MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (2024)


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Avg Population 1000-2000
VersionsHD Resolution SettingsPromote StreamersMAC CompatibleNo Vote2winFriendly CommunityNo Pay2winOld School MapleStoryV62
TypesAll Quests WorkingFree CosmeticsNoPay2WinParty QuestsFriendly CommunityOld SchoolHP Washing OptionalMac CompatibleNostalgicLow Rate
Last Updated04 June 2024


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  • 48Reviews

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Want to experience the old MapleStory from 2008? Click here

Server Rates: 2x EXP l 1x MESOl 3x QUEST EXP l NO 2x EXP/DROPCards | NO PAY2WINl NO CUBES

MapleLegends is compatible with WINDOWS, MAC, AND LINUX. Guides can be found on Discord and the forums!

MapleLegends contains skill changes for balancing reasons! For more info click here

History: The development of MapleLegends began in August 2014 with the goal ofcreatingthe mostnostalgic and functional pre-Big BangMapleStory gameplay experience to date. Our development, production, and execution have attempted to resemble GMS 2008 as preciously as possible, with many of our features and NPC text matching GMS exactly.MapleLegends moved from Alpha intoClosed Beta in December 2014, from Closed Beta into Open Beta inlate January 2015, and officially went live onApril 1st, 2015.

MapleLegends has gone through many, many changes, and is now over 8 years old. While it is no longer *exactly* like GMS was, it now has many custom Quality of Life changes, balancing tweaks to make every job more exciting to play, tweaks towards AFK leeching, tweaks towards "HP washing", and more. MapleLegends will remain to provide a great experience for those that want to go back in time, but also provide something for the people that stay. That way, MapleLegends can live on for many more years, and is now older than what the official "pre-bb" MapleStory ever was!

Features: MapleLegends has numerousfeatureswith manynever before seen in any pre-Big Bangserver to date.These include, but are not limited to: Cash Shop interfaces (gifting, storage, rings, pets, every item working), Merchant Interfaces (Owl of Minerva, GMS Fredrick/Hired Merchants), Mini-Games (Omok, Match Cards), Skills (every skill working), Quests (every quest working), Party Quests (Henesys, Kerning, Ludibrium, Ludibrium Maze, Orbis, Herb Town/Pirate, Guild Quests), and much much more. All of our content is tested countless times before being released, so you will know that you are experiencing a high-qualityand polished product when exploring the world of MapleLegends.

Region-Friendly: In addition to the maps from GMS, MapleLegends also offers access to fully translated maps, monsters, and queststhat were only available in other MapleStory regions. Thisbrings nostalgia toplayers who played otherMapleStory Regional Servers as well. For example, MapleLegends currently has Shanghai and Thailand from MapleSEA, along with Taiwan (Ximending) andNight Market from MapleStory Taiwan. The MapleLegends team will continueto work hard tobring new contentthat is nostalgic for people all aroundthe world.

Stability: While lag may be part of a nostalgic experience, MapleLegends sees this as an aspect that negatively affects gameplay. This is why we offer you one of the most stable servers to date. MapleLegends has a record uptime of 54days withoutlag spikes, crashes, or server freezes. Stability is one of the most important goals at MapleLegends, since we want players to be able to play the game smoothly. To achieve this, we have a dedicated server and a very polished server code to ensure that the server allows for hundreds of players to play without interruptions.

No Pay2Win: While we are an old MapleStory server, we do not offer any "Pay2Win" content. All the players are equal and there are no advantages between a donor or a regular user. We do not offer cubes, potential cubes, or any other item that hasruined the current MapleStory. MapleLegends has all "NX" equips available in-game for free and available for all users, with the exception of a few items available to donors. These items are cosmetic only and do not give any advantages.

No Vote2Win: Vote2win is a term in the Private Server community where the rewards from voting on GTOP is so good that you can quit for months while still voting and come back with a lot of stashed rewards and Mesos. In MapleLegends there's no such thing, so playing is better rewarded than voting. Voting on MapleLegends is for cosmetics, owls, and other small things. Also, cash items cannot be traded like the original game, which means that rewards from voting cannot be exchanged for Mesos. By doing this we reward people actually playing our server, and also make people that vote multiple times not have a huge benefit. Gachapon Tickets cannot be bought from the Cash Shop, and only drop from mobs in 2 tiers.

