The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

exe Mst Hea W0rtet 13 Ma't Wf WanUrf Male Htfp Wentes (3JMflj H.p Wairf 3 Matt Help Wanttrf PAGE 34-PITTSBURGH FRESS, JUNE 12, 1953 I DRAFTSMAN W'th archlterturil or if1ner1ri Waihinstnr, duwcu Apply 409 W. periencs with preparation of nlow Wajrlntton A rietaiij Perranenr pnsitmr. rail orUflfiH School Graduate, to learn real 'tm, K. Qevser Co. 915 McA'dle 1 ttf business wonderful u.aiw.y.

Fa. Cat: CH 2 2300 for appointment "J'a ''er Tn Mchnlr ExrnnrH DRAFTSMAN Wonted hourly rates: tt1y. loral wort. CU i P. LV'jjt 1-7623.

Peofh Noteej MANSMiNS Pudfl'nly i Thursday 1 men' Rex Cirri r. i a il ta'hr: rf M. Mirv PfntH lawerd r-Pr Maxirie. Jsres Kaihlepn Jean and Their-e Wan.smar.n hither -s" Marie Immarula. rid Mrs Elmvra Vcver Fui.rral from his late lesirience JB Mission Pr Ml.

Lebanon. Mondav at 9 IS a Solemn mass txpenenced tor Steel STUirs, lire escapes, urnu mental iron railings, and; mcrp nrpn it iron for. rniSteuaneOUJ irun requiem at 8t Bernard Cimrrh Rrowy-ville Fd. ai 10 clock Frienna and iwtir Bunnav at 3 buildings to make the rlPlV rsame r.ncie. D'Paul Society and K.

C. 3084 Invited to attend uraWinqS Ifum artniiet-l as trainees or eipenenceci. salary, (Excellent opoortunttv for advancement. tural plans. bmployee: an m- Banks, crant 1-2300 benefits.

Good pay. 5-day week. Southern Engineering Company, P. 0.. MASPRAN'GELO On Thursday, Jure bc'oved husband of Josephine Alin-31 1953.

Frank of No Pfh in his 5'rd far father Ji.n rfrwrt t. Tuohart Fur.pral'e! Arthur PFT Leonard Box 1087, Charlotte, N.j"1' ancs invesngaTur Hnttif. WUmnt St at Kennedv Avf Tlununnf Funeral Saturdav it. a Blpfsinn Krvlraa at S' Eliza-huh Church. Plfant at 9 a m.

lntermnt Jefferson Memorial Park MATHUS Ida." ace S9 vJira 11. i her residence. Kt7 Victory Pd Erie Pa, widow of Karl Manilas: sister of Mrs Frank Zavaskv, Mrs William Fulier. Mrs pm-itrah, Andrew Ca'herinf and Matilda Tsollak' Funeral from the residence Saturdav at 4 oVirrk MFRKtC On" Thursdav" "jnw" 11. 1951.

Edward ne H. at the Home for Ased Pro'esiaivs. 441 Ave, Wilk Survived hv three sons, Norman Fdward 3. and Harold Merkel friends re-reived at Turner's. Wal lace Ave Wilk where services will held Monday at 10 ')n a MlfHFKOSKI On Tucav, Jun- 9, n53.

Harry of 7428 Park Sr. Swii- Pa. hushrinrl of Anna Tflprcki: farhpr of Eliza hptn KaiansKi. ri. hnmt; Joseph Mirhal of MlfTlm John of Bradrinrk, Pa Carl Miller of Nashville Tpnn Ira.

Rose BTiiion, ar home, and Mrs Ann Knrekarh of Munhall, Pa. Friends receivpd nr the A T. F'jnprdl Hme. 74a Ml TC HI I I. Or "'-roon June in, Kv w-ifa'of Wal-er Mi'cheil mo'he' of Mr Haze R.

Brorkman of bsrjq Frlphlon Fd Ben Avon: grand-rnniher nf Fea Brockman aljo ne great-grandchild Friends re-M'ved at McDonald a Funeral Home California Ave Avalon. where Mfvlres will he held on Saturday "orning at 10 Interment at barren, Ohio. "(PIINVWednesdav. June 10. 1151, Ann Galnpv.

beloved wile of John T. 5uinn of 361 California Ave, mother of Mrs. Alice Holerr.v. Mr. Vera Pusaterl, Mn Rulh Hubert, John John Capt Raymond and Robert sislcr nf Mrs Julia Klaus.

Mis. Alice Nyman, Patrick and John Oainev; also 10 Krand-rhildren. Friends may call al Bnen's. n724 California Cooper Ave 8. Requiem hltth mass at pt.

Francis Xavler Church, Saturdav at 0 ra. ItABOI.D On Thursday, Juna 11. BOX Rose Orestenneld." mnfalnlm 1153. Bev John A P. Rabold.

ace'j dieKPs, Friday. a rmwn-11 years beloved husband of Martha town. Penard. Wauiut J-flM)0, Lau'erbach ol 2S Menu Ave father iaftera rf Mrs. Helen Hartce, Mrs Ve'm MaTe license No Metiger.

Paul, Mrs. Martha Mathtaa, tanawera -Buirh Wednesday, Fist Fnii Carl and Mrs Wallace Steiner, "icinitv Htwatd. renhniat 1 20 irother of Mrs, Louise Colbert, i I'enhurst -4 Id Friends received at the John SI a- CAMERA Argus, carryirii case lust 4er Funeral Home, 4201 Brownsville Kennywnod. Tuesday. Vllm INELBRIC Mwnle EwtwcM- tLi hi win, t-rriy.

Igij p. oirmpi -77 INSURANCE MAN r- rwblt. P' vacation insurance. Annua! bonus nua Free Ouaranteed start Call Iipresa 1-1017. rir tnuri woun.


HEW-ETT, MANAGER; ATLANTIC 1-S155. -1 i a e'i Nr'n Mde anr) Easr Lm-ertv iii uiduitnaJ ajrl ordinal Life InMjrajice. ArartJva aiarT and fommiysion. Aim 2ft to 4 Atlantic INTERNAL Audifor Junior, National Manufacturer, cnllrge or equivalent educatinn extensive opportunity lor advancement. Writt 6ft4, INVliSTIOATOR 0pportunlt7 to make up to $300 per month, commission basis.

Investigation work on Insurance and commercial matters. Must be over 22. hifh school graduate, own a car and havt knowledc of typmr Need 20 dayhitht hours. Tall Mr. Hewlett.

Af-iantic 1-B151 9-4 dally for Interview. LAYOUT MEN For sheet metal work. Must ht able to work from blueprints. Apply Personnel Office Ingram-Richardson Mfg. Co.

Reaver Falls, Pa. Phone 191. LITHO PRESSMAN for new 2 color Harris, steady; per- mancnt position EM 1-11 17 LITHO PRESS HELPER For new 2 color Harris, steady, per-marent position EM 1-1 1 17. MACHINISTS Good all-round men. Overtime If da llied.

Hey! Gr Patterson, Inc. PENNSYLVANIA PREBLE AVES. iORTH SIDE CEDAR 1-2133 MAINTENANCE MAN Knowledge of pipe and electrical work necessary; steady employment. See Mr. George a Haren.

American Coat. Apron a Towel 1001 Chateau North Side. MACHINIST Aged under 4 for maintenance. Must have machine shop experience; permanent work. Emerson 2-1800.

ext MAN Industrious, to make himself useful around small carnival In city. Evenings and Sundays until Labor Day Opportunity for student or ex-G I. Ask for Mr Moore. St. Peters Church Fair.

Fernando evenings all this week. MAN for general repair and maintenance, laundry and dry cleaning machinery Applv In person. Euro Sales Co. 20 Brookhn I A -A M. Monday.

MAN with Insurance Urenee. fire-casualty, to operate new insurance department, real estate office part-time now. full time later. Liberal comm. Cali foitr Penhurst 1-aioo MAN Over 21.

for telephone answer-mg and lobby service. Country club; references room and board. Call Se-wlckiev 4 MAN With drivers license for gro. eery store. Apply Bryant East End Emerson 1-9621.

MECHANIC Must be experienced, motors, franamtsslon and rear end work: sble to weld, gss and electric. Anplv In person, Mr. Penner, United Baking Co 2.31 1 Carson St MECHANIC for heavy equipment International and Allis Chalmers, Report lor Interview it 2104 McNary Blvd. McKlnney Const Co, MECHANIC Chrvsler experience. Contact Mr.

