it's a secret! supposedly... - ShiryuuHaruna (2025)

The bells are ringing, indicating the start of their lunch break. The teachers leave the classroom while the students are all in a rush, either to go to the canteen or to search for an eating spot. Despite this, Isumi Haruka is still sitting on his chair unmoved. He seems slouching with his right hand holding the mechanical pencil, seemingly looking blank in his notebook. The ever so observational and astute Izumi Iori looks over to his fellow idol who didn’t move an inch even during class. A rarity, Iori thinks, for Haruka who’s always diligent to not pay attention in class. Especially since it was English which he’s pretty sure is Haruka’s favorite subject. Before Iori manages to ponder more, someone slaps his back.

“Iorin, should we ask Isumin to have lunch together? You keep looking at him with weird eyes you know. That’s kinda creepy,” Tamaki greets Iori after committing a surprise physical attack on his own member. In his hand is the lunchbox that the older members of IDOLiSH7 have cooked for them, wrapped in the same colour cloth that Iori’s lunchbox also uses.

“Please do not hit my back that hard, Yotsuba-san.” Iori sighed, “It’s nothing, he seems to be lost in thought so I was simply a bit worried. It’s not every day you see Isumi-san not pay attention in class”

“Hmmm, maybe he’s just tired? They had a live recording last night until late with TRIGGER.”

“How do you know other group members' schedules?” Iori stares at Tamaki with an incredulous look. “Are you sure you’re not breaking anyone’s NDA?”

“Calm down, Iorin!” Tamaki panics, “It's just, Isumin asked me to log in to his game account just last night before the daily reset so I asked him what’s going on and he told me what he was doing.”

“I see. Well, now I can see why he’s acting like this then.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s nothing, Yotsuba-san. C’mon, let’s ask him to have lunch together.” Iori stands up from his seat after picking up his lunchbox.

“Uhh sure,” Tamaki simply arches an eyebrow at Iori before walking over to Haruka’s seat. “Isumin! What are you doing? Are you still writing? Did you miss a note? Just ask Iorin for notes later. Let’s have lunch!” He peeks over to his desk.

Haruka’s head turns back at an impressive speed at Tamaki’s sudden calling, shutting close to his notebook that he’s been drilling his attention to with a force, “Yotsuba!! Damn it, don’t just suddenly appear behind me like that!”

“I was just inviting you out for lunch…”

“Isumi-san is right. You should really not surprise people like that, Yotsuba-san. My back still hurts from when you slapped me just now,” Iori puts his hand on his back from when Tamaki slaps him.

“How else am I gonna call you guys then!? Ugh, whatever. Are you coming or not, Isumin?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming. You sure are impatient,” Haruka grumbles while taking his lunchbox and tidying up his desk.

Iori looks around the class, “Well the classroom seems to be empty. Let’s just move seats and have lunch here. Is that okay, Isumi-san?”

“Sure why not? Just make sure not to leave food everywhere. Especially you, Yotsuba.”

Tamaki seems offended, “Hey! I’ve heard enough of that from Mikki and So-chan! I don’t need to hear that from you too!”

“Alright alright stop it. We better hurry up and eat before the break ends” says an exasperated Iori. He brings a seat next to Haruka. Tamaki goes to the front seat and turns the seat around to face Haruka before sitting, still with a slightly annoyed face.

“Now that you mention it, why is everyone going to the canteen anyway?” Haruka opens up his lunchbox, “They have a new menu or something?”

“I did hear some news about that. It’s nothing surprising considering our school but to know this happens every other week… ”

“Yeah. This time I heard we have a limited collaboration with a donut shop or something? It sounds tasty but it’s always so crowded whenever they have this kind of thing with our school.”

“Let’s just go check it tomorrow or something. Not like they’re a one-day-only thing right?” Haruka suggested before saying a prayer and scooping the cooling rice from his lunchbox.

“I wonder if they have an Ousama Pudding flavour donut or something… Oh yeah! Isn't Tenn-Tenn a fan of donuts?” Haruka's hand suddenly stops, “Maybe he tried this brand before. I should ask him now~”


Tamaki takes out his phone and opens the messaging app. “Oh, how’s the recording last night with TRIGGER? I haven’t watched it because Nagicchi was hogging the TV. Is there a rebroadcast of it?”

Haruka blinks and puts his food in his mouth, an apparent blush on his cheeks. He swallows his food before answering curtly, “It was…fun, I guess," He then goes quiet and picks up another scoop of rice to his mouth, seemingly forgetting to answer Tamaki's other question.

Iori gives a glance at Haruka's weird behaviour and decides to answer in his stead, “I’m pretty sure live broadcast shows are also available to watch on the phone these days. And most of them will have an archive for the recording as well.”

“Ah right, I forgot about that! Damn, guess I’ll watch it tonight. It was trending on Rabbiter so I really got curious, you know,” Tamaki puts his phone away and starts eating his fried chicken heartily.