No Hackers:MapleLegends is powered by a functional anti-cheat, making sure no hackers or cheaters enter the server for long periods of time. MapleLegends has been a proud hacker-free server for over 2 years, and every person that attempts to use memory editing tools, or ways that provide unfair advantage gets easily stopped before it affects the game. That way, you can play in peace without seeing constant hacking activity.

No RWT / No Real World Trading (RWT) / No Real Market Trading (RMT):MapleLegends provides the strongest and most protection against any sort of Real World Trading. Since 2022, we have stopped 95% of all the Real World Trading activity among all the publicly available services, as well as private services. As such, almost every active Real World Trading service, middleman, or private seller has closed their service and moved on to different servers. We take Real World Trading very seriously and take any actions towards anyone attempting to do so. When playing in MapleLegends we make sure you will NOT be overtaken by someone that pays a seller thousands of real-world currency in order to get ahead of the other.

Skill balancing: While v0.62 is a great Old School version it had a lot of balancing issues. MapleLegends offerskill balancechanges that altered the values of a few skills. Paladins are very usable and not the worst job and Shadowers can use Boomerang Step of hills, unlike the real game around the time. For all information about our skill changes click hereand look for the 'Skill Changes' category.

Community: Due to our low rates we have one of the most mature and friendly communitiesoutthere, ready to help you out and play together with you. If you begin your journey intoMapleLegends alone, expect to make new friends very quickly, and enjoy the adventure together.

Conclusion: MapleLegends is the solution if you've been wishing that you couldre-experiencepre-Big BangMapleStory in its prime.To learn even more about our server, pleasevisit our website and join

Server Rating

Score 3.85/5.

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (2)

Anthony Cammarano

11th June 2024

First time player. love the game.

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (3)

Dylan Prem

11th June 2024

Just like old times

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (4)

Gabriel Campos

22nd May 2024

Great game, remebers my chilhood

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (5)

Nolan Schneider

9th May 2024

Awesome nostalgia and friendly server

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (6)

Gray Lein

28th April 2024

Love the nostalgia.

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (7)

Rastafari Express Unlimited

27th April 2024

Lovely experience!

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (8)

Mitchell Cheng

21st April 2024

nostalgia is fun

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (9)

geici yu

24th February 2024

I started with my little brother back in the day, and now Ive been playing here since 2015, early 16, and im still playing it untill today.I rarely review things, but this time , i think i have to. its a server that helped me a lot in maintaining my sanity during difficult times, and Im happy that the server has grown to this point. Its a place with super dedicated little team who are targets of a lot of hate comments, mainly from those who were caught violating the rules with RWT, account sharing, etc. Despite having many things quite "outdated", despite the delays updates, fixes and events are delivered with great care, and for me, thats what matters.If you are in doubt, i recommend trying this server, you willl be surprised by the number of people willing to dedicate their own time to help you in everything.Have in mind that is not a easy game/newbie friendly, u will not make ur character and start rushing bosses or leveling up 10 lvls in 1 hr like in other servers. Each second and efford invested in your character matters, and thats what differ from the other servers in my opnion.I recommend that you join a popular guild as soon as possible, it will help you a lot get the informations that u need ,and experience this community, which is super passionated and friendly.

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (10)


9th February 2024

good game I came to the game to feel the classic maplestory.. :)

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (11)

Ethan Turner

4th February 2024

great server! very welcoming to new players

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (12)

colin chow

21st January 2024

Ive played for years. They just permanently ban me without valid reason. Seriously, my wife and I played hours and hours for this nostalgia game server. We make achievement to reach level 100. Then suddenly we both got ban with our IP when we tried to login. Tried ways to reach out to their admin, but there arent any way we can reach out to them. Extremely disappointed all the hard work just wasted like this. My Ign is Chateraise. Admin if you see this please do something about it.

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (13)

Rafà Rodrigues

31st December 2023


MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (14)

Erez Friza

17th December 2023

the best private server !