Wood-burn. CH 1-3100 mechanic Helper On buses with 2, (ri 4n vJrs bf stead and reliable "rrntwnod Co 3421 Saw Mill Run B'vd MEN WANTED Anvil Blacksmith and Hplper Grinders Forge Press Operators Heaters APPLY IN PERSON Allegheny Tool Co. 3201 S-MALLMAN ST. PGH. 111.

PA. MEN'S CLOTHING SALESMAN Exceptional opportunity with large de. partmenf store. Must have experience to qualify Atrartive ialarv arrangement. Prefer man with following: full time possibility for advancement.

Write details to C52R, Press nfflre. MEN Earn $.3 to per hour, full, part time; comm Mason Shoe, ion Emnlre Bldg. Atlantic MOLDERS Experienced in bras. call sterling 1-1676 PAINTER Interior-exterior: mint have experience: between 6 and I p. m.

Montrose 1-6H6. PAINTERS Mechanics only. Call Federal 1-7756. PAINTERS Good mechanics. tf wort Sewickley vicinity.

Call Sewlckley 1.31. 30. PAINTERS Interior, exterior, first clasa mechanics: steady work. Call Schenley 1-S6S4. 4 tf) 6.

PAINTER S-nnly $16 2-2017. 1st rlass, steady workers per day. Call Churchill PAINTERS Experienced, work rain or shine. Hemlock l-2in. Poad.

Brentwood, until noon Satur dav Services at the Concordia Evan-peltral Lutheran Church Saturday nfternnnn at 2 o'clock Wednesday, June 10. Edward J. Rcnne-hausen nf Harwood St beloved hushand of Anna M. Ruppcrt Ren7ie-hausen; brother of Louis fi. Renie-hausen.

Friends and rnpmbets of teran Firemen a Assn received at the parlors of Wm Slater and Sons, Virginia Ave. and fvearsarse St Ml Washlnston. where services IU he held Sundav, June 14. at 3 p. m.

Interment Monday morning ROTH On Thursday. June 11. 1083. 8 50 p. Nathan Roth beloved hu.shand of Rehecra Ro'h; father of Mra, trvin Fleischer of Younsstown.

Mrs Arnold Levine nf Pjh brother of Max. Hyman. Morris Roth and Mrs Sadie Newstpm, lour trandrhildren Friends received at, the Palph Schucar Chanel. SSfll cenfer where services win ne Held on Sundav. June 14 at 11 a m.

Interment West View Cemeterv llorSFBOri Thursday-June 11, 1953, Ruth Ann. wife nf Millard Rouser of Carnot Airport Rd Cora-npolla D. No 2, mother of Harry Pouser. at. home, daughter of Mrs.

i SALESMAN For active S'uth Hllla i reai ra? office, car tsentla! Must he 1 neat ar.a agiressive with desire to I earn real money SALESMEN 2 F'C'3t in OpportLinity First in SVeVoiliry Hirjh Commi'cns Ab'jrdint Leids FREEZER-FOODS, INC. Hemlock 1-12D0 Mr. Copeland SALESMAN to 40 years old; experienced kpecialtv selling. Pgh. territory, car neceasary; advertising.

Salary, bonis, commission and pxpensee paid. 2Q7 Bidg 10 tn 12 noon. SALESMAN Rpiipholstering Business Man. enw-rierfetl of and ppstyline Furniture. This orTeri an exrertinnal opportunity for right party; salary and iv-rnis.

All rrnlles confidential Press SAl.RSMAN' Plumoifu Supplies. xiie-rienred man preferred, good Mrri'orv; rar essential: libernl commissirn with rlrciwinE Recount. Write fi66, Press, IJiSMAN Appliance i Frnridaire' full or part-lime: big commissions. Grimes Electric. HI Noble Psh.

i Si Walnue 1 -S1400 BALF'MEN STEEL WAREHOUSE Young men wtth some experience fn steel selling, to work for established warehouse Guaranteed salary, all ex penses, plus Incentive bonus. Replies confidential. Give full particular in miiieeswiri. t. SALES WORK Selling and collecting Insurance; experience not neeessarv Must have car and be willing to work.

70 week to start. Commission and bonus. Brandy-wme l-s-073 SECOND Cook Country club room and board, references required. Call Sewlrklev 4V Mr. Beieer, SEFVIi Virti a roen reel Sil.

Press. aprlv Service Representative Opportunity to learn fre casualty Insurance business. We need a penonable mti lllgenl. weli-educatpd young man with or without business ex-oerienre seeking a salaried career. Must be capable of handling contracts with large policy-hnldera.

Write with ouallfl cations to Mr. L. G. I.oomis. Liberty Mutual Insurance 419 Wood Pittsburgh.

Pa. SFRV1CE Manager Fop 25-year estah-Itshed "Big Three" dealer. In nearby Pgh. area. Must he capable of taking romplete charge of aervice dept and have reliable proven background.

Permanent portion with top salary In reply give age. qualifications experience and references. Write 6A1 Press. SERVICEMAN To repair and Install air conditioners, car necessary; start $2 hourly. Shadvaid Electric, S500 Walnut St SHOEMAKER First-class; downtown 412 Strawberry Way.

Call Wlllard l-7aa after 7 m. SHOE REPAIRMAN experienced, high wages, Mndem Shoe Rehutlrlers. 499 Sixth St Ambridte. SHOP Foreman Experienced: Lincoln and Mercury, to operate shop on flat rate high wages 5-day week; raid vacation insurance Please state oua'10-cattnns In first letter. Write 660.

Press HO RT nrder Cook Experienced Apply 6008 Broad St SIDING Mechanics Wanted Aluminum asbestos. Experienced only, hourly rates. Phone EV. 1-055S STOCK Man Experienced, toys and novelties Aop'y Milton D. Mver .312 Third Ave.

TOOL. PLANNING PROCESS ENGINEERS CHIEF TOOL ENGINEER HltF PLANNING ENGlNEfXt CHIEF PROCESS ENGINEER CHIEF TOOL DESIGNER TOOL PUNNING ENGINFEFS U'estinghouse Air Brake Co. Wllmerdlng Pa. Apply Emplos-ment OfTIre F'andvwine 1-1490; Extension 4' Structural Stel Dlfl'lers And Bethlehem has several yjcjnrlea for experienced fabricated steel deullera and rheckers. These are pot temporary Jobs.

They are new positions created hv the expansion nf the organization. PETAII.ERR must have at least 3 years' experience in detailing buildings and bridges CHECKERS should have at least 3 years' experience as detailers, and .3 years as rheckers. Fxrellenl, rate of pav Overtime with premium pav. Manv extra benefits. Opportunity fnr advancement Location In Eastern Pennsylvania.

Write, gtvintr resume nf aHuca-tion, e-vjierirnce Include pust salary figures and salary expected: mention date of avail-ability Ml correspondence strki-ly ronfldenflal. Employment Department BethleriPm Steel Co. 501 K. 3rd Street Bpthlehpm, Pennsylvania TRAINEES A leading automotive distributor wdM train three young men high school graduates train fir a 1op ih.t mae vou men of the futtre. For' iue oil.

turess Office TRl'CK Driver ard Porter For retail g-ocery store. App'v Stevensnn-Chr'ett tnc Center High.anl Liberty TRl'CK Driver Loading fruits and vegetaplea Apply In pe-son, Pavway Market. 523 Lincoln Ave, Bellevue 1 tsi i is. timer rracror-traljer experience, steady work, home dai'y, gond pay. Highland IV TRUCK MECHANICS Leading Rig Three dealer, ipeeotive Plan.

40-hour week; paid vacation New bunding and euinrmcnt. Man capable of becoming supervisors. Write in iim'imiis ui ,1 rress t.tiiice, rPHOLSTERINC! "sprlngecleanshop: clean work, full insurance coverage; top rale to right man. Star 134 Rraddork Rraddork. Prandvwme 1-2166.

WALL washers 210 Ave Apply City Service. WATCHMAKER Permanent position. Must be experienced. Selling ability pre-ferrcd. Write Box Mil, Pgh.

21. WELDERS 1 st Class To Take Test for Armor Welding $2. 1 3 per Hour. APPLY MINWELD STEEL' CORP. Shaler Cr Wabash West End.

