impairment 70 24 110

Ceremonies, festivalsand entertainmentevents

Hearing impairment (patrons:<5 times/year) 100 4 110

Public addresses,indoors and outdoors

Hearing impairment 85 1 110

Music throughheadphones/Earphones

Hearing impairment (free-field value) 85 #4 1 110

Impulse sounds fromtoys, fireworks andfirearms

Hearing impairment (adults)

Hearing impairment (children)





140 #2

120 #2Outdoors in parklandand conservationareas

Disruption of tranquillity #3

#1: as low as possible;#2: peak sound pressure (not LAmax, fast), measured 100 mm from the ear;#3: existing quiet outdoor areas should be preserved and the ratio of intruding noise to natural background soundshould be kept low;#4: under headphones, adapted to free-field values

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5. Noise Management

The goal of noise management is to maintain low noise exposures, such that human health andwell-being are protected. The specific objectives of noise management are to develop criteria forthe maximum safe noise exposure levels, and to promote noise assessment and control as part ofenvironmental health programmes. This is not always achieved (Jansen 1998). The UnitedNations´ Agenda 21 (UNCED 1992), as well as the European Charter on Transport, Environmentand Health (London Charter 1999), both support a number of environmental managementprinciples on which government policies, including noise management policies, can be based.These include:

a. The precautionary principle. In all cases, noise should be reduced to the lowestlevel achievable in a particular situation. Where there is a reasonable possibility thatpublic health will be damaged, action should be taken to protect public health withoutawaiting full scientific proof.

b. The polluter pays principle. The full costs associated with noise pollution(including monitoring, management, lowering levels and supervision) should be metby those responsible for the source of noise.

c. The prevention principle. Action should be taken where possible to reduce noise atthe source. Land-use planning should be guided by an environmental health impactassessment that considers noise as well as other pollutants.

The government policy framework is the basis of noise management. Without an adequatepolicy framework and adequate legislation it is difficult to maintain an active or successful noisemanagement programme. A policy framework refers to transport, energy, planning,development and environmental policies. The goals are more readily achieved if theinterconnected government policies are compatible, and if issues which cross different areas ofgovernment policy are co-ordinated.

5.1. Stages in Noise Management

A legal framework is needed to provide a context for noise management (Finegold 1998; Hede1998a). While there are many possible models, an example of one is given in Figure 5.1. Thismodel depicts the six stages in the process for developing and implementing policies forcommunity noise management. For each policy stage, there are groups of ‘policy players’ whoideally would participate in the process.

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Figure 5.1. A model of the policy process for community noise management (Hede 1998a)

When goals and policies have been developed, the next stage is the development of the strategyor plan. Figure 5.2 summarizes the stages involved in the development of a noise managementstrategy. Specific abatement measures 19 are listed in Table 5.1.

1 . Agenda Se t t ing(Noise Problem Identif icat ion)

2 . Problem Analys is(Noise Impact Assessment)

3. Pol icy Formulation(Noise Control Opt ions )

5 . Implementat ion(Operat ion of Noise Regulat ion )

6 . Pol icy Evaluat ion(Evaluat ion of Noise Regulat ion )


* Technology officials * Acoustics Professionals* Researchers * Community * Interest Groups

* Technology officials * Acoustics Professionals * Community * Interest Groups

* Politicians * Political Advisers

*Politicians*Political Advisers*Technology officials* Policy Analysts * Community * Researchers * Interest Groups * Acoustics Professionals

4. Pol icy Adoption(Decision on Noise Regulat ion )






* Technology officials * Policy Analysts* Researchers * Acoustics Professionals* Community * Interest Groups

*Politicians*Political Advisers*Technology officials* Policy Analysts * Community * Researchers * Interest Groups * Acoustics Professionals 1 . Agenda Se t t ing

(Noise Problem Identif icat ion)

2 . Problem Analys is(Noise Impact Assessment)

3. Pol icy Formulation(Noise Control Opt ions )

5 . Implementat ion(Operat ion of Noise Regulat ion )

6 . Pol icy Evaluat ion(Evaluat ion of Noise Regulat ion )


* Technology officials * Acoustics Professionals* Researchers * Community * Interest Groups

* Technology officials * Acoustics Professionals * Community * Interest Groups

* Politicians * Political Advisers

*Politicians*Political Advisers*Technology officials* Policy Analysts * Community * Researchers * Interest Groups * Acoustics Professionals

4. Pol icy Adoption(Decision on Noise Regulat ion )






* Technology officials * Policy Analysts* Researchers * Acoustics Professionals* Community * Interest Groups

*Politicians*Political Advisers*Technology officials* Policy Analysts * Community * Researchers * Interest Groups * Acoustics Professionals

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Figure 5.2. Stages involved in the development of a noise abatement strategy.

Noise Mitigation


Noise Source

Noise Management Strategy

(See Table 5.1)

Noise Exposure


Infrastructure& Behavioural


Costs & Benefits

Health Effects

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Table 5.1. Recommended Noise Management Measures (following EEA 1995)Legal measures Examples

Control of noise emissions Emission standards for road and off-roadvehicles; emission standards for constructionequipment; emission standards for plants;national regulations, EU Directives

Control of noise transmission Regulations on sound-obstructive measuresNoise mapping and zoning around roads,airports, industries

Initiation of monitoring and modelingprogrammes

Control of noise immissions Limits for exposure levels such as nationalimmission standards; noise monitoring andmodeling; regulations for complex noisesituations; regulations for recreational noise

Speed limits Residential areas; hospitalsEnforcement of regulations Low Noise Implementation PlanMinimum requirements for acousticalproperties of buildings

Construction codes for sound insulation ofbuilding parts

Engineering MeasuresEmission reduction by source modification Tyre profiles; low-noise road surfaces; changes

in engine propertiesNew engine technology Road vehicles; aircraft; construction machinesTransmission reduction Enclosures around machinery; noise screensOrientation of buildings Design and structuring of tranquille uses; using

buildings for screening purposesTraffic management Speed limits; guidance of traffic flow by

electronic meansPassive protection Ear plugs; ear muffs; insulation of dwellings;

façade designImplementation of land-use planning Minimum distance between industrial, busy

roads and residential areas; location oftranquillity areas; by-pass roads for heavytraffic; separating out incompatible functons

Education and informationRaising public awareness Informing the public on the health impacts of

noise, enforcement action taken, noise levels,complaints

Monitoring and modeling of soundscapes Publication of resultsSufficient number of noise experts University or highschool curriculaInitiation of research and development Funding of information generation according

to scientific research needsInitiation of behaviour changes Speed reduction when driving; use of horns;

use of loudspeakers for advertisem*nts

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The process outlined in Figure 5.2 can start with the development of noise standards orguidelines. Ideally, it should also involve the identification and mapping of noise sources andexposed communities. Meteorological conditions and noise levels would also normally bemonitored. These data can be used to validate the output of models that estimate noise levels.Noise standards and model outputs may be considered in devising noise control tactics aimed atachieving the noise standards. Before being enforced, current control tactics need to be revised,and if the standards are achieved they need continued enforcement. If the standards are notachieved after a reasonable period of time, the noise control tactics may need to be revised.

National noise standards can usually be based on a consideration of international guidelines, suchas these Guidelines for Community Noise, as well as national criteria documents, which considerdose-response relations for the effects of noise on human health. National standards take intoaccount the technological, social, economic, political and other factors specific for the country.

In many cases monitoring may show that noise levels are considerably higher than establishedguidelines. This may be particularly true in developing countries, and the question has to beraised as to whether national standards should reflect the optimum levels needed to protecthuman health, when this objective is unlikely to be achieved in the short- or medium-term withavailable resources. In some countries noise standards are set at levels that are realisticallyattainable under prevailing technological, social, economic and political conditions, even thoughthey may not be fully consistent with the levels needed to protect human health. In such cases, astaged programme of noise abatement should be implemented to achieve the optimum healthprotection levels over the long term. Noise standards periodically change after reviews, asconditions in a country change over time, and with improved scientific understanding of therelationship between noise pollution and the health of the population. Noise level monitoring(Chapter 2) is used to assess whether noise levels at particular locations are in compliance withthe standards selected.

5.2. Noise Exposure Mapping

A crucial component of a low-noise implementation plan is a reasonably quantitative knowledgeof exposure (see Figure 5.2). Exposure should be mapped for all noise sources impacting acommunity; for example, road traffic, aircraft, railway, industry, construction, festivals andhuman activity in general. For some components of a noise exposure map or noise exposureinventory, accurate data may be available. In other cases, exposure can be calculated from thecharacteristics of the mechanical processes. While estimates of noise emissions are needed todevelop exposure maps, measurements should be undertaken to confirm the veracity of theassumptions used in the estimates. Sample surveys may be used to provide an overall picture ofthe noise exposure. Such surveys would take account of all the relevant characteristics of thenoise source. For example motor vehicle emissions may be estimated by calculations involvingthe types of vehicles, their number, their age and the characteristic properties of the road surface.

In developing countries, there is usually a lack of appropriate statistical information to producenoise exposure estimates. However, where action is needed to lower noise levels, the absence ofcomprehensive information should not prevent the development of provisional noise exposureestimates. Basic information about the exposed population, transport systems, industry and other

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relevant factors can be used to calculate provisional noise exposures. These can then be used todevelop and implement interim noise management plans. The preliminary exposure estimatescan be revised as more accurate information becomes available.

5.3. Noise Exposure Modeling

As indicated in Chapter 2 modeling is a powerful tool for the interpolation, prediction andoptimization of control strategies. However, models need to be validated by monitoring data. Astrength of models is that they enable examination and comparison of the consequences for noiseexposure of the implementation of the various options for improving noise. However, theaccuracy of the various models available depends on many factors, including the accuracy of thesource emissions data and details of the topography (for which a geographical informationsystem may be used). For transportation noise parameters such as the number, type and speed ofvehicles, aircraft or trains, and the noise characteristics of each individual event must be known.An example of a model is the annoyance prediction model of the Government of the Netherlands(van den Berg 1996).

5.4. Noise Control Approaches

An integrated noise policy should include several control procedures: measures to limit the noiseat the source, noise control within the sound transmission path, protection at the receiver’s site,land-use planning, education and raising of public awareness. Ideally, countries should givepriority to precautionary measures that prevent noise, but they must also implement measures tomitigate existing noise problems.

5.4.1. Mitigation measures

The most effective mitigation measure is to reduce noise emissions at the source. Therefore,regulations with noise level limits for the main noise sources should be introduced.

Road traffic noise. Limits on the noise emission of vehicles have been introduced in manycountries (Sandberg 1995). Such limits, together with the relevant measuring methods, shouldalso be introduced in other regions of the world. Besides these limits a special class of “low-noise trucks” has been introduced in Europe. These trucks follow state-of-the-art noise controland are widely used in Austria and Germany (Lang 1995). Their use is encouraged by economicincentives; for example, low-noise trucks are excepted from a night-time ban on certain routes,and their associated taxes are lower than for other trucks. In Europe, the maximum permissiblenoise levels range from 69 dBA for motor vehicles to 77 dBA for cars, and 83 dBA for heavytwo-wheeled vehicles to 84 dBA for trucks. A number of European Directives give permissiblesound levels for motor vehicles and motorcycles (EU 1970; EU 1978; EU 1996a; EU 1997). Inaddition to noise level limits for new vehicles (type test), noise emissions of vehicles already inuse should be controlled regularly. Limits on the sound pressure levels for vehicles reduce thenoise emission from the engines.

However, the main noise from traffic on highways is rolling noise. This may be reduced byquiet road surfaces (porous asphalt, “drain asphalt”) or by selection of quiet tires. Road traffic

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noise may also be reduced by speed limits, provided the limits are enforced. For example,reducing the speed of trucks from 90 to 60 km/h on concrete roads would reduce the maximumsound pressure level by 5 dB, and the equivalent sound pressure level by 4 dB. Decreasing thespeed of cars from 140 to 100 km/h would result in the same noise reduction (WHO 1995a). Inthe central parts of cities a speed limit of 30 km/h may be introduced. At 30 km/h cars producemaximum sound pressure levels that are 7 dB lower, and equivalent sound pressure levels thatare 5 dB lower, than cars driving at 50 km/h.

Noise emission from road traffic may be further reduced by a night-time ban for all vehicles, orespecially for heavy vehicles. Traffic management designed to ensure uniform traffic flow intowns also serves to reduce noise. “Low-noise behaviour” of drivers should be encouraged aswell, by advocating defensive driving manners. In some countries, car drivers use their hornsfrequently, which results in noise with high peak levels. The unnecessary use of horns withincities should be forbidden, especially during night-time, and this rule should be enforced.

Railway noise and noise from trams. The main noise sources are the engine and the wheel-railcontact. Noise at the source can be reduced by well-maintained rails and wheels, and by the useof disc brakes. Sound pressure levels may vary by more than 10 dB, depending on the type ofrailway material. Replacement of steel wheels by rubber wheels could also reduce noise fromrailways and trams substantially. Other measures include innovations in engine and tracktechnology (Moehler 1988; Öhrström & Skånberg 1996).

Aircraft noise. The noise emission of aircraft is limited by ICAO Annex 16, Chapter 2 andChapter 3, which estimates maximum potential sound emissions under certification procedures(ICAO 1993). Aircraft following the norms of Chapter 3 represent the state-of-the-art of noisecontrol of the 1970s. In many countries, non-certified aircraft (i.e. aircraft not fulfilling theICAO requirements) are not permitted and Chapter 2 aircraft may not be registered again. Afterthe year 2002 only Chapter 3 aircraft will be allowed to operate in many countries.

Similar legislation should be adopted in other countries. The use of low-noise aircraft may alsobe encouraged by setting noise-related charges (that is, landing charges that are related not onlyto aircraft weight and capacity, but also to noise emission). Examples of systems for noise-related financial charges are given in OECD 1991 (see also OECD-ECMT 1995). Night-timeaircraft movements should be discouraged where they impact residential communities.Particular categories of aircraft (such as helicopters, rotorcraft and supersonic aircraft) poseadditional problems that require appropriate controls. For subsonic airplanes two EU Directivegive the permissible sound levels (EU 1980; EU 1989).

Machines and Equipment. Noise emission has to be considered a main property of all types ofmachines and equipment. Control measures include design, insulation, enclosure andmaintenance.

Consumers should be encouraged to take noise emission into account when buying a product.Declaring the A-weighted sound power level of a product would assist the consumer in makingthis decision. The introduction of sound labeling is a major tool for reducing the noise emissionof products on the market. For example, within the European Community, “permissible sound

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levels” and “sound power levels” have to be stated for several groups of machines; for example,lawn mowers, construction machines and household equipment (EU 1984a-f; EU 1986b,c). Forother groups of machines sound level data have been compiled and are state-of-the-art withrespect to noise control.

A second step would be the introduction of limits on the sound power levels for certain groups ofmachines, heating and ventilation systems (e.g. construction machines, household appliances).These limits may be set by law, in recommendations and by consumers, using state-of-the-artmeasurements. There have also been promising developments in the use of active noise control(involving noise cancellation techniques). These are to be encouraged.

Noise control within the sound transmission path. The installation of noise barriers can protectdwellings close to the traffic source. In several European countries noise barrier regulationshave been established (WHO 1995b), but in practice they are often not adequately implemented.These regulations must define:

a. Measuring and calculation methods for deriving the equivalent sound pressure level ofroad or railway traffic, and schemes for determining the effectiveness of the barrier.

b. The sound pressure limits that are to be achieved by installing barriers.

c. The budgetary provisions.

d. The responsible authority.

Noise protection at the receiver’s site. This approach is mainly used for existing situations.However, this approach must also be considered for new and, eventually, for old buildings innoisy areas. Residential buildings near main roads with heavy traffic, or near railway lines, maybe provided with sound-proofed windows.

5.4.2. Precautionary measures

With careful planning, noise exposure can be avoided or reduced. A sufficient distance betweenresidential areas and an airport will make noise exposure minimal, although the realization ofsuch a situation is not always possible. Additional insulation of houses can help to reduce noiseexposure from railroad and road traffic. For new buildings, standards or building codes shoulddescribe the positions of houses, as well as the ground plans of houses with respect to noisesources. The required sound insulation of the façades should also be described. Variouscountries have set standards for the maximum sound pressure levels in front of buildings and forthe minimum sound insulation values required for façades.

Land use planning. Land use planning is one of the main tools for noise control and includes:

a. Calculation methods for predicting the noise impact caused by road traffic, railways,

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airports, industries and others.

b. Noise level limits for various zones and building types. The limits should be basedon annoyance responses to noise.

c. Noise maps or noise inventories that show the existing noise situation. Theconstruction of noise-sensitive buildings in noisy areas, or the construction of noisybuildings in quiet areas may thus be avoided.

Suggestions on how to use land use planning tools are given in several dedicated books (e.g.Miller & de Roo 1997). Different zones, such as quiet areas, hospitals, residential areas,commercial and industrial districts, can be characterized by the maximum equivalent soundpressure levels permissible in the zones. Examples of this approach can be found in OECD 1991(also see OECD-ECMT 1995). More emphasis needs to be given to the design or retrofit ofurban centres, with noise management as a priority (e.g. “soundscapes”).

It is recommended that countries adopt the precautionary principle in their national noisepolicies. This principle should be applied to all noise situations where adverse noise effects areeither expected or possible, even when the noise is below standard values.

Education and public awareness. Noise abatement policies can only be established if basicknowledge and background material is available, and the people and authorities are aware thatnoise is an environmental hazard that needs to be controlled. It is, therefore, necessary to includenoise in school curricula and to establish scientific institutes to study acoustics and noise control.People working in such institutes should have the option of studying in other countries andexchanging information at international conferences. Dissemination of noise control informationto the public is an issue for education and public awareness. Ideally, national and local advisorygroups should be formed to promote the dissemination of information, to establish uniformmethods of noise measurement and impact assessment, and to participate in the development andimplementation of educational and public awareness programmes.

5.5. Evaluation of Control Options

Unless legal constraints in a country prescribe a particular option, the evaluation of controloptions must take into account technical, financial, social, health and environmental factors. Thespeed with which control options can be implemented, and their enforceability, must also beconsidered. Although considerable improvements in noise levels have been achieved in somedeveloped countries, the financial costs have been high, and the resource demands of some ofthese approaches make them unsuitable for the poorer developing countries.

Technical factors. There needs to be confidence that the selected options are technicallypractical given the resources of the region. It must be possible to bring a selected option intooperation, and maintain the expected level of performance in the long term, given the resourcesavailable. This may require regular staff training and other programmes, especially indeveloping countries.

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Financial factors. The selected options must be financially viable in the long term. This mayrequire a comparative cost-benefit assessment of different options. These assessments mustinclude not only the capital costs of bringing an option into operation, but also the costs ofmaintaining the expected level of performance in the long term.