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (15)

Seven APM

5th September 2023

If you are someone who can stop to smell the flowers appreciate the simpler things in life value freedom and enjoy roleplaying in Maple as a common yokel then this is the best Maple server hands downIf you are highly competitive or seek complex gameplay that rewards mechanics technical skill and general mastery then look elsewhere because ML is pretty stale in these areasML is like the Toyota of MS servers Its not the most exciting but its old and reliable Running for 8 years with no signs of stopping speaks volumes to the dedication and hard work of the Staff and its community Overall a player can feel more confident about investing time into ML due to its stability over other private serversAt the end of the day the best thing any maple server can offer is community and connection Despite MLs many downsides I believe its the best PS for this reason

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (16)

John Omok

16th May 2023

A bit about myself. I have been on the server for six years. My main characters are a bishop (L.200) and a bowmaster (L.176). The server runs. It is robust. There are few glitches. ML promotes players to do boss runs at the endgame. However, the amount the player can profit from fighting bosses as opposed to grinding independently or selling leech is uneven due to the server actively marginalizing them. For example, several popular training maps have been nerfed, such as Ulu Estate 1 and 2, Shaolin Temple, and others. Events are always late to start. Conceptually, all events are a form of collecting points by killing monsters in order to buy a chance to get a good item. The fact that the only way to get good items (WS, chairs, etc.) is by pure luck and not by merit is a major flaw in the design of these events. ML has a degrading economy. Items have become prohibitively expensive. A good example is the price of CS, it cost 60M mesos in 2018, today it costs near 340M. This issue has been acknowledged by the server but not handled correctly. In short, WS and CS became untradable but could be

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (17)

Nova Terra

18th April 2023

Wonderful private server that stays true to the nostalgic old school maple story experience. Maple Legends boasts a great community with active staff that uphold ToS for all players to have a fair and fun playing experience. There is improved quest exp, the original explorer classes including pirate, and many OG quests that we all love to partake in. There are many in game resources and guides and players quite often help new players out. There are also periodic balance changes that are released to make the game more enjoyable while preserving the old school playstyle for all. Content like Pink Bean for example is released and is tailored to be a challenge that is attainable with old school gear. The game is also quite active on all time zones, and it is fairly easy to find players eager to run content with at all hours of the day. Dont let the negative reviews sway you, as they are probably from the few players who broke the rules and want to find an outlet to vent. Overall, great experience and can wholeheartedly recommend.

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (18)

Heidi Sundråm

17th April 2023

I am really sad to say that I am not enjoying here.Hardly anyone is playing here. Everywhere I go, I see empty maps with only a few characters that look like they are just there to help their main characters. It feels really lonely and boring because there are not enough players.The servers are acting up. I keep getting DC or the game lags a lot, which makes it hard to play. It is sad when im trying to do quests or grind and I keep getting kicked out of the game or freeze.Some of the other players are not very nice either. They are not friendly and they do not want to play with me unless I have a special thing called HP Wash It is like they are forcing me to do something I do not want to do just to be able to play with them. It is not fair and it makes me feel left out.There are also too many buff mules, which are characters that players make just to help their main characters get stronger. It is confusing and makes the game feel less enjoyable because it is not fair for people who do not have buff mules. And some players say I have to HP Wash too, which means I have to make my character stronger in a certain way, but I do not want to do that nor i do i have time to do that either with these small x rates.Another thing is that the game has events that are supposed to be fun, but they keep getting postponed or changed. It is sad because I was looking forward to playing those events, but then they do not happen when they are supposed to.Lastly, the people who are in charge of the game do not seem to handle things well. When I report problems or bugs, they do not always fix them quickly or at all. It feels they are doing a bad job of taking care of the game and making it better for all.Right now, because of the low population, unstable servers, unfriendly players, pressure to HP Wash, too many buff mules, postponed events, and problems with the staff, I can only give it one star. I hope things get better, but right now, i am moving to another server.

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (19)

Mott Maypol Edginds

12th April 2023

I’ve been a part of this server since 2018 and have never once felt the need to find a new server. The server’s longevity, the friends you can make, the bonding and feeling of community is awesome. Come try out this server, you might make new friends, find a lover (Maple dating sim is real), or get into a heated political debate and end up never speaking to someone who you thought was your friend. 100/10 MapleLegends is real life.

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (20)

Erica Kim

10th April 2023

This server is by far the best MapleStory PS ever. Those who are complaining are not accustomed to the difficulty of how Old School MapleStory was. I would place my bets that 10 years from now Legends will be the only server still standing. A lot of servers shut down. Kimmy imho is the most passionate MapleStory admin there is, shes the bomb diggity 100 percent. MapleLegends 4 LYFE, Im 30 have multiple businesses and will still be playing 20 years from now even at age 50. ML is the best hands down! Those who really want the nostalgia to kick in this is the server. The most controlled economy vs other inflated servers imo in comparison.Kimmy its yo boy EroticKun notice me senpaiiiii xoxo youre the best Kimmy!!!!