WINDOW CLEANERS EXPERIENCTD The Daelvte Service Company .300 lopelle Street. Detroit 7, Michl ran. YOlTJi; Man 2 or under, hustnesj opportunity, with excellent chance for advancement with national sales leader; should have some mechanical background. Attractive salary plus quarterly bonus, Vdav week Write ejualificatlons. age marital and military itatui.

66Q, Press YOltNC, Man 2 7 to 30 0,004 oppor tunity to learn sod advance In flnance I husiness with local hrancb of national i organiratlon. 2 years college or equiva lent business experience Car fur 1 i Auto Finance Trainees NationsI Uriti'. romrn openlnn in Pii'thiirah and pnnriral ui the Tn-statt area for men 2ft t-, to years i-f cmn h-tt i'u'e (1 T' ee a-e rM -Tje- -rd riTiriU Pt'd vr. rt r-i r'i r-ii'-ii br- i 7 4 4 fr p- An Mr WE Jobber an- a yc-'in? p-an to wrk lneitory oont-nl denartccfit tb offers p-ant orkrj ccrditmns and tie rr.nrr-im ad- vance (iur error vees Know tnji tl Preti A'TO Sa.eaman Cara aj trijCKI. a'ary and commisrion; Fcrd deaier all WitherspooD Brothers, AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN Wsnted tn sell new and used care for a Buim dealership Muat neat, honest.

aetresMve, and a diiijerit worker, ej. perienced preferred but not essential, '-alary and commisaion. Wrlta S9S Preia. A1TOMOBH.K T- Amer-l'-a i finest line of cars, prefer ''icn iln're hi i.e une 'lem-nnstrator plan asailabie dta-Alnl ac-' "imt For I. I to'iher Motors, 1 a00.

AUTOMOBILE SERVICE SALESMAN To hanu'e cintomcr IjVi nnlv for ica'tlnc Hi? Toref" dealer facilities, security. Write full information to 7 nf'ice, A OTciSlfiBit.ETt irr mTWa7d" must t-e A-l lit nt conditions See Mr Ba at fafliiia-: '--non pum B'vd AWNING HANGERS Flperlenced. wltft and trurai A Bottles Son LI 1-2414. AWNING INSTALLERS METAL Fomanm rast Tar- PACKER F.spe7'n--ed" Baae'V Thone or write. 719 North St Stcuben- vi er Phone 3-223.

RAH PER Uxor "ed week'y Siaiajiteid, phu commission Wrrlnes-das off. 3 Mjnav Jarfeitn 1 -HHa4 BARTK.NhER"ETrrieajiced" between SO .80. good refereiiCfS In reoly state phone number Write eiKS Press. Blacksmith Experienced Hate ll-3in per hour Must have eor.d reference! Applv Ihrnuuh l-iiiiav Personnel Dent, tinlop Pailmad C' bfilI.uvlcn Avp Fast Pittsburgh. ft t.AYEP jTi rid'Too'tcr-MH-'al Hiland Body and Fender Man Must be Cook Chevrolet Co.

34 54 ECarson St. HE 1 S7H7. BriDY Man- Fsperlenccd. goodw7ges food woikinj roodtlioti; Ijinj Motors. Inc.

li OA Merchant St. Amhrldr. Pltnne A 4 74 0 ROY For haaei day work, must be wlillnt, eso'lienn pot necessary. Call Juniper 1 4 i rPTchoo! graduate to i7a lumber business, J4A Museum 1-ono BUS BOYS KITCHEN MEN mIt cmplnvment, var'oin Murs avilN arik salary, mfii and uniforms. Closed Sundays irid boMv STOUFFER'S 421 Wood St.

R'Ti'llER Experienced apply at once, will pay wages fo; rlrht man. rcnpVs Ma-net. 722 Midland Ave Mid. and Pa. Phcna Midland 3lSfi6 or CABIN "and Carpenters For tn.ide Bnch hands have expeiieocc others need apply Age limit 2S.4 A Reddlch M'i Co.

7Sn; Thomas R'vd CANVASSERS Hentinr -iriirf kitrfrm, rahrmn Flrjif ftaj Insert asjujrp yoj nf ''imfortaOia livintj. Driw aeainn rnm-rrusirin Tri-State Construction Co. 4J Penn Ave CANVASSERS Heating and home fmnrovementt. tn work with salesman Draw against commission. i7.i Penn East Liberty CANVASSERS For roofing and siding: best deal in town commission or per-cenlaie JA.

l-742fi CAR POLISHER Artrl S)rri'nler. he Permanfnt position. Apply in person. Constantin Motors, JH Forben Sf Squirrel Hill" AR rddio msieinatirvn and S-rvirp rriein. Pre era hi with television xpenenre.

Wri'c 7', r. Pre-? ai- i anten rnr new pom ronMru'-tion, goori on nnlsh work. 1430 fnr- new horn Drp.p Mt Lehanon CARPENTERS -and home ier 7 Understand b'uepHnts Call Ctiurrhlll CARPENTFP.vMnl have experience in lahmrt or lumher mill, call Churchill CARPENTERS Wanted Immediate "'JS. Hubbard o.t Takers For new city directory Ann'y Sixth Ave CIGAR SALESMAN Tn sell nationally adver'i'ed brand 1-fara FxpTlPnced nnn preferred Salary and car expen-e Must have car. ''I FANERS Helper Minimum 2 vears experience Call after 6:30 I.ehigh I- sftl CLERK For automobile agency; work customer follow urt.

must have driver's license, over 2S preferred Apply In person. 74 3 Ross Wilklnsburg. Pa. CLEANERS FOR WALLS AND WINDOWS R-t vhzh ni coniiMn Apr'y 7 am. Jnr 411 Waer St.

COMPLAINT MAN With small ptrk'in (ruck, 'adder and tnni.s f.cnpva! all around mechanic. Emerson 2-1314. Mr Mnnseln cook Short Orer Male or female, evening wnrk. good pav pleasant working surroundings. Call Ferrvsville 4-opi CCCK Short order man esiserlinced 1-3244 rnt-pirTo a rnok and sala-1 Coionlal Manor, Irwm 1024 fr Rrree fret- Pt.

6 2 Press. apt, bMg in Point for services U'rlte DELIVERY MEN 6 For appliance delivery Amhltlniu men should net "0 to on a week on commission basis. No experience necessary. Must he neat In appearance and able to furnish good character reference. Also sevp-a! ooeoiops available In -ales orraii'atlon for men Interested 'n higher caromg; pprsona! inter- view applv Sale.h'ana.c- fl 1 Federal st side OKSI'rA'KRS TTT i F'-r V- Prewure Vtsels 1 with Hnv? -i 'e a tn jd Vf ry si'riMe In Wns-prn ppnr.jvl- "im.

wito c-ivd workmc conditions, rtr r-'vf and lr Box fa DIESINKER lit c'asi, mostly forcing dies- nearly emoioymenf for reluNe man. American AV Cab Co F'rsf St. and JL Brad vk. Pa. DRAFTSMAN For t-ch'ectura! work.

Must have tome Beaver Valley concern. 677. Press DRAFTSMAN rwMfe nnerdne. jvmaent nr1Mnn. Mve rrmp.fp rirre of pst e-therie-re W-T'fe B.

p. o. Bx fi54. Fch. fQ'.

pn A rnTarlTi Lrrvr I JiVIDIN HFTASf FP? ON MTLL PLn'fs rV FPTnr.F? Summer Fnniriorirt-t i tnrjineering LO. 2Tq FO'-PTM AVp.N! C. DRFvTR Toun man. and store help Apply Klnt Edward Flowers, 200 Nnrth Cran St. DRIVER For wholesale eteenlnr plant: referenret reouired Columbia Super Cleaners 102S, Forrest Wait Homestead TiPrc, Cieik Fsnerlenced Pharmacy si honl student preferred (iood pay.

Kay Ohii Co Penbti rst 1-Si22a EDITOR for larse weekly newspaper, must be thoroughly ica-sonpd and responsible; capable of tak-inf full cbarje, should have car. Salary rommensii'ate with ability to produce W-lte O-Soj p-ess ENGINEERS STRUCTURAL In Desljn of ee. 'r'i''' i -r ait, IrV." P'rs HT MECHANICAL Experienced In rveeign of i Mecr.anlral Edulpment L'sed in Blast Furnarea. sintering Plans and Open Hearth Fumacee. FEPMANENT POSITIONS Are At Our CLEVELAND, OHIO.




