Question #4DropdownYou Are Writing A Program To Ask The User For The Coordinates Of Two Points And Then (2024)

Computers And Technology College


Answer 1


The y-intercept is going to fall by -2 but the x-intercept will run +5


Becuase the derivative of the equation causes this when plugged into the formula

Answer 2

Ask the user for the x-coordinate of the first point: Input.

Calculate the slope: Process.

Display the slope: Output.

Ask the user for the x-coordinate of the first point:

This step involves obtaining data from an external source, which is the user.

The program needs the x-coordinate of the first point to perform calculations.

The program doesn't have this information beforehand, so it relies on the user to provide it.

Hence, it falls under the category of input.

Calculate the slope:

This step involves performing computations and transformations on the provided input data.

The program takes the coordinates of two points, computes the differences in y-coordinates and x-coordinates, and then calculates the slope using these differences.

This involves mathematical operations and logic, which is processing the data to derive a meaningful result.

Therefore, it is categorized as a process.

Display the slope:

This step involves presenting the result of the calculations to the user. The program is sending information to an external destination, which is the user's screen.

The calculated slope is being made accessible to the user, providing them with the outcome of the computation.

Hence, it falls under the category of output.

To learn more on Programming click here:


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Everything else does not make sense

Two support services supervisors disagree about a position description for a new help desk position. One said, “The position description should be written as general as possible so we can choose any applicant we want.” The other said, “The position description should be as specific as we can make it so applicants will know whether or not they meet our requirements.” With which supervisor do you agree? Explain why?​


I aggree with the one that says "The position description should be as specific as we can make it so applicants will know whether or not they meet our requirements.”

Note that when the specific requirements about a position is made known, it makes the applicant to known if they are fit for that position or not

What is a position description?

The term position description is also known as "PD" . This is known to be a fact or a statement that talks about the key duties, responsibilities, and role etc. of a position.

It helps to indicates the work to be carried out by the position and when it is specific, one can know if they can do the work or not.

Learn more about position description from

The ages of ELEVEN(11) students on Environmental Awareness Camp are:
12 9 11 7 10 10 9 9 8 9 11
Find the mean and standard deviation
A. Mean = 9.545; Standard deviation = 1.440
B. Mean = 9.545; Standard deviation = 2.073
C. Mean = 10.5; Standard deviation = 1.440
D. Mean = 10.5; Standard deviation = 2.073



Gonna be smart. This took me a long time.


Result Standard Deviation, σ: 1.3726971700492

Count, N:11

Sum, Σx:105

Mean, μ:9.5454545454545

Variance, σ2: 1.8842975206612


σ2 = Σ(xi - μ)2

N= (12 - 9.5454545454545)2 + ... + (11 - 9.5454545454545)2





= 1.8842975206612

σ = √1.8842975206612

= 1.3726971700492

In simple words. A.

________ can contain stacked images, text, and other elements which collectively comprise a Photoshop file.


If you don’t mind can u add the picture it helps me Answer the question better

[ASAP!] What is a widget?

1. a part of a GUI that allows a specific type of interaction with the user
2. an action taken by the user or a process, such as a user clicking a mouse or pressing a key on a keyboard
3. an algorithm for handling an error
4. a part of a program that responds to an event​





A part of a GUI is the basic definition of a widget.

Comment any additional questions!


A or number 1


I took the test and got a 100%, and this answer makes the most sense

write an assembly program that uses the output compare function of a timer to toggle an led every second


; Set up output compare function

movlw 0x3E

movwf TOCON

; Set up LED port as output

bcf TRISB, 0

; Set up timer

movlw 0xFF

movwf TMR1

movlw 0x60

movwf PR1

; Enable timer and output compare function



; Main loop


; Wait for output compare event

btfss T1CON, OCF1

goto loop

; Toggle LED

bcf PORTB, 0

btfss PORTB, 0

bsf PORTB, 0

; Clear output compare flag

bcf T1CON, OCF1

; Repeat

goto loop

You have been asked to investigate a web server for possible intrusion. You identify a script with the following code. What language is the code in and does it seem likely to be malicious? import os, sockets, syslog def r_conn(ip) s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("",514))


The code below is written in JavaScript and does not seem malicious.