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (21)

Emin Avdic

8th April 2023

Worst server ever. Not only the website lies about its population, the server is practically dead. You barely find a single player in Victoria Island, Orbis etc. I found the most people 6 to 12 in PQ lobbies such as ludibrium PQ, Orbis PQ etc. In other servers you find 20-40 players in main towns of Victoria Island. The reason the server has so many players is because of all the buff mules, because you can teleport yourself inside FM with a single click, which makes buffing easier. The gameplay felt lonely. The Admin and community is also very rude in forums. The game doesnt support macOS system really, you still have to use parallels, crossover etc to play it, which didnt even work for me when i tried to play Legends . There is RWT, hackers but the Admin wont admit it really, there are tons of forums where you can get items and mesos with real money.


30th November -0001

Not extremely smart to use your main Facebook account to harass us and spread lies about the server, Dirtyfan2. ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (22)

Jeff Rhee

30th March 2023

Been lurking on Kimmy for awhile since the RaGEZONE days way back when it was popping aka shes the best MS mod. She is that momma that takes care of everyone. After playing on so many servers for many years the one issue I had mainly was trust. Its hard to trust that all the progress uve made isnt just for nothing, just so that the server would shutdown the month after. Other servers have been just a cashgrab. Personally this is the only server I would trust in the long run not only cause its a veteran sever no doubt but bc Kimmy is an OG. I personally dont know Kimmy but from what I can see after so many years of dedication shes super passionate about the OG MapleStory. The only server that has been truly nostalgic also the only server with the classic roll dicing for perfect 4/4 stats when creating a character and the HD 1366x768 res client is so nice. Just got back to legends not too long ago gonna be here for the long run this time full time. Thank you Kimmy senpai for creating a stable awesome OG Maple server

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (23)

Reuben Parkin

27th March 2023

Unreal server, I only just started In February 2023 and it has been the nostalgic blast I have been hoping for. I think the 2x XP and 3xQuest XP has been the perfect balance of rewarding grind but just enough to take the edge off the early game. Servers are populated enough to comfortably jump into any of the party quests when its quiet and when Its busy it has been absolutely popping with super friendly people despite the odd interaction with someone not so nice which cant be avoided completely. Ive been lucky enough to dive in when there was an event being ran and the server has felt full of life it has been fantastic. Im hoping with later patches that CPQ is added and the mods keep running seasonal events or rehashing old ones. loving it 5 stars absolutely.


30th November -0001

Thank you for the feedback! We are happy you are having fun with the server and its community. ^3^ ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (24)

Chris Cheuk

27th March 2023

While I like the server in terms of balance old school vibes and the player community being friendly The server is very unfriendly currently for new players who want to do endgame contentOn top of the HP washing system which apparently is going to be somewhat fixed with the challenge system there is currently a lack of supply for endgame gear On top of rampant inflation for most equips its becoming increasingly hard to scroll your own gear As I write this and search for various weapon scrolls there are 1 or 2 sellers who are selling stacks of 100 no other on the market These people buy the entire inventory available and then resell at these marked up prices Unless you want to sell leech to people as a full time job its incredibly hard to compete with these market makersOverall I think there needs to be more scrolls injected into the game somewayThe population of the server has decreased significantly due to covid players leaving and with that change theres much less supply of goods


30th November -0001

I mostly agree with your shortcomings, and I am personally not a huge fan of a mercher as they call those people, but at the same time... there is not much that can be done about that, because it is the nature of MMOs. Unfortunately, as MMOs get older and older it is indeed more difficult to get to where the current end players were years ago. However, I still want to believe the server is much easier compared to when we started, especially 2016 when the supply of any item was almost completely nonexistent. However, of course, since you did not start in 2016 you will not know what that was like. Thank you for your constructive review! There are still a few things in the work that are also related to your complaint. ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (25)

Kathrine Jacobsen

19th February 2023

Server might have been good the first 2-3 years it was up. But since its been up for such a long time its impossible for a new character to start, unless you are willing to make a bishop to 150+... Earn money on leeching and save all your vote for the character you actually wanna make, so you can HP wash... Also the worst is the multiboxing, the admins only allow it to get more votes/donations.


