JUPITER in GEMINI (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025) – Life Long Learning & Understanding (2024)

Big News of the Month, dear Astro Friends:
After a 1 year ‘slow cooker’ journey in TAURUS,

JUPITER entered GEMINI on May 25.

From a super-earthy phase (with only PLUTO in an Air sign over the last months) to a super-airy one having just begun.

What a GEMINI seasonwe’re freshly in (quite noticable now, and you can see it in the chart below)! Peaking round the very GEMINI Super New Moon on June 6 which will also catalyze JUPITER more fully in GEM. On June 5 & 6, the SUN, MOON, by then MERCURY, VENUS, plus JUPITER will be in GEM!

Whatever JUPITER touches becomes enhanced(which may or may not be a good thing…)
To help us see and understand better what’s going on.
Ideally to grow from it – or outgrow it.
Gratitude, generosity, and a good sense of humour help.

Brief Retrospective of JUPITER in TAU

The first Earth sign TAU is all about settling, finding one’s place in the world, comfort & stability, occupying one’s body, and embodying one’s values.
Our relationship to the Earth, Nature, as well as to expressions of value (economy, money…) have become big deals – and are interrelated.

The JUPITER journey in TAU emphasized slowing down, patience, enjoyment.

Yet it also magnified stagnation, esp. in habitual ‘comfort zones’ – hopefully seen as not really comfortable – , obstinate, stuck, resistant stubborn, greedy, hedonistic, materialistic, and territorial ‘motives’ / ways of life.
Which we’ve also seen in the ‘grand scheme’ of socio-political / geo-political realms, and their promoted / pumped-out incentives & ‘philosophies’.

Here’s a juxtaposition of JUPITER in TAU phenomena I created a year ago.
More is not always better…

The highlight of the JUPITER in TAU year was the alignment w. URANUS on Apr 20 (every 13 – 14 y.). A big .
Which also took us out of comfort zones, in various ways – esp. through the realization that Life is NOW.

Cuspy JUPITER on the ‘Voice Point’

On the TAU – GEM ‘Voice Point’ cusp now (May / June) – enhanced & empowered by the Air trine w. PLUTO retro in early AQ on June 2 (Timeline of JUPITER Alignments below) – , JUPITER gives a boost to

* Listening to the Voices of the Body and of Nature

* Understanding Nature better

* Finding our Voice, giving a Voice to Nature, and all sentient Beings who can’t speak for themselves

* Speaking about / from our Values

* Giving words to our sense experiences, esp. over the last year (via writing, and esp. going into dialogues & conversations…). Having common sense.

* Being open to learn from / through the physical world, esp. Nature, and everything natural and organic


GEMINI likes facts & figures of interest:

JUPITER is a bit more than one year in a sign.
In GEMINI, it’ll be May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025.

It has a 12-year cycle through the Zodiac that roughly corresponds with the (also 12-year) Chinese Animal cycle.

JUPITER was the last timein GEMINI June 2012 – June 2013.
It started in the year of the (then Black Water) Dragon, and extended into the year of the (Black Water) Snake.
This time, it starts in the Green Wood Dragon year, and goes into the Green Wood Snake year.

Remembering significant events / experiences of that time?
With JUPITER re-activating the ‘scene’ (and in your chart the GEMINI House / Planets – see below), themes comefull circle, yet in an up-leveled, expanded / evolved way.

JUPITER is ‘in exile’ in GEMINI – furthest away from its ruled sign SAG.
I.o.w. GEMINI is ‘foreign land’ to JUPITER: Instead of the single-focused pursuit of Truth, Trust, Freedom, and Happiness (SAG), in the GEM world, everything “has two sides”, can be doubted, contradicted, questioned and questionable, which can make one quite cynical.
And there can be sooo much superficiality, diversion & distraction – and: information / stimuli overload.

But hey, JUPITER in GEM also has many opportunities, gifts, and benefits.
Like: Critical common sense vs. ‘blind faith’ in something we haven’t thought through, and ‘fell for’.
GEM is smart (intellectual or street smart) vs. gullible, and asks important questions rather than taking narratives and propaganda at face value.

And now for JUPITER in GEMINI!