Social factors. The costs and benefits of each option should be assessed for social equity, andthe potential impact of an option on people’s way of life, community structures and culturaltraditions must be considered. Impacts may include disruption or displacement of residents,changes of land-use, and impacts on community, culture and recreation. Some impacts can bemanaged; in other cases, the impacts of an option can be mitigated by substitution of resources oruses.

Health and environmental factors. The costs and benefits of each option should be assessed forhealth and environmental factors. This may involve use of dose-response relations, or riskassessment techniques.

Effect-oriented and source-oriented principles. Noise control requirements in Europeancountries are typically determined from the effects of noise on health and the environment (effectoriented) (e.g. Gottlob 1995; ten Wolde 1998). Increased noise emissions may be permitted ifthere would be no adverse health impacts, or if noise standards would not be exceeded. Actionmay be taken to reduce noise levels when it is shown that adverse health impacts will occur, orwhen noise levels exceed limits. Other countries base their noise management policies on therequirement for best available technology, or for best available techniques that do not entailexcessive cost (source-oriented) (e.g. for aircraft noise, ICAO 1993; for road traffic noise,Sandberg 1995). Most developed countries apply a combination of both source-oriented andeffect-oriented principles (EU 1996b; Jansen 1998; ten Wolde 1998).

5.6. Management of Indoor Noise

In modern societies, human beings spend most of their time in indoor environments. Pollutionand degradation of the indoor environment cause illness, increased mortality, loss ofproductivity, and have major economic and social implications. Indoor noise problems arerelated to inadequate urban planning, design, operation and maintenance of buildings, and to thematerials and equipment in buildings. Problems with indoor noise affect all types of buildings,including homes, schools, offices, health care facilities and other public and commercialbuildings. The health effects of indoor noise include an increase in the rates of diseases anddisturbances described in chapter 2. World-wide, the medical and social cost associated withthese illnesses, and the related reduction in human productivity, can result in substantialeconomic losses.

Protection against noise generated within a building, or originating from outside the building, is avery complex problem. Soundproofing of ceilings, walls, doors and windows against airbornenoise is important. Soundproofing of ceilings has to be sufficient to absorb sounds due totreading. Finally, noise emissions from the technological devices in the house must besufficiently low. Governments should provide measurement protocols and data for use inreducing noise exposures in buildings. Governments should also be encouraged to support

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research on the relationship between noise levels inside buildings and health effects.

5.6.1. Government policy on indoor noise

Many of the problems associated with high noise levels can be prevented at low cost ifgovernments develop and implement an integrated strategy for the indoor environment, inconcert with all social and economic partners. Governments should establish a "National Planfor a Sustainable Indoor Noise Environment", that would apply to new construction as well as toexisting buildings. Governments should set up a specific structure at an appropriategovernmental level to achieve acceptable sound exposure levels within buildings. An exampleof existing documents that provide guidance and regulations, including strategies andmanagement for the design of buildings, is given by Jansen & Gottlob (1996).

Guidance/education. Because our understanding of indoor noise is still developing, governmentactivity should be focused on raising the awareness of various audiences. This education cantake the form of providing general information, as well as providing technical guidance andtraining on how to minimize indoor noise levels. General information presented in the form ofdocuments, videos, and other media can bring indoor noise issues to the attention of the generalpublic and building professionals, including architects

Research support. Research is needed to develop technology for indoor noise diagnosis,mitigation and control. Efforts are also required to provide economical and practical alternativesfor mitigation and control. Better means of measuring the effectiveness of absorption devicesare needed; and diagnostic tools that are inexpensive and easy to use also need to be developedto help facility personnel. There is a particular need, too, for improving soundproofing methods,their implementation and for predicting the health effects of soundproofing techniques.

To provide accurate information for use in setting priorities for public health problems,governments should support problem assessment and surveys of indoor noise conditions.Building surveys are also necessary to provide baseline information about buildingcharacteristics and noise levels. When combined with occupant health surveys, these studies willhelp to establish the correlations between noise levels and adverse health effects. Surveys shouldbe conducted to identify building types or vintages in which problems occur more frequently.The results of these studies will support effective risk reduction programmes. Epidemiologicalstudies are also needed to aid in differentiating between noise-related symptoms and those due toother causes. Moreover, epidemiological studies are needed to assist in quantifying the extent ofrisk for indoor noise levels.

Economic research is needed to measure the costs of indoor noise control strategies toindividuals, businesses and society. This includes developing methods for quantifyingproductivity loss and increased health costs due to noise, and for measuring the costs of variouscontrol strategies, including increased soundproofing and source control.

Development of standards and protocols. Efforts should be made to protect public health bysetting reasonable noise exposure limits (immission standards) from known dose-responserelationships. In cases where dose-response relationships have yet to be determined, but where

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health effects are generally recognized, exposure limits should be set conservatively and takeinto account risk, economic impact and feasibility. Efforts should also be made to incorporatenoise-related specifications into building codes. Areas to target with building codes includeventilation design, building envelope design, site preparation, materials selection andcommissioning. Standards and other regulations governing the use of sound proofing materialsshould also be developed.

Individuals involved in the diagnosis and mitigation of indoor noise problems should be trainedin the multidisciplinary nature of the noise field. By instituting a series of credentials thatrecognize and highlight areas of expertise, consumers would be provided with the information tomake informed choices when procuring indoor noise services. Companies which provide suchservices should be officially accredited. Guidelines or standards for sound emissions of air-conditioners, power generators and other building devices, would also provide usefulinformation for manufacturers, architects, design engineers, building managers and others whoplay a role in selecting products used indoors.

5.6.2. Design considerations

Site investigation. Potential sites should be evaluated to determine whether they are prone toindoor noise problems. This evaluation should be consistent with national and local land useplanning guidelines. Sites should be investigated to determine past uses and whether any sourcesof sound remain as a result. The potential for outdoor noise being carried to the site fromadjacent areas, such as busy streets, should also be evaluated.

Building design. Buildings should be designed to be soundproof, to improve control over indoornoise. Soundproofing requires that outside noise be prevented from entering the building, andthis should be estimated as part of the architectural and engineering design process. Whensoundproofing for outdoor noise, the total indoor noise load and the desired quality of the indoorspace should be considered. Adequate soundproofing against outdoor noise is important inresidential as well as commercial properties, and should be re-evaluated when interior spaces arerebuilt or renovated.

Indoor Spaces. The architectural layout should aim to reduce noise and provide a good soundquality to the space. This would include designing indoor spaces to have sufficiently shortreverberation times. Designers and contractors should be encouraged to use sound-absorbingmaterials that lead to lower indoor noise levels, and materials with the best sound-absorbingproperties should be specified. However, use of these materials should not be the only solution(Harris 1991). Possible conflicts with other environmental demands should also be identified;for example, the special demands by allergic people.

5.6.3. Indoor noise level control

Building maintenance personnel should be trained to understand the indoor noise aspects of theirwork, and be aware of how their work can directly impact the health and comfort of occupants.Many maintenance activities directly affect indoor noise levels, and some may indicate potentialproblems. Preventive maintenance is essential for the building systems to operate correctly and

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to provide suitable comfort conditions and low indoor noise levels. Detailed maintenance logsshould be kept for all equipment. A schedule should be developed for routine equipment checksand calibration of control system components. Selection of low-noise domestic products shouldencouraged as far as is possible.

5.6.4. Resolving indoor noise problems

Addressing occupant complaints and symptoms. When complaints are received from occupantsof a building, the cognizant authority should be responsive. The initial investigation into thecause of the complaint may be conducted by the in-house management staff, and they shouldcontinue an investigation as far as possible. If necessary, they should be responsible for hiringan outside consultant

Building diagnostic procedures. After receiving complaints related to indoor noise levels,facility personnel or consultants should attempt to identify the cause of the problem through aniterative process of information collection and hypothesis testing. To begin, a walkthroughinspection of the building, including the affected areas and the mechanical systems serving thesespaces is required. A walkthrough can provide information on the soundproofing system of thebuilding, the sound pathways and sound sources. Visual indicators of sound sources andsoundproofing malfunctions should be evaluated first. Symptom logs and schedules of buildingactivities may provide enough additional information to resolve the problem.

If a walkthrough alone does not provide a solution, measurements of sound pressure levels atvarious locations should be taken, and indoor and ambient levels of noise pollution should becompared. As part of the investigation, the absorption characteristics of walls and ceilingsshould be evaluated. Sophisticated sampling methods may be necessary to provide proof of aproblem to the building owner or other responsible party. The results may be used to confirm ahypothesis or ascertain the source of the indoor noise problem. Whenever a problem isdiscovered during the investigation, a remedy to the situation should be attempted and adetermination made of whether the complaint has been resolved.

In some cases, it should be recognized that difficulties in interpreting the sampling results mayexist. The costs of certain types of testing should also be taken into account. Simple, cost-effective screening methods should be developed to make sampling a more attractive option forboth investigators and clients. Finally, it must be remembered that several factors causesymptoms similar to those induced by noise pollution. Examples include air pollutants,ergonomics, lighting, vibration and psychosocial factors. Consequently, any investigation ofnoise complaints should also evaluate non-noise factors.

5.7. Priority Setting in Noise Management

Priorities in noise management will differ between countries, according to policy objectives,needs and capabilities. Priority setting in noise management refers to prioritizing health risksand concentrating on the most important sources of noise. For effective noise management, thegoals, policies and noise control schemes have to be defined. Goals for noise managementinclude eliminating noise, or reducing noise to acceptable levels, and avoiding the adverse health

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effects of noise on human health. Policies for noise management encompass laws andregulations for setting noise standards and for ensuring compliance. The amount of informationto be included in low-noise implementation plans and the use of cost-benefit comparisons alsofall within the purview of noise management policies. Techniques for noise control includesource control, barriers in noise pathways and receiver protection. Adequate calculation modelsfor noise propagation, as well as programmes for noise monitoring, are part of an overall noisecontrol scheme.

As emphasized above, a framework for a political, regulatory and administrative approach isrequired to guarantee the consistent and transparent promulgation of noise standards. Thisensures a sound and practical framework for risk-reducing measures and for the selection ofabatement strategies.

5.7.1. Noise policy and legislation

Noise is both a local and a global problem. Governments in every country have a responsibilityto set up policies and legislation for controlling community noise. There is a direct relationshipbetween the level of development in a country and the degree of noise pollution impacting itspeople. As a society develops, it increases its level of urbanization and industrialization, and theextent of its transportation system. Each of these developments brings an increase in noise load.Without appropriate intervention the noise impact on communities will escalate (see Figure 5.3).If governments implement only weak noise policies and regulations, they will not be able toprevent a continuous increase in noise pollution and associated adverse health effects. Failure toenforce strong regulations is ineffective in combating noise as well.

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Figure 5.3. Relationship between noise regulation and impact with development (fromHede 1998b)

Policies for noise regulatory standards at the municipal, regional, national and supranationallevels are usually determined by the legislatures. The regulatory standards adopted stronglydepend on the risk management strategies of the legislatures, and can be influenced bysociopolitical considerations and/or international agreements. Although regulatory standardsmay be country specific, in general the following issues are taken into consideration:

a. Identification of the adverse public health effects that are to be avoided.

b. Identification of the population to be protected.

c. The type of parameters describing noise and the limit applicable to the parameters.

d. Applicable monitoring methodology and its quality assurance.

e. Enforcement procedures to achieve compliance with noise regulatory standardswithin a defined time frame.

f. Emission control measures and emission regulatory standards.

g. Immission standards (limits for sound pressure levels).

h. Identification of authorities responsible for enforcement.

i. Resource commitment.

Regulatory standards may be based solely on scientific and technical data showing the adverseeffects of noise on public health. But other aspects are usually considered, either when settingstandards or when designing appropriate noise abatement measures. These other aspects includethe technological feasibility, costs of compliance, prevailing exposure levels, and the social,


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Industrial Development of SocietyIndustrial Development of Society

Strong NoiseStrong NoiseRegulationRegulation

No NoiseNo NoiseRegulationRegulation

Weak NoiseWeak NoiseRegulationRegulation

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economic and cultural conditions. Several standards may be set. For example, effect-orientedregulatory standards may be set as a long-term goal, while less-stringent standards are adoptedfor the short term. As a consequence, noise regulatory standards differ widely from country tocountry (WHO 1995a; Gottlob 1995).

Noise regulatory standards can set the reference point for emission control and abatementpolicies at the national, regional or municipal levels, and can thus strongly influence theimplementation of noise control policies. In many countries, exceeding regulatory standards islinked to an obligation to develop abatement action plans at the municipal, regional or nationallevels (low-noise implementation plans). Such plans have to address all relevant sources ofnoise pollution.

5.7.2. Examples of noise policies

Different countries have adopted a range of policies and regulations for noise control. A numberof these are outlined in this section as examples.

Argentina. In Argentina, a national law recently limited the daily 8-h exposure to industrialnoise to 80 dB, and it has had beneficial effects on hearing impairment and other hearingdisorders among workers. In general, industry has responded by introducing constant controlson noise sources, combined with hearing tests and medical follow-ups for workers. Factoryowners have recruited permanent health and safety engineers who control noise, supply adviceon how to make further improvements, and routinely assess excessive noise levels. Theengineers also provide education in personal protection and in the correct use of ear plugs,mufflers etc.

At the municipal level two types of noise have been considered. Unnecessary noise, which isforbidden; and excessive noise, which is defined for neighbourhood activities (zones), and forwhich both day and night-time maximum limits have been introduced. The results have beenrelatively successful in mitigating unwanted noise effects. At the provincial level, similar resultshave been accomplished for many cities in Argentina and Latin America.

Australia. In Australia, the responsibility for noise control is shared primarily by state and localgovernments. There are nationally-agreed regulatory standards for airport planning and newvehicle noise emissions. The Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) index is used todescribe how much aircraft noise is received at locations around an airport (DoTRS 1999).Around all airports, planning controls restrict the construction of dwellings within the 25 ANEFexposure contour and require sound insulation for those within 20 ANEF. Road traffic noiselimits are set by state governments, but vary considerably in both the exposure metric and inmaximum allowable levels. New vehicles are required to comply with stringent design rules fornoise and air emissions. For example, new regulation in New South Wales adopts LAeq as themetric and sets noise limits of 60 dBA for daytime, and 55 dBA for night-time, along new roads.Local governments set regulations restricting noise emissions for household equipment, such asair conditioners, and the hours of use for noisy machines such as lawn mowers.

Europe. In Europe, noise legislation is not generally enforced. As a result, environmental noise

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levels are often higher than the legislated noise limits. Moreover, there is a gap between long-term political goals and what represents a “good acoustical environment”. One reason for thisgap is that noise pollution is most commonly regulated only for new land use or for thedevelopment of transportation systems, whereas enlargements at existing localities may beapproved even though noise limits or guideline values are already surpassed (Gottlob 1995). Acomprehensive overview of the noise situation in Europe is given in the Green Paper (EU1996b), which was established to give noise abatement a higher priority in policy making. TheGreen Paper outlines a new framework for noise policy in Europe with the following options forfuture action:

a. Harmonizing the methods for assessing noise exposure, and encouraging theexchange of information among member states.

b. Establishing plans to reduce road traffic noise by applying newer technologies andfiscal instruments.

c. Paying more attention to railway noise in view of the future extension of railnetworks.

d. Introducing more stringent regulation on air transport and using economicinstruments to encourage compliance.

e. Simplifying the existing seven regulations on outdoor equipment by proposing aFramework Directive that covers a wider range of equipment, including constructionmachines and others.

Pakistan. In Pakistan, the Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for the control of airpollution nationwide. However, only recently have controls been enforced in Sindh in anattempt to raise public awareness and carry out administrative control on road vehicles producingnoise (Zaidi, personal communication).

South Africa. In South Africa, noise control is three decades old. It began with codes ofpractice issued by the South African Bureau of Standards to address noise pollution in varioussectors of the country (e.g. see SABS 1994 1996; and the contribution of Grond in Appendix 2).In 1989, the Environment Conservation Act made provision for the Minister of EnvironmentalAffairs and Tourism to make regulations for noise, vibration and shock (DEAT 1989). Theseregulations were published in 1990 and local authorities could apply to the Minister to makethem applicable in their areas. Later, the act was changed to make it obligatory for all authoritiesto apply the regulations. However, according to the new Constitution of South Africa of 1996,legislative responsibility for noise control rests exclusively with provincial and local authorities.The noise control regulations will apply to local authorities in South Africa as soon as they arepublished in the provinces. This will not only give local authorities the power to enforce theregulations, but also place an obligation on them to see that the regulations are enforced.

Thailand. In 1996, noise pollution regulations in Thailand stipulated that not more than 70 dBALAeq,24h should be allowed in residential areas, and the maximum level of noise in industry

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should be no more than 85 dBA Leq 8h (Prasansuk 1997).

United States of America. Environmental noise was not addressed as a national policy issue inthe USA until the implementation of the Noise Control Act of 1972. This congressional actdirected the US Environmental Protection Agency to publish scientific information about noiseexposure and its effects, and to identify acceptable levels of noise exposure under variousconditions. The Noise Control Act was supposed to protect the public health and well-beingwith an adequate margin of safety. This was accomplished in 1974 with the publication of theUS EPA "Levels Document" (US EPA 1974). It addressed issues such as the use of sounddescriptions to describe sound exposure, the identification of the most important human effectsresulting from noise exposure, and the specification of noise exposure criteria for various effects.Subsequent to the publication of the US EPA "Levels Document", guidelines for conductingenvironmental impact analysis were developed (Finegold et al. 1998). The day-night averagesound level was thus established as the predominant sound descriptor for most environmentalnoise exposure.

It is evident from these examples that noise policies and regulations vary considerably acrosscountries and regions. Moves towards global noise policies need to be encouraged to ensure thatthe world population gains the maximum health benefits from new developments in noisecontrol.

5.7.3. Noise emission standards have proven to be inadequate

Much of the progress towards solving the noise pollution problem has come from advancedtechnology, which in turn has come about mainly as a result of governmental regulations (e.g.OECD-ECMT 1995). So far, however, the introduction of noise emission standards for vehicleshas had limited impact on exposure to transportation noise, especially from aircraft and roadtraffic noise (Sandberg 1995). In part, this is because changes in human behaviour (of polluters,planners and citizens) have tended to offset some of the gains made. For example, mitigationefforts such as developing quieter vehicles, moving people to less noise-exposed areas,improving traffic systems and direct noise abatement and control (sound insulation, barriers etc.),have been counteracted by increases in the number of roads and highways built, by the numberof traffic movements, and by higher driving speeds and the number of kilometers driven (OECD1991; OECD-ECMT 1995).