30th November -0001

Hello! We are proud of being on a database that is over 7 years old where people that play the server actually feel they are not going lose their progress, unlike many newer servers. There are great ways to start the server, as long you are willing to put time into it, as a challenging 2x EXP 1x meso server should be. HP challenges are being worked on, and as we have mentioned in Discord it is a completely null point to say that multiclient yields more donations. Multiclient still is 1 person, so I am not sure how it would yield more donations or votes. However, when users pointed this flaw out towards you, you became extremely defensive and otherwise ignored all their points, because you wanted a wipe for selfish reasons without thinking of the users that did actually spend time on their character. ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (26)

Monlin Sanatino

27th January 2023

Great server, thanks!

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (27)

Shaowei Zhan

21st January 2023

Unstable servers and infinitely postponed events


30th November -0001

Sorry to hear you had a bad time enough to rate 1 star. As of the time you wrote the review we did not have a single person complaining of unstable servers, so not sure where that is coming from. ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (28)

Sean Clement

19th January 2023

Unfortunately, 2000 characters is nowhere near enough to describe how much I recommend MapleLegends.In all of the servers I have played, MapleLegends is the one that gives me the best and most real classic Maplestory vibe from back in the day. Lots of nostalgia, while also including nice interesting features that makes the game still feel fresh and modern.There is no pay to win, do not even think of trying to come to this server to make some money by real world trading, YOU WILL GET CAUGHT! There is no hacking either. On top of that, MapleLegends has a good active staff that are there to make sure the game is fun and fair for everyone. The staff is friendly and do not give you the feeling that they are superior to you, they are just players like us who love the game. Also, the gamemasters sometimes host fun exciting events engaging the players, which brings a good sense of community for everyone who participates.The game balancing team is always hard at work to make all of the classes feel unique and also fun to play, while also making sure the game is not straying too far from the original game from back in the day.My 5 star rating for MapleLegends does not mean I think the server is perfect, because obviously there is always room for improvements. I have put a 5 star rating because the game is fun and active, and also because the staff is constantly working hard to improve the server and its features. The staff is always open to feedback and opinions are also heard. This server has done an amazing job to encourage players to play the way they want. There is a community for Permabeginners, Islanders, Oddjobbers and all other kinds of cool ways to play the game. The server is very stable, there is content from many different Maplestory regions, cool seasonal events, a cool cash shop selection, a cool community and very nice QoL improvements for the game. The game is really fun to play!Come play MapleLegends, you are in for a real treat!


30th November -0001

Wow, that was a long read. I want to thank you very much for this very insightful and wonderful review. It means a lot to me that the server is valued so much by some, especially regarding how the community is! After all, a good community contributes a lot towards the general vibe of the server, so the reality is that WE have to thank YOU for being a wonderful human being ^3^ ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (29)

Marcos López

12th January 2023

Excellent server, I have been playing for 3 months now and had lots of fun with the new people I have met. The low rates make it challenging and rewarding just like the old days (As is the primary purpose of this server).Theres a thing that I would change and it is the lv100 to 120 experience, it gets tough and I felt pushed to buy leech all those levels as the required experience to level up increased way too much but the grinding spots do not, and there are no more PQs at that level.Also, there is a need to wash your HP being an attacker class and that requires TONS of NX, in other words, several months of voting just to be able to boss (the main activity after lv135) so it is annoying BUT I will not lower my rate review as Developers are actually working on it.Summary: It is an excellent server to give a try, there are super high probabilities to get you engaged with the wholesome community.


30th November -0001

Thank you for the review ^^ I am happy you have decided not to review based on what still has to be fixed, but rather on your overall experience. That is very cool and kind of you! We hope future updates indeed help resolve the current problems in our server, even though it is been really overdue... ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (30)

Kevin Chang

2nd December 2022

Probably the only server where the staff actually care about the player base. They are constantly working on balance changes and new content while organizing events to please majority of the demographic. The low rates provide a good challenge and keep you in the game for a long time, unlike other servers. One thing I might suggest is increasing the rewards from questing and PQs to incentivize gameplay throughout all levels leading up to lvl 120 instead of the AFK leeching culture we have today. Otherwise, keep up the great work!


30th November -0001

Thank you for the kind words and review! I completely agree with you that Party Quests need improvements. We have mentioned we are going to work on that in the future (see: MapleLegends 2022 Development Roadmap on forums) Unfortunately, we always want to work on so many things at once, and Party Quest revamping will probably happen in 2023 instead, since we right now want to prioritize a few other things such as HP alternatives and more balance changes. It will definitely happen though! More information may be provided at the end of the year thread. ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (31)

Tyrone Shoota Johnson

29th November 2022

No idea whats wrong with these bad reviews. It is the most accurate server to OSMS that there is. Also, I think Kimmy is a baddie.