May learning on all levels enhance our lives,
as we understand ourselves and the world better!

May the Path of Alchemizing Dualities & Polarities guide us!

Rule of thumb: Everything & anything relating to GEMINI gets enhanced.
The themes below may combine in various ways, and there are always more ways of ‘branching out’ from the GEMINI Archetype ‘Tree’.


* More momentum to ‘buzz about’, after Taurean stability / tranquility

* Appreciating the lightness of life in Spring
Carrying the fresh & youthful Spirit into all seasons (of the year and of life)

* Sisterhood & brotherhood (biologically & otherwise) become more important

* The importance, value, and benefits of learning, curiosity, and asking good questions

* Think Big! Alchemizing & synthesizing various areas of interest

* Important talks, dialogues, debates that can reveal so much

* New & better science, and the notion to improve science

* Opportunities for writing / speaking / discussing about important topics & reaching a wide audience

* Important books & articles being written / launched

* So much to read / be inspired by…

* Understanding better what’s been going on in learning environments

* Better schooling options / importance of schooling upgrade

* Freedom of speech becomes (even) more significant

* Diversity / pluralism of views

* Questioning narratives, and asking new questions

* (More?) idle chit-chat, gossip, and life-on-social-media?!

* No morals / moralizing, just information (for better or worse)

* (Too much?) value of the intellect

* Intellectualism

* Dialectic ‘philosophy’

* The Path of Alchemizing Dualities & Polarities

* What can improve our communication (style / content)?

* The significance of AI (esp. in combo w. PLUTO in AQ)

* Learning new languages / improving language skills – while travelling?!

* Enhancing our learning & understanding of the World at large
Which enhances our life, so that we can offer bigger perspectives…

* Understanding our environment and its mentality
Maybe we’ve outgrown it, and need more ‘space’ / new perspectives?

* Branching out to find interesting / uplifting language / mentality realms we’re curious about – a journey of trust, learning & understanding…

* Opportunities through ‘cross-pollination’ between ‘different worlds’

* More diversity / divergence of paths – yet also: polarization?

* More global migration?

* Philosophy as science

* Science as philosophy / given high (too much?) value

* Synthesis of divergent scientific disciplines of knowledge / understanding

* Improving our writing, speaking, communication skills & practice

* Gift of the gab and encyclopedic knowledge

* Sooo much information, so many debates everywhere

* Important news

* Importance of true free journalism

* Inquiring into dualistic mind, questioning its stories

* Gratitude / opportunity / abundance journal

* Come join us at the JUPITER Journalling Journey of June.

Were you born with JUPITER in GEMINI?

Then, your‘Inner Mentor’Archetype comes full circle.

And it’ll be a year to be generous with sharing your knowledge & understanding, interesting & beneficial dialogues and conversations, a year for enhanced learning, esp. languages, perhaps writing, and in general for more & better mental-intellectual experiences. Also, you might find yourself facilitating connections between people, and alchemizing different faculties.

Here are the 1-year phases ofJUPITER in GEM in the last century.
Of course, this is also historically interesting, in combination with other planetary alignments.

Were you born in one of these periods?
Or did you go through significant phases then – leading to growth, ‘branching out’, or ‘alchemy in diversity’?

June 2012 – June 2023

July 2000 – July 2001

July – Nov 1988 & March – July 1989

Apr – Aug 1977 & Jan – Apr 1978

Apr – Sept 1965 & Nov 1965 – May 1966

May 1953 – May 1954

June 1941 – June 1942

June 1929 – June 1930

If JUPITER in GEMINI is significant for you – whether you have your JUPITER Return (you were born in the years listed), or you have your AC, SUN, MOON, or Planets in GEM – I got you covered:

You’re welcome to join the ASTRO~Parlour,
specifically focused on JUPITER in GEM,
to co-tune in, and co-explore what JUPITER has in store for you / how you can let the energy help you bring out your Best!

On Mon MAY 27
Afternoon & evening options, both in person / online hybrids.

Do you want to come to a JUPITER in GEM focused Astro Session instead?
11% discount for all GEMINI emphasized clients.
In effectMAY 27 – 31
To book your session – which may be scheduled for the following month.