Traffic planning and correction policies may diminish the number of people exposed to the veryhigh community noise levels (>70 dB LAeq), but the number exposed to moderately high levels(55-65 dB LAeq) continues to increase in industrialized countries (Stanners & Bordeau 1995).In developing countries, exposure to excessive sound pressure levels (>85 dB LAeq), not onlyfrom occupational noise but also from urban, environmental noise, is the major avoidable causeof permanent hearing impairment (Smith 1998). Such sound pressure levels can also be reachedby leisure activities at concerts, discotheques, motor sports and shooting ranges; by music playedback in headphones; and by impulse noises from toys and fireworks.

A substantial growth in air transport is also expected in the future. Over the next 10 years largeinternational airports may have to accommodate a doubling in passenger movements. General

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aviation noise at regional airports is also expected to increase (Large & House 1989). Althoughjet aircraft are expected to become less noisy due to regulation of noise emissions (ICAO 1993),the number of passengers is expected to increase. Increased air traffic movement between 1980and 1990 is considered to be the main reason for the average 22% increase in the number ofpeople exposed to noise above 67 dB LAeq at German airports (OECD 1993).

5.7.4. Unsustainable trends in noise pollution future policy planning

A number of trends are expected to increase environmental noise pollution, and are considered tobe unsustainable in the long term. The OECD (1991) identified the following factors to be ofincreasing importance in the future:

a. The expanding use of increasingly powerful sources of noise.

b. The wider geographical dispersion of noise sources, together with greater individualmobility and spread of leisure activities.

c. The increasing invasion of noise, particularly into the early morning, evenings andweekends.

d. The increasing public expectations that are closely linked to increases in incomes andin education levels.

Apart from these, increased noise pollution is also linked to systemic changes in businesspractices (OECD-ECMT 1995). By accepting a just-in-time concept in transportation, productsand components are stored in heavy-duty vehicles on roads, instead of in warehouses; andworkers are recruited as temporary consultants just in time for the work, instead of as long-termemployees.

In addition, the OECD (1991) report forecasts:

a. A strengthening of present noise abatement policies and their applications.

b. A further sharpening of emission standards.

c. A co-ordination of noise abatement measures and transport planning, to specificallyreduce mobility.

d. A co-ordination of noise abatement measures with urban planning.

Planners need to know the likely effects of introducing a new noise source, or of increasing thelevel of an existing source, on the noise pollution in a community. Policy makers, whenconsidering applications for new developmental projects, must take into account maximumlevels, continuous equivalent sound pressure levels of both the background and the new noisesource, the frequency of noise occurrence and the operating times of major noise sources.

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5.7.5. Analysis of the impact of environmental noise

The concept of an environmental noise impact analysis (ENIA) is central to the philosophy ofmanaging environmental noise. An ENIA should be required before implementing any projectthat would significantly increase the level of environmental noise in a community (typically,greater than a 5dB increase). The first step in performing an ENIA is to develop a baselinedescription of the existing noise environment. Next, the expected level of noise from a newsource is added to the baseline exposure level to produce the new overall noise level. If the newtotal noise level is expected to cause an unacceptable impact on human health, trade-off analysesshould then be performed to assess the cost, technical feasibility and community acceptance ofnoise mitigation measures. It is strongly recommended that countries develop standardizedprocedures for performing ENIAs (Finegold et al. 1998; SABS 1998).

Assessment of adverse health effects. In setting noise standards (for example on the basis ofthese guidelines), the adverse health effects from which the population is to be protected need tobe defined. Health effects range from hearing impairment to sleep disturbance, speechinterference to annoyance. The distinction between adverse and non-adverse effects sometimesposes considerable difficulties. Even the elaborate definition of an adverse health effect given inChapter 3 incorporates significant subjectivity and uncertainty. More serious noise effects, suchas hearing impairment or permanent threshold shift, are generally accepted as adverse.Consideration of health effects that are both temporary and reversible, or that involve functionalchanges with uncertain clinical significance, requires a judgement on whether these less-seriouseffects should be considered when deriving guideline values. Judgements as to the adversity ofhealth effects may differ between countries, because of factors such as cultural backgrounds anddifferent levels of health status.

Estimation of the population at risk. The population at risk is that part of the population in agiven country or community that is exposed to enhanced levels of noise. Each population hassensitive groups or subpopulations that are at higher risk of developing health effects due tonoise exposure. Sensitive groups include individuals impaired by concurrent diseases or otherphysiological limitations and those with specific characteristics that makes them more vulnerableto noise (e.g. premature babies; see the contribution of Zaidi in Appendix 2). The sensitivegroups in a population may vary across countries due to differences in medical care, nutritionalstatus, lifestyle and demographic factors, prevailing genetic factors, and whether endemic ordebilitating diseases are prevalent.

Calculation of exposure-response relationships. In developing standards, regulators shouldconsider the degree of uncertainty in the exposure-response relationships provided in the noiseguidelines. Differences in the population structure (age, health status), climate (temperature,humidity) and geography (altitude, environment) can influence the prevalence and severity ofnoise-related health effects. In consequence, modified exposure-response relationships may needto be applied when setting noise standards.

Assessment of risks and their acceptability. In the absence of distinct thresholds for the onset ofhealth effects, regulators must determine what constitutes an acceptable health risk for thepopulation and select an appropriate noise standard to protect public health. This is also true in

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cases where thresholds are present, but where it would not be feasible to adopt noise guidelinesas standards because of economical and/or technical constraints. The acceptability of the risksinvolved, and hence the standards selected, will depend on several factors. These include theexpected incidence and severity of the potential effects, the size of the population at risk, theperception of related risks, and the degree of scientific uncertainty that the effects will occur atany given noise level. For example, if it is suspected that a health effect is severe and the size ofthe population at risk is large, a more cautious approach would be appropriate than if the effectwere less troubling, or if the population were smaller.

Again, the acceptability of risk may vary among countries because of differences in socialnorms, and the degree of adversity and risk perception by the general population andstakeholders. Risk acceptability is also influenced by how the risks associated with noisecompare with risks from other pollution sources or human activities.

5.7.6. Cost-benefit analysis

In the derivation of noise standards from noise guidelines two different approaches for decisionmaking can be applied. Decisions can be based purely on health, cultural and environmentalconsequences, with little weight to economic efficiency. This approach has the objective ofreducing the risk of adverse noise effects to a socially acceptable level. The second approach isbased on a formal cost-effectiveness, or cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The objective is to identifycontrol actions that achieve the greatest net economic benefit, or are the most economicallyefficient. The development of noise standards should account for both extremes, and involvestakeholders and assure social equity to all the parties involved. It should also provide sufficientinformation to guarantee that stakeholders understand the scientific and economic consequences.

To determine the costs of control action, the abatement measures used to reduce emissions mustbe known. This is usually the case for direct measures at the source and these measures can bemonetarized. Costs of action should include all costs of investment, operation and maintenance.It may not be possible to monetarize indirect measures, such as alternative traffic plans or changein behaviour of individuals.

The steps in a cost-benefit analysis include:

a. The identification and cost analysis of control action (such as emission abatementstrategies and tactics).

b. An assessment of noise and population exposure, with and without the control action.

c. The identification of benefit categories, such as improved health and reduced propertyloss.

d. A comparison of the health effects, with and without control action.

e. A comparison of the estimated costs of control action with the benefits that accruefrom such action.

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f. A sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.

Action taken to reduce one pollutant may increase or decrease the concentration of otherpollutants. These additional effects should be considered, as well as pollutant interactions thatmay lead to double counting of costs or benefits, or to disregarding some costly but necessaryaction. Due to different levels of knowledge about the costs of control action and health effects,there is a tendency to overestimate the cost of control action and underestimate the benefits.

CBA is a highly interdisciplinary task. Appropriately applied, it is a legitimate and useful way ofproviding information for managers who must make decisions that impact health. CBA is alsoan appropriate tool for drawing the attention of politicians to the benefits of noise control. In anycase, however, a CBA should be peer-reviewed and never be used as the sole and overridingdeterminant of decisions.

5.7.7. Review of standard setting

The setting of standards should involve stakeholders at all levels (industry, local authorities, non-governmental organizations and the general public), and should strive for social equity orfairness to all parties involved. It should also provide sufficient information to guarantee that thescientific and economic consequences of the proposed standards are clearly understood by thestakeholders. The earlier that stakeholders are involved, the more likely is their co-operation.Transparency in moving from noise guidelines to noise standards helps to increase publicacceptance of necessary measures. Raising public awareness of noise-induced health effects(changing of risk perception) also leads to a better understanding of the issues involved (riskcommunication) and serves to obtain public support for necessary control action, such asreducing vehicle emissions. Noise standards should be regularly reviewed, and revised as newscientific evidence emerges.

5.7.8. Enforcement of noise standards: Low-noise implementation plans

The main objective of enforcing noise standards is to achieve compliance with the standards.The instrument used to achieve this goal is a Low-Noise Implementation Plan (LNIP). Theoutline of such a plan should be defined in the regulatory policies and should use the tacticalinstruments discussed above. A typical low-noise implementation plan includes:

a. A description of the area to be regulated.

b. An emissions inventory.

c. A monitored or simulated inventory of noise levels.

d. A comparison of the plan with emissions and noise standards or guidelines.

e. An inventory of the health effects.

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f. A causal analysis of the health effects and their attribution to individual sources.

g. An analysis of control measures and their costs.

h. An analysis of transportation and land-use planning.

i. Enforcement procedures.

j. An analysis of the effectiveness of the noise management procedures.

k. An analysis of resource commitment.

l. Projections for the future.

As the LNIP also addresses the effectiveness of noise control technologies and policies, it is verymuch in line with the Noise Control Assessment Programme (NCAP) proposed recently(Finegold et al. 1999).

5.8. Conclusions on Noise Management

Successful noise management should be based on the fundamental principles of precaution, thepolluter pays and prevention. The noise abatement strategy typically starts with the developmentof noise standards or guidelines, and the identification, mapping and monitoring of noise sourcesand exposed communities. A powerful tool in developing and applying the control strategy is tomake use of modeling. These models need to be validated by monitoring data. Noise parametersrelevant to the important sources of noise must be known. Indoor noise exposures presentspecific and complex problems, but the general principles for noise management hold. The mainmeans for noise control in buildings include careful site investigations, adequate building designsand building codes, effective means for addressing occupant complaints and symptoms, andbuilding diagnostic procedures.

Noise control should include measures to limit the noise at the source, to control the soundtransmission path, to protect the receiver’s site, to plan land use, and to raise public awareness.With careful planning, exposure to noise can be avoided or reduced. Control options should takeinto account the technical, financial, social, health and environmental factors of concern. Cost-benefit relationships, as well as the cost-effectiveness of the control measures, must beconsidered in the context of the social and financial situation of each country. A framework for apolitical, regulatory and administrative approach is required for the consistent and transparentpromulgation of noise standards. Examples are given for some countries, which may guideothers in their development of noise policies.

Noise management should:

a. Start monitoring human exposures to noise.

b. Have health control require mitigation of noise emissions. The mitigation procedures

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should take into consideration specific environments such as schools, playgrounds,homes and hospitals; environments with multiple noise sources, or which mayamplify the effects of noise; sensitive time periods, such as evenings, nights andholidays; and groups at high risk, such as children and the hearing impaired.

c. Consider noise consequences when making decisions on transport-system and land-use planning.

d. Introduce surveillance systems for noise-related adverse health effects.

e. Assess the effectiveness of noise policies in reducing noise exposure and relatedadverse health effects, and in improving supportive "soundscapes."

a. Adopt these Guidelines for Community Noise as long-term targets for improvinghuman health.

g. Adopt precautionary actions for sustainable development of acoustical environments.

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6. Conclusions And Recommendations

6.1. Implementation of the Guidelines

The potential health effects of community noise include hearing impairment; startle and defensereactions; aural pain; ear discomfort speech interference; sleep disturbance; cardiovasculareffects; performance reduction; and annoyance responses. These health effects, in turn, can leadto social handicap; reduced productivity; decreased performance in learning; absenteeism in theworkplace and school; increased drug use; and accidents. In addition to health effects ofcommunity noise, other impacts are important such as loss of property value. In these guidelinesthe international literature on the health effects of community noise was reviewed and used toderive guideline values for community noise. Besides the health effects of noise, the issues ofnoise assessment and noise management were also addressed. Other issues considered werepriority setting in noise management; quality assurance plans; and the cost-efficiency of controlactions. The aim of the guidelines is to protect populations from the adverse health impacts ofnoise.

The following recommendations were considered appropriate:

a. Governments should consider the protection of populations from community noise asan integral part of their policy for environmental protection.

b. Governments should consider implementing action plans with short-term, medium-term and long-term objectives for reducing noise levels.

c. Governments should adopt the health guidelines for community noise as targets to beachieved in the long-term.

a. Governments should include noise as an important issue when assessing public healthmatters and support more research related to the health effects of noise exposure.

a. Legislation should be enacted to reduce sound pressure levels, and existing legislationshould be enforced.

b. Municipalities should develop low-noise implementation plans.

c. Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses should be considered as potentialinstruments when making management decisions.

d. Governments should support more policy-relevant research into noise pollution (seesection 6.3).

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6.2. Further WHO Work on Noise

The WHO Expert Task Force proposed several issues for future work in the field of communitynoise. These are:

a. The WHO should consider updating the guidelines on a regular basis.

b. The WHO should provide leadership and technical direction in defining futureresearch priorities into noise.

c. The WHO should organize workshops on the application of the guidelines.

d. The WHO should provide leadership and co-ordinate international efforts to developtechniques for the design of supportive sound environments (e.g. ‘soundscapes”).

e. The WHO should provide leadership for programmes to assess the effectiveness ofhealth-related noise policies and regulations.

f. The WHO should provide leadership and technical direction for the development ofsound methodologies for EIAP and EHIAP.

g. The WHO should encourage further investigation into using noise exposure as anindicator of environmental deterioration, such as found in black spots in cities.

a. The WHO should provide leadership, technical support and advice to developingcountries, to facilitate the development of noise policies and noise management.

6.3. Research Needs

In the publication entitled “Community Noise”, examples of essential research and developmentneeds were given (Berglund & Lindvall 1995). In part, the scientific community has alreadyaddressed these issues.

A major step forward in raising public awareness and that of decision makers is therecommendation of the present Expert Task Force to concentrate more on variables which havemonetary consequences. This means that research should consider the dose-responserelationships between sound pressure levels and politically relevant variables, such asnoise-induced social handicap, reduced productivity, decreased performance in learning,workplace and school absenteeism, increased drug use and accidents.

There is also a need for continued efforts to understand community noise and its effects on thehealth of the world population. Below is a list of essential research needs in non-prioritizedorder. Research priorities may vary over time and by place and capabilities. The main goal insuggesting these research activities is to improve the scientific basis for policy-making and noisemanagement. This will protect and improve the public health with regard to the effects ofcommunity noise pollution.

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Research related to measurement and monitoring systems for health effects

• Development of a global noise impact monitoring study. The study should be designed toobtain longitudinal data across countries on the health effects on communities of varioustypes of environmental noise. A baseline survey could be undertaken in both developed anddeveloping countries and monitoring surveys conducted every 3-5 years. Since a nationalmap of noise exposure from all sources would be prohibitively expensive, periodic surveys ofa representative sample of about 1000 people (using standard probability techniques) couldbe reliably generalized to the whole population of a country with an accuracy of plus-or-minus 3%. A small number of standard questions could be used across countries to obtaincomparative data on the impact of all the main types of noise pollution.

• Development of continuous monitoring systems for direct health effects in critical locations.

• Development of standardized methods for low-cost assessment of local sound levels bymeasurement or model calculations.

• Development of instruments appropriate for local/regional surveys of people’s perceptions oftheir noise/sound environments.

• Protocols for reliable measurements of high-frequency hearing (8000 Hz and above) and forevaluation of such measures as early biomarkers for hearing impairment/deficits.

Research related to combined noise sources and combined health effects

• Research into the combined health effects of traffic noise, with emphasis on the distributionof sound levels over time and over population sub-environments (time-activity pattern).

• Comprehensive studies on combined noise sources and their combinations of health effects inthe 3 large areas of transport (road, rail and aircraft).

• Procedures for evaluating the various health effects of complex combined noise exposuresover 24 hours on vulnerable groups and on the general population.

• Methods for assessing the total health effect from noise immission (and also other pollution)in sensitive areas (for example, airports, city centers and heavily-trafficked highways)

Research related to direct and/or long-term health effects (sensitive risk groups,sensitive areas and combined exposures)

• Identification of potential risk groups, including identification of sensitive individuals (suchas people with particular health problems; people dealing with complex cognitive tasks; theblind; the hearing impaired; young children and the elderly), differences between sexes,discrimination of risk among age groups, and influence of transportation noise on pregnancycourse and on fetal development.

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• Studies of dose-response relationships for various effects, and for continuous transportationnoise at relatively low levels of exposure and low number of noise events per unit time(including traffic flow composition).

• Studies on the perception of control of noise exposure, genetic traits, coping strategies andnoise annoyance as modifiers of the effects of noise on the cardiovascular system, and ascauses of variability in individual responses to noise.

• Prospective longitudinal studies of transportation noise that examine physiological measuresof health, including standardized health status inventory, blood pressure, neuro-endocrineand immune function.

• Knowledge on the health effects of low-frequency components in noise and vibration.

Research related to indirect or after-effects of noise exposure

• Field studies on the effects of exposure to specific sounds such as aircraft noise and loudmusic, including effects such as noise-induced temporary and permanent threshold shifts,speech perception and misperception, tinnitus and information retrieval.

• Studies on the influence of noise-induced sleep disturbance on health, work performance,accident risk and social life.

• Assessment of dose-response relationships between sound levels and politically relevantvariables such as noise-induced social handicap, reduced productivity, decreasedperformance in learning, workplace and school absenteeism, increased drug use andaccidents.

• Determination of the causal connection between noise and mental health effects, annoyanceand (spontaneous) complaints in areas such as around large airports, heavy-traffickedhighways, high-speed rail tracks and heavy vehicles transit routes. The connections could beexamined by longitudinal studies, for example.

• Studies on the impact of traffic noise on recovery from noise-related stress, or from nervoussystem hyperactivity due to work and other noise exposures.

Research on the efficiency of noise abatement policies which are health based

• Determination of the accuracy and effectiveness of modern sound insulation (active noiseabsorption), especially in residential buildings, in reducing the long-term effects of noise onannoyance/sleep disturbance/speech intelligibility. This can be accomplished by studyingsites that provide data on remedial activities and changes in behavioral patterns amongoccupants.

• Evaluation of environmental (area layout, architecture) and traffic planning (e.g. rerouting)interventions on annoyance, speech interference and sleep disturbance.

• Comparative studies to determine whether children and the hearing impaired have equitableaccess to healthier lives when compared with normal adults in noise-exposed areas.

