The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)

WIDNtSDAY, SIFT1MBIR 4, TM1 fa*gI EIGHT THE PADUCAH SUN-DIMOCRAT munmm quia III Paducah School Enrollment Is Up Slightly This Year adding figures and adjusting superintendent of city schools. ures to go up somewhat too In the classes to fit the enrollment. first week or two. Ends Tonight Adm. 78e 6 3Sc Today In History By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Today is Wednesday, Sent.

4. School enrollment In opening Channel 6 Highlighto Virginian Gives Aid To 3 Widows THE PICK OF THE NIGHT'S PROGRAMS FOR WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4 last year totaled 0,464. Tilghman Public school enrollment is slightly higher this year than last, incomplete reports Indicated Tue day. As the schools opened for their first full day of the 1963-64 school year, school officials were busily "There seems to be a shift In our elementary school population toward the north and west end had registered 1,023 at that time.

and away from the south and east," said Dr. Newman Walker. the 247th day of 1963. There are "Tb Virginian." This 118 days left in the year. Today's highlight In history On this date in 1886, Apache Indians led by chief Geronimo Marshall Fair Opens Thursday Vayris Bender The conclusions were tentative, because many enrollment reports from individual schools hadn't been received.

Among the junior high schools there was an indicated increase over last year of about 20 students at Brazelton and the same, number at Franklin. There was no report from Paducah Tilghman High School had an enrollment increase that may reach 140 to 150 over last year, There was no report yet from Lincoln High School. Reports from the secondary schools were slower coming in than in the elementary schools because of the work involved, in adjusting a greater variety of chlatrlst Bassett giving medical aid to the son. Good as Matthau's lawyer is Telly Savalas, who pleads In vain with his stubborn client to allow a not guilty plea 72 AND r-nn surrendered to Gen. Nelson Miles I) I WTO at Skeleton Canyon, ending by reason of insanity.

the last important Indian distrub-ance in U.S. history. The BENTON, Sept. 3 "Biography." I ne story has solid dramatic substance. The Virginian (James Drury) guide! three women who seek entrance to hostile Yaqui Indian country.

He is bewildered when he learns they are the widows of three 'missionaries who were murdered by these same Indians and they intend to carry on' the missionary work. Complicating his problem is the fact he Marshall County sponsored 443-5351 Paducah On this date in 1781, Los was founded. In 1870, the Empress Eugenie by the Benton Junior Chamber of Commerce, will open Thursday and run through Saturday at the story of Dwight D. Eisenhower is told tonight. The program presents highlights of his life from his birth in Texas to his succession as 34th president of the United States.

took refuge from a mob in the Paris home of an American den Benton City Park. tist, Thomas Evans, and later es class schedules. ITs OtTtHI mm (J muse caped to England disguised in Mrs. Evans' clothes. "Actually, we have no figures for a comparable period last year.

is falling in love with one of them (Dolores Hart), much to the am of the other two (Jeanette Nolan and Amzie Stric- Featured events at the fair will be a beauty contest Thursday night, free grandstand entertainment-Friday with a mule and horse pulling contest, Hollywood In 1935, the Mexican govern ABSOUUItlY plN-TASTlC WPSD Listings 6:30 VlrflnUn (c) 8:00 Mytery Theater 9:00 Eleventh Hour 10:00 Newi Picture Biography 10:45 TonUht Show ment confiscated all churches, in The figures we have are for about the second week of school," said Dr. Walker. "We expect these fic- cluding buildings that had been land). He is due for a real surprise when they finally meet up with the Yaquis. v.

animal circus and several para chute Jumps by the Hopkins Coun used for public worship since 1917. Mayer tWP'MenU ty Skydivers Club and a talent Amwfca'i torfMt IWIInf TOILET TANK BALL The alRclmt Water Matter instantly op th ltw water after ach flushing. 75c AT HAKDWAKt STOKtS "Amoi If. Andy." A METROPOLITAN LIFE INS. CO.

1 Madison NYC. contest Saturday night, In 1951, the first coast-to-coast television broadcast was made when President Harry Truman spoke in San Francisco at the confidence man drops a wallet containing two ballet tickets on East German Intellectual Defects To West HAMBURG G.ermany (AP) A total of 56 Marshall County girls have entered the beauty contest to The queen and Japanese peace treaty conference, the street. He tells police the wallet contained $245 also and was th fabuloui dolphin 1 1 iTTtai nm iiir Ten years ago The highest ranking Army officer captured by her three attendants will each re stolen. The Kingfish finds the wallet and gives the ticket to his ceive a trophy. In addition the the Communists during the Kore CEMENT LIMI GRAVEL SAND wife.