Details on theFB Event page.

Let’s put it into Perspective– so JUPITERian

JUPITER’s presence in a sign shows what’s BIG & important for roughly one year(doesn’t necessarily line up with the calendar year, of course).

2020 was a very CAP(via SATURN – PLUTO – JUPITER)
All about governments, authorities, major endeavours & impacts, rules, restrictions, fear.

2021 was so AQ(via SATURN & JUPITER, plus SATURN in AQ triple-squaring URANUS (ruler of AQ) in TAU)
Systems, science, humanity, community, social environment, our shared future.

2022 was very PI(JUPITER united with NEPTUNE – 1st time since 1856),in transition to ARIES(JUPITER ‘tried on’ early AR May 10 – Oct 27).
In general, it was quite a transitional year.
Chaos / domino effects, and a wave of war, pulling the world in.
Which big Unifying Wave were you riding, surrendering and letting go of that helped with New Beginnings?!

2023 was very AR (JUPITER met CHIRON on March 11)
Wounds of warfare
on so many levels have shown up, big time.
As well as wounds from early in life – in time for healing.

The WarriorMedicine of showing up authentically, for & as ourselves received a big boost too.
Fully ‘sanctioned’ by the TSE in AR w. CHIRON, on Apr 8, 2024.

2023 / 24 has been very AR / TAU themed
The importance of standing up for Nature, standing our ground, and embody our values, in a time of new beginnings.

In 2024, TAU themes became stronger –
Culminating in the JUPITER union w. URANUS on Apr 20.
became even stronger, as JUPITER’s transition to GEMINI started.

JUPITER in GEM this year will not directly connect with another slow moving Planet (as it did since in CAP in 2020) – so it won’t enhance / emphasize that Archetype in the ‘Zeitgeist’ but stand by itself.

Having said that, JUPITER in GEM will square SATURN in PI twice.
Which will be the first significant transit between these two socio-political-economic Archetypes since their epic conjunction at 1º AQ on Winter SoUlstice 2020 which started a new 20-year cycle –
A New Era for Our SharedHumanity
A square (which has a MARS quality) represents a critical / crisis phase that requires decisive action.

More about this transit in the timeline of JUPITER in GEM alignments.

JUPITER’s Entry Chart into GEMINI

JUPITER crossed the ‘Voice Point’ from TAURUS to GEMINI
on May 25 at 4:35 pm PDT.

As you see in the chart, the TAU – GEM ‘Voice Point’ is very ‘occupied’ (by URANUS, JUPITER, VENUS, and the SUN).
So many inner & outer / social / public voices.
What does Nature, and our Body tell us?
How can they set us free (both JUPITER & URANUS are about freedom)?!

ARIES is also very strong, via the North Node, MARS, and CHIRON (they unite on May 29).
Warrior energy is healing.
Vitality is going through a healing crisis that makes us wiser.
Finding Inner Medicine through raw & vulnerable experiences, and through being authentic, and showing ourselves in a new way.

While SATURN in PI approaches NEPTUNE (now at the very end of PI) – which it’ll meet on the ARIES side of the ‘Emergence Point’ in July 2025 / Feb 2026.
An old era is fading, while a new one is emerging.

JUPITER entering GEM with this ‘backdrop’ / ‘cosmic context’ will help us lighten up and ‘mobilize’ the energy.
GEM is the first mutable sign in the Zodiac, after fixed earthy TAU.
If things have become too stagnant / you’ve become stuck, here’s to JUPITER’s support!

The very GEMINI Super New Moon on June 6 will catalyze JUPITER’s entry into GEM more fully, as we’re approaching a super GEMINI phase (SUN, MERCURY, VENUS, JUPITER) that’ll peak before / at the New Moon (June 5 / 6).

The first alignment of JUPITER freshly in GEM will be the Air trine w. PLUTO retro in early AQ , on June 2 which feeds into the GEM New Moon on June 6.
So much to learn and share. Be with your People & in your Power.

What a start into the JUPITER in TAU year!

JUPITER in GEMINI Contacts w. other Cosmic Players

Here-below is a chronological list of the specific astrological alignments for JUPITER’s Journey through GEM(May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025).