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• Development of a methodology for the environmental health impact assessment of noise thatis applicable in developing as well as developed countries.

Research into positive acoustical needs of the general population and vulnerablegroups

• Development of techniques/protocols for the design of supportive acoustical environmentsfor the general population and for vulnerable groups. The protocols should take into accounttime periods that are sensitive from physiological, psychological and socio-culturalperspectives.

• Studies to characterize good “restoration areas” which provide the possibility for rest withoutadverse noise load.

• Studies to assess the effectiveness of noise policies in maintaining and improvingsoundscapes and reducing human exposures.

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Appendix 1 : Bibliographical References

AAP 1997 Noise: A hazard for the fetus and newborn. American Academy of Pediatrics.Committee on Environmental Health. Pediatrics 100: 724-27.

Altena K 1987 Medische gevolgen van lawaai. Report GA-HR-03-01, Ministerie vanVolkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieu, Den Haag, Netherlands.

ANSI 1994 American National Standard Acoustical Terminology. ANSI S.1.-1994, AmericanNational Standards Institute, Inc., New York, NY, USA.

ANSI 1995 American National Standard Bioacoustical Terminology. ANSI S3.20-1995,American National Standards Institute, Inc., New York, NY, USA.

ANSI 1997 Methods for the Calculation of the Speech Intelligibility Index, American NationalStandard 3.5, American National Standard Institute, New York, NY, USA.

ASTM 1992 Standard Guide for Field Measurement of Airborne Sound Insulation of BuildingFacades and Facade Elements, ASTM E966, American Society For Testing and Materials,Philadelphia, West Conshohocken, PA, USA.

ASTM 1994a Classification of Rating Sound Insulation, ASTM E413, American Society ForTesting and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, USA .

ASTM 1994b Standard Classification for Determination of Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class,ASTM E1332, American Society For Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

ASTM 1994c Standard Classification for Determination of Impact Insulation Class (IIC), ASTME989, American Society For Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

ASTM 1996 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Impact Sound Transmissionthrough Floor-ceiling Assemblies using the Tapping Machine, ASTM E492, AmericanSociety For Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

ASTM 1997 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne SoundTransmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements, ASTM E90, American Society ForTesting and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, USA .

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Axelsson A and Prasher DK 1999. Tinnitus: A warning signal to teenagers attendingdiscotheques? Noise & Health 2: 1-2.

Babisch W 1998a Epidemiological studies on cardiovascular effects of traffic noise. In D.Prasher, D. and L. Luxon, L. (eds.) Advances in Noise Series, Vol. I: Biological Effects, pp.312-327. Whurr Publishers, London, UK.

Babisch W 1998b Epidemiological studies of cardiovascular effects of traffic noise. In N.L.Carter and R.F.S. Job (eds.) Noise as a Public Health Problem (Noise Effects ’98), Vol. 1, pp.221-229. Noise Effects ’98 PTY Ltd., Sydney, Australia.

Babisch W and Ising H 1989 Zum Einfluss von Musik in Diskotheken auf die Hörfähigkeit vonJugendlichen. Sozial- und Präventivmedizin 34: 239-243.

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Babisch W, Ising H, Gallacher JE, Sweetnam PM, Elwood PC 1999 Traffic noise andcardiovascular risk: The Caerphilly and Speedwell studies, third phase 10-year follow up.Archives of Environmental Health 54: 210-216.

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Beranek LL 1971 Noise and Vibration Control. McGraw Hill, New York, USA.Beranek LL 1989 Balanced Noise Criterion (NCB) Curves. Journal of the Acoustical Society of

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Berglund B and Lindvall T (Eds.) 1995 Community Noise. Document prepared for the WorldHealth Organization. Archives of the Center for Sensory Research, 2: 1-195. A reprint of thisdocument with corrections of language and references has been published in 1998. The 1995document can be addressed on the Internet address

Berglund B and Nilsson ME 1997 Empirical issues concerning annoyance models for combinedcommunity noise. In F. Augustinovicz (ed.) Inter Noise 97. Help Quiet the World for a HigherQuality Life, Vol. 2, pp. 1053-58. Noise Control Foundation, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA.

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Appendix 2 : Examples Of Regional Noise Situations


Latin America (Guillermo Fuchs, Argentina).

As more and more cities in Latin America surpass the 20 million inhabitants mark, the noisepollution situation will continue to deteriorate. Most noise pollution in Latin American citiescomes from traffic, industry, domestic situations and from the community. Traffic is the mainsource of outdoor noise in most big cities. The increase in automobile engine power and lack ofadequate silencing results in LAeq street levels >70 dB, above acceptable limits. Vehicle noisehas strong low-frequency peaks at ~13 Hz, and at driving speeds of 100 Km/h noise levels canexceed 100 dB. The low-frequency (LF) noise is aerodynamic in origin produced, for example,by driving with the car windows open. Little can be done to mitigate these low-frequencynoises, except to drive with all the windows closed. Noise exposure due to leisure activities suchas carting, motor racing and Walkman use is also growing at a fast rate. Walkman use in thestreet not only contributes to temporary threshold shifts (TTS) in hearing, but also endangers theuser because they may not hear warning signals Construction sites, pavement repairs andadvertisem*nts also contribute to street noise, and noise levels of 85–100 dB are common.

The Centro de Investigaciones Acústicas y Luminotécnicas (CIAL) in Córdoba, Argentina hasinvestigated noise pollution in both the field and in the laboratory. The most noticeable effect ofexcessive urban noise is hearing impairment, but other psychophysiological effects also result.For example, tinnitus resulting from sudden or continuous noise bursts, can produce a TTS of20–30 dB, and prolonged exposures can result in permanent threshold shifts (PTS). Byanalyzing sound spectra down to a few Hertz, and at levels of up to 120 dB, discrete frequenciesand bands of infrasound were found which damage hearing. With LF sounds at levels of 120 dB,TTS resulted after brief exposure, and PTS after only 30 min of exposure. The effects of noiseon hearing can be especially detrimental to children in schools located downtown. Field studiesin Córdoba city schools located near streets with high traffic density showed that speechintelligibility was dramatically degraded in classrooms that did not meet international acousticalstandards. This is a particularly worrying problem for the younger students, who are in theprocess of language acquisition, and interferes with their learning process.

In general, community noise in Latin America remains above accepted limits. Particularly atnight, sleep and rest are affected by transient noise signals from electronically amplified sounds,music and propaganda. Field research was carried out in four zones of Buenos Aires, todetermine the effects of urban noise on the well-being, health and activities of the inhabitants.The effects of confounding variables were taken into consideration. It was concluded that night-time noise levels in downtown Buenos Aires were barely lower than daytime levels. The resultsshowed that sleep, concentration, communication and well-being were affected in most peoplewhen noise levels exceeded those permitted by international laws. The reactions of theinhabitants to protect themselves from the effects of noise varied, and included changing rooms,closing windows and complaining to authorities.

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Individual responses to noise also vary, and depend on factors such as social, educational andeconomic levels, individual sensibility, attitudes towards noise, satisfaction with home orneighborhood, and cognitive and affective parameters. For example, at CIAL, two pilot studieswere carried out with a group of adolescents to determine the influence of environmentalconditions on the perception of noise. When music was played at very high sound levels (withsound peaks of 119 dBA) in a discotheque, judged to be a pleasant environment, the subjectsshowed less TTS than when exposed to the same music in the laboratory, which was consideredto be an unpleasant environment.

At the municipal level Argentinean Ordinances consider two types of noises: unnecessary andexcessive. Unnecessary noises are forbidden. Excessive noises are classified according toneighboring activities and are limited by maximum levels allowed for daytime (7 am to 10 pm)and night-time (10 pm to 7 am). This regulation has been relatively successful, but control has tobe continuous. Similar actions have been prescribed at the provincial level in many cities ofArgentina and Latin America. Control efforts aimed at reducing noise levels from individualvehicles are showing reasonably good improvements. However, many efforts of municipalauthorities to mitigate noise pollution have failed because of economic, political and otherpressures. For example, although noise control for automobiles has shown some improvement,efforts have been counteracted by the growth in the number and power of automobiles.

CIAL has designed both static and dynamic tests that can be used to set annual noise controllimits. For roads and freeways where permitted speeds are above 80 Km/h, CIAL has alsodesigned barriers which protect buildings lining the freeways. Considerable improvements havebeen obtained using these barriers with noise reductions of over 20 dB at buildings fronts. Themost common types of barrier are concrete slabs or wooden structures, made translucent orcovered with vegetation. Planted vegetation does not act as an efficient noise shield for freewaynoise, except in cases of thick forest strips. In several cities, CIAL also designed ring roads toavoid heavy traffic along sensitive areas such as hospitals, schools and laboratories.

Efforts have not been successful in reducing the noise pollution from popular sports such ascarting, motorboating and motocross, where noise levels can exceed 100 dB. In part, this isbecause individuals do not believe these activities can result in hearing impairment or have otherdetrimental effects, in spite of the scientific evidence. Argentinean and other Latin Americanauthorities also have not been successful in reducing the sound levels from music centres, suchas discotheques, where sound levels can exceed 100 dB between 11 pm and 6 am. However,public protest is increasing and municipal authorities have been applying some control. Forinstance, in big cities, discotheque owners and others are beginning to seek advice on how toisolate their businesses from apartment buildings and residential areas. Some improvementshave been observed, but accepted limits have not yet been generally attained.

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United States of America (Larry Finegold)

Noise Exposure .

In the United States, there have only been a few major attempts to describe broad environmentalnoise exposures. Early estimates for the average daily exposure of various population groupswere reported in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Levels Document (US EPA 1974),but these were only partially verified by subsequent large-scale measurements. Another EPApublication the same year provided estimates of the national population distribution as a functionof outdoor noise level, and established population density as the primary predictor of acommunity’s noise exposure (Galloway et al. 1974). Methodological issues that need beconsidered when measuring community noise, including both temporal and geographic samplingtechniques, have been addressed by Eldred (1975). This paper also provided early quantitativeestimates of noise exposure at a variety of sites, from an isolated spot on the North rim of theGrand Canyon to a spot in downtown Harlem in New York City. Another nationwide surveyfocused on exposure to everyday urban noises, rather than the more traditional approach ofmeasuring exposure to high-level transportation noise from aircraft, traffic and rail (Fidell 1978).This study included noise exposure and human response data from over 2 000 participants at 24sites.

A comprehensive report, Noise In America: The Extent of the Problem, included estimates ofoccupational noise exposure in the US in standard industrial classification categories (Bolt,Beranek & Newman, Inc. 1981). A more recent paper reviewed the long-term trends of noiseexposure in the US and its impact over a 30-year time span, starting in the early 1970’s. Thefocus was primarily on motor vehicle and aircraft noise, and the prediction was for steadilydecreasing population-weighted day-night sound exposure (Eldred 1988). However, it remainsto be seen whether the technological improvements in noise emission, such as changing fromChapter 2 to Chapter 3 aircraft, will be offset in the long run by the larger carriers and increasedoperations levels that are forecast for all transportation modes. Although never implemented inits entirety, a comprehensive plan for measuring community environmental noise and associatedhuman responses was proposed over 25 years ago in the US (Sutherland et al. 1973).

Environmental Noise Policy in the United States

One of the first major breakthroughs in developing an environmental noise policy in the UnitedStates occurred in 1969 with the adoption of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).This Congressional Act mandated that the environmental effects of any major developmentproject be assessed if federal funds were involved in the project. Through the Noise Control Act(NCA) of 1972, the U.S. Congress directed the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) topublish scientific information about the kind and extent of all identifiable effects of differentqualities and quantities of noise. The US EPA was also requested to define acceptable noiselevels under various conditions that would protect the public health and welfare with an adequatemargin of safety. To accomplish this objective, the 1974 US EPA Levels Document formallyintroduced prescribed noise descriptors and prescribed levels of environmental noise exposure.Along with its companion document, Guidelines for Preparing Environmental ImpactStatements on Noise, which was published by the U.S. National Research Council in 1977, the

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Levels Document has been the mainstay of U.S. environmental noise policy for nearly a quarterof a century. These documents were supplemented by additional Public Laws, PresidentialExecutive Orders, and many-tiered noise exposure guidelines, regulations, and Standards.Important examples include Guidelines for Considering Noise in Land Use Planning andControl, published in 1980 by the US Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise; andGuidelines for Noise Impact Analysis, published in 1982 by the US EPA.

One of the distinctive features of the US EPA Levels Document is that it does not establishregulatory goals. This is because the noise exposure levels identified in this document weredetermined by a negotiated scientific consensus and were chosen without concern for theireconomic and technological feasibility; they also included an additional margin of safety. Forthese reasons, an A-weighted Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) of 55 dB was selected inthe Levels Document as that required to totally protect against outdoor activity interference andannoyance. Land use planning guidelines developed since its publication allow for an outdoorDNL exposure in non-sensitive areas of up to 65 dB before sound insulation or other noisemitigation measures must be implemented. Thus, separation of short-, medium- and long-termgoals allow noise-exposure goals to be established that are based on human effects research data,yet still allow for the financial and technological constraints within which all countries mustwork.

The US EPA’s Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC) provided a considerable amountof impetus to the development of environmental noise policies for about a decade in the US.During this time, several major US federal agencies, including the US EPA, the Department ofTransportation, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of Defense,and the Federal Interagency Committee on Noise have all published important documentsaddressing environmental noise and its effects on people. Lack of funding, however, has madethe EPA ONAC largely ineffective in the past decade. A new bill, the Quiet Communities Acthas recently been introduced in the U.S. Congress to re-enact and fund this office (House ofRepresentatives Bill, H.R. 536). However, the passage of this bill is uncertain, because noise inthe US, as in Europe, has not received the attention that other environmental issues have, such asair and water quality.

In the USA there is growing debate over whether to continue to rely on the use of DNL (and theA-Weighted Equivalent Continuous Sound Pressure Level upon which DNL is based) as theprimary environmental noise exposure metric, or whether to supplement it with other noisedescriptors. Because a growing number of researchers believe that “Sound Exposure” is moreunderstandable to the public, the American National Standards Institute has prepared a newStandard, which allows the equivalent use of either DNL or Sound Exposure (ANSI 1996). Theprimary purpose of this new standard, however, is to provide a methodology for modeling theCombined or Total Noise Environment, by making numerical adjustments to the exposure levelsfrom various noise sources before assessing their predicted impacts on people. A companionstandard (ANSI 1998) links DNL and Sound Exposure with the current USA land use planningtable. The latter is currently being updated by a team of people from various federal governmentagencies and when completed should improve the capabilities of environmental and communityland-use planners. These documents will complement the newly revised ANSI standard on

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acoustical terminology (ANSI 1994).

To summarize progress in noise control made in the USA in the nearly 25 years since the initialnational environmental noise policy documents were written, the Acoustical Society of Americaheld a special session in Washington, D.C. in 1995. The papers presented in this special sessionwere then published as a collaborative effort between the Acoustical Society of America and theInstitute of Noise Control Engineering (von Gierke & Johnson 1996). This document isavailable from the Acoustical Society of America, as are a wide range of standards related tovarious environmental noise and bioacoustics topics from the ANSI.

A document from the European Union is now also available, which includes guidelines foraddressing noise in environmental assessments (EU 1996). Policy documents from organizationssuch as ISO, CEN, and ICAO have shown that international cooperation is quite possible in theenvironmental noise arena. The ISO document, entitled Acoustics - Description andMeasurement of Environmental Noise (ISO 1996), and other international standards have alreadyproven themselves to be invaluable in moving towards the development of a harmonizedenvironmental noise policy. The best way to move forward in developing a harmonizedenvironmental noise policy is to take a look at the various national policies that have alreadybeen adopted in many countries, including those both from the European member states andfrom the USA, and to decide what improvements need to be made to the existing policydocuments. A solid understanding of the progress that has already been achieved around theworld would obviously provide the foundation for the development of future noise policies.

Implementation Concepts and Tools

Development of appropriate policies, regulations, and standards, particularly in the noisemeasurement and impact assessment areas, is a necessary foundation for implementing effectivenoise abatement policies and noise control programs. A well-trained cadre of environmentalplanners will be needed in the future to perform land-use planning and environmental impactanalysis. These professionals will require both a new generation of standardized noisepropagation models to deal with the Total Noise Environment, as well as sophisticated computer-based impact analysis and land-use planning tools.

A more thorough description of the current noise environment in major cities, suburbs, and ruralareas is needed to support the noise policy development process. A new generation of noisemeasurement and monitoring systems, along with standards related to their use, are alreadyproviding considerable improvement in our ability to accurately describe complex noiseenvironments. Finally, both active and passive noise control technologies, and other noisemitigation techniques, are rapidly becoming available for addressing local noise problems.Combined with a strong public awareness and education program, land-use planning and noiseabatement efforts certainly have the potential to provide us with an environment with acceptablelevels of noise exposure.

ReferencesANSI 1994 American National Samerican Standard Acoustical Terminology. American NationalStandard S1. American National Standards Institute, New York, NY, USA.

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ANSI 1996)Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of EnvironmentalSound - Part 4: Assessment and Prediction of Long-Term Community Response. AmericanNational Standard S12.9-Part 4, American National Standard Institute, New York, NY, USA.ANSI 1998 Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of EnvironmentalSound - Part 5: Sound Level Descriptors for Determination of Compatible Land Use. AmericanNational Standard S12.9-Part 5, American National Standard Institute, New York, NY, USA.Bolt, Beranek, Newman, Inc. (BBN) 1981 Noise in America: The extent of the problem.Cambridge, MA, USA.Eldred km 1975 Assessment of community noise. Noise Control Engineering Journal 3: 88-95.Eldred km 1988 Noise at the year 2000. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress onNoise as a Public Health Problem (B. Berglund et al., eds.). Stockholm: Swedish Council forBuilding Research.Fidell S (1978) Nationwide urban noise survey. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America64: 198-206.Galloway W, Eldred K, and Simpson M 1974 Population distribution of the United States as afunction of outdoor noise. US Environmental Protection Agency Report No. 550/9-74-009.Washington, D.C., USA.Schori JR, McGatha EA (1973) A real-world assessment of noise exposure. Sound andVibration 12: 24-30.Sutherland LC, Braden, MH, and Colman R 1973 A programme for the measurement ofenvironmental noise in the community and its associated human response. Vols. I and II. ReportNo. DOT-TST-74-5, Washington, D.C.: Department of Transportation, Office of NoiseAbatement.US EPA 1974 Information on levels of environmental noise requisite to protect public healthand welfare with an adequate margin of safety. EPA/ONAC Report 550/9-74-004, U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., USA.von Gierke HE, Johnson LC 1996 Noise Control - Where Do We Stand Today? Noise ControlEngineering Journal.