What is a Malicious Code?

A Malicious code is one that is not designed for any productive end but to cause disruptions in the computer with the objective of

harming the workstation; or destroying the data stored therein.

There are numerous classifications of malicious codes and they can be identified and removed by an application called an Anti-Virus or malicious app remover.

Learn more about JavaScript at:

anyone know how to answer questions





what are your questions though? when posting on here you should include the question you would want answered so someone can help you

Suppose that you have a computer with a memory unit of 24 bits per word. In this
computer, the assembly program’s instruction set consists of 198 different operations.
All instructions have an operation code part (opcode) and an address part (allowing for only one address). Each instruction is stored in one word of memory.
1. How many bits are needed for the opcode?
2. How many bits are left for the address part of the instruction?
3. How many additional instructions could be added to this instruction set without
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4. What is the largest unsigned binary number that the address can hold?



a ) The amount of bits required for the opcode

8 bits

2^8= 256


We get the next lower number, which is 2^7 = 128 bits, because it is greater than 198. As a result, the operation code necessitates 8 bits.

b) The number of bits reserved for the instruction's address.

16 bits

24-8 = 16



2^16 = 65536

Maximum number = 65535

 2^15 = 32768-1

= 32767


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look in-app store

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b) Write a program to update the rate by increasing 10% from a sequential data file "Data.dat" that store item name, rate and quantity​


The update program is an illustration of the file manipulation processes, where files are read and updated

How to write the program?

The program written in QBASIC, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

REM This opens a new file for output


REM This is repeated until the end of the file


REM This inputs the item details

INPUT #1, N$, R, Q

REM This updates the rate by 10%

NEWRATE = R + 10 / 100 * R

REM This writes the inputs to the file



REM This closes the files

CLOSE #1, #2

REM This deletes the Data.dat file


REM This renames the NEW.DAT to the Data.dat file


REM The program ends here


Read more about file manipulation at:

Given three floating-point numbers x, y, and z, output x to the power of y, x to the power of (y to the power of z), the absolute value of x, and the square root of (x * y to the power of z). Output all results with five digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows: Put result to output with 5 decimal places Ex: If the input is: 5.0 2.5 1.5 the output is: 55.90170 579.32402 5.00000 6.64787



i feel that python is the best language


1. What is a sprite?
O A sprite is a graphical representation of an object
A sprite is a function
A sprite is a game
A sprite is a string





A sprite is a character or object that moves in a video game. For example, in Mario, Mario is the sprite because he is a character and can move.

4. How would you reorder the animation on a slide using the Reorder
Animation tool?



should be an undo button on the top bar


I hope this helps

Explain the relationship between one’s point of view and understanding spoken text


In spoken and audio texts the tone and accompanying sounds convey a point of view. Point of view therefore constructs an attitude towards the subject matter in a text which the reader, listener or viewer is invited to adopt.

Please have a wonderful day <3

What exactly is github?


GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration.

It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.


Hope it helps you!!

Complete the sentence.
For self-driving cars, both the programmers of the software and governments who regulate them must adhere to
intellectual property laws
ethical principles
noncompete agreements
- to safeguard that the software that controls the car is capable of making life-or-death



[ C ] governments who regulate the car industry

[ D ] the programmers who create the software that control the car


Governments who regulate the car industry, the programmers who create the software that control the car are the complete sentence.

What is car industry?

Car industry is the place where the manufacturing of the cars and automobile parts are placed. Car industry do manufacturing work for the selling purpose. The company may be directly or indirectly engage in the selling industry.

Thus, sentences are completed.