2300 Chester CLEVELAND 1, OHIO. ENGINEERS AND DRAFTSMEN i a Mechanical. ClVU, ArchltpC- tural and Electrical oncprl in riesipti and lavoilt 1 cnten in rtiiti irij um of industrial buildings and cnemicai plants wim equip-ment, including process piping. For Midland and Detroit, Michigan, engineering offices. State age, experience, and wage requirements.

AUSTIN -ENGINEERS, Ill Curis Rldg Detroit 2 Michigan ENGINEERS W. Vo. Chemical Plant CHT.MICAI For project work tn Deot. on construction and alteration )nhs Atout 5 yn. exp.

Sal. $00-o00 mrith CHEMICAI. I-r development and 1m-prf mpnt cncineeriiie tn Process 3-S yn, exp. Sal. mn ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, or CHEMICAL For -nipervnory ioh large Steam and powr Pept 4-7 yrs, exp.

Sal. month- Eablished national orjtaniraMon with retirement and inKurance plans. Plp ind resume and nalary reoulre- menf to R.l Draper South Charlai- fn 3 Vn FARNTTR One experienced In jeneral frame one experienced in poultry work Bsldesherger. Brideville, R. No.

2. Pa Colonial 3-SMl. FITTERS 1st clasa filters for steel fahrtciHon. HEYL PATTERSON Pennsylvania ancj PreMe Avea North Side 1-23 FOREMAN General machine shop; capab'e of taking full charge of shop In all respects Light Ioh machining and small production runs. Write ss Pre.s pov pnif store rvpninsa, wrp kf ndj.

Apply in crvn 2 Norihumbeiland burgh 17 FURNACE Installers Anplv 9 to 11. 10,37 East Warrington Ave Gamma-Ray Technician Experienced for In scattered Industrial plants and pipelines. CR. 1 -3d GROCERY Manager for vtration relief. Hemlock 1-6S93 after 6, PL 1-6143.

HANDYMAN For larc apartment buiMlr: eleefrlra nflej piplnt expert epce Mayflower 1-303 HI-LIFT hiilldoier or shovel operator-Must he experienced in gradmr Ap-ply 4 23 Noilly Rd Locust 1-5300. Hiqh School Graduate 3 Cneal openlrf with old -esUbllshe-1 flntl fnr yoTir tx ladT who cun tpe and hlp with flilnj Write in confidence to Box Press SrhrvM (Mt)te To rlerk tn reral. ra.nt A plumhinr sipply stftre. rnint he Me to ivpe and ftr knowl- wf Miiwatt 1-2186, Cedar 1 -t7n Freda Oehhardt; sister of Mrs Bel ty GLASSES 2 pair, one rimless, other McLaughlin and Howard Gehhardt, sun slasses, separate cases lost Satur- esl! of Coraopolia. Family reriupsts 1 day.

Northslde. Ealrfat 1-7091. that, friends he received hetween LADIES diamond and platTiium watch 3 and 4, 7 to 10 at the Ens- lost Metmnoiiian train June Subian-aiell L. Trnxell Funeral Home. 8n7 I I reward.



Ohio manufacturer need tnornuehly seaRoned. capable, frr tfus secti-m o( the ft' us i own Man selected will h-iv imnir? Minings $on to $nn monthly" and 'up i) gmfled line of merchandise Deal. inrs with business people. John H. Tprtau, Division Manager, will inter view applicants from 9 a.

to 12 noon Sunday, June 14, at Hotel William Penn UNLIMITED California o-canlratton has opening! (ra thi a-fa Pa-e opoorturi'v to cii.t"h,jf "i c- K400 EARN sn More1 Dow new exe'u-sne fiS-oaie, full color Gift Catalog puts von in business for yourself Sales brochures exclusive calendars, greptmi rsrds. furnished free' Hundreds of "repeat" nrdP'V High c'otnmivsiong wrekly. honu Increase yoijr income Empire state Bide High School Graduates One of America's largest, oldest casualty Insurance companies is leeklntf trainee for casualty insurance, salaried salea positions. Excellent poslhllmes for per- D1Cn" Mr' MeCormrlta Yril'NG Men As helpers fnr repair In and building truck bodies and eouln-ment. Apply only In person.

DoerT South Side. VOlfNC. Man To Team floor PI ease call Ch lire hill i-nano. STEAMER Avalnn need's cabin bovsT colored porters and maid Anpif steamer Avalon.

Monongahela Warf, morn 1 ca YOl'R competent employment bureau- Press Want Ad. Ajttit* Soieifon AMBITIOUS MAN Resident of Pittsburgh and vicinity to years; sinrerp, reinhle lnterefed in lifetime career In sales or' saleg management- car repuired no t-avelmg. Sale. unneces -rv We tpor. o'lfblv tram vrn no ota; Oi'if sv'ernff rv.

j2'Ar 'ek. STARTING Above averace r.n rapra from XI to xmp and bmi e- if qualified promotion to sales position assures avetage earnings of jsnor) to xi; unn Above ave-agp have tr EXTREMELY HICH INCOME LIFETIME. This mav he a real oprsor-tumtv for vou Determine h's bv rrno-mg Manager Howard Miller. Cone i-ssno between p. m.

to only 5 Male fit Femo Help Wontsd Chemists, Analytical For research and development of m. str'imfntal metpoo's pf than spectroscopic, as applied to rempoupds Parent Ph D. or with ore two years experience, repined: jr.r study, Plltlcn free cive full de" fal's. age. education, experience, reouirements first letter.

Write 617. Press Restaurant, bomestlo Kl NKLE EMPI3VME.N'T. 701 Sm-thfle'd INTFRVIEWER Clerk Part tlSTTv7 rungs and weekends for large ptttx. burgh hospital. Write Box 621 stating ruiallfications, COUPLE Middle aged, ho will cate private living puarters in country; salary; man to drive and maintenance) wnrk; mint have peSt character refer-ftim.

Write A Press. for elderly private room and bath Walnut 1.4670 ECU A IN rn and 6-11 Ma her rnug. Norm gl- and Avenue A A V. Cosme.c mg field onerung. le-els of Adsaneeej com-missions popils, no co'er'tip- FeHeral 1 MARRIE'n Ccip'e, no 'children- man for dllrv farm or cottage worv, cast'e' Oliver 6aa, press.

wcsfFN or men To One of the best ln -I day Clllt i. work Rorus extr irw nr vacation with pav. 603, EARN annually as a part Supervisor nr i'-ii sffei lo-pen-ent p-ri- eamings include n--e-nHj bonus, and plus expense, 'for tho.e fa'' I a Nov; Mir ft femafc Help Wanted REPRESENTATIVE Alert young lady, age 21-26. to provd-s aovuoe and counsel to our polirv over the telephone With an pleasing 'rovided. r.

li." tog ACCOI NTs, TATA RLE BOOKKEEPER immediate opening; experience desirable, but not essential 21 0,11 for art. Pjntment. Mr. MU. 1.4o5T ACCOUNTING ClFRF STnei MI" TrSC'" A1.3ERA1ION Women rart -time worg In Men Trnuser Stores' pleasant con-ditions, easy work: oprnings rvowntowm.

Homestead and Rraddork stores. Anpiy office, standard Sportswear Av ASSEMBLY WORK Ages 1 tn xn: no experience necei- conditions Apply prfon.jopirn."o so w-ressley St. ASSISTANT POOKKEFPFR Tolt'lnf knowledge SECRETAPY' for 2 men early 30'l. marned-s'ngle, 3S4'1' Coliet grad. FILE CI.EPK: no tvrlnc mar- $200 -sx 2 1 0 On-al office.

25- 30 single, day 30-4S. Montgomery Employment S077 ARC ADF 1R 1-27'T OPEN SAT TIL 1 BAKERY Salesgirl la.jv $40 week. Anplv in person, Italian Pastry Sho, 4ia Lartmr Ave. BEAI'TICIAN Evnerlenced for Lebanon shop- commission. Call after 6 3 0, Lehigh 1 -3349, Wlllard REAITIOIAN's Salary guaranteed nlue cr.mmlssions.

Apply ClalTeya. 237 Flfh Ave. Pltlshurch. good eaT arv; good working conditions. Zarda'i Salon Iirust REAI'TICIANS --ApnlV Svlvia and lean Hrsutv Shin.