Haruka is still munching off his food so Iori replies for him again, “It has been quite a while since TRIGGER and ZOOL had a show together, and a live one at that. It's no surprise the fans are all looking forward to seeing and talking about it.”

“That’s true! Especially after our shuffle group thing! Maybe fans like it when different groups interact with each other huh? Like the angelic Tenn-Tenn with the gangster Isumin, the difference is funny I bet.”

“Like hell he's angelic! He keeps teasing me, that little devil!” Haruka suddenly shouts, “He keeps redirecting questions to me or doing some stuff that gets me flustered! He’s no angel, I tell you! He gains pleasure in seeing others squirm because of his teasing."

“While we already know that Kujo-san's angelic persona is not all genuine, isn’t that nice though for you? You get to have more screen time. That’s a good thing for idols, no?”

“Yeah. And don’t you like it when Tenn-Tenn teases you, Isumin?” Tamaki continues, “You admire him right? That means he's paying attention to you if he keeps teasing you!”

“Only a weirdo would like being teased by Kujo Tenn on a live show like that! You’re not in my position so what do you know?” Haruka huffs, “Whatever, enough of that. What should we do about our Home EC project? We’re still not finished!”

The trio then continues eating their lunch in the classroom. Some classmates came over to Iori to ask about stuff regarding study materials, while others came to ask Haruka or Tamaki about games. Even when they're full-time idols, they still make sure to never let that impede their youth. Mingling with peers and having fun. While at times Tamaki grumbles about their school work, Iori knows he’ll work on it with enough persuasion. Haruka who only moved in halfway through the school year also managed to blend in with the rest of the class even with the initial antagonism from the green-haired boy. Iori himself, while he keeps getting frustrated at what he got roped into by his two friends, can’t say he is ever genuinely annoyed at them. Iori will simply sigh before getting Tamaki and Haruka out of trouble. That’s simply a part of youth, his brother will say when he complains about his friends during dinner.

Haruka finishes his lunch first and tidies up his box, “That was a delicious meal. I’ll go to the washroom real quick. Don’t forget to clean up the table!” Haruka looks over at his two friends, glaring especially at Tamaki, and runs outside the classroom.

“Yeah yeah…” Tamaki answers nonchalantly. He then peeks at the door as if he’s making sure Haruka is out of sight. Right after, he suddenly looks at Iori with serious eyes, his face right in front of him, “Hey Iorin!”

“Personal space. What the matter, Yotsuba-san?”

“I don’t think we should tell Isumin about this but I think I saw what he wrote in his notebook,”

“Is there a problem with what he wrote?”

“...No. He, well, I think I saw a writing of ‘Kujo Tenn’ next to his name under a triangle or something? Doesn’t that mean some sort of romantic thing? I think our classmates who are dating did that on the blackboard before. Does Isumin have a crush on Tenn-Tenn? Or are they dating? What do you think!?”

“I knew he was distracted from something related to that person but to think he did something as childish as that,” Iori snickers, “Isumi-san is still a kid after all huh.”

“Hey, we’re the same age as him!”

“My point still stands. But yes, I don't know if they have yet to date or not but there is definitely a crush from Isumi-san side to Kujo-san. Not like it’s a secret between the four groups though. I’m quite sure Yotsuba-san is the last to know”

“What!?” Tamaki's eyes widened in shock, “You mean everyone knew there was something between them except me!? How about So-chan? Wait! I don’t want to know! Aghh I can’t believe I just knew about this!!”

“They're not exactly subtle with it, you know. You do notice Isumi-san has been playing on his phone more often and how he’s been humming TRIGGER songs whenever we study together?” Iori explains, putting his and Tamaki’s lunchbox in the cloth.

“Well, I just thought that was him just playing a new game…And TRIGGER just released a new song so I thought he’s in a mood or something.”

“He’s messaging someone, Yotsuba-san,” Iori elucidates while wiping Haruka’s table with a wet tissue, “With who I’m pretty sure is Kujo-san himself.”

Tamaki then is reminded of something, “Ah, is that why Tenn-Tenn was also on his phone a lot? I met him at work a few days ago and asked him about Aya but he keeps typing and smiling on his phone. He was so distracted, it’s pretty hilarious now that I think about it.”

“He did!?”

“Yeah! And when I asked him who he was chatting with, he just said ‘It’s nothing’ while grinning. I was there worried about my sister and he was smiling without a care!” Tamaki complains, “Now that you mention it, Tenn-Tenn’s face was pretty similar to Isumin's when he was playing with his phone. Does that mean it’s mutual? Isumin’s crush?”

“You tell me, Yotsuba-san. I don’t quite often meet Kujo-san so it’s not like I know how he usually acts these days.”