For more details about car industry, click here:


Thirty percent of a magazine's subscribers are female. A random sample of 50 subscribers Answer the following questions using Excel: (using standart devision of 0.0648)
a. What is the probability that the proportion of females from this sample is at most 0.25
b. What is the probability that the proportion of females from this sample is between 0.22 and 0.28
c. What is the probability that the proportion of females from this sample is within 0.03 of the population proportion?


Based on the mean of the subscribers, the sample size, and the standard deviation, the probability of females being at most 0.25 is 0.2202.

The probability that they are between 0.22 and 0.28 is 0.2703.

The probability that they are within 0.03 of the population proportion is 0.3566.

What is the probability that they are at most 0.25?

Using Excel, we shall assume that the distribution is normally distributed.

We can therefore use the NORM.DIST function:


= 0.2202

What is the probability that they are between 0.22 and 0.28?

=NORM.DIST(0.28,0.3,0.0648,TRUE) - NORM.DIST(0.22,0.3,0.0648,TRUE)

= 0.2703

What is the probability that they are within 0.03 of the population proportion?

X high = 0.30 + 0.03

= 0.33

X low = 0.30 - 0.03

= 0.27

= NORM.DIST(0.33,0.3,0.0648,TRUE) - NORM.DIST(0.27,0.3,0.0648,TRUE)

= 0.3566.

Find out more on probability at

In C, What is the #line used for?


The #line is mainly used to reset the line number and also the filename in the code.

What does a line in C mean?

The c in code is written in lower-case. The c that has a line over it means "with".

The C preprocessor is known to be macro processor that is often used often by the C compiler to change one's program before actual compilation. This #line means that one can do any reset any line of code to an arbitrary line number or a filename that is said to have been stated by the user.

Learn more about code from

As a high school student, what do you think is the advantage of someone who has knowledge about the basics of internet compared to those who have not yet experienced using it?



For your future in your career, you will definitely have an upper hand and will be able to access and use more tools. But the person that has never used a computer before does not know what exactly they are missing. When they try to use a computer, they will struggle with simple task that now come naturally to you.


What are three ways digital identity is created and kept up? (open answer)



Capture attributes as ID documents or biometric data


Examples of such attributes include biometrics, verified identification documents, and third-party verification procedures. To create a trusted digital ID, there are typically three steps: capturing verified attributes, verification of the documents, and digitization of the ID.

Great day :) toodles

how has education technology evolved in schools over the past years​


More sophisticated software given to students

. What will be the output of the following program?

var =



(var =

100): bye!"



of expression

is 100"





Similarly x % 100 yields the last two digits. 4.2. Boolean values and expressions¶. The Python type for storing true and false values is called bool

A system that stores transactions in a single database, but processes them at various sites is referred to as

a. Centralized system.

b. Database management normalization system.

c. Decentralized system.

d. Distributed system



d. Distributed system


this answer is taken from the book Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2015 Study Guide July: Business Environment

its important to remember that it is a single database however the processing takes place off-site. this off-site is the key to remembering it is DISTRIBUTED through various sites

what is the answer to 7.4.4: Length of User's Name codehs


The program that ask the user to type there first name and then print out how many letters that is in there name is as follows:

x = input("what is your first name: ")

y = len(x)

print(f"There are {y} letters in your name")

Code explanation;

The code is written in python.

Firstly, we store the users name in the variable x.Then, we find the length of the users inputted name and store it in a variable y.Finally, we print the length of the users name using the print function.

learn more on python here:

what is the blockchain?



Blockchain is a cryptocurrency financial services company.

Answer: Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger technology that records transactions across multiple computers in a secure and transparent manner. It was originally designed for use with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but its potential applications have expanded far beyond that.

Here are the key characteristics and components of blockchain:

Decentralization: Unlike traditional centralized systems, blockchain operates on a decentralized network of computers, often referred to as nodes. Each participant on the network has a copy of the entire blockchain, ensuring that no single entity has complete control.