30th November -0001

Thank you for the kind words! YOU are the baddie for leaving a positive review (; ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (32)

Shimon Gugashvili

26th November 2022

I played in various private servers in my life.This server is far better than anything I experienced before.Glad I found this server, great community and kind admins who love to help and find solutions.Truly oldschool with much great content that keep it oldschool and fun.They dont change over the years and not being tempted to make silly changes which will ruin the game and I trust Kimberly the owner to keep it that way forever :)Very recommended for Maplestory lovers.


30th November -0001

Thank you for the kind words and hope for the future of the server. We will always try our best! ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (33)

Mina Ma

18th November 2022

Any server that tell you there is no rwt/rmt is lying to you.


30th November -0001

We are very positive and strong on that statement, in the same way we added No hackers 2 years ago. Of course, there will always be a bit of something, but I promise you that we have at least terminated 95 percent of all RWT, and have made multiple major sellers move to other servers to continue their service there this year. More information on that will be provided at the end of the year thread that I create every year on the forums. ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (34)

John Yoon

9th November 2022

Great old school Maple server. The staff and balance team are friendly and mindful of the game. Staff has a very quick response time and they frequently check the forums for suggestions or complaints. Legends Staff tries their hardest to keep the server lively and continue to push the boundaries of what the old school version will allow. The events and NX additions are tasteful keeps the game from getting stale.Plus the player base is friendly and very helpful!


30th November -0001

Thank you very much for the kind words! We are happy you enjoy the server and appreciate the work we are doing. We hope we are able to provide that in the coming months and years. Happy Mapling~ ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (35)

Thảo Win

8th November 2022

Pretty decent server with alot of contents over the year


30th November -0001

Thank you for the review! We are happy to hear you have a good time. Happy Mapling~ ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (36)

Sagi Gabizon

8th November 2022

Great server very nice people a real old school server with alot of content beyond that old V62 ver the really recommended !


30th November -0001

Thank you for the recommendation! We are happy to hear you have a good time, and hopefully, we are able to continue providing new content and events as time goes on. Happy Mapling! ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (37)

Anco Tran

7th November 2022

An amazing server where I met amazing friends with an awesome friendly community. This server encapsulates all the nostalgia I experienced as a kid growing up. I think the rates on this server feels very close to how it was back in the days, which I can understand may be too slow for others but that was why old maplers such as myself can relate to the ups/downs which we all shared back then and is why I still come back to this server. I would definitely recommend this server to others who want to experience an accurate representation of what "Old School" Maplestory was like!


30th November -0001

Thank you very much for this review! When it comes to the rates of a server it is unfortunately impossible to please everyone. We are happy to at least have please you, among others. It will always make me happy to hear that people made new friends thanks to the service we provide. We hope to be able to do this for many more years. Thank you for the recommendation! ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (38)

James Prentice

6th November 2022

Good rates, lovely people, quality servers with staff that care a lot about their game.


7th November 2022

Thank you for the review! If you ever face any questions, problems, or anything, you can always contact us on the forums or in-game. Happy Mapling! ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (39)

Gabriel Itriago

6th November 2022

Very Toxic , dont is friendly


30th November -0001

We are sorry you had a bad experience. Unfortunately, due to a lack of information, we are unable to help. If you face users that are mistreating you, you can always create screenshots using the Print Screen button on your keyboard and report the users on the forums. We want to make sure everyone feels welcome, but we need your help in making that happen as well. ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (40)

Natan Levy

1st November 2022

Great, full of content, nostalgic and very friendly community.I tried many private servers, this one is the best.A bit hard at the beginning, but after getting a bit stronger it becomes so fun.


30th November -0001

We are happy to hear you have a good time after you got through the brutal early game. Thank you for the review and happy mapling! ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (41)

Sem Hak

29th October 2022

The best nostalgic Maple server adding useful and fun features while staying true to the original experience. Improved quest EXP makes quests an actual part of the game. The community is very welcoming and friendly, while the forums are active as well as the Discord. Every update new and exciting improvements are introduced and feedback is actually taken into account. Go Kimmy and team! Thank you for making this epic nostalgia trip possible.