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South Africa (Etienne Grond, South Africa)


Cultural and developmental levels diverge greatly in South Africa, and the country can bedivided into a first world sector, a developing sector and a third world sector. This contributes tohuge variations in both the awareness of noise pollution and in population exposure to noisepollution. Noise-related health problems will in all probability show the same large variations.

Legal requirements

Noise control in South Africa has a history dating back about three decades. Noise control beganwith codes of practice issued by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) to address noisepollution in different sectors. Since then, Section 25 of the Environment Conservation Act (Act73 of 1989) made provision for the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism to regulatenoise, vibration and shock at the national level. These regulations were published in 1990 andlocal authorities could apply to the Minister to make them applicable in their areas ofjurisdiction. However, a number of the bigger local authorities did not apply for the regulationssince they already had by-laws in place, which they felt were sufficient. By the middle of 1992only 29 local authorities had applied the regulations and so the act was changed to make itobligatory for all authorities to apply the regulations. However, by the time the regulations wereready to be published, the new Constitution of South Africa came into effect and this listed noisecontrol as an exclusive legislative competence of provincial and local authorities. This meantthat the national government could not publish the regulations. However, provincialgovernments have agreed to publish the regulations in their respective areas. The regulationswill apply to all local authorities as soon as they are published in the provinces, and will givelocal authorities both the power and the obligation to enforce the regulations.

The Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism also published regulations during 1997to make Environmental Impact Assessments mandatory for most new developments, as well asfor changes in existing developments. This means that any impact that a development mighthave on its surrounding environment must be evaluated and, where necessary, the impact mustbe mitigated to acceptable levels. The noise control regulations also state that a local authoritymay declare a “controlled area,” which is an area where the average noise level exceeds 65 dBAover a period of 24 h period. This means that educational and residential buildings, hospitals andchurches may not be situated within such areas.

Occupational noise exposure is regulated by the Department of Manpower, under theOccupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993). These regulations states that workers maynot be exposed to noise levels of higher than 85 dBA and that those exposed to such levels mustmake use of equipment to protect their hearing. The problem, however, is that most workerstend not to make use of the provided equipment, either because the equipment is notcomfortable, or because they are not aware of the risks high noise levels pose to their hearing. Afurther problem is that small industries often do not supply the workers with the necessary

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equipment, or supply inferior equipment that is less costly.

Codes of practice

The codes of practice issued by the SABS were for the most part replaced by IEC (InternationalElectrotechnical Commission) standards and adopted as SABS ISO codes of practice. They arestill being used in South Africa and are regularly updated. A relevant list can be found in thereferences. The SABS has also published a number of recommended practices (ARP). Theseinclude the ARP 020: “Sound impact investigations for integrated environmental management”that is currently being upgraded to a code of practice. Such codes of practice can be referred toas requirements in legislation and will be known as SABS 0328: “Methods for environmentalnoise impact assessments.” The codes of practice published in South Africa cover hearingprotection; measurement of noise; occupational noise; environmental noise; airplane noise; andbuilding acoustics, etc.


Local authorities responsible for applying regulations published by the Department ofEnvironmental Affairs and Tourism must employ a noise control officer who has at least threeyears tertiary education in engineering, physical sciences or health sciences, and who isregistered with a professional council. Alternatively, a consultant with similar training may beemployed. Most of the universities in South Africa provide the relevant training, with at leastpart of the training in acoustics. Universities and technical colleges also provide a number ofspecial acoustics courses. Over the last couple of years awareness of environmental conservationhas expanded dramatically within the academic community, and most universities and collegesnow have degree courses in environmental management. At the very least, these courses includea six-month module in acoustics, and usually also include training in basic mathematics; thephysics of sound; sound measuring methodologies; and noise pollution.

Community awareness and exposure to noise pollution

This topic should be discussed with respect to three separate population sectors: the first-worldsector (developed), the developing sector and the third-world sector (rural).

Developed sector

This sector of the population is more-or-less as developed as their European and Americancounterparts. They have been exposed to noise pollution for a considerable time and, for themost part, are aware of the health consequences of high noise levels. People in this group arealso aware of the existence of legal measures by which noise pollution can be addressed. Notsurprisingly, most of the complaints and legal action regarding noise pollution are received fromthis group. Information about noise-related health problems is very limited, but because thisgroup is highly aware of the risks posed by high noise levels, future studies will probably showthat people in this category have the fewest health problems. The majority of people in thisgroup are less exposed to high noise levels at work, and they live in more affluent neighborhoodswith large plots and separating walls. Their houses tend to be built with materials that are noise

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reducing. They also live further away from major noise-producing activities, such as highways,airports and large industries.

Developing sector

This sector of the population has the greatest exposure to high noise levels, both at home and inthe workplace. Overall, they are relatively poor and cannot afford to live in quiet areas, or affordlarge plots or solid building materials. A large component of this sector resides in squattercommunities where building are made of any material available, from plastic to corrugatedsheets and wood. The buildings are right next to each other and there is almost no noiseattenuation between residencies.

People in this category usually live close to major access routes into the cities, because theymake use of public transportation and taxis to get to their places of work. Often, too, they liveclose to their places of work, which are usually big industries with relatively high levels of noisepollution. These people usually work in high noise areas, and because of their lack of awarenessof the effects of high noise levels, often do not make use of available hearing protectionequipment. Because of a lack of funds, these people also cannot get out of high noise areas andgo to recreational areas for relaxation and lower noise levels. Not much information is availableon the adverse health problems in this sector. However, workers in this sector should undergoregular medical examinations and the results can be obtained from the industries involved.

Rural sector

As the name suggests, people in this sector live in rural surroundings and for the most part arenot subjected to noise levels that could be detrimental to their health. However, they are almosttotally unaware of the risks posed by high noise levels. Some of these people work on farms andwork with machinery that emits relatively high noise levels, but because of their lack ofawareness they do not make use of hearing protection equipment. One advantage they do have isthat they return to homes in quiet surroundings and their hearing has a chance to recover. Todate, no studies have been carried out to determine the state of their hearing and it would beimpossible to state that they have no health problems related to high noise levels.


Environment Conservation Act (Act No. 73 of 1989) Noise Control Regulations, Ministry ofEnvironmental Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria, South Africa.

Relevant SABS codes of practice:

SABS 083-1996. The measurement and assessment of occupational noise for hearingconservation purposes.

SABS 0103-1994. The measurement and rating of environmental noise with respect toannoyance and speech communication (third revision).

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SABS 0115-1974. The measurement of noise and the determination of disturbance fromaeroplanes for certification purposes.

SABS 0117-1974. The determination and limitation of disturbance around an aerodrome due tonoise from aeroplanes (Amendment no 1 - 1984).

SABS 0205-1986. The measurement of noise emitted by motor vehicles in motion.

SABS 0210-1996. Calculating and predicting road traffic noise (Amendment no 1 - 1997).

SABS 0211-1987. The measurement of noise inside motor vehicles.

SABS 0218/1-1988. Acoustical properties of buildings Part 1: The grading of buildingsaccording to their airborne-sound insulation properties (under revision).

SABS 0218/2-1988. Acoustical properties of buildings Part 2: The assessment of building plansand buildings with respect to their acoustical properties (under revision).

SABS 0234-1991. Determination of sound power levels of multi-source industrial plants for theevaluation of the sound pressure levels in the environment - Engineering method (IncorporatingISO 8297:1994).

ARP 020-1992. Sound impact investigations for integrated environmental management. (To besuperseded and replaced by SABS 0328: Methods for environmental noise impact assessments).

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In the Eastern Mediterranean region some countries have highly developed industries, whileothers have none. In other cases, the agricultural economy is inseparably mixed with high-technology industries, such as the oil industry, which can be seen in nearly the whole of theArabian Peninsula. Other examples of where agriculture and industry are intertwined can beseen in Pakistan, Jordan and Egypt. The main focus of this paper is community noise, butbecause industry is so widely distributed, some discussion of industrial noise is inevitable. Thescope of this paper is to document the available scientific data on community noise in the whor*gional Office of the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO) region, including preventive strategies,legislation, compensation and future trends.

Sources of Noise Pollution

Sources of noise pollution in the Eastern Mediterranean region include noise fromtransportation, social and religious activities, building and civil works, roadside workshops,mechanical floor shops and others. During civil works and building booms, noise levels in allcountries of the Eastern Mediterranean region could easily reach 85dBA during the daytime overan 8 h work period. In Pakistan, unprotected construction work goes on at all times of the dayand night and uses outdated machinery; and the noise is compounded by workers shouting. On atypical building site noise levels reach 90–100 dBA.

In Karachi, the main artery for daily commuters is a long road that terminates at the harbor. Inthe densest area of this road there are a hundred small and large mechanical workshops, garages,metal sheet workers, dent removers, painters, welders and repair shops, all of which create avariety of noises. In the middle of this area at the Tibet Centre the LAeq,8h is 90dBA (Zaidi1989). A similar picture is seen elsewhere in cities like Lahore, Peshawar, etc. Fortunately, thesame is not true for other newly built cities in the EMRO region, such as Dubai, or Tripoli,where strict rules separate industrial zones from residential areas.

A special noise problem is Karachi harbour. This port serves the whole of Pakistan as well asAfghanistan and several Asian states, such as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Thenoise level at the main wharf of Karachi Port ranges between 90–110 dBA on any given day.Other special sources of noise are the Eastern Mediterranean airports, and indeed most of theairports in the Middle East. Most northbound air traffic originates in Pakistan, Dubai, Sharjahetc. and flights usually depart after midnight so as to arrive in Europe during the daytime. Astudy is currently underway in Karachi to identify the damage caused by these nocturnal flightsto those living under the flight path (SH Zaidi, GH Shaikh & AN Zaidi, personalcommunication).

Sadly, violence has become part of Eastern culture and is a significant source of noise pollution.Wars generate a lot of noise, and although noise-induced hearing loss is a secondary issuecompared with the killing, after the wars many people are hearing impaired. This has been seenfollowing conflicts in Balochistan, Peshawar and Afghanistan, where perforated ear drums,

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profound hearing loss and stress-related psychosomatic illnesses are common in the refugeecamps. The noise levels during a recent mass demonstration in Karachi, which included thefiring of automatic weapons, reached 120 dBA at a distance of 50 m from the scene.

The Effects of Noise on Health

There is good evidence that environmental noise causes a range of health effects, includinghearing loss, annoyance, cardiovascular changes, sleep disturbance and psychological effects.Although the health effects of noise pollution have not been documented for the entire EMROregion, data are available for Pakistan and can be used to illustrate the general problem. In thisreport, noise exposure is mainly expressed as LAeq,24h values.

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).

It is believed that exposure to environmental noise in the EMRO countries is directly related tothe living habits, economic prosperity and outdoor habits of people. It has been estimated that nomore than 5% of the people are exposed to environmental sound levels in excess of 65dBA overa 24-h period. Similarly, for indoor noise, it is believed that the average family is not exposed tosound levels in excess of 70 dBA over a 24-h period. However, it is difficult to generalize for allcountries in the EMRO region, because of ancient living styles and different cultural practices,such as taking siestas between 13:00–16:00 and stopping work at 20:00.

Exposure to noise while travelling to schools, offices or workplaces may vary tremendouslybetween cities in the region. In Karachi, for example, traffic flow is undisciplined, erratic andirrational, with LAeq,8h values of 80–85 dBA. In Riyadh, by contrast, traffic flow is orderlywith LAeq levels of 70 dBA during a normal working day. In Karachi, noise levels showsignificant diurnal variation, reaching levels in excess of 140 dB during the peak rush hour ataround 5.00 p.m. (Zaidi 1989). At the Tibet Centre, located at a busy downtown junction, noiselevels were 60–70 dB at 9 am, but reached levels in excess of 140 dB between 5-7 p.m. A studyconducted on a day that transportation workers went on strike established that road traffic is themost significant source of noise pollution in this city: in the absence of buses, rickshaws, trucksand other public vehicles the LAeq level declined from 90dB to 75dB (Zaidi 1990). Motorengines, horns, loud music on public buses and rickshaws generate at least 65% of the noise inKarachi (Zaidi 1997; Shams 1997). Rickshaws can produce noise levels of 100–110 dBA and donot have silencers. On festive occasions, such as national holidays or political rallies,motorbikes running at high speeds along the Clifton beach in Karachi easily make noiseexceeding 120 dBA. (Zaidi 1996).

Another study conducted at 14 different sites in Karachi showed that, in 11 of the sites, theaverage noise level ranged between 79–80 dB (Bosan & Zaidi 1995). The maximum noise levelsat all these sites exceeded 100 dB. Speech interference, measured by the Preferred SpeechInterference Level and the Articulation Index, was significant (Shaikh & Rizvi 1990). The studyresults indicated that two people facing each other at a distance of 1.2 m would have to shout tobe intelligible; and the Articulation Indexes demonstrated that communication wasunsatisfactory. Of perhaps greater concern are the results of a survey of 587 males between theages of 17 and 45 years old, who worked as shopkeepers, vehicle drivers, builders and office

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assistants. Audiograms showed that 14.6% of the subjects had significant hearing impairment at3 000–4 000 Hertz (Hasan et al., 2000).

Noise pollution from leisure activities can vary from country to country in the EMRO region.The Panthans in northern Pakistan, for example, like to shoot in the air on festive occasions, suchas weddings, without using any noise protection devices. A minimum of 1 000 shots are fired onsuch occasions; and at a traditional tribal dance called the ‘Khattak” the noise level recordedduring a particularly enthralling performance in a sports arena was 120dBA. The hunting of wildboar is a common sport in the hinterlands of Sindh. With the rifle shots and the noise made bythe beaters, noise levels can easily reach 110 –120 dBA. In some EMRO countries, the youngercrowd has taken up the Western habit of listening to Pop music for many hours. Discos andfloorshows are confined to a few countries, such as Egypt. Open-air concerts are usually held instadiums. The noise level recorded at a particularly popular concert was 130 dBA at a distanceof 20 m from the stage and 35 m from the amplifiers.

In a study of road traffic at 25 different sites in Peshawar, the third most populous city inPakistan, 90 traffic constables were taken as cohorts to investigate the extent of NIHL. Of these,50 did not have any previous history of noise exposure and were taken as controls. Detailedevaluation and audiological investigations established that constables exposed to a noise level of90 dBA for 8 hours every day suffered from NIHL. Compared to the control subjects, theconstables had significant hearing impairment at 3 000 Hz, measured by Pure Tone Audiometry(Akhter 1996).

A similar study of traffic constables in Karachi showed that 82.8% of the constables sufferedfrom NIHL (Itrat & Zaidi 1999). The study also showed that 33.3% of rickshaw drivers, and56.9% of shopkeepers who worked in noisy bazaars, had hearing impairment. If these findingscan be extrapolated to the total populations, there are 1 566 traffic constables (out of a total of 1890 constables), and 4 067 rickshaw drivers (out of a total of 12 202 drivers) who suffer fromNIHL. As has been reported by other researchers, the study also found evidence ofacclimatization in the subjects: following an initial, rapid decline, hearing loss stabilized afterprolonged noise exposure.


The citizens of Karachi commonly complain that noise causes irritability and stress. The mainsources have been identified as traffic noise, industrial noise and noise generated by humanactivity. Unfortunately no data are available for the level of annoyance caused by noise exposurein the EMRO region. From limited research around the world, it can be estimated that 35–40%of employees in office buildings are seriously annoyed by noise at sound levels in excess of 55–60 dBA. In countries such as Pakistan, Iran, Jordan and Egypt that level is often seen in mostoffices. Annoyance is a non-tangible entity and cannot be quantified scientifically. It is a humanreaction and perhaps its parameters could include irritability, apprehension, fear, anger,frustration, uneasiness, apathy, chaos and confusion. If such are the parameters, then on a scaleof 0–10, with 10 being the greatest annoyance, many EMRO countries could easily score 6 orhigher.

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Effects of noise on sleep and the cardiovascular system.

In the Eastern Mediterranean region no specific data are available on the effects of noise on sleepor the cardiovascular system. However, factory workers, traffic constables, rickshaw drivers andshopkeepers frequently complain about fatigue, irritability and headaches; and one of the mostcommon causes of poor performance in offices is sleep disturbance. The rising incidence oftinnitus in cities like Karachi is also related to noise exposure, and tinnitus itself can lead to sleepdeprivation. Although the effects of noise on the cardiovascular system have been welldocumented for other countries (Berglund & Lindvall 1995), data are lacking for the EMROregion. However, the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases are on the rise in the EMROcountries, particularly hypertension. While most of the increase in these diseases is due to a richdiet and lack of exercise, the relationship between noise and cardiovascular changes is worthinvestigating.

The risk to unborn babies and newborns.

Although evidence from other countries indicates that noise may damage the hearing of a fetus,there are no data from the EMRO countries to confirm this. With newborn babies, however,noise from incubators is a major cause of hearing loss in the EMRO region, particularly as 20–27% of them are born underweight (Razi et al. 1995). Once exposed to noise in an incubator, thechances of hearing impairment rapidly rises compared with cohorts in developed countries.Several other factors have also been identified as causing deafness and hearing impairment innewborns in the Eastern Mediterranean region (Zaidi 1998; Zakzouk et al. 1994). They are:

a. Discharge from the ears.

b. Communicable infections.

c. Ototoxicity.

d. Noise.

e. Consanguinity.

f. Iodine deficiency.

Noise Control

Although noise control legislation exists in several EMRO countries, it is seldom enforced,particularly in Pakistan and some neighboring countries. Noise control begins with education,public awareness and the appropriate use of media in highlighting the effects of noise. InCalcutta, for instance, public orientation and mass media mobilization have produced tangibleresults, and this can easily be done in other countries. Three strategies have been devised fornoise control, all of which are practicable in EMRO region countries. They are control at thesource, control along the path and control at the receiving end.

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There are many ways noise can be controlled at the source. For example, most of the equipmentand machinery used in EMRO countries is imported from the West. Noise control could beginby importing quieter machinery, built with newer materials like ceramics or frictionless parts.And at the local level, the timely replacement of parts and proper maintenance of the machinesshould be carried out. Vehicles like the rickshaw should be banned, or at least be compelled tomaintain their silencers, and all vehicles must be put to a road worthiness test periodically. Thisalready occurs in some EMRO countries, but not all. Horns, hooters, music players and othernoise making factors must also be controlled. The use of amplifiers and public address systemsshould also be banned, and social, leisure and religious activities should be restricted to specificplaces and times.

