Garrett Clipper from Garrett, Indiana (2024)

THE HEATHER Sunny, Warm, Humid, Polen Count 130 VP Read Br More Garrett People Than Ant Other Publication In The Would VOL. LXXIV No. 98 GARRETT, DeKALB COUNTY, INDIANA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1960 MONDAY AND THURSDAYS JJA JULVJLVJL1 JL Seriously Injured In Fall From Automobile Two Fraudulent Check Cases Are Continued Rev. Stanley Bush Accepts New Pastorate ASSIGN PUPILS HOSPITAL NEWS COMMISSIONERS RESTATE POLICY ON HOSPITAL TO ROOMS IN MOONSHINER IS CAPTURED IN DeKALB COUNTY A 53-year-old Kentuckian, flushed from his "moonshine" still in Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Wells of Co-1 Two accused in fraudulent check cases were granted continuances at appearances Wednesday morning in the DeKalb runna are the parents of a daugh GRADE SCHOOL ter born at 2:48 a.m. Tuesday at the Dr. Bonnell M. Souder hos-! The DeKaio county board of Seven hundred and thirty-eight commissioners today restated the Pital Auburn. The girl weighed a woods near the Indiana Ohio board's policy with regard to pounds, six ounces and was kindergarten and grades 1 to 6 for HOSPITAL GROUP MEETS WITH STATE OFFICIALS A committee from Garrett, a representative from the rural area and Dr.

Carl J. Elward met Wednesday afternoon in a 2-hour session with state health officials at the Indiana Medical Center in Indianapolis to further the cause of the re-opening of Sacred Heart hospital in Garrett. Present at the meeting were Drs. F. B.

Kantzer and L. E. Jinnings, Councilman E. Miller. Chamber of Commerce Presi circuit court.

Charles E. Hall, 31, of Rt. 2, Butler, appeared before Judge Harold D. Stump with Grimm Grimm, Auburn attorneys, and was granted a continuance until state line, was captured late Tues county hospital project. the coming school year in the J.

E. mt a i a I. a day afternoon in a nearby Troy ine commissioners siaiea tnati iviunn oi iuzvs lying Ober school, it is reported by before the residents of DeKalb street is in a serious condition at Ralph Manrow, principal. This is county should be asked to express i Lutheran hospital, Fort Wayne, 14 students less than were regis- themselves as to whether or not where he has been a patient since tered at this time a year ago. township, DeKalb county, farm house where he had hid to escape a dragnet of DeKalb county and Williams county, authorities.

Daniel King, 22, of Rt. 2, Waterloo, was seriously injured Monday evening when he toppled to a blacktop pavement north of Waterloo while riding on the right rear fender and bumper of an old automobile driven by his brother. State Trooper Richard Raub and Sheriff Dorsie A. Likens said the injured young man was taken to the Cameron hospital at Angola in the Swank ambulance of Ashley. He was unconscious when he was picked up from the pavement after rolling for an estimated 156 feet.

King sustained bruises and a-brasions over his entire body, multiple cuts and a deep laceration on his forehead. He is expected to be hospitalized for at least two days. King's brother, Darrell, 20, told I Wednesday, Sept. 7. He entered no plea at the hearing.

The other accused check artist, Bernard McCurdy, 25, of Fort me juujeci suuuiu ue iiuauy a-, Aug. j.u. rus room numDer is oyz The number of children regis dopted by the commissioners, in- and no visitors are allowed. Mrs tered for kindergarten is 138, up residents as to what is planned, Beach, formerly of Jr" in the first six Billie Prater was taken to the Williams county jail at Bryan, early Tuesday evening to await federal court action. He faces arraignment in a federal court on charges of possession of a moon how much a hospital will cost, arrived Monday.

She is a sister of and how it is proposed to finance i Mr. Muhn and recently returned Sraaes is aown students dent Alfred E. Engelhard and Mrs. Max Zerns personal repre che project, from a European trip. She was in lwo previous articles have ap- shine still.