Sapphire goes to the ballet Prof. Hans Mayer, East German national prize winner and one of the most prominent Soviet bloc an War MaJ. Gen. William Dean was released after more than 37 months in North Korean queen will be given a $100 savings bond. She will represent Marshall County in the state competition in January.

I IN YOUR 4 KITCHEN Only fouttt 4 with DJofctl Cartrd9 liberal" intellectuals, has defect- prisons. Five years ago the Justice Jed to West Germany. and is arrested. 8-9 "Mystery Theater." Richard Conte gives an adequate performance as a bitter blind man, but is not good enough to keep the play from dying at the hands The Flat and Scruggs "Hoote- Department invoked the civil rights act of 1957 for the first Mixed Concrete Md 442-54 FEDERAL MATERIALS CO. The wonderful story of a boy and his dolphin CHUCK CONNORS, time to stop alleged violations of of its co-star, Keir Dullea.

Conte nanny" will be held Friday night. Local amateur acts are invited to enter in the talent event. Appearing during the three-day event will be such groups as the Glad Tidings Quartet, the Happy Five Quartet, the Clark's River Negro voting rights In Georgia. One year Kennedy declared that Cuba Premier Fidel Castro's military strength had been bolstered by deliveries of Russian equipment. Here on a lecture tour, Mayer announced Monday' night he will not return to Leipzig University where he has taught literature for IS years and gained an international reputation.

In 1935, he won the East German government's national prize for his works on classical and modern literature. Since the East German Communist regime tightened its he had fallen into official disgrace but his defection is expected to have a bombshell effect among intellectuals in the Soviet bloc Mayer, 56, is a close friend of many leading Eastern writers. Boys, the Smith Brothers and the LITTLETON plays a father who despises his son for his weaknesses. When thugs "invade their home, dad refuses the help of his son who then does his utmost to gain respect of father. His Utmost is not good enough.

Eleventh Hour." Good acting, particularly by Walter Matthau as a father who isn't sorry he killed a dope peddler after discovering his son( Frankie 1 PLUS TOM JERRY Kartune Kornivol REPAIR SERVICE P.O. fox 42S Peducih Phonei 442-251 Southerners. A fireworks display will be presented by the West Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Lourdes Hospital Notes Dismissals: Miss Laurie Beck an ADULT will know why er, 2510 Trimble; Mrs. Harry Bean, Cunningham; Mrs. Robert Avalon) is an addict Stars Jack Ging and Wendell Corey split Gibson, 1628 Old Mayfield Road Martelli Is Barred From Nuclear Job duties here; psychologist Graham examining the father, and psy- Robert M.

Thompson, Paducah Katherine did what1 she did that night with Gus! CALVERT .8 5 PlD IVC ltd TUCATCD 'Are You Shipping Your Printing Dollars out of Paducah!" Rt. Ronald Smith, Smithland; Dorns Stewart, Arlington; W. E. Hicks, Benton; Lawson Johnston, Calvert City, Ky. LONDON (AP) Dr.

Giuseppe Calvert City; Willie Carter. Arl Martelli. acquitted on charges of Massac Memorial Hospital Notes BIRTHS Hwy 95, 1 Mil South of U. S. 62 ington; Miss Kay Phillips, 1516 preparing to spy for the Soviet Union, will be barred from con S.

5th; Mrs. James C. Watkins, Kevil; Mrs. Bill Brasher, Grand Sept. 3-4 tinuing his nuclear research job Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Adams, Metropolis, twins, a boy, and a For Over 50 Years Our Employes Hove Spent Their Earnings Here IN Paducah. UTS KEEP AU TKf MOXEY WE UH IN PADUCAH PADUCAH PRINTING COMPANY In Our Fifty-Second Year Dial 443-5383 108 Broadway in Britain. The 40-year-old Italian-born sci Rivers; Clarence Ray, Murray; George T. Tapp, Danville; Douglas Wayne Davis, Marion; Ron girl.

entist was acquitted July 15. A Admissions: Craig Thomas, nie Joe Knight, 4024 Schneidman spokesman for the British Atomic Energy Authority said Monday Road; Thomas Herbig, Calvert City; Mrs. Herbert Grimmer, 2915 Don Murray night Martelli's British contract, Park Mrs. Archie C. Miller, Chuck Shulmon Tom Rogart due to expire Sept.

30, will not be renewed. Paducah; John L. Davis, Metropolis; Dismissals: Mrs. Delma Miller and infant, Metropolis; Mrs. Agnes Rayles, Metropolis; Ellis Mc-Ginnis, Metropolis; Mrs.