Along the sound path, barriers can be used to control noise. There are three kinds of barriersavailable, namely, space absorbers made out of porous material, resonant absorbers and panelabsorbers. Architects, for example, use hollow blocks of porous material. The air gaps betweenbuilding walls not only keep the buildings cool in hot weather, but also reduce the effects ofnoise. Ceilings and roofs are often treated with absorbent material. In large factories, architectsuse corrugated sheets and prefabricated material, which are helpful in reducing noise levels. InPakistan, some people use clay pots in closely ranked positions on rooftops to reduce the effectof heat as well as noise. For civic works and buildings, special enclosures, barriers and vibrationcontrolling devices should be used. Public halls, such as cinemas, mosques and meeting placesshould have their walls and floors carpeted, and covered with hangings, mats etc. An effectivematerial is jute, which is grown in many countries, mainly Bangladesh, and it is quiteeconomical. Some of the old highways and most of the busy expressways need natural noisebarriers, such as earth banks, trees and plants.


Akhter NH 1996 Noise induced hearing loss in traffic police constables of Peshawar. Journal ofCollege of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 6: 265-268.Berglund B and Lindvall T 1995 Community Noise. Archives of the Centre for SensoryResearch, volume 2, issue 1, pp. 56,57. Stockholm University and Karolinska Institute,Stockholm.Bosan Altaf, Zaidi SH Nobel Tracy 1995 The problem of noise, Pakistan Journal ofOtolaryngology 11, 128-131.Hasan S, Zaidi AN, Tahira S, Zaidi SH 2000 Audiological profile of NIHLin IMPACT EarCamps. Pakistan Journal of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, in print.Itrat J, Zaidi SH 1999 Deafness in Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology 15: 78-83.Razi MS, Jaffer S, Hillier V, Zaidi SH, Newton V 1995 Causes of bilateral hearing loss in schoolchildren. Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology 11: 68-86.Shams ZI 1997 The hazards of noise pollution. Daily Dawn, 30th September 1997.Shaikh GH, Rizvi SSH 1987 Road transport in Karachi city. Pakistan Journal of Science andresearch, 30: 197.The environmental protection agency Sindh. The study of noise pollution in Karachi. ExecutiveReport. Karachi Pakistan. ACE (pvt.) Ltd. Karachi.Zaidi SH 1989 Noise level and the sources of noise pollution in Karachi. Journal of PakistanMedical Association, 39: 62-65.

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Zaidi SH 1990 Noise level in Karachi on a transporter’s strike day. Journal of Pakistan MedicalAssociation, 40: 299-300.Zaidi SH 1996 Noise Ototoxicity. Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology, 12: 194.Zaidi SH 1997 Noise induced hearing loss in Pakistan. Hearing International, 6: 12-13.Zaidi SH 1998 The causes of deafness and Hearing Impairment in the Tropics: Keynote speechdelivered at the Centennial Congress of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in Sept 1998.Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology 14: 102-107.Zakzouk SM, Bafaqeh SA, Al-Mahmmod H, Essa A 1994 Demographic factors and hearingimpairment in Saudi Arabian Children., Journal of Laryngology and Otology 108: 294-298.

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The ability to hear sound is a sensory function vital for human survival and communication.However, not all sounds are wanted. Unwanted sounds, for which the term “noise” is normallyused, often originate from human activities such as road traffic, rail traffic, aircraft, discos,electric power generators, festivals, firecrackers and toys. In general, however, data on noisepollution in South east Asian countries are not available. For example, there are nocomprehensive statistical data regarding the incidence and etiology of hearing impairment.Consequently, it is difficult to estimate the exact percentage of the population affected bycommunity noise.

Excessive noise is the major contributor to many stress conditions. It reduces resistance toillness by decreasing the efficiency of the immune system, and is the direct cause of somegastrointestinal problems. Noise also increases the use of drugs, disturbs sleep and increasesproneness to accidents. An increased incidence of mental illness and hospital admissions,increases in absenteeism from work and lethargy from sleep disturbance all result from noisepollution and cause considerable loss of industrial production.

Noise Exposure in India

India is rapidly becoming industrialized and more mechanized, which directly affects noiselevels. However, no general population study regarding the magnitude of the noise problem inIndia has been performed.

Road Traffic Noise

Exposure. A study by the Indian Institute of Road Traffic (IRT) reported that Delhi was thenoisiest city in India, followed by Calcutta and Bombay (IRT 1996; Santra & Chakrabarty 1996).The survey examined whether road-traffic noise affected people with respect to annoyance, sleepdisturbance, interference with communication and hearing impairment. It showed that 35% ofthe population in four major cities have bilateral sensory neural hearing loss at noise emissionlevels above 82 dBA. This is of particular concern in light of a second study, showing thatLAeq,24h levels at 24 kerbside locations in Calcutta were 80–92 dBA (Chakrabarty et al. 1997)The mean noise emission levels of four different vehicle categories are presented in Table A2.1.

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Table A2.1: Mean noise emission levels of vehicles

Type of vehicle Mean sound pressure level2 wheelers (motor cycle) 82 dBA3 wheelers (auto rickshaw) 87 dBAMotor car (taxi, private cars) 85 dBAHeavy vehicles (trucks) 92 dBA

Control Measures. Only recently has noise pollution been considered an offence in India, underthe Environmental (Protection) Act 1986. Several measures are being taken to reduce traffic-noise exposure. These include:

a. Planting trees, shrubs and hedges along roadsides.

b. Mandatory, periodic vehicle inspections by road traffic control.

c. Reintroduction of silent zones, such as around schools, nursing homes and hospitalsthat face main roads.

d. Regulation of traffic discipline, and a ban on the use of pressure horns.

e. Enforcement of exhaust noise standards.

f. Mandating that silencers be effective in three-wheeled vehicles.

g. The use and construction of bypass roads for heavy vehicles.

h. Limiting night-time access of heavy vehicles to roads in residential neighbourhoods

i. Installation of sound-proof windows.

j. Proper planning of new towns and buildings.

Air Traffic Noise

Many airports were originally built at some distance from the towns they served. But due togrowing populations and the lack of space, buildings are now commonly constructed alongsideairports in India.

Exposure. A survey revealed that aircraft produced a high level of noise during take-off, withsound pressure levels of 97–109 dBA for the Airbus, and 109 dBA for Boeing aircraft (SBOgale, unpublished observations). During landing, the aircraft produced a sound pressure levelof 108 dBA. Although exposure to aircraft noise is considered to be less of a problem thanexposure to traffic noise, the effects of air-traffic noise are similar to those of road traffic, andinclude palpitations and frequent awakenings at night.

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Control measures. The use of ear muffs must be made obligatory at the airport. This can reducenoise exposure to a safe level. An air-traffic control act should also enforce the use andintroduction of low-noise aircraft, and mandate fewer night-time flights.

Rail Traffic Noise

Very little attention has been paid to the problems of railway noise.

Exposure. In Bombay, where the majority of residential buildings are situated on either side ofrailway tracks, residents are more prone to suffer from acoustic trauma. More than 14% of thepopulation in Bombay suffer from sleep disturbances during night, due to high-speed trains andtheir whistling. A study on surface railways (SB Ogale, unpublished observations) revealed thatplatform noise was 71–73 dBA in the morning and 78–83 dBA in the evening. The noise fromloudspeakers mounted in the platform was 87–90 dBA. At a distance of 1 m from the engine, thewhistle noise was 105–108 dBA for a train with an electric engine, up to 110 dBA for a trainwith diesel engine and 118 dBA for steam engine trains. Vacuum brakes produced noise levelsas high as 95 dBA. This suggests that unprotected railway staff on platforms are at risk ofpermanent noise induced hearing loss.

Festival noise

Festival noise in India was first surveyed in Bombay in late 1970, during the Ganpati festivalperiod. A similar study (Santra et al. 1996) was conducted soon after in Calcutta at the DurgaPooja festival during evening hours (18:00–22:00). The music from loudspeakers producessound pressure levels of more than 112 dBA. During the festival period the residentsexperienced a noisy environment for 8–10 h at a stretch, with noise level of 85–95 dBA. Thislevel is above the 80 dBA limit set by WHO for industrial workers exposed to noise for amaximum period of 8 hours.

Control measures. In a religious country, it is politically difficult to restrict religious music,even in the interests of public health. A ban on all music from loudspeakers after 22:00 woulddecrease the sound pressure levels to below the permissible legal limit. A preventive programmeis advocated to measure noise levels with sound level metres.

Fire crackers and toy weapons noise

Exposure. A study conducted by Gupta & Vishvakarma (1989) at the time of Deepawali, anIndian festival of fireworks, determined the auditory status of 600 volunteers from various agegroups, before and after exposure to firecrackers. The study also measured the acoustical outputof representative samples of toy weapons and firecrackers, and the noise intensity level at criticalspectator points. The average sound level at a distance of 3 m from the noise source was 150dBA, exceeding the 130 dBA level at which adults are at risk for hearing damage. On average,2.5% of the people surveyed during Deepawali had persistent sensory neural hearing loss of 30dBA, with those in the 9–15 year old age group being most affected.

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Control Measures. A judicious approach in the manufacture and use of toy weapons andfirecrackers is encouraged, in addition to legal restraints. Fireworks should be more a display oflight, rather than sound.

Generator Noise

Diesel generators are often used in India to produce electric power. Big generators producesound pressure levels exceeding 96 dBA (SB Ogale, unpublished observations).


No comprehensive statistical data are available for community noise in India, however, the mainsources of environmental noise are road traffic, air traffic, rail traffic, festivals, firecrackers anddiesel generators. The adverse effects of noise are difficult to quantify, since tolerance to noiselevels and to different types of noise varies considerably between people. Noise intensity alsovaries significantly from place to place. It should also be noted that noise data from differentcountries are often not obtained by the same method, and in general models have been usedwhich are based on data from a limited number of locations. Noise control measures could betaken at several levels, including building design, legal measures, and educating the people onthe health dangers of community noise. In India, what is needed now is noise control legislationand its strict enforcement, if a friendly, low-noise environment is to be maintained.

Noise Exposure in Indonesia

According to a report by the WHO, the noise exposure and control situation in Indonesia is asfollows (Dickinson 1993).

Exposure. No nationwide data are available for Indonesia. However, during the last threedecades there has been rapid growth in transportation, industry and tourism in Indonesia.

Control Measures. With the large majority of people having little income, protection of thephysical environment has not been a first-order priority. The following recommendations havebeen made with respect to community noise (Dickinson 1993):

a. The cities of Indonesia have relatively large populations and each provincialgovernment will need the staff and equipment to monitor and manage theenvironment.

b. Sound level meters with noise analysis computer programmes should bepurchased.

c. Training courses and adequate equipment should be provided.

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d. Noise management planning for airports should be promoted.

e. Reduction measures should be taken for road-traffic noise.

Noise Exposure in Bangladesh

Exposure. In Bangladesh no authentic statistical data on the effects of community noise ondeafness or hearing impairment are available (Amin 1995).

Control Measures. Governments have meager resources, a vast population to contend with andhigh illiteracy rates; consequently, priorities are with fighting hunger, malnutrition, diseases andvarious man-made and natural calamities. The governments are unable to give the necessaryattention towards the prevention, early detection and management of noise disabilities in thecountry. Close cooperation is needed between the national and international organizations, toexchange ideas, skills and knowledge (Amin 1995).

Noise Exposure in Thailand

Exposure. Noise from traffic, construction, and from factories and industry has become a bigproblem in the Bangkok area. The National Environmental Board of Thailand was set up twodecades ago and has been active in studying the pollution problems in Thailand. Indeed, acommittee on noise pollution control was set up to study the noise pollution in Bangkok area andits surroundings. Although regulations and recommendations were made for controlling varioussources of noise, the problem was not solved due to a lack of public awareness, the difficulty ofproving that noise had adverse effects on health and hearing, and the difficulty of getting accessto control noise. A general survey revealed that 21.4% of the Bangkok population is sufferingfrom sensory neural hearing loss (Prasanchuk 1997). Noise sources included street noise, trafficnoise, industrial noise and leisure noise.

Control Measures. In 1996, regulations for noise pollution control set LAeq,24h levels at 70dBA for residential areas, and less than 50 dBA to avoid annoyance. The National Committeeon Noise Pollution Control has been asked to study the health effects of noise in the Bangkokarea and its surroundings, and determine whether these regulations are realistic and feasible.


Amin 1995 Community Noise. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Deafness andHearing Impairment in Developing Countries, Manchester, 6-8 July 1995.Chakrabarty D, Santra SC, Mukherjee A, Roy B, Das P 1997 Status of road traffic noise inCalcutta metropolis, India. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101: 943-949Dickinson P (1993) Noise assessment and management in Indonesia. Report SEA/EH 461,Regional Office for South-East Asia, World Health Organization, New Delhi, India.Gupta D, Vishvakarma SK. 1989 Toy weapons and fire crackers. Laryngoscope 99: 330-334.

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IRT 1996 Indian Council of Medical Research Bulletin Vol. 26, No. 8, August 1996, New Delhi.Prasanchuk S (1997) Noise pollution. Its effect on health and hearing – Thailand as a case study.Presentation at the PDH Informal Consultation on the Prevention of Noise-induced HearingLoss, 28-30 October 1997, WHO/PDH/98.5. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.Santra SC, Chakrabarty D 1996 Need for rationalization of noise standards in Indianperspectives. Presented at the First National Workshop on Development and Use ofEnvironmental Reference Materials, 14-16 February 1996, Central Pollution Control Board, NewDelhi.Santra SC, Chakrabarty D, Mukherjee A, Roy B 1996 Noise status of Calcutta metropolis. Aresume. Man and Environment, Annual Report, pp. 19-22.

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In this section, information on noise pollution and control will be given for three countries in theWestern Pacific Region, namely Australia, the People’s Republic of China and Japan. From anoise pollution point of view China may be viewed as a developing country, whereas Japan andAustralia, with their high level of industrialization, represent developed countries.

Australia (Andrew Hede & Michinori Kabuto)

Exposure. Australia has a population of 18 million with the majority living in cities that haveexperienced increasing noise pollution from a number of sources. The single most serioussource of noise is road traffic, although in major cities such as Sydney, Melbourne and Perth,large communities are exposed to aircraft noise as well. Other important sources of noisepollution are railway noise and neighbourhood noise (including barking dogs, lawn mowers andgarbage collection). A particular problem in Australia is that the climate encourages mostresidents to live with open windows, and few houses have effective noise insulation.

A study of road-traffic noise was conducted at 264 sites in 11 urban centres with populations inexcess of 100 000 people (Brown et al. 1994). Noise was measured one metre from the façade ofthe most exposed windows and at window height. From the results, it was estimated that over9% of the Australian population is exposed to LA10,18h levels of 68 dB or greater, and 19% ofthe population is exposed to noise levels of 63 dB or greater. In terms of LAeq values fordaytimes, noise exposure in Australia is worse than in the Netherlands, but better than inGermany, France, Switzerland or Japan.

Control. In the mid-1990’s, when a third runway was built at Sydney Airport, the governmentfunded noise insulation of high-exposed dwellings. Increasingly, too, major cities are usingnoise barriers along freeways adjacent to residential communities. In most states barriers aremandatory for new freeways and for new residential developments along existing freeways andmajor motorways. There has been considerable testing of noise barriers by state agencies, todevelop designs and materials that are cost effective.

Brown AL et al. (1994) Exposure of the Australian Population in Road Traffic Noise. AppliedAcoustics 43: 169-176.OECD (1991) Fighting Noise in the 1990’s. Organization for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment, Paris, France.

China (Chen Ming)


Urban noise pollution has become a contemporary world problem. Urban noise influencespeople’s living, learning and working. People exposed to noise feel disagreeable and cannotconcentrate on work. Rest and sleep are also disturbed. People exposed to high-intensity noise

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do not hear alarm signals and cannot communicate with each other. This can result in injury and,indeed, with the modernization of China, construction accidents related to noise are increasing.According to statistics for several cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Tientsin andFuzhou, the proportion of total accidents that were noise related was 29.7% in 1979, 34.6% in1980, 44.8% in 1981 and 50% in 1990. It is therefore very important to control noise pollutionin China.

Long-term exposure to urban environmental noise can lead to temporary hearing loss (assessedby temporary threshold shift), permanent hearing loss (assessed by permanent threshold shift) ordeafness. Microscopy studies have shown that in people exposed to noise for long periods, haircells, nerve fibers and ganglion cells were absent in the cochleae, especially in the basal turns.The primary lesion is in the 8–10 mm region of the cochlea, which is responsible for detectingsound at a frequency of 4 000 Hz. People chronically exposed to noise may first complain abouttinnitus and, later on, about hearing loss. This is especially true for patients who have bilateralhearing loss at 4 000 Hz, but who have relatively good hearing other frequencies. Non-auditorysymptoms of noise include effects on the nervous system, cardiovascular system and bloodsystem. These symptoms were rarely observed in China in the past, but today more and morepeople complain about hearing damage and non-auditory physiological effects.

Urban environmental noise has thus become a common concern of all members of society. Akey to resolving the complex noise issue lies in the effective control of urban noise sources.Control measures include reducing noise at its source, changing noise transmission pathways,building design, community planning and the use of personal hearing protection.

Urban environmental noise sources can be divided into industrial noise, traffic noise, buildingarchitecture noise and community district noise sources. Only the last three types are of concernhere.

Traffic Noise

There are four sources of traffic noise: road traffic, railway transport, civil aviation and watertransport; of these, road traffic is the main source of urban noise. The sound emission levels ofheavy-duty trucks are 82–92 dBA and 90–100 dBA for electric horns; air horns are even worse,with sound emission levels of 105–110 dBA. Most urban noise from automobiles is in the 70–75dB range, and it has been estimated that 27% of all complaints are about traffic noise. When acommercial jet takes off, speech communication is interrupted for up to 1 km on both sides of therunway, but people as far away as 4 km are disturbed in their sleep and rest. If a supersonicpassenger plane flies at an altitude of 1 500 m, its sound pressure waves can be heard on theground in a 30–50 km radius.

Building Noise

As a result of urban development in China, construction noise has become an increasinglyserious problem. It is estimated that 80% of the houses in Fuzhou were built in the past 20 years.According to statistics, the noise from ramming in posts and supports is about 88 dB and thenoise from bulldozers and excavators is about 91 dB, 10 m from the equipment. About 98% of

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industrial noise is in the 80–105 dB range, and it is estimated that 20% of all noise complaints isabout industrial noise.

Community Noise

The main sources of community noise include street noise, noise from electronic equipment (airconditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions), music, clocks, gongs and drums.Trumpets, gongs, drums and firecrackers, in particular, seriously disturb normal life and lead toannoyance complaints.

In conclusion, urban noise pollution in China is serious and is getting worse. To control noisepollution, China has promulgated standard sound values for environmental noise. These aresummarized in table A2.2.

Table A2.2: LAeq standard values in dB for environmental noise in urban areas.