New York City when she received Pearea in ine supper urging par- sentative of Mayor Fred Wayne, was granted a continuance after he requested the court to appoint an attorney for him. The court named Phyllis R. Gratz, an Auburn attorney, to serve as his attorney. Arraignment of McCurdy is scheduled for next Wednesday, Aug. 24.

McCurdy and Hall are free under identical $1,000 bonds. I word of her brother's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicolai were ents to register their children for kindergarten.

Now that the assign- mantc havo Koati marla ativ Feick, all of Garrett; Albert Yoder of east of Auburn, re-Dresentins the rural area: Dr. Elward of Wabash; Dr. A. I police he and his brother had been When these facts are brought to the attention of the people of the county, they will have the basis tor an intelligent decision and an opportunity to express their wishes. The only way to produce these facts, the commissioners pointed out, is to employ an architect to draft preliminary plans with a cost estimate, propose a site and pro REV.

STANLEY BUSH working on the 1938 Ford when they decided to give it a test run. They had removed the hood to Sheriff Dorsie A. Likens and Williams county sheriff Howard Zuver, assisted by DeKalb Prosecutor Warren G. Sunday and the WTil-liams county prosecutor, William H. Weaver, directed the eight-hour investigation in which nearly 20 police officers participated.

The beginning of the end for Prater's illicit business enterprize came Tuesday morning when an Ohio farmer, Burton Buell of Rt. their home at 720 East Seventh have t0 be asslgnej to street, Auburn, in the Gerig am- joon sessions regaroless of whether the child lives within the city or buiance. Mrs. Nicolai was a medi- cal patient while at the hospital. ine rurai area' A book and other supplies for The Rev.

Stanley E. Bush of 219 At the hearings Wednesday morning, the state was represented by Prosecutor Warren G. Sunday and Deputy Prosecutor H. Charles Winans. Hall is accused on the complaint of Carl E.

Ely of Rt. 1, Corunna, Offutt. state health commisioner; Dr. V. J.

Harvey assistant to Dr. Offutt; and Miss Jordan, a member of the State Hospital Licensing Council. The meeting was arranged by Governor Harold W. Handley. Dr.

Kantzer acted as chairman of the local committee and he gave a complete resume of the Sa permit them to work on the engine. Daniel had placed himself prone on the right front fender of the car in order to adjust the carburetor while the vehicle was West Keyser street, pastor of the First Baptist church in. Garrett since Jan. 1, 1956, has accepted a call to become pastor of the First Baptist church at Osgood, pose a financial plan. It is for.

Three Persons Hurt In i ZJS St. 3 Accident Near Corunna to the teacher during the first -week of school. Three persons were The assignment of pupils is as this purpose that the commissioners have employed an architect moving. After making an adjust with issuing a fraudulent $500 1, Hamilton, came upon Prater "cooking up a batch" of moon whom they believe to be capable and experienced in hospital ment, he had crawled to the rear fender while the car was driven on south on the Shoemaker road, none ot them seriously, about 8:20 follows: shine in a dense section of Buell' woods. Buell told authorities he had gone County road 35 KINDERGARTEN I A.M.

Norma Jean Harlan Boys Dennis Marc Anderson, James Eugene Barnes, Rickey Ivan. p.m. Sunday when the automobile in which they were riding was sideswiped by another on state road 327 south of Corunna. Sheriff Dorsie A. Likens identi- Official Figures Given On The 1960 Census cred Heart hospital situation since it was announced by the order of Franciscan Sisters that the institution would be closed on May 4, 1959.

Dr. Offutt also asked for remarks from each one present. He stated that he was very glad to know the feeling Darrell said he glanced back and failed to see his brother clinging to the right rear of the car, then check to Ely June 24 in payment on a truck. The truck allegedly was used by Hall to haul a load of registered hogs to the southwest. Authorities said an investigation is underway to determine if any crime was committed in the deal between Hall and a Howard county, farmer.