Charles Cagle and infant, Vienna; Mrs. Raymond Easor. Golconda; Mrs. 1814 Bloom Mrs. W.

I. Reid, 1300 Husbands Road; Guy Peck. Paducah Rt. Mrs. D.

E. Dawes, 1109 Miluken Road; Thomas Dis-more, 526 Milliken Road; Mrs. Henry Payne, 2728 Monroe; Mrs. Mary H. Mauzy, 1348 Langstaff; Walter Korte, Metropolis; Miss Sharon Jennings, Vienna; Mrs.

Ambus Bradley and infant Metropolis. Mrs. William E. Collier, 200 Clem ents; Mrs. Richard Lappin, 2108 Advertliement Washington; Mrs.

Roy C. West, Paducah Rt. Mrs. Mose Cullins. Anderson Court; Mrs.

Glenn Har-1 per, Paducah Rt Marvin Mc4 Noble Park Dairy Queen Park and 28th Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday Specials! (September 3-4-5) CMElkeimoIIimitIho3BlBailko3it Cullum, Ledbetter; Mrs. Frances Gray, Marion; Mrs. Henry Bennett, 1709 Clay; Leslie Morrow, 3125 Clay. Are You A 3rd-Grade Reader? a Story "OF LOVE DESIRE" and Told in Technicolor Columbia-Starts Thursday i I i.W HI A noted publisher in Chicago re- ports there is a simple technique Guest In A Nest HUNTINGTON, W. Va.

(AP)-When the B. W. Riley family returned home from their vacation they found a new resident had moved in during their absence. A pigeon had built a nest inside the attic exhaust fan and deposited one egg in it of rapid reading which should enable you to double your reading speed and yet retain much more. Most people do not realize how r.

much they could increase their pleasure, success and income by reading faster and more accu TONITE! Thru WEDNESDAY rately. I TIME TO SUB A CHOW! fey You Get: Golden Brown Chicken (4 Big Pieces enough for two) French Fries and Slaw Sells Regularly for $1.35 It Is Delicious! 1 MIH -Tll According to this publisher, anyone, regardless of his present reading skill, can use this simple technique to improve his reading ability to a remarkable degree. Whether reading stories, books, technical matter, it becomes possible to read sentences at a glance and entire pages in seconds with this method. To acquaint the readers of this newspaper with the easy-to-follow rules for developing rapid reading skill, the company has printed full details of its interesting self-training method in a new book. "Adventures in Reading Improvement" mailed free to anyone who requests it.

No obligation. Simply send your request to: Reading, 835 Diversey Parkway, Dept. 6408, Chicago 14, Illinois. A postcard mm COLUMBIA: "Flipper." Starts at: 1:20, 3:15, 5:10, 7:05, and 9:00. "Tom Jerry Kar-nival." Starts at: 1:00, 2:55, 4:50, 6:45 and 8:35.

ARCADE: "Tower of London." Starts at: 1:00, 3:55, 6:55, and 9:55. "Vampire And Ballerina." Starts at: 2:30, 5:30, 8:30. PADUCAH DRIVE IN: "Bye Bye Birdie." Starts at: 7:15 and 9:30. SOUTH TWIN DRIVE IN: "The Raven." Starts at: 7:05 and 10:15. "War Hunt." Starts at: 8:45.

COLOR PANAVO0Nr" janr -nx ai- mm mmm If you're not in the Mood for Chicken try our Delicious will do, Sta rts Today ALL EW -A- it Today Thru Saturday All First Drive-In Showing! mi -Wife JtMk' THE MACABRE MASTERPIECE iuTlNQHtHU SIZES: II nr 16 WHS PREuni- DON'T COME ALONE WHEN YOU FACE THE IL00D-CHILLIH8 TERRORS IN THE TOWER! tWT mto PANAVISION Ml PATHEC0L0R We're known as the "PIZZA CORNER" to those tvho know and like GOOD Pizzas! Remember! Place. your next order by phone your order, will be hot and ready when you get here. Eat at the sign with the "'curl on top," you receive the some friendly, efficient service every day os well as consistent quality food (always prepared hot at time of order.) IrmcEKT PRICE pttirLORR iosisK ARLO FF -J Horror Ugtnd ComMAIivi! 1 Noble Park Dairy Queen Plus 2nd Feature WKCEHT PRICE Located at Park an 28th VIWISWKmMb La mm mum A moi HELENS REMY PADUCAH'S LARGEST DRIVE-IN KM with John SAXON A 7.

The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.