70R Smllbfleld st. REALITY Onerator t'rgcnf, for small -pop. pclievue, good salary j), slon Rosewood Everglada 1 -01 63, evenings. Billing Machine Operator prPRnnniTR kxpfptknckd, SAL ARV OPEN HI. 1-ln2 BINDERY ClrlR FvperlenrerJ in printing plant; atpflrlv work.

Apply ln person. Wth floor, 422 VM Ave BOOKKEEPER Mif have cnmp1et knowltice tf anM titles ami leases. Prefer one with thormjeh understanrlmr of the Totor; anti living in the virinl'v Hills Steady pftsitinn: Knrj rav; exre'lent wnrkine ronditlon. Call LO. 1-Min fnr apnintmfnt BOTiKKKEPlVi MACHINK OF'FP ATf'R Rtrarl work" exnerienrecl preferred-ate 21-5.

E. E. Werners. Rrvant St ROOK KEEPING Marblre Ori-atAff' Experienreri. temporary.

Fa 1 ley Onnt 1 -n PI'S C'rl Ff'r ritaurart Vo nirt" t--. -r S'Wdv-'r-. Mlla-sl ak. 1 Hit mop 1 cf CANVASSERS Ftpef-Vn-rd. wtk'rt lra'lf sa'av rEvtrrttlSP-Ar 'p to 'twk', h-t Wirk'nr roniltlTis.

APpW 'n sap to in a. MP. MAP VF V-MAKS Ff.nnp VOVKFIN-; 2i SMITHFTF1.P CANDY SALESGIRLS For North Side and Dow-town ti-ea ert Are 26-36 Applv 10 J. Loew 1 Penn. Oandv counter CASHIEP-Herk sVeisth Hills Suo-r vs.r.-t w'th check rogtter encp.

i'leant working conditions rd wages, references. Plan'aiion 1 -1 7 13 PAfNTZPS Eipenencel. Call after p. Locust l-43av Tu "I n. Pharmacist ReCIStered Moriprn air-cooled store in Erie, Pa.

Good hours, prrfor youn? man. Writp rrrss, piving age, qualifications and salary expected. PHARMACIST Modem North Suburban store, gond hours, sajary 1100 wee, paid vacation Write a. 5 3, Press PHARMACIST Experienced, good nav and hours; advancement, paid vsrt-tions: Independent chain Hatel 1-7429 PHARMACIST for one night a week; every week hours to 12. Call Mill-vale 1-1304 PRESSER experienced, steady Job.

good wages. Call Fairfax 1-S069. PHOTOGRAPHER Child home nortralt experienced, car furnished: paid vacation and other benefits. Apply In person Kldjean.dJ5tmisJI7iOForbes St. PORTER 8 a m.

to .3 m. Good working conditions. References reouired. Apply Evergreen Cafe. Penn Ave.

PORTER For restaurant, steady, experienced, reference. No nights or Sundays Milkshake 43A Dtsmond St. PORTER Bo under 21, for night ihlft. Corner Goode Pharmacy. 14 26 Wvlie Ave, Express 1-17, PRKSSER Wool; iteady work.

iooi waeea. Pittshnrsh' coolest rleanlnj nlant. Aopiv 142 tsth opposite Ronjpvelt lotel. Downtown. PRKSSERS Wool; experienced; permanent position: union shop rokimhia Super rieanen.

1025 Forest West Home'ad. PRESSER Immediate. expTlericeri. worklrf fteady work, rill Perrysvlll 4-6000 PRESSER Experienced. Permanent.

Top saiarr. Apply Slsmour'i, 1399 Hflgfctgg North Side. PRESSER Experienced wantM at once, pleanant workinf rondttioni. t- cellent salary. Call Everglada 1-79S2.

anvttm PPESSER Male or female full or part time Seeal Cleaners, S50A Penn Ave Montrose l-! 12 prF--F Fvo' eocpa" he foes a -s -fl er PRfIsSFR Exiriencea, siead- wo-fc i goorf wages. Apply 543 Walnut St. Sb.alyside. Mayflower 1-S90V PRESSFR Permanent work. Goyvd wages Call Jack- Betz, Jackson 1-QS79 PREISER Experienced.

excellent wages. Falrfaa l-48 Call at once. Real Estate Salesmen We are looking for men who are willing to work hard in a money making business. Be your own boss with no capital to Leads furnished. Previous experience not absolutely necessary, will train, Must have car.

Call CO. 1-3414. fnr interview Triangle Real Estate Co. Real Estate Salesmen We are looking fnr men who are willing to wnrk hard in a money-making business Be your own boss with no capital to Invest Leads furnished. Liberal commission Previous experience not absolutely necessary, will train Must hve car Call for Interview.

TRIANGLE REAL ESTATE CO 1-3414 REFRIGERATION Man Experienced: none other need apply. Call Mayflower ROOFERS Exrvrlericed only. Apply Pebecea wnkmshurg Boovync and I-Telners Experienced. Scarborough A Klauss 3809 Sith Avenue ROOFER With tinning and all-arnupd roofing experience. Call Fairfax 1-67 22.

rrTw rkiriMCCD SAFETY tNblNhhK Reliable stock Ins. co. Excellent opportunity Cincinnati branch, Ohio license and fleet experience necessary Replies confidential. Write 6S7, P-ess SALESCI.ERK To work as counterman tn wholesale electric supply house. Must he experienced.

Apply state Electric Supply 910 Tenn Downtown. SALES DEPT. OPENING a man J' to years of age with 50 year old company A leader In the specialty steel warehousing field. Experience desirable but not neceasary. Extraordinary opportunity in a stable Industry with an outstanding company.

Salary and bonus. Reply bv letter giving full Information. Including schooling, previous poel-tions. family status, recent photograph If possible and availability for travel and any other Information you feej will be of interest, to Box on. Press.

(Our personnel know of this advertisem*nt SALESMAN To present Capitol Freezer Food Plan to families. Interesting work with ex-cellent commissions, plus bonus. For appointment phone Mr. Schoener, Grant 1-8342. SALESMAN Agrresslve wholesale firm bai opening In sales department for a man to cover territory In calling on the lumber and builders' s'tpp'v rrade Mo-r be between the age of 30 to 0 a-td free to travel outs de of the city a.

davs a week car furnished Financial arrangements discussed at Interview. Write, giving age. experience and employment for the past 5 years and all pertinent Information Including recent snapshot cr photo Splended opportunity for man who can sell. Write P. O.

Box 4217. Pgh. Pa. SALESMAN Branch office national1? fcnnwn adding machine company, leaders the'r has position available tc rrver cMr. "TTtansie'' eom-n'efe training and lr.dortrtnitin pro-pram: opportunities for advancement, creeited bv expansion program: 1 1 2 month ohm fomrmsMon: car necessary.

Previou aaies ejcperitncf required. CALL MU. 1-4151 SALESMAN Young man for Stvle Mens Furnishings Store. Steady. Salary and good commissions, excellent opportunity for advancement.

Apply Office. Standard Sportswear Shops. 1330 Fifth Ave. SALESMAN Education: experienced: can earn $300 to $S0f) commission weekly. Mr.

Zalden. Commercial Institute. Locust SALESMAN For an established route: week plus commission. Apply The Crest American Tea Company. 64.30 Penn East Liberty, 10 to 11 a SALESMAN KITCHENS Experienced only: work from Qualified leads: guaranteed drawing account against commissions.

Permanent. Contact Mr. Prunilk, Tumpson ej 705 Penn Ave. SALESMEN and Dealers No investment to sell the famous Keystone Storm Windows and Doors, trtn'e track self storing. Inside and outside casem*nts with no hinges or knobs: also the famous Piano Type Hinge Door.

Dealer's and Salesmen commissions. Three Rivers Aluminum Window 716 Chestnut St. Pgh 12. neal Hemz'i. Phone Cedar 1-6-17S.

Phone 4-7141 -4 a 1 2 4 5 6 7 a I. a a Death Notret children Friends reoelsed Fulton and Brarittell Funeral Home. 41S Char'iers St Carriefe. Pa si here will he -1 Mtn- YOt'XO -On WMt'-ia lune yi.o.i. a' 3 4 6 George H.

