Mobile investing: What it is and how it works (2024)

What is mobile investing?

Mobile investingrefers to investing that is performed usingwireless technology from smartphones or tablets. This type of technology letspeople actively manage their investments when they are away from theircomputers.

Mobileinvesting appsare software applicationsfor your smartphone that can provide you with access to an investment platformso that you can deposit funds, initiate buy or sell orders, or perform otheractions. These apps are tied to their own platforms and can be used byinvestors who are on the go at any time.

Mobile investing: What it is and how it works (1)

Statistics on mobileinvesting

Online investing and investing apps have grown inpopularity. According toStatista,12 percent of people ages 18 to 29 report that they have used an onlineinvesting app in the previous 12 months. Among people who are ages 30 to 49, 14percent report that they have used online investment platforms in the previousyear. Among those who are ages 50 to 64, 10 percent report that they have usedonline investment platforms during the prior 12 months.

The availability of mobile investing apps is helping tospur the growth in online investments. The apps for investing help to makeinvesting more accessible and allow inexperienced investors to get access intothe market.

How do I take steps to start online investing?

If you are interested in learning how to invest in stocksonline, there are a few steps that you can take to get started, including thefollowing:

  • Research different mobile investing apps
  • Look for an app that charges no or very low fees
  • Read reviews of the apps that you are considering
  • Decide which app has the features that meet your needs
  • Complete the application
  • Determineyourrisktolerance level
  • Fund your account
  • Choose your investments or a portfolio that has beencreated for you

Mobile investing

Mobileinvesting can be a great way for beginning investors to get started inthe market. Before you become an online investor, it is important for you tounderstandhowmobile investing works,its advantages, and the types of investments that are offered online. Youshould also figure out how much money you have to invest and make certain thatyou understand any fees that you might be charged.

Mobile investing: What it is and how it works (2)

How does it work? Who uses mobile investing apps?

Mobileinvesting apps can be downloaded to your smartphone. In order to use them, youhave to fill out an application and provide some information. You will need tolink your bank account to facilitate fund transfers to your online investmentaccount.

After youhave installed the app, you can transfer funds and choose your stocks. You willneed to determine what type of account you want to open and to understand thebenefits of each one.

Apps forinvesting are used by investors of all ages. They are particularly popular withyounger investors who want to get started investing but who might not havelarge deposits saved up to begin investing.

What types of investments are offered online?

There are severaltypesof accountsand different types of securities that are offeredonline. You can open tax-advantaged retirement accounts or taxable brokerage accounts.Tax-advantagedretirement accountsthat are available to online investorsinclude the following:

  • IRAs
  • Roth IRAs
  • SEP IRAs
  • Individual 401(k) plans

IRAs and Roth IRAs are both designed for individuals whowant to save for retirement. Both types of accounts have annual maximumcontribution limits of $6,000 if you are younger than age 50 and $7,000 if youare older than age 50. Contributions to a traditional IRA are made on a pre-taxbasis so that your money can grow tax-deferred inside of the account until youretire. Roth contributions are made on an after-tax basis. This means that youwill not be taxed when you start taking distributions in retirement.

SEP IRAs and individual 401(k) accounts are designed forself-employed people who are either sole proprietors or who have a fewemployees. These accounts have higher annual contribution limits, and thecontributions are made on a pre-tax basis.

In addition to retirement accounts, you can also openataxablebrokerage account. This type of account allows you to invest instocks, commodities, derivatives, ETFs, bonds, CDs, mutual fund families, andother securities online. Your capital gains will be subject to taxes at thecapital gains tax rate. You will also be able to deduct any capital losses thatyou have.

Advantages of mobileinvesting

Mobile investingandinvesting apps offer multiple advantages to online investors. Internetinvesting sites that offer apps for investing have greater accessibility andconvenience for online investors.

Using mobile investing apps gives you heightened control.You are able to monitor your portfolio at any time, conduct research, and todetermine the value of different securities so that you understand what a goodprice target might be from your smartphone.

How to determine which mobile investing app is right for you

To determine which mobile investing apps might work thebest for you, you need to first figure out your financial goals and how muchyou have to invest. You should compare the capabilities that are offered bydifferent stock trading platforms and the features that they offer.