The MOON, MERCURY, and VENUS transit combos w. JUPITER aren’t featured (except for direct conjunctions) since this chapter would’ve become even more extensive otherwise….

These can be found in the bi-monthly email ASTRO~News – to which you’re welcome to subscribe to (just send an email to me at licht@islandnet.com).

Dates for the coming year when JUPITER will be monthly activated by the MOON in GEMINI – attuning us emotionally-mentally to the importance, gifts, and opportunities that JUPITER (re)presents:

JUNE 6 – Very GEMINI Super New Moon – what a start!

Summer: July 3 & 30, Aug 27

Fall: Sept 23, Oct 21, Nov 17, Dec 14

Winter: Jan 10, Feb 7, March 6

Spring: Apr 2 & 30, May 28, 2025

The most important transit during its journey through GEMINI will be JUPITER’s double-square to SATURN in PISCES (in effect throughout Aug, exact Aug 19, and mid-Dec to mid-Jan, exact Dec 24).

There’ll be one more square between them when JUPITER will be in early CAN, and SATURN for the first time in ARIES (in effect mid-May – end of June, 2025, exact on June 21).

This first square, 5 years into the JUP – SAT cycle that started at 1º AQ with Winter Solstice 2020, heralding A New Era for Our SharedHumanity represents a crisis point.

In the meantime, PLUTO has reached this AQ initiation point tooThe Power of Our Shared Humanity comes out in an Era of DeepChange.
Let’s source Soul Power from within & together, to BE the Change.

The challenges for this (SATURN in PI):
Disconnect / lack of meaningful connections where we can relax and just BE, lack of faith, overwhelm, confusion, being flooded with harmful (esp. intangible) energies, toxicity, addictions, overall weakness.
We need to get any of these factors under control / have energetic boundaries up, and intentionally connect where resonance is.

The opportunities coming in (JUPITER in GEM):
Better information that completely changes the picture, new conversations & learning, new brotherhood / sisterhood experiences.

Here’s the chronological line-up:

MAY 25

Life-long Learning & Understanding

JUPITER freshly in GEM in Air trine w. PLUTO retro in AQ
JUPITER’s first aspect while in GEM for the year to come
So much to learn and share.

Be with your People & in your Power.

MERCURY freshly in GEM meets JUPITER
So much to learn, and grow from.
So many new opportunities through curiosity & conversation.

Super GEMINI Days June 5 / 6!
Very GEM New Moon (SUN, MOON, MERCURY, VENUS, JUPITER), welcoming JUPITER more fully into GEM – in square w. stat. SATURN in PI
New & better conversations need to be had – to address collective challenges, and how they inter-relate.
New beginnings, rather than giving up & giving in to helplessness.

JUPITER in early GEM in sextile w. the North Node in AR / in Air trine w. the South Node in LIBRA
Better to initiate / take first steps to learn something new / show up in a new way than loosing energy over trying to negotiate / accommodate / compromise where there isn’t a good dynamic in the first place.

AUG 14
Feisty & fiery debates over important issues?
Violence over controversies and polarization?
Passion coupled with reason can lead to beneficial outcomes.

AUG 19 (FM Day) – in effect over the whole month of Aug
JUPITER in GEM in square w. SATURN retro in PI (#1, again on Dec 24, and on June 21 in CAN – AR)
First square since theirconjunction at Winter Solstice 2020 in early AQ
Being well-informed and communicating with those who understand can be inspiring to others, in chaotic, confusing, overwhelming, and disconnected times that foster weakness.
This likely goes back to 2020 / 21 when the JUP / SAT cycle started.

SEPT 17 (FM Day)
End of PI – VIR FM / PLE w. NEPTUNE, in T-square w. JUPITER stat. in GEM
What works and is healthy vs dysfuntional / toxic?
Be informed, in integrity, and take yourself out of harmful situations.

JUPITER goes retro at 21º20′ GEM
Processing outer information / conversations / debates / controversy.
Seeing the background, finding meaning & inspiration within.

NOV 2 (NM Nov 1) – in effect in Oct to early Nov
JUPITER retro in GEM in sextile w. CHIRON retro in AR (#1, again May 18)
Warrior Medicine aided by
information for better understanding.