Yoill.C. ngpf) "Ti of Its ppt Ave mother of Fmma ar.d Minnie unr of George Young of Knoxvi.le r.if Hi" r.d ar-nrk No n-a call at William Hirt Funeral Horn. Alice 6t Zr.ll.tB Of 123 Jacob, P'. brook on Thursday, 11. IW, 45 Ar'hur tSkinnvo .1, Richard and La Verne rarol Friends received a' fhe Iauphllu Funera, Home.

Shannon where services will be held on Monday June IS, 10 30 a Corcs ot1 Ttonki for tiirn np-. urd in (n'hpr A Snvricr nr-d fimtlv, Mtmonom PFPPA Anns tvhr Tn tovinr wrnrv m' who fbV of hrr 'today ArP thP rr sdiv hv hn imnl- cYiarrii (j.nd all who Invr-i FJerriit is. tv A 'i, fie- hillVlowers5 5-11 Sixth Ave. AT. 1 L'OOO 1 Gidas: Sprays, Baskets, $5 311V r'lKhilMS I 1-1 Hit) L1T7AK prnrtTST 4417 BL'TLER ST.

SCIIKNI.EY 1-4110 Monuments -Ctmtttry Lett ALLEGHENY County Memorial Park Hon M. 24 irave ictts $ro each. Wmte Post Office Hoi ttfi. Eaat Pitu- tiutjrh Tl CourTfT Memorial tlrTve lot Masonic seitinn, jravea, I4S0. I-4 last and found" wanted Reward Mrs, Hopkuu.

118 Jl1, li. Sterlinr 1-1181. CAT Black and jrey atriped. Nff underneath, female' laice fiont paws, a tries, iosf vicinity Fos Chapel ltd near Rd Rewaid ST. 1-1224 CdLl.iK Pup Female hr w-n-wlite Answers I.a ssil i 1 lost Sunday evenlnf vicinity.

Prwaid. Ja.asti DO; Rrown and whPe part tcirler resinimls to "Tohy ctoirclilll Rorougti vifliutv. Fiemont l-flfl07. ENVELOPE rrmiainmt lanrePed cneiks and money whitehail. need to cpSP tianarti on pome riase innract Locust I i hs.

Fi'il'ND Riack and white stuut haired fptuaie puni'V. wr-arltU' collar. Tuesday aftenuKin on Ave (cfT Mr-NpiIIv Road! H'lis. U'lliatd l3liS1 ForNDTyouoj bijek and "wbTte CoVker Spaniel. Phone 3F.n.

Brown tins In case Mn- nisn.niHi in c-sui Montrose 1-oMn i after A GLASSES Brown shell. rim. lost Monday. Kaufmajm Fifth Ave Diamond St -McCann s. Call lxlnlst1 -A00A.

GLASSFSV Shell rims. In treen case lost Tuenriay evening downtow-n, Cal Montrose MODEL Alrnlane Rhie and yellow; A- wing span; South Park vicinity, Reward Fenhurst 1-0047 PARAKEET Ajiswer to Pet Tuea-dav evening 32! R'tmtngham Ave. Reward. Wlllard or Plantation 1-14 2 Pf'RSE Navy hlue, Th'irsdav mornlnc Petin Center Pirig Fast Llticrtv, ktcp monev return contents. Homestead SCAPF- striped fiont of Walnut St Post CHrVe, Thursday nicbt Pea-d Montrose 1-1124 HSCLD ER- Ve' "Co V.7d'herd"HVtt' Wa-hington-U'est End coptaminr dtiv-er license i Knox, Pa I.

Reward Cai-ner'e 1171R. Brown and white female, o. a i ward for return 01 in lot ot ,00 Coin! WAM FT Rrown leather Thursday. Fedetal Street North side contains, monev, drivers ll-ense. Reward, Museum i l-sflTil WAI.I.ET Plark calfskin Hands Monday morning Re-urn cards, ,.07 ATCH Man "HamtUon lost wash.

-j. wptsT w' i Latvs Bulo-a. In: Theatre, evening of June 1st. I R'u''d Brandvwine 1-1409 1 i i j. ammm WANXFn 4 'idrrs; ppt.oiirgh to iciu ppa, return 5 orloik.

lnH i uao i Proposals SALE OF BONDS $5,505,000 00 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY. PF.NNSY LVANIA Seaied nroposals for the nuichase of tin rati Oil par valllP coupon the County ot Allegheny. Pennsvl vama wi.l he rpiciveri hv undc signed 'ht "fT'ce of the Cooniv controller, 10 H-nse, Pi'tshnrch Pnns'sid until 11 on a. m. iJaviu-oi ana wilt he 'Wed Immediately eaftpr he lop 'iiniv i 'iitioltrr ntv Comrris.iopers in the n-epi- ni of the i r'inlv Cmnni 0 mt House.

rerns vise sqto ure o' the depom-of XI llfin ao -i gMra-ie as to li onlv da'ed July 1st. pfTc'tng rooiorues sunn nno on ries 42 400.. no rt, a-i p-iii- ion op t'co-lcs n-ds fe 7i-i nun 00 Puolir R'ort; pcrics opo on I.ot R'ock A.e.sment Plan ponds. 6 Snnn opo o.i Alrrc rt 'hd'- ia ri ra-k I Ser'e? -'sue as nno nn on in each tv-p ypars 104 to una na t'ilv 1st each of the years 1969 hoth fc.rlu.-lve, Te Conntv pay or refund an? 'exrpot g'f. or Inberl- tance tx which, mav be legallv levied assepei tf-e horts nr uoop opr secured thereby under ant pre'Pot law of the Common- i i 'o of Pennsylvania 'Oh shai! ipec'y a s'np'e ra'e I i'e-est winch a'l of the hoods of- I 1 i'l'' I'-ir-r-rri'n nr- p-r Tlie ro of 'n'ret MM hp "'in r.rrl ti OmM- Htion nrrrn'jnt'p of tf-.

hrtpd and 'nfe-. y.t, pav Mr- rrl arnn-j iv on arv and In hp ard 'ir-'Hrd nf no and nk 'Tin w'b'r-h 1 1 he hr ('irtv fi. vlP p'i a nr. i if'H p-ivrinpr ir a on 'K'de. -Prorvl Rnnd." and i rrrttn if or Viapir r' or trc-r-ute-r'a vRhlf to (hp a' tir CniiH-Alirchmv arrj, for inn, on er-T'itv npi.

of h'd No hM fr an nar and a-cruM Intrrest will hp sreertrd TV sfli of the honds tithtprf to of p-orpi-dm au-thorlinr the bnds hy the Interi-i! AfTciirT nf th Cummon-pct of In 'he event thai rrlor to th dMv-erv o' tfie bonds the Income received hv nriate h'Mdfrs frm honds of the same and ch-irac'or shtil he t-ejn hv terms of anv Fedc-u! Income tax the 8ccesi.fiil bidder mav. At jv.j, he relicvpd of hts nhj; rnfl--in 'inder the ennfrrict fo th Nnd. tn sufh cnf.p te deposit ac-: Ms will he returned The pijrref.sfn; he fur-i wih fue nrli'n vp'urt Ch-ihili p- a- ITa-lett Pf r.rFvivjxr;!c, t-n' -lr vn id rive'sl pllra tfi-n of nf -erhp, 'C-n ltr Tr-e iji-aj rlctsM pordine 'hfi pr-r of an- bos'pes; horp bv n( jpp a l'oo--ttes of h. Cctiptv Tbe o' A to reiert (-v -v re- ers the JASfF KN'OtX County Controller Vahan' jr B-g, Co.jrtr of Al 'rhe-'y. c-u-ty oe.c BilMIng, Plttsbuigh.

Fa, i I i I A prnpoM.s Ui be received by the Board of torl of fne air.ooi of the P.trougn nf Retrel until a nn jjt. ini at tt-e School Building Prk 'nip Ficr h-; rough Aoeghery punty Proosv tK a t.jrn -rj-(c Itc-rfi trnent rrrtmp fnr (f a. i. 'IT Ptni Cii 3 njij (-," The Tn- -v. fa rv.s thp to if- dr.v 'a iiv hil at.

-I 'o a hest jntffat cl Lfre Rv rr-r The B--in1 CK. j-e 'urT THE S- of Wl' KiiiSt.ijrg i a-kLiig fr.r b'ls op tne Jo. ri rt'-iriisa'Ktn TajVn, Stikrri. Rniler roal. Metai W'fk, Fii' I-iffht P'let Win-Wrt aMuslral Inffruments.