“But you’re close with Rikkun! Did he say anything about Tenn-Tenn?”

“You seem to be more into this than I thought…” Iori sighed, “Well, come to think of it, Nanase-san has been saying that his brother’s smile when performing seems to shine brighter, whatever that means. And that he’s been nicer to him these days and even asked Nanase-san out for dinner more often. Maybe that’s related?”

“Oohhh! Is it those things where you're happier or genuine when you’re in love or something? That’s pretty wholesome huh? Isumin and Tenn-Tenn should just date each other, that’d be nice~” Tamaki smiles to himself.

Tenn has always been someone who looks more serious than he lets on, Tamaki thinks to himself. Maybe it's the older brother mentality they both share but even with a stoic face, Tamaki can know that Tenn is nicer and even can act just like the kids they are. He’s just a year older than him after all, there’s no way he can be that more mature. He plays along with Tamaki’s jokes and he hears stories from the other TRIGGER members that Tenn sometimes act spoiled to them. Tamaki remembers when someone told him how idols should be careful not to carelessly date someone and to always remember their fans first and foremost. But seeing how his classmates who're dating have fun and seem happier than before, Tamaki feels that Tenn will also enjoy this as well. Especially with Haruka who is just major fun to hang out with. Tenn will definitely tease him a lot (which Tamaki’s sure he already does after hearing Haruka’s stories) and then Haruka will get flustered, yeah that will be fun to see.

“We still don’t know if it’s actually love or not,” Iori reasons, “But yes if it is mutual then maybe it’s better for them to be in a relationship with each other.”

“Huh, I thought you would say that it's not good idols to date or something. You're usually strict about stuff like that.”

“I can’t deny that there are problems if such news were to spread. But if Kujo-san of all people is fine with it and even humors the notion of it, then maybe it’s fine for all of us."

“Like those stuff where if their idols are happy then the fans will be happy too?” Tamaki asks.

Iori nods “Correct. While there is the possibility of an outlash, if it’s managed well then it can be good for the idol's longevity and that will prove to be beneficial for the company in the long run."

“Ahhh you’re speaking weird things again, Iorin.”

“What’s all this with happy and company you guys are talking about?” Haruka suddenly appears behind them.

“Nothing” “It’s nothing”. The two IDOLiSH7 members stand up in a jolt and hurriedly tidy up the seat they used.

“Uh, right...?” Haruka seems confused but lets it go. He sits and opens his notebook to prepare for the next class before he looks like he’s reminded of something after looking at his supposedly blank notes. “Ah right, can I borrow your notes later, Izumi? I’m sorry, I’ll buy you some snacks at the convenience store later to make up for it,” Haruka puts his hands together apologetically, begging Iori to help him.

“It’s fine, Isumi-san. I’ll send you pictures of my notes tonight after I finish organizing it.”

“Really!? Thanks a lot! I’ll let you buy anything you want later!”

“You don’t have to go that far. But…”


Iori spares a glance at Tamaki while smirking, “You should be more mindful to not think about a certain group’s center during class if it will ruin your concentration, you know. Kujo-san might not be too happy to know that he’s ruining your studies”.


Iori walks away still with a small grin on his face. Tamaki follows him, also laughing at their reddened mutual friend. Deep inside, he knows there’s more trouble than what it's worth for idols to actually date each other and even to do it publicly. But he knows that those two are highly professional idols and can keep their private life separate. While the other person is another can of worms, Haruka is a good friend to Iori (as much as he loathes to admit it). And maybe, just maybe, he simply wants his friend to be happy. Even when it means to date someone as insufferable as Kujo Tenn.

The bells indicating the end of break are ringing and even when the class is starting to be more crowded, Haruka still has his back against the blackboard, glaring at his two friends that’s still happily smiling at his obviously flustered face. When the teacher enters the classroom, Haruka finally sits properly and looks at the corner of his notebook, two names are written under what is supposed to be an umbrella. He clenches his hair in frustration.

“Are we really that obvious…?”





“You finally arrived, Tenn!!”

“That sure is a greeting but yes, pardon the intrusion,” says Tenn as he takes off his shoes after closing the door.

Haruka was standing right at the entrance of his house, impatiently waiting for a certain someone to finally arrive after he asked him to come over to his house after school. He takes Tenn's hands and pulls him to his bedroom, passing through his grandma who’s relaxing on the couch in the living room. Tenn waves a hand at her and smiles exasperatedly at Haruka who didn’t even let him greet his own grandma. Once arriving at Haruka's room, he pushes Tenn to get inside and shuts the door close.

Tenn takes off his coat and hangs it on the hanger, “So what’s going on? You didn’t even let me say hi to your grandma. Did something happen at school? Yotsuba did ask me about donuts though. What's up with that?”