There are someonlinestock trading platforms that offer commission-free trading andhave low minimum balance requirements. Others have a wealth of researchavailable at your fingertips. You may find that some allow you to purchasefractional shares of securities. Others may allow you to choose your own securitiesfor greater customization or to choose a portfolio that has been created tomatch different risk tolerance levels and time horizons.


Many mobile investing apps are micro-investing sites thatallow you to invest with very low orno commissions ormanagement fees. This can help your money to grow even more as feescan eat into your earnings over time. Some micro-investing sites also requireeither a low or no minimum account balance. Micro-investing can allow people toget started even if they have little money saved.

By comparison, some online investing sites require largersums of money as a minimum account balance and may charge commissions andmanagement fees. The large minimum account balances of these types of sites canserve as a barrier to entry for many would-be investors.

Mobile investing: What it is and how it works (3)

Investment choices

Different apps for investing vary in thetypesof securitiesthat you can choose and in their customization.Some apps for investing allow you to individualize your portfolio by choosingfrom a variety of ETFs, stocks, mutual fund families, CDs, bonds, and othersecurities. Other apps may allow you to choose a pre-selected asset allocationthat is based on your risk tolerance and your financial objectives.

Some apps limit you to certain categories of securitiessuch as ETF-only funds. Others let you choose from a broad variety of differentsecurities. Using apps can help you to learn how to invest in stocks online andmay provide some general investment advice. Apps may give you the ability toopen taxable brokerage accounts and retirement accounts.


Manymicro-investingappsoffer desktop platforms for online stock trading togetherwith robust mobile trading tools. Some of the platforms are sleek in theirdesign and allow you to make trades with a single click.

The platforms might also offer a library of investmentand finance blogs that can help investors to learn how to invest online and tomake money investing online. The platforms and the apps can help investors tolearn how to invest online through mobile investing.


When you invest your money online with an app for mobile investing, you canenjoy a vastarrayof financial tools. Some investing apps offer a broad variety oftools that can assist you with personal budgeting. These tools can send alertnotifications to your smartphone for market prices.

Apps for mobile investing open you up to the ability totrade anywhere and to stay connected in real time to your investment portfoliofrom any place that has an internet connection. Many of these micro-investingapps support wealth building with charts and research reports as well asautomatic deposits from linked funding accounts. Others offer dynamicrebalancing to help you with portfolio management. A few have a desktopcomponent, which allows a greater amount of services and information.

Available research

Mobile investing through an investment app may offer you some accesstoresearchandanalysis capabilities. These capabilities tend to be fairly basic on aninvesting app, however. You might find general investment advice andinformation about investing money for beginners as well as more sophisticatedinvesting strategies through articles and videos.

Some apps have educational materials that explain how toinvest your money online. Others may have educational articles about differenttypes of securities and investment accounts so that you can make better choicesas you work to achieve financial independence.

Advisory services

Theadvisoryservicesthat might be available with different apps will vary.Many offer investors access to customer support chats so that investors can getgeneral information about how to invest online with the apps. Most apps userobo-advisors to provide advice based on algorithms.

Other apps may offer limited customer phone consultationsfor qualified individuals. These apps might offer limited consultations withonline investment brokers through higher-tiered plans.


Internetinvestingthrough mobile apps is safe when the appropriatemeasures are taken. Apps should have fraud protection capabilities such astwo-layer identification. They may also utilize network defenses to preventhackers from accessing your account or your information.

Some apps use military-grade encryption to offer addedsecurity. Online brokerages that are members of the SIPC offerinsurance through the SIPCofthe securities in the online investment accounts up to $500,000, and some appsmight also have supplemental insurance in place to protect you if the SIPClimits are exhausted.

Mobile investing: What it is and how it works (4)

What are the different types of mobile investing?

There are hundreds ofdifferentonline investment sites, which can make getting startedintimidating. However, you can break these sites down into a few main types andthen determine which type might work best for you.

Online robo-advisors

Onlinerobo-advisorsare very popular because of how they work. Theseare computer financial advisors that provide investment advice through the useof mathematical formulas and algorithms. Robo-advisors make recommendations forasset allocations based on your age, time horizon, financial goals, and risktolerance.