Rivi l'n f. iii ih' mv on arplra- 'If'n to tif n'ri-f rh fr-ftarv, Rom mi, Hisn S'-'ni R.j.idins, 747 Wal- laf i- -ihj rp. Pl :ris.y Iv rra A1! r' in the offuo rf th fCKlprV ff t. t''V 4 10 -j- yritnv and p-1 kt--; en i' Rid Hciil fr t'-p rirht 'o anv fid Fv nr-TPl'T PMpnt'fiH ov wil S.f"-M-v 'frr-d rlnr'ia ti- 70C) (if 1 1 tf--'K fsra'a W-f fnn'e-d of No in th urd isii.i!f-d who all av'nr nr demands irsln 1, o.tila nf rlo Ira nua I kfi'wn M'e safT all rv fn in 'rtd to d-'drnt to rat p-ivrnTit M.oiit dliy tn Tl-i P'l'P rter. F.xtix laf M'nrtirra St.

Pgh pfl or to Micfiac! 'X 1 1 00 toot- La 14. Ps rcent wit ri'-oi deiav tr. Fiiarv-'h Diierlein. 1441 Avn Pth 21. Pa aid Ma-y Ralnfv Ave rs: Pa A mis i a ilr er, Attv Pa.

1 to ESTATE of Anna L. Freeh. deceased, of Pnli No 2t cf piM I. inters lestaliif tita, on hT esta'p wc. -r 1 1 -el to the iiO'lTsicoeo who rto'icsts all persons haMn? i.ainis or il-manus aralnst p-'ate ot (tirpd'tlt to make known -ante and ait m-flcMut to (icrficiit to make paymcnl wi'liout di'lav to Lillian Fias' Fxtrs south Highland Ave fi.

Pa. or tn 'lorl'Mrs, '-OPhrllie At Coihn. B-ts FlKA RldS I Pa IN the Cnip-t of Ctimmon Pleas of Alle-chenv County rcnnrvlvatna 20fl2 nilv Term 0VC fn re petition nf Itnlel Allen nines frit chante of name to Alien Dines To all persons in tereslci) Notice Is bcretiv given that an o.ricr of said Coitit authorized the flilnc of aid petition and fllxed lh 1st dav of July, i os at 10 a aa the time and the Assignment Room, My. County Pillldlnc Pa as the nlace for a hrarlnv when and where all Lonn oiav how i ause If anv thev have, why sa'd name should not he rhantJ as praved toi liosenheie Attorney for Petitioner. Addresa La A Uname Rida rnii I'l.

NOTICE I will no IcriEPr be responsible for anv dctus cntrattrd tiy mv wi'e O. i A I 'I naicmeT! r'-id, p-M f-t Molt Help Wanted All advertiseynents in The Pittsburgh Prest Male Help Columns, offering Sales Post-sions, mutt indicate article or service tn be. sold and the bans of compensation. When answer'ne advertisem*nta to Presi. poxes do NOT Include nrcinal references, photographs or other rapes of personal value.

Ad-yer'isers often fall to call for all replies addressed to a box num her and this anal! la destroyed If remaining eeer in one after final Insert Ion of advertlsemeat. In order to protect Ita advertiser from receiving circular matter, If la expressly understood and agreed that all such matter will be withheld aa far as possible by The Press. Onlv bona fide answers to advertisem*nts addressed to box numbers in care ot The Press will be delivered tn advertisers on presentation of the box number ticket. Tbii newspaper dnea not knowinelv accept advertisem*nts from emplnvera offering less than the legal wage, fnder the Federal Wage Hour Law. firms enraged In Interstate rommerce or In the production of goods for commerce are required to pay at.

Ifait 7.S. cents an hour (unlesa Issued exemption certificates for learners, apprentices or handicapped workeral and time and one-half for overtime. Advertlse'-s covered by this law who offer lower rates should he reported to (be Waee and Hour Division of the Department nf Labor, 1004 victory Building Liberty Ave. and Ninth PlttrbuTh Pennsylvania. Phone At'anMc l-10aa.

ACCOUNTANT hiislrcss rra 1 a'e Interest 'n, fa; AIF TRAINFE 2 4 7 hKh chine "1 g-a-i'n'e -'ffire pva 'cied Xino plus expenses. INprSTRtAl. ENGINEER 's vears work simohflca- ommission Hon tia luafe 4 mi es from CUV f-ion inn C1EPK TYPISTS 17 high no ex- per'ence. 'nn. rcceiit giadoa'r fe-r'us non-ferrous laboratory caich.

so miiPs from City 0 1 Montgomery Employment i Mil JENKINS Apr DF. r-P Priihf rirrk Young i Tan 2" i -C dMft (Mrrr-i kn-wl-'dtre of rtxokitrApinr tfpn- i ire i-d-iv u-vk Mr in. A Irrrrnv I -1 -r rn- irm-'Ot. AD)USTER-TRAINEE Neat appeaHrff man about b'gh school rrarlua'e nio p-e- ferred Must able to ileal with pub- lie will and ai'ost csua- claims Permaoent position won iinuje. evcel i eo saiarv and exien-ps Writ Koenig.

Sa cnion irusi ADUSTER A'ltomob'V physical damage. Ptfchureh hraivb of Motors Insurance Corporation tGenc-a! 'orsl has an ongoing for a staff adtil'-'er high pool education cecessa-v mefhantcal esen- a'i'tv fo deal with people'ir' fln ir-o. aotcnioh ie salary Fxeel'eot working conditions and opportunity for ad; anrement based solely on oua''n' No npone oily- please. Addte romr't't letter pf application, to i a Press ADIUSTER ft nan rcttin Ht eMt ver rfilViir- n'U'xt a rr iir- VlH cur arvt tippnri'iM'tv rem Ave. 1-0000 Caji'ialtv cUtm.

S'TPe pt- rrcisve rfi rp' itn AT nf th'-s ad WM'e S0, nf TlpdoW to-' hut not. rcei buolrUy in- I Ioh i have car or tru I M02 iVee)" ldlng He'p- 'v Houtly rate-to 9, 1 p-.'eptc pvcntial 'I t-i men evpOr-ht PV Pa---a i Ins 'l 6 m'i-miv r- Spa'airg APPI IAN'of, cs'emen America's tastes' prod.rt Part-time cons'd-, s.n Commissions, J.X0-6 APPFENTICE Ro.ay and Fender Man Experienced r-elcrred good working 'cond Ca'; D. H. Witherspoon.

cewick'ev 31A ASSISTANT MANAGER Young man ugh school erad. tis ev'icn onpr" 'iflnre no fn-r-: F1- ntient Tar pifr 'a! fir r'fivre oc-t -a1---- -o F'r uerl ear drpi He he- drul. tyv-ff-nr ici'-k'ne nr (c io o.h.Mj- ffli-i wi'llrr 1.spf hi ht mr idfi-: iv Ml nthrr pecpV fvrr'lv sod hac t1'" A'it' hut Wcii-1" t-1 rr hetter fhf -wnmne Irresf oove hp 15 v-iup to sme nv'hile bac-ksrro'ind und cflrn In the ncyt 1 2 A now 1 03 Chev. drTr-fr'or frnhd. Prwln? jfr-ount and "dld v-iratton Cuslme fi'inwanrp This prt of o'ir evninslon nrcirram Onr sflYtT hiive hcen w'h us s'nee we tn and are e-isv to rf aln with This is an un'mml onnortunttf rdpahie K-ck- lng for PFYF.PT.

rtfFVPOT FT Yov PMler fcpf Pnr nd C-ar-t T'l'e Crerk. Pa Auto BMv Fcnrler Men Two M'! he ftr: tn nfiT Brisbin's Auto Soles Inc. Peon A-e W'Vln't-'irg Ch irrt-i'l 2 3700 AUTO BODY MECHANICS T.eM'inf Three der mod r-r riyrh Leading? a tM-'-'iifh a r-fur Pid h'rh g-j f'jU to 1 1 I 'TO Bod? Man Exneneneed for nfo.pivrrf'Uth dfa-e gtFadf tr'd saiarv Free uni'rms. free nav a-t Mr I 14H8 Bingham St. Zutii 1-45, aih Coraopolia.

where services will he held on Sabbath at 2 o'rlock Interment In Sharon Cemetery, Car not. Pa. HAVAOE On Wednesday, June 10, Elma T. Knorr of S20 Reaver Sewlrkley; wife of Emil E. and mother of Mrs.