“Ughhhh!” Haruka stomps at his floor and walks over to his bed, sitting on it roughly, “You will not believe this! Izumi and Yotsuba teased the hell out of me at lunch! About us! How did they even know about it!? I thought we didn’t tell anybody about this.”

“It’s not like we were being discreet about it around them, you know," Tenn follows and sits next to Haruka on his bed, "Maybe they finally found out because of something and were just messing with you. You guys are close friends, right?”

“That’s what makes it annoying! I mean, how come they just decided to tease me about it now!? It’s not like they saw me do…anything…!” Haruka suddenly stops talking in shock. His face flushes red, remembering exactly what he did that probably let his friends know what’s going on between him and Tenn.

“What’s the matter? Did you do something?” Tenn asks as he sits closer to Haruka, “It’s okay, as long as it’s between our friends you don’t have to panic about it okay?”


“I won’t force Haruka to talk but maybe if it’s something that’s troubling you then I can help,” he pats Haruka's hair, “Maybe that will make you feel better. That's what lovers do after all, right?”




Tenn continues to caress his hair with a smile, “Take your time, Haruka,"

Haruka can see the tiredness on Tenn's face even when he pampers him. He did say he just finished practicing and he remembers TRIGGER having a schedule after their shared broadcast last night. Despite all of that, Tenn still took his time to humor Haruka's sudden request and now he's even spoiling him. The least he can do is be honest with his boyfriend and admit the stupid thing he did right? And so he takes a deep breath and,

...I wrote your name and mine under an umbrella in my textbook!” Haruka shouts and lays down on his bed, hands on his face, “And I’m pretty sure Yotsuba saw it when he just suddenly appeared behind me at lunch, and then he told Izumi what he saw when I went to the washroom. So that's why they just laughed at me right after lunch breaks ended! Aghhhhh, damn that blabbermouth! I can't focus during class because of those two dumbasses! And Izumi had the audacity to say it was Tenn's fault I wasn't focused during English class because I kept blanking out. Well, he's not wrong because of course I was happy about us having schedules together so I ended up being distracted thinking about it during class. But then I can't focus on the next class either because of what he said! So that’s double the distractions! This is so embarrassing!” He whines and rambles in frustration, rolling around his bed while groaning before Tenn stops him with a hold.

Watching Haruka’s shameful act, Tenn simply chuckles, “I don't really get the full story but that’s very cute of you, Haruka. Is that why you wanted me to come over? To talk about this 'problem'?” He follows Haruka to lay down on his bed. Putting his body close to the green-haired boy who's still covering his face in shame. Tenn takes Haruka’s hands away and covers the palm with his own. Haruka looks at the smiling Tenn, with eyes that seem to be finding this amusing more than anything. Not like it’s anything surprising for his little devil of a boyfriend though. Tenn seems to enjoy seeing Haruka flustered and red, especially because of him. Despite this, Haruka holds their entwined hands tighter.

“Well, yeah. I thought I should consult Tenn about this kind of thing before doing anything… I mean, I don’t even know how I should act when I meet them again at school tomorrow,” Haruka mumbles under his breath, “I mean, I had a feeling everyone kinda knew about us already but…Doesn’t make it any less embarrassing, you know.”

“Then let’s tell everyone next time we have a group meeting. I’m pretty sure they already know about us though, haha” Tenn pulls Haruka closer and puts his head under his chin, hugging his body and patting his fluffy hair.

“Is that okay with you, Tenn?” Haruka looks up to his boyfriend with glassy eyes, “You won’t say this is unprofessional or anything?”

“I’m pretty sure we’re way past asking that question, but yes I am okay with it.” Haruka can hear him starting to speak in a slurred way. He’s definitely falling asleep.

Haruka finally laughs and smiles, pushing his body closer to Tenn and hugs him back, “Haha, then I don’t have to be so secretive about it with ZOOL or Izumi and Yotsuba next time then!”

Tenn giggles, “Not like we were even trying that hard to hide it, though.”

“Ughh, I really tried okay!?”

“I know, Haruka definitely tried his best. So good job.”

“Hmph! Of course I did!”

Tenn didn’t answer and what Haruka hears is just the soft breathing of his boyfriend. He looks up to see Tenn's eyes closed off, small eyebags under it.

He’s asleep huh, Haruka thinks. He is being very selfish today, he admits. Right after school finished, Haruka ran off from his friends and messaged Tenn to go visit him at his house immediately. Tenn who just finished practicing said Okay without hesitation. Now here he is, sleeping while holding Haruka close. A small part of Haruka thinks this is an excuse to vent to his boyfriend about the “crisis” he just experienced at school but really, a bigger part of him simply misses him and wants him to rest. Looks like that's a mission accomplished. But never mind that, all Haruka wants now is simply to be in each other's hold for the time being. He snuggles closer to Tenn's chest.

“Good night, Tenn.”

it's a secret! supposedly... - ShiryuuHaruna (2025)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 6180

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.