Applied area day night

Special residential quarters1 45 35Residential and cultural education area2 50 40Type 1 mixed area3 55 45Type 2 mixed area4 or commercial area 60 50Industrial area 65 55Arterial roads5 70 55

1 Special residential quarters: quiet residential area2 Residential and cultural education area: residential quarters, cultural, educational offices3 Type 1 mixed area: mixture of commercial area and residential quarters4 Type 2 mixed area: mixture of industrial area, commercial area, residential quarters and others5 Roads with traffic volume of more than 100 cars per hour

The peak sound levels for frequent noises emitted during the night-time are not allowed toexceed standard values by more than 10 dBA. Single, sudden noises during the night-time arenot allowed to exceed standard values by more than 15dBA.


Liu Tian Gi et al.: Noise pollution and control. Environmental protection. Chemical industrialpublishing company 1996, 6. First publication P137-154.National environmental protection leader group. GB 3096-82. Urban environmental noise

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standard. The national standard of the People’s Republic of China. 1982, 8, 1.Feng Gen Quan: The main result of field investigation for industrial continuous noise. ForeignMedicine. Otorhinolaryngology. 1978, 2:12.Beijing Medical Quarantine Station: The investigation analysis of the noise hazard condition innine provinces and cities. The noise work investigation cooperation group in nine provinces andcities (internal material). 1982.Cheng Ming: The diagnostic criteria of occupational deafness and experience of hearingconservation in China. Noise as public health problem. New advance in noise research, part 1.Swedish Council for building research. Stockholm, Sweden 1990, pp. 137-44.

Japan (Michinori Kabuto)

Environmental Quality Standards

Noise standards for both general and roadside areas were set in Japan in 1967, through the“Basic Law for Environmental Pollution.” This law was updated in September 1999. Eachstandard is classified according to the type of land use and the time of day. In ordinaryresidential areas, the night-time standard is 45 dB LAeq, but in areas that require even lowernoise exposure, such as hospitals, this is lowered to 40 dB LAeq. In contrast, the daytime levelsfor commercial and industrial areas is as high as 60 dBA. Standards for roadside areas are 70 dBLAeq for daytime and 65 dB LAeq for nighttime. Between 1973–1997 noise standards foraircraft noise, super-express train noise and conventional railway train noise were alsoimplemented. Standards for aircraft noise were set in terms of the weighted equivalentcontinuous perceived noise level (WECPNL). For residential areas, the WECPNL standard is 70dBA, and is 75 dBA for areas where it is necessary to maintain a normal daily life.

For super-express trains, the Environmental Agency required noise levels to be below 75 dBA indensely populated residential areas, such as along the Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen lines, aswell as in increasingly populated areas, such as along the Tohoku and Joetsu Shinkansen lines.The standards were to be met by 1990, but by 1991 this level had been achieved at only 76% ofthe measuring sites on average. Noise countermeasures included the installation of new types ofsound-proof walls, and laying ballast mats along densely populated stretches of the fourShinkansen lines. Noise and vibration problems can also result from conventional trains, such asoccurred with the opening of the Tsugaru Strait and Seto Ohashi railway lines in 1988. Variousmeasures have since been taken to address the problems.

Complaints About Community Noise.

In Japan, complaints to local governments about environmental problems have been summarizedannually and reported by Japan Environmental Agency. Thirty-seven percent of all complaintswas due to factory (machinery) noise; 22% to construction noise; 3% to road traffic noise; 4% toair traffic noise; 0.8% to rail traffic noise; 9% to night-time business; 6% to other commercialactivities; 2.5% to loudspeaker announcements; 9% to domestic noise; and 8% was due tomiscellaneous complaints.

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Sources of Noise Exposure and their Effects

Road-traffic noise. The number of automobiles in Japan has increased from 20 million in 1971to 70 million in 1994, a 3.5-fold increase. One-third of this increase was due to heavy-dutyvehicles. Since 1994, out of a total of 1 150 000 km of roads in Japan, only 29 930 km havebeen designed according to noise regulations. According to 1998 estimates by theEnvironmental Agency, 58% of all roads passed through residential areas. Daytime noise limitswere exceeded in 92% of all cases, and night-time limits were exceeded in 87% of all cases. Thestudy also estimated that 0.5 million houses within 10 m of the roads were exposed to excessivetraffic noise. In a recent lawsuit, the Japanese Supreme Court ruled that people should becompensated when exposed to night-time noise levels exceeding 65 dB Laeq. This would applyto people living alongside 2 000 km of roads in Japan.

A recent epidemiological study examined insomnia in 3 600 women living in eight differentroadside areas exposed to night-time traffic. Insomnia was defined as one or more of thefollowing symptoms: difficulty in falling asleep; waking up during sleep; waking up too early;and feelings of sleeplessness one or more days a week over a period of at least a month. Thedata were adjusted for confounding variables, such as age, medical care, whether the subjectshad young children to care for, and sleep apnea symptoms. The results showed that the oddsratio for insomnia was significantly correlated with the average night-time traffic volume foreach of the eight areas and suggested that insomnia could be attributed solely to night-time roadtraffic.

From the most noisy areas in the above study 19 insomnia cases were selected for a further in-depth examination. The insomnia cases were matched in age and work with 19 control subjects.Indoor and outdoor sound levels during sleep were measured simultaneously at 0.6 s intervals.For residences facing roads with average night-time traffic volume of 6 000 vehicles per hour,the highest sound levels observed were 78–93 dBA. The odds ratios for insomnia in each of thequartiles for LAmax,1min; L50,1min; L10,1min and LAeq,1min generally showed a linear trendand ranged between 1 (lowest quartile) and 6–7 (highest quartile). It was concluded thatinsomnia was likely to result when night-time indoor LAeq, 1min sound levels exceeded 30dBA.

Air-traffic noise At the larger Japanese airports (Osaka, Tokyo, f*ckuoka), jet airplanes haverapidly increased in number and have caused serious complaints and lawsuits from those livingnearby. Complaints about jet-fighter noise are also common from residents living in the vicinityof several U.S. airbases located in Japan. In the case of Kadena and Futemma airbases onOkinawa, a recent study by the Okinawa Prefecture Government suggested that hearing loss,child misbehaviour and low birth-weight babies were possible health effects of the noiseassociated with these bases (RSCANIH 1997). Using measurements taken in 1968 during theVietnam War, it was estimated that the WECPNL was 99–108 dBA at the Kadena village firestation. Similar WECPNL estimates of 105 dBA were also obtained for Yara (Kadena-cho) andSunabe (Chatan-cho) bases. These levels correspond to a LAeq,24h value of 83 dB, and are ofserious concern in light of recommendations by the Japan Association of Industrial Health thatoccupational noise exposure levels should not exceed 85 dB for an 8-h work day if hearing lossis to be avoided.

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Audiogrammes of subjects living in areas surrounding Kadena airport indicated that they hadprogressive hearing loss at higher frequencies. Eight subjects had hearing impairment in the 3–6kHz range, which strongly suggested that the hearing loss was due to excessive noise exposure.Since the examiners confirmed the subjects had not been exposed to repeated intense noise attheir residences or workplaces, the most likely cause of their hearing loss was the intense aircraftnoise during take-offs, landings and tune-ups at Kadena airport.

The effects of noise were examined in children from nursery schools and kindergartens in townssurrounding Kadena airport. The children were scored with respect to seven variables: coldsymptoms, emotional instability, discontentment-anxiety, headache-stomachache, passivity,eating problems and urination problems. Confounding factors, such as sex, age, birth order, thenumber of parents living together, the mother’s age when the child was born, reaction to noiseand the extent of noise exposure, were taken into account. The results showed that childrenexposed to noise had significantly more problems with respect to their behaviour, physicalcondition, character and reaction to noise, when compared to a control group of children that hadnot been exposed to airport noise. This was especially true of for children exposed to aWECPNL of 75 or more. Thus, small children acquire both physical and mental disorders fromchronic exposure to aircraft noise.

Chronic exposure to aircraft noise also affects the birth-weight of children. The birth-weights ofinfants were analyzed using records from 1974 to 1993 in the Okinawa Prefecture. Confoundingfactors such as the mother's age, whether there were single or multiple embryos, the child’s sex,and the legitimacy of the child were considered. The results showed that 9.1 % of all infantsborn in Kadena-cho, located closest to Kadena airport, had low birth-weights. This wassignificantly higher than the 7.6 % rate seen in other municipalities around Kadena and Futemmaairfields, and much higher than the 7 % rate in cities, towns and villages on other parts ofOkinawa Island.

Rail-traffic noise. Commuter trains and subway cars expose Tokyo office workers to muchhigher noise levels than do other daily activities (Kabuto & Suzuki 1976). Exposure to indoornoise may vary according to railway line or season (there are more open windows in goodweather), but the levels range from 65–85 dBA. In general, these values exceeded the LAeq,24hlevel of 70 dBA for auditory protection (US EPA 1974).

Neighbourhood noise. Neighbourhood noise, including noise from late-night businessoperations, noise caused by loudspeaker announcements, and noise from everyday activities,have accounted for approximately 39% of all complaints about noise in recent years. At present,noise controls for late-night business operations have been enforced by ordinances in 39 citiesand prefectures, and in 42 cities for loudspeaker announcements.


Japan Environmental Agency Government of Japan (1994): Quality of the Environment in Japan1994, Global Environment Department, Environment Agency, Tokyo.

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Kabuto M and Suzuki S (1976) A trial measurement of individual noise exposure by time zone ina day. Japanese Journal of Industrial Health, 18:17-22.

Kabuto M, Ohtsuka R, Suzuki S (1978) Measurement and evaluation of individual noiseexposure level of Tokyo metropolitan commuters and railroad cars above ground and insubways. Japanese Journal of Public Health 2: 59-63.

Kageyama, T., Kabuto, M. Nitta H, Kurokawa Y, Taira K, Suzuki S, Takemoto T (1974): Apopulation study on risk factors for insomnia among adult Japanese women: A possible effects ofroad traffic volume. Sleep 20: 963-971.

RSCAINH (1997) Summary of the Interim Report of the Field Study on Public Health aroundU.S. Bases in Okinawa, Research Study Committee of Aircraft Noise Influences to Health,Okinawa Prefecture Government, Okinawa Public Health Association.

US EPA (1974) information on levels of environmental noise requisite to protect public healthand welfare with an adequate margin of safety. Rep. No. 550/9-74.004.

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Appendix 3 : Glossary

Acoustic Pertaning to sound or to the sense of hearing (CMD 1997)

Acoustic dispersion Change of speed of sound with frequency (ANSI 1994)

Acoustic trauma Injury to hearing by noise, especially loud noise (CMD1997)

Adverse effect (of noise:) A change in morphology and physiology of anorganism which results in impairment of functionalcapacity or impairment of capacity to compensate foradditional stress or increase in susceptibility to the harmfuleffects of other environmental influences. This definitionincludes any temporary or long term lowering of physical,psychological or social functioning of humans or humanorgans (WHO 1994)

Annoyance A feeling of displeasure associated with any agent orcondition known or believed by an individual or a group tobe adversely affecting them” (Lindvall and Radford 1973;Koelega 1987). Any sound that is perceived as irritating ora nuisance (ANSI 1995)

Anxiety A feeling of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear withoutapparent stimulus, and associated with physiologicalchanges (tachycardia, sweating, tremor, etc.) (DIMD 1985).A vaguer feeling of apprehension, worry, uneasiness, ordread, the source of which is often nonspecific or unknownto the individual (CMD 1997).

Audiometry Testing of the hearing sense (CMD 1997). Measurement ofhearing, including aspects other than hearing sensitivity(ANSI 1995)

Auditory Pertaining to the sense of hearing (CMD 1997)

Auditory threshold Minimum audible sound perceived (CMD 1997)

A-weighting A frequency dependent correction that is applied to ameasured or calculated sound of moderate intensity tomimick the varying sensitivity of the ear to sound fordifferent frequencies

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Ambient noise All-encompassing sound at a given place, usually acomposite of sounds from many sources near and far(ANSI 1994)

Articulation index Numerical value indicating the proportion of an averagespeech signal that is understandable to an individual (ANSI1995)

Bel Unit of level when the base of the logarithm is ten, and thequantities concerned are proportional to power; unit symbolB (ANSI 1994)

Cardiovascular Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels (DIMD 1985)

Cochlea A winding cone-shaped tube forming a portion of the innerear. It contains the receptor for hearing (CMD 1997)

Cognitive Being aware with perception, reasoning, judgement,intuition, and memory (CMD 1997)

Community noise Noise emitted from all noise sources except noise at theindustrial workplace (WHO 1995a)

Cortisol A glucocortical hormone of the outer layer of the adrenalgland (CMD 1997)

Critical health effect Health effect with lowest effect level

C-weighting A frequency dependent correction that is applied to ameasured or calculated sound of high intensity to mimickthe varying sensitivity of the ear to sound for differentfrequencies

dB Decibel, one-tenth of a bel

dBA A-weighted frequency spectrum in dB, see A-weighting

dBC C-weighted frequency spectrum in dB, see C-weighting

dBlin Unweighted frequency spectrum in dB

Decibel Unit of level when the base of the logarithm is the tenthroot of ten, and the quantities concerned are proportional topower; unit symbol dB (ANSI 1994)

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Ear plug Hearing protector that is inserted into the ear canal (ANSI1994)

Ear muff Hearing protector worn over the pinna (external part) of anear (ANSI 1994)

Effective perceived noise level Level of the time integral of the antilogarithm of one tenthof tone-corrected perceived noise level over the duration ofan aircraft fly-over, the reference duration being 10 s(ANSI 1994)

Emission (of sounds). Sounds generated from all types of sources

Epinephrine A hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla (inner orcentral portion of an organ) in response to stimulation ofthe sympathetic nervous system (CMD 1997)

Equal energy principle Hypothesis that states that the total effect of sound isproportional to the total amount of sound energy receivedby the ear, irrespective of the distribution of that energy intime

Equivalent sound pressure level Ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of thetime-mean-square instantaneous sound pressure, during astated time interval T, to the square of the standardreference sound pressure (ANSI 1994)

Exposure-response curve Graphical representation of exposure-response relationship

Exposure-response relationship (With respect to noise:) Relationship between specifiedsound levels and health impacts

Frequency For a function periodic in time, the reciprocal of the period(ANSI 1994)

Frequency-weighting A frequency dependent correction that is applied to ameasured or calculated sound (ANSI 1994)

Gastro-intestinal Pertaining to the stomach and intestines (CMD 1997)

Hearing impairment, hearing loss A decreased ability to perceive sounds as compared whichwhat the individual or examiner would regard as normal(CMD 1997)

Hearing threshold For a given listener and specified signal, the minimum (a)sound pressure level or (b) force level that is capable of

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evoking an auditory sensation in a specified function oftrials (ANSI 1994)

Hertz Unit of frequency, the number of times a phenomenonrepeats itself in a unit of time; abbreviated to Hz

Hysteria A mental disorder, usually temporary, presenting somatic(pertaining to the body) symptoms, stimulating almost anytype of physical disease. Symptoms include emotionalinstability, various sensory disturbations, and a markedcraving for sympathy (CMD 1997)

Immission Sounds impacting on the human ear.

Impulsive sound Sound consisting of one or more very brief and rapidincreases in sound pressure

Incubator An enclosed crib, in which the temperature and humiditymay be regulated, for care of premature babies (CMD1997)

Isolation, insulation (With respect to sound:) Between two rooms in a specifiedfrequency band, difference between the space-time averagesound presssure levels in the two enclosed spaces when oneor more sound sources operates in one of the rooms (ANSI1994).(With respect to vibrations:) Reduction in the capacity of asystem to respond to excitation, attained by use of resilientsupport (ANSI 1994).

Ischaemic Heart Disease Heart disease due to a local and temporary deficiency ofblood supply due to obstruction of the circulation to a part(CMD 1997)

Loudness level Of a sound, the median sound pressure level in a specifiednumber of trials of a free progressive wave having afrequency of 1000 Hz that is judged equally loud as theunknown sound when presented to listeners with normalhearing who are facing the source; unit phon (ANSI 1994)

Level Logarithm of the ratio of a quantity to a reference quantityof the same kind; unit Bel (ANSI 1994)

Maximum sound level Greatest fast (125 milliseconds) A-weighted sound level,within a stated time interval (ANSI 1994)

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Mental Health The absence of identifiable psychiatric disorder accordingto current norms (Freeman 1984). In noise research, mentalhealth covers a variety of symptoms, ranging from anxiety,emotional stress, nervous complaints, nausea, headaches,instability, argumentativeness, sexual impotency, changesin general mood and anxiety, and social conflicts, to moregeneral psychiatric categories like neurosis, phychosis andhysteria (Berglund and Lindvall 1995).

Morphological Pertaining to the science of structure and form of organismswithout regard to function (CMD 1997)

Nausea An unpleasant sensation usually preceding vomiting (CMD1997)

Neurosis An emotional disorder due to unresolved conflicts, anxietybeing its chief characteristic (DIMD 1985)

Noise Undesired sound. By extension, noise is any unwarranteddisturbance within a useful frequency band, such asundesired electric waves in a transmission channel ordevice (ANSI 1994).