Orsre Freeble of Columbus, Ohio; sister of Mrs Charles Miller of Walrose and Mrs Rose Zicgler of Aliquippa. Friends received nl the Matter Funeral Home. 113J Church St Ambririce. Services Saturday at 2 30 m. Interment Sewlrkley Ceme'ery SCHR(TTIIhur7daiun Franklin of Saxonhurg husband rf Naomi; fa'her of Mrs Irene P'rauehn and Robert brother of Charles and Mrs.

Matilda Lassmger; IlM nn oeaoHton WncnH hm received at the familv residence F-ervtres at Fo Funeral Home. 1 fiavonhurff Sundav mep.t in Saxonhurg Cemeterv. FFLLFRS Francis Northman, Bis' ll.h.o'i c.o. Jegheny General Hospital, Thursday, 11: survived are his wife Mrs. Helen Galev Seller; one sister.

Mis. Fletcher Collins of Stanford. Conn two brothers. Emorv Sellers and; John B. Sellers, bn'h of Pittsburgh.

Friends received after 7 Fn- I tdav at. the J. Anderson A- Ron Fu- i rera! Home. 20S College Ave Bea- wer. Pa.

Services from the funeral home. Saturday at 2 30 m. Inter- 1 ment. in Beaver Cemetery I MLINSKI (Skil Wednesday, June 10 Suddenly on i to.i a 1 1 jinny i 8 Silinskt of 221 Republic brother of George, John and Bill Silinski. Mrs Marv Matalnnms and Mrs Anna Halkn-ke, also survived; bv nephews and one niece.

Fu- reral from the Drewipcki Funeral! Home. 110 South lftt St, S. fin Monday June 15 at fl a mass ai sxt Adalbert's rt. C. Church at.

0 m. SOBCZAK On ThurrdTv-JuneTl, 1053 Joseph, beloved husband of Catherine Zebrackl of 313 SUdlum father of John, Sis'cr Mary Evallne, sisters of Nazareth. Mrs Anna Janosko, Mrs Jospphlne prhaefer and Edward Calif lso five trandchl dren Funeral Mnnrlac June I5th at 30 from the" -1. a miiir is'ann jsve tiocKs icentuem nia-s a' St Cyril Methodius Church at a Friends SPRFEN On Thu-sdav. "June 11, 1353.

at 10 30 a. Frederick Ppreen, husband of the In'e Ma'h- Jida Schwartz ace veara, or hth Cas'le Shannon fa'her of Ruth M. brri-hcr of William Snrppn, may rail at the William Hirt Fur.pral Home. 704 Brownsville Rd Ai.ce Services Sunday at 1 STACK On Thursday, Edward dear-Iv beloved husband of Freda Reaver fv'ack, father of Mrs Margaret singer and Mathilda Vogel, brother of Mrs Josephine whalen, Mamie snd riorepce S'aek. Funeral from tie rhapel of Herbert Sperling 3 1 Pearl on Saturday ai 10 a.

friends Invited. F. Sudden! v. at Dune Co on Thursdav. June Ma-garet Scott, fpevenson.

wl'e of X.r'M C. I-- .1 lll-IIV Oi O. Ave Plttfburjh- mother of Robe-t S'evenson; sister of Wai'pr A fsentt, friends received at. Sam-eon 5.37 Neville fjt C'vio Center here services be held Mondav aftern-von s( e.ock Please omit fioweis A rival in Pittsburgh Satnrda nine HI P4RIT On Wednesday Ju Jd 1053. Alexander nf 154 44'h ft pe.oved husband of fa-her of Eliahch s-btanithamer Anna Cable Maiv Huffman Ca'h-e'liie Gaioralth 10 g-nrd, hildicn b-other of Mrs Arna Mat lost- Fu-rerai from the Hcnmnget- Fucenl Home, 4h35 Butler St on Mortlav 15 at a Requiem high mass at S' Augustine Chjjrrh at 8.

Knights of S' Ceorge Franrh 5, Verhovv FT. Assoc. and 1 1 icnus it: viren i On after- I FOKE (Kish, Bnon. June 11, 1053. Marv tiife nf the ate Jofenh Kish of tin', Fi Squirrel Hill, mother 'n Frank Fznke; Rrandmn'her of Mrs KMza.

teth Olah and Ernie Sr'-ke Friend received at the Forsaith Funeral ynme (formerlv and Omeni 126 Hazeiwood Ave Hazelwood tmt! 1 15 o'clock. Saturdav Lter-roon Services ir. 'he Firs' Hungarian Reformed Church, Johnstown 2 o'clock TRIZMO Suddenlv at. his home 1112 Forbes June yiATro, Bn of the Vf far! and S-phie Funeral from the Wj'lu'rn BiT'an Mnrtuarv Ohio Monday at 9 a Fnrr.ds in-T'ted Tl RPINnTiidavJuneoni Turptn of 3n Loem P' hrn'her nf Mr' 'i'v M'. Vlrp-o V', Dm Tui Co-Fn pmifr rd ''ITT Friers trrtr a- the Puwc T-oxeP Funera? Hme r- Ave Cnranpv; vpr, w'h he heid Jo rirv )t Jure 2 J1S i 2 i' 5 ntt Walker, 'n vex-.

ni liilHT. jc V- Mirhjj Krp. tei -0fn; hflihf rf ra t'jm, Iau W. fr nd Art ri' -ff'end- ft, 1 1 ik I i I o' tlie am 4 i la:" 1'c nun 000 ao1 Ju'v to kJ rr the ftra' o' k' for thn the of type the la i 1 right Count 40: WELDERS Experienced on Stee! Castings CONTINENTAL FOUNDRY MACHINE CO. CORAOPOUS, PA.

nished. Call Montrose 1-1700 between BEAI'TICIAN Shampoo and mancl- 0 and 6 Mr Roiiser. workasjperialty. Call Court 1-SS61. YOUNC Mao Cte-lit trainee for l.r"r"e o'pera tor crTteee; ialT furniture store, neat aggressive 'arv and pctcentage.

5 day week Wal- willlng to learn: -lartlng salary rttit lnili. week Cedar A I Opera tor and a rTlcTu- sTEx- YOl'NC Man- To learn window clean- penepcea unusiia! opportunity full eie Ing trade Steady wr.rk good wages: part time alr-o-indittoncd. Paid vaca-mnst be of good chararter. Annly 7 ''on H'ch sa'srv and commission, Cltv Service, 210 Third Ave Haret 1.0476 MACHINISTS SALESMAN ALLState Insurance Co. Founded by Sears Roebuck Co.


WRITE 684, PRESS. AND YOI'NC Man For shipping by small machine shop, good opportunity, down town write r. fisis press Man 1-21. for parts depart, ment stockroom: single Wholesale appliance distributor, Emerson 1-1343 YOUNG MEN Counter Clerks Porters DAY A NIGHT Tl'RN Good wages. Apply EAT-N-PARK saw Mill Run Blvd.

1 102 Ohio River Blvd. 3 Lincoln Fast McKeesport. 274 West Liberty Ave. 183 Ohio Havs ath Ave Homestead. Lvsle McKeesnort.

iotQ Washington Rlvd YOUNG MEN TRAVEL 2125. Leave tmmetHareiT circulation work. California or Gret a kes area an-1 reMirn" cars furolthen' Can earn mn'hW commission pint bnnin Mr Har'T-ar Frt Pitt ffotel in. 1. fl Don't phone.

PARENTS If your son is lookinr for a position with a pnorl future, why not have him write us letter? We are a national orrani'atjrtn wh train ni pronnte rr.v fm our rank1 and offr a r'al fnrure in a rompanv St ver, old U'e fell ari install hinHlne Five nf our present exec-nth are fmer or merhanirt. Thl5 Is a wonderful ontinrtiinltv fr a votmp man to earn f'l'ure MEe while rilntor. aaJa-T and 'otrftiMiriri in aaiet. wrlta S7. Preea, TOOL' MAKERS We h3ve a steady job' for you at a very high rate of pay.

Bonuses Vacation Automobiles Call us and we will give you all informatioo. Griff Machine Products Co. a Emerson 1-3982 T-1967 WELDERS Experienced on Large Steel Castings Apply at Once PITTSBURGH STEEL FOUNDRY 6th St Glassport amxaai.

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.