DEC 1 (NM Day)
The New MOON in SAG w. MERCURY in wide opp. w. JUPITER retro in GEM
There’s Heart Truth that’s beyond doubt, question, and controversy.
LILITH in LIBRA in Air trine w. JUPITER in GEM
Choices that transcend conditioning and open up for better options

DEC 24 – in effect over the whole month of Dec
JUPITER retro in GEM in square w. SATURN in PI (#2, was Aug 19, again on June 21 in CAN – AR)
How has information / understanding helped you outgrow limiting conditioning, and allowed you to being more relaxed and connected?

JUPITER goes direct 11º17′ GEM, in wide Air trine w. the SUN in AQ
Trusting opportunities for a better future, together.

MAY 18
JUPITER in GEM in sextile w. CHIRON in AR (#1, again May 18)
Healing can come through the understanding we gathered.
A new beginning is possible. Every step counts.

VENUS at the very end of GEM meets JUPITER
A sweet joyful farewell to JUPITER…

JUPITER crosses the ‘Nesting Point’ and enters CANCER (- June 30, 2026), where JUPITER is ‘exalted’
What a Home-Coming!

Let’s glean insights from the

SabianSymbols for the Turnaround Degrees of JUPITER

In those areas of the Zodiac where JUPITER will be stationary this time themes are extra enhanced.
Of course, esp. if you have your SUN, MOON, AC, Planets, or even JUPITER in that cosmic ‘region’.

On OCT 9, JUPITER goes retro at 21º20′ GEM.
Since it doesn’t reach 22ºbut backtracks, let’s look at…


The revolutionary impact of mental concepts upon the collective human emotions and desires

This symbol parallels the one that began the process of ‘exteriorization’ (Gemini 16°), but the process is seen here operating definitively at the level of collective responses.
The mass of humans have been aroused by mental images, slogans and an appetite for the abundance the ‘ruling class’ enjoys.
This also applies to the individual person in whom contrasting spheres of activity have taken shape as the result of the mind-based individualizing process. The organic functions make their collective demands upon the lordly intellect.
The stage may be set for the kind of ‘revolution’ we call psychoneurosis.

This begins the seventeenth five-fold sequence of symbols. It sets the stage for a tumultuous process, which may lead to a new approach to the problems resulting from individualization. The repressed or oppressed instincts stage anEMOTIONAL OUTBURST, claiming their due.”

What a symbol for the beginning of the JUPITER retro phase.

Its description appears at first provocative, esp. re: “….an appetite for the abundance the ‘ruling class’ enjoys.”

Which makes one wonder, “what sparks demonstrations and revolutions?”
Is it simply appetite for what ‘the ruling class’ has? Fair work compensation / participation at the profit? Dismantling of priviledges? Or…?
More GEMINI questions.
Of course, all this is symbolic.
Yet sometimes, Astrology / Symbology can manifest quite literally, too.

And then, the stated parallel within the human system – a rebellion of the organic bodily functions against the ‘elitist’ intellect…
Body vs. mind. Earth vs. Air. Up-rising.
If carried by / coupled with strong emotions it can indeed lead to (pathological?) emotional outbursts – or revolts in the socio-political realm.

All of the above deals with juxtapositions of duality / polar opposites (GEM) of this and that, us and them…., which if not integrated / alchemized can produce a cathartic release.

JUPITER ends its upcoming Retro Journey on FEB 4 at 11°17′ GEM.
Since it doesn’t reach 11ºin retro and Sabian Symbols are by default rounded-up anyway, let’s look at…


Liberation from the ghosts of the past

While ‘newly opened lands’ (GEMINI 11°) theoretically offer virgin fields for experience, in fact those men and women who reach them find themselves conditioned by their own past.
They carry the ghosts of their former lives and the memories of collective social patterns with which they had identified their egos.
Every new beginning is surrounded with ghosts (or personal and social karma). The racial struggle for equality of opportunity must go on, even if this equality is officially guaranteed by the Law.
The struggle is within and takes many forms. The Puritans brought to the theoretically ‘New World’ the fears, the fanaticism and the aggressiveness of their European existence, and these often grew more virulent under the conditions found in the New World. But no field of activity is ever totally ‘virgin’. It has its inhabitants, and they cling to their possessions or privileges.