Hall was arrested last Friday by Deputy Sheriff Cecil Barhydt and Brooks, Bryan Dexter Brumbaugh. fied the injured as Donald J. Van Kenneth Eugene Cutler Leslie near Cincinnati. His resignation here becomes effective Oct. 9.

Rev. Bush came to Garrett from Holton, after serving the Hopewell Baptist church for 3V4 years. He is a native of St. Louis and a graduate of the William Jewell college of Liberty, Mo. He received his Seminary training and graduated from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville, Ky.

Before entering college Rev. Bush served five years as a paratrooper in the European and Asiatic theatres of war. Mrs. Bush is a graduate of the spotted him lying in the pavement a considerable distance to the The official preliminary 1960 census of population, issued by the, census bureau at Washington, D. C.

today shows the city of Gar- to his woods to inspect a new ditch being constructed across his land. He saw smoke coming from another part of his woods and investigated. Offered a Bribe Buell said he surprised Prater while the moonshiner was busy "cooking." According to Buell, the talkative Prater offered the farmer "a jugfull" if he would keep rear. The accident happened at 4:25 p.m. Monday.

Butler Police Chief C. N. Albert- rett at 4.351 an increase of 1J5 ner coppenelle, of Kt. Columbia jay DePew, Donald Kent Dickison, City; his wife, Helen, age 26, and William Michael Eakle, Rodney their daughter Cheryl, age 8. I Lyman Evans, Gene Franklin The injured were brought to the Freeman, Denis Alan Gall, Ross Dr.

Bonnell M. Souder hospital in DeWayne Greenawalt. Richard the Gerig ambulance. They were; Floyd Hathaway, Franz DeKalb released after treatment. Mrs.

Van Heinzerling, Paul Linden Hilkey, Coppenelle sustained bruises to her Robin Russell Horner, Humphrey son. The prosecutor and Sheriff cent from the 4 291 reported in 1950. TlArcta A i lnn coin a sYrrr Thieves Get $1J99 At Auburn Service Station quiet about his operation. Buell of the Garrett community and surrounding area about the reopening of the hospital and that it would be made a matter of record. Dr.

Offutt asked Dr. Elward if he actually owned the hospital. Dr. Elward stated that he had signed a contract for the purchase of the institution and that as soon as the abstract, deed and other necessary papers were completed he would be in possession of the property. TTnivprcitv rf Miccmiri anil the knees and body and a back in Burglars cracked the safe at said Prater told him he got $10 a Caryer School of Missions and gallon for "the stuff in sales to t.v;u ck a C.

H. Kearns. Girls Carla Gail Andrews, Karen Sue Andrews, Emily Ballenr was drawn on the First National bank of Albuquerque, N.M. and was signed by Hall on an account held by the Wessex Saddleback Breeders. Authorities said the account was practically depleted before the check was written.

Accused of Five Bum Checks jury. Their daughter was treated for facial and head cuts. Van Cop- Negroes in Detroit. He indicated he her husband haye had three sons wuiuu give uie juiuig lamiei born since moving to Garrett: cut on nis operations. penelle was treated for cuts on his tine, Jo Ann Bunn, Kay Lynn chin and bruises.

jChristlieb, Jody Lynn Clason, The sheriff said the accident oc- Cathy Ann Cobbs, Betty Jo Crager, curred 1.7 miles south of Corunna. Cindy Custer, Karen Ruth Custer, The vehicles involved were a 1960 Susan Kay Dapp, Kay Ann Davis, Michael, 4, Samuel, 3, and Daniel, one month. Mrs. Bush has served The farmer told Prater to move McCurdy was taken into custody 28,173, an 8.3 increase from the 26,023 shown in the 1950 census. Other nearby cities and towns and counties and their 1960 census figures, the 1950 figures and percent of change follow: Butler 1,914, increase of 13.1; Auburn 6,333, 5,879, 7.7 increase; Waterloo 1,432, 1,414, 1.3 increase; Allen county 230,963, 183,722, 25.7 increase; Kosciusko county 40.227, 33,002, 21.9 increase; NobU county 27,810, 25,075, 10.9 increase; Steuben county 17,303, 17,087 1.3 increase and Whitley county, 18,828, 10.4 increase.