30th November -0001

Thank you so much for the kind words and appreciation. Happy Mapling! ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (42)

Tess Hart

26th October 2022

i joined in the beginning of oct looking to relive some of my childhood and saw tons of reddit reviews saying population was booming and this is best server ever! Very promising and i was excited! i struggled as new player buying pots was really hard and was on my own until level 30+.... everyone i ran into was afk or ignored me so i was on my own most of the time…… there is 8 chs but with everyone praising the population i never ran into anyone who was active very misleading… i was always in ch1 and never found friends to play with :(( i got lonely so i stopped playing…. i had fun for the first week tho but everyone ignore new players :((( not very new player friendly...


30th November -0001

We are sorry to hear you did not have a good experience. The problem with our server is that it is 7 years old, so many users are at the end-game content, and due to the age of the server, there are fewer users at the beginning. If you still want to give it a shot, please try to use a Super Megaphone or ask for help on our active Discord server. There are also many guides on our forums that should help you with your progress. Lastly, usually during events such as Halloween Events and Christmas Events, we have more users playing the server. We thank you anyway for giving it a try! ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (43)

Feya Ktana

26th October 2022

Amazing and truly oldschool server but with lots of content which keep it oldschool such as pink bean and maps :).As someone who played in various servers, this one is the best in every aspect!


30th November -0001

Thank you so much for the kind words and review. We hope we are able to provide a positive experience for years to come. Happy Mapling! ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (44)

Norielvis Zamora

24th October 2022

They say friendly server and they are very toxic. I better go to another server


30th November -0001

We are sorry you had a bad experience. Unfortunately, due to a lack of information, we are unable to help. If you face users that are mistreating you, you can always create screenshots using the Print Screen button on your keyboard and report the users on the forums. We want to make sure everyone feels welcome, but we need your help in making that happen as well. ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (45)


22nd October 2022

They need to add more Jobs I get bored with the same thing all the time


30th November -0001

While it is understandable you may get bored of the original classes, MapleLegends aims towards users that played during the 2008 era of the game. We are based on version v0.62 which does not have the newer jobs. Furthermore, I have never experienced or played the newer jobs, so I personally hold no nostalgia for them, unfortunately.While it is unfortunate to see you have rated us one star because we cannot offer newer jobs, we know that if we had newer jobs we would have had another side of the community upset because we are not offering the original classes only. ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (46)

Marcos Andres

22nd October 2022

server deleted before .. the players are not friendly at all and the gm do not even respond


6th November 2022

We have been open since April 2015 and have never deleted our database or deleted the server. All progress made since the beginning of the server has never been erased, and will not be erased. ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (47)

Bob Wizley

21st October 2022

A server that focus nostalgia. The quests are well valued, the party quests are always active and with players, has very good and regular events, doesnt have hackers, and doesnt misuse the cash store. The staff is always concerned with solving demands in a creative way, such as HP washing, world traveling, etc.


30th November -0001

Thank you very much for the review. Quests are indeed a high priority in our server and we have every single quest working on top of being higher EXP rates than regular grinding. Happy Mapling! ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (48)

Victor Otávio Ferreira

21st October 2022

Its the most stable old-school MapleStory server Ive ever played.It has a very active and friendly player community.The administrative and development staff is excellent and very careful with updates. Theres a real effort to keep the game challenging and the server economy stable. Thanks guys.


30th November -0001

Thank you very much for the review. It is true we actively monitor the economy and make changes if needed. Of course, all those changes are always transparently announced in our very detailed patch notes. Happy Mapling! ^Kim

MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (49)

Andrea González

20th October 2022

Dont Like , Sorry Kimmy u Server stink really you rates from drop and mesos is sh*t wanna other good server


30th November -0001

The rates on our server are challenging and require effort and time to progress. MapleLegends is an Old School MapleStory server aimed towards users who wish to play a challenging server like the old days. While the server is available and playable for everyone, it is recommended you have played the game in the past so you can get through content easier. If you require help in order to progress in-game, many handy guides are available on our forums. ^Kim

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  • Provide useful, constructive feedback.
  • Talk about a range of elements, including community and staff.
  • Be detailed, specific and honest.
  • Leave out links and personal information.
  • Keep it civil and friendly.
  • Poorly written reviews will be removed.
MapleLegends - The Old School MapleStory Server - MAC Compatible - No Hackers, No RWT (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Views: 6814

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.