Whoever seeks to be truly an individual must be liberated from the past.

Here at this second stage we have the usual contrasting type of symbol.
The new lands are opened, but they are filled with lives, and the pioneer’s mind is filled with ghosts, preconceptions, and prejudices or expectations. What is needed is a totalLIQUIDATIONof the past; virgin minds for virgin fields.”

Now, that’s an interesting symbol too!
And can be interpreted in direct response to the symbol for the start of JUPITER’s retro journey (so GEMINI – two sides of a coin) – which deals with the revolt against unequal conditions.

To overcome the obstacles presented at this stage of human evolution, collaboration (AQ) can help overcome polarities & re-discover our common humanness.

A positive attitude and open mind(JUPITER in GEM)can go a long way for more learning from / about each other(JUPITER in GEM) contributing to a truly evolved Humanity (PLUTO in AQ).

Yet, the ‘ghosts from the past’ – from the imprints of historic structures & hierarchies of the ‘Old Empires’, of privileges and oppression are ‘by default’ being re-imported (PLUTO goes once more back into CAP Sept 1 – Nov 19, while NEPTUNE, accentuated by SATURN, will be in 2025, its last year in PISCES / transitioning into ARIES).
Until one / we as society are fully liberated from those conditionings, and can truly start fresh, with ‘Beginner’s Mind‘ (a ZEN term).

Maybe somewhat idealistic?
JUPITER shows the vision / what’s possible.

Where is GEMINI in your (birth / relocation) Chart?

As JUPITER travels in that realm until June 2025,lots of opportunities present, to enhance our outreach, get to learn more about Life and the World…
To improve our communication, writing, speaking, and critical thinking.
A positive outlook & attitude of gratitude helps, and brings more abundance.

Esp. in those areas of life that GEM points to in your chart:

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values.

What you own, literally & metaphorically, incl. your Business

3rd House – that ‘GEMINI House’ (if you have Planets, Sun, Moon / Nodes in it you do have a GEM ‘undertone’ in your chart!)
Your Environment & Relatives, the Mentality around you

4th House
Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others.

Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning.

Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.

Blessings for an interesting, life & lightness enhancing journey with JUPITER in GEMINI!


Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it guides you on your Earthly Journey?

I’m here for you.
An ASTRO~ALCHEMY Sessioncan help shed light on things from deep levels, and get processes going.

Get in touch with me,via email (licht@islandnet.com), and we can explore what would serve you best.

© 2024 by Melanie Lichtinger


Live Your True Self & Be Free!

Astrology and Voyager Tarot
Consultations, Courses, Coaching

withMelanie Lichtinger
23 Years Professional Experience
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Phone: +1-250 381 4299

Astrology for Self Realization FB Page

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Sent to you before every New Moon & Full Moon
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Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, via Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead toeye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing placein the ‘Hub of the Wheel’where you are less & less affected,more & more liberated, and self-realized.

I welcome you as a client who is not seeking an ‘old school reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported inaccessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transition, stuckness, transformational crisis, for new perspectives at a crossroad or dilemma, and for important choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!

From time to time, I have OFFERS on – to be found on my
Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.
The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

You can find upcoming EVENTS (incl. Jupiter Journaling Journey)
on myAstrology for Self Realization FB Page.


If you feel theAstro~News Blogwith Astro~Weather & Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goinglyhas good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents, you’re welcome to offer adonationvia e-transfer to my email addresslicht@islandnet.com.
You can also donate directly viaPayPal here.

Received in gratitude!

Tags: 12 Gemini, 21 Gemini, Astro Blog, Astro Charts, Astro Consults, Astrologer, Astrologer Victoria, Astrological Houses, Astrology, Astrology Consults, Jupiter, Jupiter - Saturn, Jupiter in Gemini, Jupiter in Gemini 2024, Life Long Learning, May 2024, Melanie Lichtinger, Sabian Symbols

JUPITER in GEMINI (May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025) – Life Long Learning & Understanding (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.