There are multiple benefits to robo-advisors. They areable to perform calculations much faster than humans and are free from theinnate biases that human advisors might have. They are also available at alower cost than human advisors and might offer better advice in the long-run.

Robo-advisors are increasing in popularity because of howthe technology used. The assets under management by robo-advisors are expectedto grow at aCAGRof 23.3 percentthrough 2022 to reach $1,404,713,000.

Discount brokers

Discount brokers are another option foronline stock trading.Discount brokers charge lower fees to investors who have investment accountswith them rather the fees charged with full-service brokers. Nonetheless, theydo not offer any financial advice.

Discount brokers allow investors to make onlineinvestments and to buy and sell securities. However, they may offer fewerservices and less support.

Full-service brokers

Full-service brokers offer a robust menu of services,including the following:

  • Advice from online investment brokers assigned to youraccount
  • Estate planning
  • Tax planning
  • Financial planning

These services are provided in addition to investmentguidance. However, the fees that are charged are very high and may rangeupto $150 per transaction. Full-service brokers also may have highminimum opening balance requirements.

Mobile investing: What it is and how it works (5)

Steps to take to start mobileinvesting

There are several steps that you can take to begin mobile investing. The stepsare straightforward and allow you to get started quickly.

Know your goals

To begin, you need to define your goals. Your goalsshould include both your short- and long-term goals such as saving for a down paymenton a house, saving for your children’s education, saving for retirement, andothers.

Modernapp toolsassist users to hone and define their goals and toset guidelines for how they can reach them. The apps may recommend assetallocations according to an individual investor’s goals, age, and risktolerance.

Do your research

Research is one of the components when you plan toinvest. It is important that you understand the basics of investing if you arenew to investing. If you are more advanced, it is still essential for you to beable to have access to real-time information.

Many apps providecomprehensiveadviceabout the basics for novice investors. Investors thatare more experienced can benefit from having the ability to access informationabout their investments.

Figure out how much you want to invest

You will next need to determine how much you want toinvest. Instead of picking a specific dollar amount, it might be better tochoose a certain percentage of your income.

You can access tools on the app of your choice todetermine a plan for investing that will work the best for you and your budget.Knowing how much to invest can help you to reach your financial goals withinyour desired time frame.

Fund the account

Once you have chosen your app and the investment accountstypes that you want to open, you can thenfundyour accounts. You can fund your account in a few different ways,including the following:

  • Electronic funds transfer
  • Automatic transfer from your bank
  • Sending a check
  • Completing an asset transfer from another brokerage


After you have opened and funded your account, you needto make certain that youdiversifyyour portfolio. Depending on the app that you have chosen, you mightbe able to create a custom portfolio and to choose your own investments. Othersmight have you choose from a pre-selected list of portfolios according todifferent risk tolerances and time frames.

Review and revise with a long-term view

After you have chosen your investments and funded youraccount, you need to review your portfolio on a regular basis. You should avoidmaking decisions based on emotional reactions to market fluctuations. Instead,revise your portfolio with a long-term view.

Benefits of M1 Finance

M1 Finance is a free mobile investing platform that does not charge any commissions.You are able to sign up and get started using the site today. The platformoffers multiple benefits. You are able to choose your own investments to createa customized portfolio. Alternatively, you can choose a portfolio that has beenexpertly created to meet your financial goals, time horizon, and risk tolerancelevel.

The platform helps to make investing understandable toall investors. It offers powerful automation that you can access at any timeand from anywhere. The platform offers dynamic rebalancing to help to keep yourportfolio optimized.

Coverage of M1 Finance

In addition to offering a platform with no commissions orfees and a blend of smart digital technology, M1 Finance offers multiple typesof accounts and securities. The company also offers M1 Borrow, which offers theopportunity to borrow up to 35 percent of your account balance for a low-interestloan. With M1 Spend, you can open an FDIC-insured checking account that comeswith a debit card.

You are able to set up automatic investing so that your funds are allocated according to the percentages that you have chosen.

Mobile investing: What it is and how it works (6)
Mobile investing: What it is and how it works (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.