Noise inducedtemporary threshold shift Temporary hearing impairment occurring as a result of

noise exposure, often phrased temporary threshold shift(adapted from ANSI 1994)

Noise inducedpermanent threshold shift Permanent hearing impairment occurring as a result of

noise exposure, often phrased permanent threshold shift(adapted from ANSI 1994)

Noise level Level of undesired sound

Norepinephrine A hormone produced by the adrenal medulla (inner orcentral portion of an organ), similar in chemical andpharmacological properties to epinephrine, but chiefly avasoconstrictor with little effect on cardiac output (CMD1997)

Oscillation Variation, usually with time, of the magnitude of a quantitywith respect to a specified reference when the magnitude isalternately greater and smaller than the reference (ANSI1994)

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Ototoxic Having a detrimental effect on the organs of hearing (CMD1997)

Paracusis Any abnormality or disorder of the sense of hearing (CMD1997)

Pascal Unit of pressure, equal to one newton per square meter,abbreviated to Pa

Peak sound pressure Greatest absolute instantaneous sound pressure within aspecified time interval (ANSI 1994)

Peak sound pressure level Level of peak sound pressure with stated frequencyweighting, within a specified time interval (ANSI 1994)

Perceived noise level Frequency-weighted sound pressure level obtained by astated procedure that combines the sound pressure levels inthe 24 one-third octave bands with midband frequenciesfrom 50 Hz to 10 kHz (ANSI 1994)

Permanent threshold shift,permanent hearing loss Permanent increase in the auditory threshold for an ear

(adapted from ANSI 1995) (see also: noise inducedpermanent threshold shift)

Presbyacusia, presbycusis The progressive loss of hearing ability due to the normalaging process (CMD 1997)

Psychiatric disorders Mental disorders

Psychosis Mental disturbance of a magnitude that there is apersonality disintegration and loss of contact with reality(CMD 1997)

Psychotropic drug A drug that affects psychic function, behaviour orexperience (CMD 1997)

Reverberation time Of an enclosure, for a stated frequency or frequency band,time that would be required for the level of time-mean-square sound pressure in the enclosure to decrease by 60dB, after the source has been stopped (ANSI 1994)

Sensorineural Of or pertaining to a sensory nerve; pertaining to oraffecting a sensory mechanism and/or a sensory nerve(DIMD 1985)

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Signal Information to be conveyed over a communication system(ANSI 1994)

Signal-to-noise ratio Ratio of a measure of a signal to the same measure of thenoise (ANSI 1995) (see also: noise –in its extendedmeaning)

Silencer Duct designed to reduce the level of sound; the sound-reducing mechanisms may be either absorptive or reactive,or a combination (ANSI 1994)

Sound absorption Change in sound energy into some other form, usually heat,in passing through a medium or on striking a surface (ANSI1994)

Sound energy Total energy in a given part of a medium minus the energythat would exist at that same part with no sound wavespresent (ANSI 1994)

Sound exposure Time integral of squared, instantaneous frequency-weighted sound pressure over a stated time interval orevent (ANSI 1994)

Sound exposure level Ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of agiven time integral of squared, instantaneous A-weightedsound pressure, over a stated time interval or event, to theproduct of the squared reference sound pressure of 20micropascals and reference duration of one second (ANSI1994)

Sound intensity Average rate of sound energy transmitted in a specifieddirection at a point through a unit area normal to thisdirection at the point considered (ANSI 1994)

Sound level meter Device to be used to measure sound pressure level with astandardized frequency weighting and indicatedexponential time weighting for measurements of soundlevel, or without time weighting for measurement of time-average sound pressure level or sound exposure level(ANSI 1994)

Sound pressure Root-mean-square instantaneous sound pressure at a point,during a given time interval (ANSI 1994), where theinstantaneous sound pressure is the total instantaneouspressure in that point minus the static pressure (ANSI1994)

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Sound pressure level Ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of thetime-mean-square pressure of a sound, in a statedfrequency band, to the square of the reference soundpressure in gases of 20 :Pa (ANSI 1994)

Sound reduction index Single-number rating of airborne sound insulation of apartition (ANSI 1994)

Sound transmission class Single-number rating of airborne sound insulation of abuilding partition (ANSI 1994)

Speech interference level One-fourth of the the sum of the band sound pressure levelsfor octave-bands with nominal midband frequencies of 500,100, 2000 and 4000 Hz (ANSI 1994)

Speech intelligibility That property which allows units of speech to be identified(ANSI 1995)

Speech perception Psychological process that relates a sensation caused by aspoken message to a listener’s knowledge of speech andlanguage (ANSI 1995)

Speech comprehension (a) Highest level of speech perception. (b) Knowledge orunderstanding of a verbal statement (ANSI 1995)

Speech transmission index Physical methgod for measuring the quality of speech-transmission channels accounting for nonlinear distortionsas well as distortions of time (ANSI 1995)

Stereocilia Nonmotile protoplasmic projections from free surfaces onthe hair cells of the receptors of the inner ear (CMD 1997)

Stress The sum of the biological reactions to any adversestimulus, physical, mental or emotional, internal orexternal, that tends to disturb the organism’s homeostasis(DIMD 1985)

Temporary threshold shift,temporary hearing loss Temporary increase in the auditory threshold for an ear

caused by exposure to high-intensity acoustic stimuli(adapted from ANSI 1995) (see also: noise inducedtemporary threshold shift).

Tinnitus A subjective ringing or tinkling sound in the ear (CMD1997). Otological condition in which sound is perceived by

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a person without an external auditory stimulation. Thesound may be a whistling, ringing, buzzing, or cricket typesounds, but auditory hallucinations of voices are excluded(ANSI 1995).

Vibration Oscillation of a parameter that defines the motion of amechanical system (ANSI 1994)

For references see Appendix A.

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Appendix 4 : Acronyms

AAP American Academy of PediatricsAI Articulation IndexAMIS Air Management Information System (WHO, Healthy Cities)ANEF Australian Noise Exposure ForecastANSI American National Standard Institute, Washington DC, USAASCII American Standard Code for Information InterchangeASHA American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Rockville, MD, USAASTM American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, USACEN Comité Européen de Normalisation, Brussels, Belgium (European Committee

for Standardization )CFR Code of Federal Regulations (United States)CIAL Centro de Investigaciones Acústicas y Luminotécnicas, Córdoba, Argentina

(Centre of acoustical and light- technical investigations)CMD Cyclopedic Medical DictionaryCNRC Conseil National de Recherches du Canada (National Research Council)COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseCSD Commission for Sustainable DevelopmentCSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research OrganizationCVS Cardiovascular SystemDNL Day-Night Average Sound Level (United States)EC DG European Commission Directorate GeneralECE Economic Commission for EuropeECMT European Conference of Ministers of TransportEHIAP Environmental Health Impact Assessment PlanEIAP Environmental Impact Assessment PlanEMRO WHO Regional Office of the Eastern MediterraneanENIA Environmental Noise Impact AnalysisEPNL Effective Perceived Noise Level measure EU European UnionFAA Federal Aviation Administration (United States)FFT Fast Fourier Transform techniqueGIS Geographic Information SystemHz Hertz, the unit of frequencyICAO International Civil Aviation OrganizationICBEN International Commission on the Biological Effects of NoiseIEC International Electrotechnical CommissionILO International Labour Office, Geneva, SwitzerlandINCE Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the United States of AmericaINRETS Institut National de REcherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité, Arcueil, France

(National Research Institute for Transport and their Safety)ISO International Standards OrganizationI-INCE International Institute of Noise Control EngineeringL10 10 percentile of sound pressure level

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L50 Median sound pressure levelL90 90-percentile of sound pressure levelLA Latin AmericaLAeq,T A-weighted equivalent sound pressure level for period TLAmax Maximum A-weighted sound pressure level in a stated intervalLdn Day and night continuous equivalent sound pressure levelLeq,T Equivalent sound pressure level for period TLEQ(FLG) Descriptor used for aircraft noise (Germany)LNIP Low Noise Implementation PlanLp Sound pressure levelMTF Modulation Transfer FunctionNASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (United States)NC Noise CriterionNCA Noise Control Act (United States)NCB Balanced Noise Criterion procedure systemNEF Noise Exposure ForecastNEPA National Environmental Policy Act (United States)NGO Non Governmental OrganizationNIHL Noise Induced Hearing LossNIPTS Noise Induced Permanent Threshold ShiftNITTS Noise Induced Temporary Threshold ShiftNNI Noise and Number IndexNR Noise RatingNRC National Research Council (United States, Canada)OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France.ONAC Office of Noise Abatement and Control of the US EPAOSHA Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationPa Pascal, the unit of pressurePAHO Pan American Health OrganizationPHE Department for Protection of the Human Environment, WHO, GenevaPNL Perceived Noise LevelPSIL Preferred Speech Interference LevelPTS Permanent Threshold ShiftRASTI Rapid Speech Transmission IndexRC Room CriterionSABS South African Bureau of StandardsSEL Sound Exposure LevelSTC Sound Transmission ClassSTI Speech Transmission IndexTTS Temporary Threshold ShiftUK United KingdomUN United NationsUNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, June

1992)UNDP United Nations Development ProgrammeUNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

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UNEP United Nations Environment ProgrammeUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUS EPA United States Environmental Protection AgencyUSA United States of AmericaWCED World Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland Commission)WECPNL Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise LevelWHO World Health OrganizationWWF World Wildlife Fund

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Appendix 5 : Equations and other technical information

Basic acoustical measures

Sound Pressure Level

The time-varying sound pressure will completely define a sound in a given location. The soundpressure range is wide within which human listeners can receive (10

-5 - 10

2 N/m

2). Therefore, it

is practical to measure sound pressure level on a logarithmic scale. Sound intensity level isdefined as 10 times the logarithm (to the base 10) of the ratio of the sound intensity of a targetsound to the sound intensity of another (reference) sound. Sound intensity is proportional to thesquared sound pressure because the static mass density of the sound medium as well as the speedof sound in this medium are invariant. The sound pressure level (Lp) of a sound may beexpressed as a function of sound pressure (p) and is, thus, possible to measure:

Lp = 10 log10 (p/pref)2

For the purpose of measuring sound pressure level in a comparative way, the reference pressure,pref, has an internationally agreed value of 2.10

-5 N/m

2 (earlier 20 µPa). Sound pressure level is

then expressed in decibel (dB) relative to this reference sound.

Sound Pressure Level of Combined Sounds

Whereas sound intensities or energies or pressures are additive, non-correlated time-varyingsound pressure levels have first to be expressed as mean square pressure, then added, and thentransferred to a sound pressure value again. For example, if two sound sources are combined,each of a sound pressure level of 80 dB, then the sound pressure level of the resulting combinedsound will become 83 dB:

Lp = 10 * log10 (108 + 10

8) = 10 * log10 (2 * 10

8) = 10 * (log10 2 + log10 10

8) =

10 * (0.3 + 8) = 83

It is only sounds with similar sound pressure levels that when combined will result in asignificant increase in sound pressure level relative to the louder sound. In the example givenabove, a doubling of the sound energy from two sources will only result in a 3-dB increase insound pressure level. For two sound sources that emit non-correlated time-varying soundpressures, this represents the maximum increase possible. The sound pressure level outcome,resulting from combining two sound pressure levels in dB, is displayed in Figure A.5.1.

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Figure A.5.1: Estimate of combined sound levels

Equivalent Continuous Sound Pressure Level

Average sound pressure level is determined for a time period of interest, T, which may be aninterval in seconds, minutes, or hours. This gives a dB-value in Leq that stands for equivalentcontinuous sound pressure level or simply sound level. It is derived from the followingmathematical expression in which A-weighting has been applied:.


LAeq,T = 10 log10{(1/T) 0 m 10 Lp(t)/10 dt } [dBA]

Because the integral is a measure of the total sound energy during the period T, this process isoften called “energy averaging”. For similar reasons, the integral term representing the totalsound energy may be interpreted as a measure of the total noise dose. Thus, Leq is the level ofthat steady sound which, over the same interval of time as the fluctuating sound of interest, hasthe same mean square sound pressure, usually applied as an A-frequency weighting. The intervalof time must be stated.

Sound exposure levelIndividual noise events can be described in terms of their sound exposure level (SEL). SEL isdefined as the constant sound level over a period of 1 s that would have the same amount ofenergy as the complete noise event (Ford 1987). For a single noise event occurring over a timeinterval T, the relationship between SEL and LAeq,T is,

SEL = LAeq,T + 10 log10 (T/T0)

In this equation T0 is 1 s.







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Excess of stronger component [dB]

Value to be added to stronger

component [dB]

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Day and night continuous sound pressure levelThere are different definition in different countries. One definition is (von Gierke 1975; Ford1987):

Ldn = LAeq,16h + LAeq,8h – 10 dBA

Where LAeq,16h is the day equivalent sound pressure level and LAeq,8h is the night equivalentsound pressure level.

Sound Transmission into and within buildingsAn approximate relationship between sound reduction index (R), the frequency (f), the mass perunit area of the panel (m) in kg/m2, and the angle of incidence (θ) is given by

R(θ) = 20 log{f m COS(θ)} – 42.4, (dB)This relationship indicates that the sound reduction index will increase with the mass of a paneland with the frequency of the sound as well as varying with the angle of incidence of the sound.It is valid for limp materials but is a good approximation to the behaviour of many real buildingmaterials at lower frequencies.The sound reduction index versus frequency characteristics are usually complicated by acoincidence dip which occurs around the frequency where the wavelength of the incident soundis the same as the wavelength of bending waves in the building façade material. The frequency atwhich the coincidence dip occurs is influenced by the stiffness of the panel material. Thicker,and hence stiffer materials, will have coincidence dips that are lower in frequency than less stiffmaterials. Figure A.5.2 plots measured sound reduction index values versus frequency for 4 mmthick glass and illustrates the coincidence dip for this glass at a frequency centered just above3 kHz.

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Figure A.5.2: Sound reduction index versusfrequency for single and double layers of 4 mmglass (air separation 13 mm).

125 250 500 1000 2000 400010





Mass-air-mass resonance

Coincidence dipS




n In



Frequency, Hz

As also illustrated in Figure A.5.2 for two layers of 4 mm glass, the low frequency soundreduction can be severely limited by the mass-air-mass resonance. This resonance is due to thecombination of the masses of the two layers and the stiffness of the enclosed air space. As theFigure A.5.2 example shows, this resonance can often dramatically reduce the low frequencysound reduction of common double window constructions.The sound reduction of various building constructions can be calculated as the differencebetween the average sound levels in the two rooms (L1 – L2) plus a correction involving the areaof the test panel (S) in m2 and the total sound absorption (A) in m2 in the receiving room,

R = L1 – L2 + 10 log{S/A} [dB].For outdoor-to-indoor sound propagation, the measured sound reduction index will also dependon the angle of incidence of the outdoor sound as well as the position of the outdoor measuringmicrophone relative to the building façade,

R = L1 – L2 + 10 log{4S COS(θ)/A} + k [dB].When the outdoor incident sound level L1 is measured with the outdoor microphone positionedagainst the external façade surface, measured incident sound pressures will be 6 dB higher due topressure doubling. This occurs because the incident sound and reflected sound arrive at themicrophone at the same time. If the external microphone is located 2 m from the façade, therewill not be exact pressure doubling but an approximate doubling of the measured sound energycorresponding to a 3 dB increase in sound level. The table below indicates the appropriatevalues of k to be used in the above equation, depending on the location of the outdoormicrophone, to account for sound reflected from the façade.k = 0, dB L1 does not include reflected sound.k = -3, dB L1 measured 2 m from façade and includes reflected energy.k = -6, dB L1 measured at the façade surface and includes pressure doubling effect.

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (162)


Appendix 6 : Participant list of THE WHO Expert Task Force meetingon Guidelines For Community Noise, 26-30 April 1999, MARC,London, UK

Professor Birgitta Berglund, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, S-10691Stockholm, Sweden, Tel: +46 8 16 3857, Fax: +46 8 16 5522, Email: [emailprotected].

Dr. Hans Bögli, Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft (BUWAL), AbteilungLärmbekämpfung, CD 3003 Bern, Switzerland, Tel: +41 31 322 9370, Fax: +41 31 323 0372,Email: [emailprotected].

Dr. John S. Bradley, Manager, Acoustics Subprogram, Indoor Environment Program, NationalResearch Council Canada, Ottawa, K1A OR6, Canada, Tel: +1 613 993 9747, Fax: +1 613 9541495, Email: [emailprotected].

Dr. Ming Chen, Department of Otolaryngology, Fujian Provincial Hospital, NE 134 East Street,Fuzhou 350001, People=s Republic of China, Tel: +86 0591 755 7768-365(258) office, 755 6952home, Fax: +86 0591 755 6952, Email:

Lawrence S. Finegold, Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL/HECA, 2255 H Street, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7022, USA, Tel: +1 937 255 7559, Fax: +1 937 255-9198, Email:[emailprotected].

Etienne Grond, P.O. Box 668, Messina 0900, South Africa, Tel: +27 15 575 2031,Fax: +27 15 575 2025, Email: [emailprotected].

Professor Andrew Hede , University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, MaroochydoreSouth, Qld. 4558, Australia, Tel: +61 7 5430 1230, Fax: +61 7 5430 1231, Email:[emailprotected].

Professor Gerd Jansen, Institut für Arbeitsmedizin der Medizinischen Einrichtungen derHeinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Kirchfeldstraße 35, D-40217 Düsseldorf, Germany,Tel: +49 211 919 4985 (O.), +49 201 403 123 (R.), Fax: +49 211 919 3989, Email:

Dr. Michinori Kabuto, Director, Env. Risk Research Division, National Institute forEnvironmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan, Tel: +81 298 50 2333, Fax:+81 298 50 2571, Email: [emailprotected]/[emailprotected].

Professor Thomas Lindvall, National Institute of Environmental Medicine and KarolinskaInstitutet, PO Box 210, S-17177 Stockholm, Sweden, Tel: +46 8 728 7510, Fax: +46 8 33 22 18,Email: [emailprotected].

Dr. Amanda Niskar, CDC/NCEH, 4770 Buford Highway, NE, Mailstop F-46, Atlanta, Georgia30341-3724, USA, Tel: +1 770 488 7009, Fax: +1 770 488 3506, Email: [emailprotected].

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE -· 2017-08-29· GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (163)


Dr Sudhakar B. Ogale, Professor and Head, Dept. of Otolaryngology, G.S. Medical Collegeand KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012, India, Tel: +91 22 413 6051 Ext ENT,Home +91 22 412 4329, Fax: +91 22 414 3435, Email:

Mrs. Willy Passchier-Vermeer, TNO Prevention and Health, P. O. Box 2215, 2301CE Leiden,The Netherlands, Tel: +31 715 181 786, Fax: +31 715 181 920, Email: [emailprotected]

Professor Shirley Thompson, Epidemiologist, Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Schoolof Public Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA, Tel: +1 803 777-7353/5056, Fax: +1 803 777-2524, Email: [emailprotected].

Max Thorne , National Environmental Noise Service, P.O. Box 6157, Rotorua, New Zealand,Tel.: + 64 7 36 28 956, Fax: +64 7 362 8753, E-mail: [emailprotected].

Frits van den Berg, Science Shop for Physics, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747AG Groningen, The Netherlands, Tel: +31 50 363 4867, Fax: +31 50 363 4727, Email:[emailprotected].

Professor Shabih Haider Zaidi, Chairman, Dept. of ENT Surgery, Dow Medical College,Karachi , Pakistan, Tel: +92 21 583 1197 or 583 3311, Fax: +92 21 568 9258/671 264, Email:[emailprotected].

WHO Secretariat

Mr Dominique Francois, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Scherfigsvej 8, DK-2100Copenhague O, Denmark, Tel: +45 39 17 14 27, Fax: +45 39 17 18 18, Email: [emailprotected].

Dr. Dietrich Schwela, Occupational and Environmental Health (OEH), World HealthOrganization, 20 Avenue Appia, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Tel: +41 22 791 4261, Fax: +41 22 7914123, Email:[emailprotected].

King=s College London

Professor Peter Williams , Director MARC, King=s College London, W8 7AD, UK, Tel: +44171 842 4004, Fax: +44 171 848 4003, Email: [emailprotected].


Bernard F. Berry, Head of Noise Standards, Centre for Mechanical and Acoustical Metrology,National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 OLW, United Kingdom, Tel: + 44(0)181 943 6215, Fax: + 44 (0) 181 943 6217, Email: [emailprotected].

GUIDELINES COMMUNITY NOISE - · 2017-08-29 · GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY NOISE Edited by Birgitta Berglund Thomas Lindvall Dietrich H Schwela This WHO document on the Guidelines - [PDF Document] (2024)
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