Distributed Ledger: Transactions are grouped into blocks and linked together in chronological order, forming a chain. This chain of blocks is known as the blockchain. Each block contains a reference to the previous block (except the first block), creating a secure and tamper-resistant record of transactions.

Security: Blockchain uses advanced cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and ensure their integrity. Once a transaction is recorded in a block and added to the blockchain, it becomes extremely difficult to alter or delete.

Transparency: Transactions recorded on the blockchain are visible to all participants in the network. This transparency enhances accountability and trust, as every participant can verify the accuracy of transactions.

Consensus Mechanisms: Blockchain networks use consensus mechanisms to agree on the validity of transactions before adding them to the blockchain. This prevents malicious actors from manipulating the system. Common consensus mechanisms include Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS).

Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They automatically execute when predetermined conditions are met, facilitating automated and secure transactions without intermediaries.

Immutable Record: Once data is added to the blockchain, it becomes very difficult to alter. This immutability ensures the integrity of historical records.

Cryptocurrencies: While blockchain technology can be used for various applications, it gained widespread attention through cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that operate on blockchain networks and use cryptography for security.

Blockchain technology has applications beyond cryptocurrencies, including supply chain management, identity verification, voting systems, healthcare record management, and more. It has the potential to revolutionize industries by enhancing security, transparency, and efficiency in various processes.


You're a consultant for a large enterprise that needs a comprehensive IP addressing and DNS management solution for its physical and virtual networks. The enterprise has a primary office in Pittsburgh and three branch offices in Los Angeles, New York, and Miami. It has IT support staff only in the branch offices.The enterprise's server specialists are located in Pittsburgh. The IT directory in Pittsburgh wants to offload some of the IPAM management functions to some of the IT staff without giving them broader domain or forest administrative right. Which type of IPAM architecture do you recommend? Which features of IPAM are you likely to recommend using to address the requirements?


The type of IPAM architecture that I will recommend is the Centralized IPAM. The centralized IPAM server when deploy can help to address the issue.

What is IPAM?

IPAM (IP Address Management) is known to be a kind of administration of DNS and DHCP. This is known to be a network services that helps and handles IP addresses to machines in a TCP/IP network.

The Centralized Repository can help administrators to maintain or keep a good, correct and current records of all their IP assignments and left over addresses.

Learn more about IPAM from

For optimum computer performance, what features and or characteristics should a
computer possess to efficiently copy any material from an external device?


A computer should be compactible and possess a good cache memory size, so as to efficiently copy any material from an external device.

What is a computer?

A computer refers to an electronic device that is designed and developed to receive data in its raw form as an input and processes these data into an output (information) that could be used by an end user.

For optimum computer performance, some of the features and or characteristics that a computer should possess, so as to efficiently copy any material from an external device (hard-disk drive) are:

CompatibilityCache memory size.The computer should have a USB 3.0 port.

Read more on computer here:

Write the pseudocode for the following scenario. The final exam marks for 10 students are 65, 45, 78, 65, 89, 65, 79, 67, 75, and 63. The marks are stored in an array. Find: • The student with the highest mark. • The student with the lowest mark. • The total marks for all the students. • The overall average.


The pseudocode of the program serves as a prototype of the program

How to determine the pseudocode?

The pseudocode of the program is as follows:

StartDeclare array MARKSInput MARKS[0] to MARKS[9]Sort MARKSPrint MARKS[9] ----- this prints the highest markPrint MARKS[0] ----- this prints the least markFOR I = 0 TO 9; ADD MARK[I] TO TOTALPrint TOTALPrint TOTAL/10Stop

The above pseudocode gets input for the array; then sorts the array before performing the required operations

Read more about pseudocodes at:

Question #4DropdownYou Are Writing A Program To Ask The User For The Coordinates Of Two Points And Then (2024)
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