Fort Wayne's population increas his still off his property and Pra as a substitute teacher in the local at Hicksville by Sheriff Likens aft- ter promised it would be gone by schools. Rev. Bush has served as I er he appeared in court there on Lincoln driven by Van Coppenelle Marilee Marisa Days, Julie Grace nightfall. Buell returned to his house and chaplain of the Garrett fire department and is a member of the American Legion. and a 1957 Ford operated by George D.

Morgan, 33, of Fort Wayne. Both vehicles were traveling Geiger, Janet Lee Grobis, Rose Anne Handshoe, Beth Anne Hollis. KINDERGARTEN II A.M. Lorraine Weier Boys David Thomas Lash. immediately called the Williams county sheriffs department.

a charge oi writing a fraudulent $100 check. The sentence was suspended after he made restitution. In DeKalb county, McCurdy is accused of passing at least four A preliminary investigation dis Freeman's Cities Service at 509 South Main street in Auburn early Sunday morning and stole $1,199.06, Auburn police reported Monday. The theft was committed a year to the day after a burglary on Aug. 14, 1959 at the station that netted thieves $400 in cash, police said.

The burglary was discovered by Sgt. J. W. Rittenhouse while on patrol at 4:12 a.m. Sunday.

He was assisted in the investigation by State Police Detective Russell Huffman. Authorities said the burglar or burglars used a sharp tool to break the middle glass pane of a window at the rear of the station. Entry was gained by reaching in and releasing the lock. The burglars opened the safe by knocking the knob off the combination dial. south, the sheriff reported, when; Final Rites Held For Mrs.

James S. Lazenby closed that Prater has resided for the past several weeks at a Troy township farm residence in De fraudulent checks. Two were pass- ed by 27,537, or 20.6 per cent in the 1960 census as compared to i ed at a music store in Auburn, one At the conclusion of the discussion, Mr. Engelhard asked, "What news can we take back to our community?" Dr. Offutt replied, "This will not satisfy them as to what they want to Har.

I would like to point out this is a matter for the Council. But I will say there is value from this meetog today and I am glad the group could take the time to come to the. meeting, present your views as to how your community feels and this is now a matter of record, something we had not done before. This information will be made available to the State Hospital Kalb county rented by Mr. and at a service station in St.

Joe and Morgan attempted to pass the Maurice Lee McPheeters Hal Whitley county car. Morgan said Edwin Mortorff, Kim Eric Nixon, he lost control when the wheels i Joseph Donald Nycum, Timm Allen struck a slippery spot in the pave-! Rumbaugh, Gregory Scott Shippy, ment and his car skidded to hit I Jerry Allen Shoudel, Kim Lee the left front of the Lincoln. Van Shumway, Randy Wayne Surfus, Coppenelle told the sheriff that the Michael Anthony Thomas, Allen Mrs. Millard Frasure and s. Frasure's son and wife, Mr.

and Mrs. Homer Sloan. DeKalb county authorities were Ford cut in sharply and struck another small check at a Newville grocery. State Police Detective Russell Huffman adised the prosecutor after McCurdy's appearance in court here that he passed a $30 fraudulent check at a music store in Angola. DeWayne Troyer, Steven Laverne census figures taken in 1950.

The increase for Fort Wayne, up to 161,144 today, was the second largest among major cities in Indiana. Only Gary was ahead with a 32.5 per cent gain in 1960. The population of the state, set at in preliminary figures, is up 17.8 per cent from the 1950 census figures. notified since the alleged moon shiner resided in this county. Sheriff Likens, the prosecutor and Final rites were held Wednesday at 1 p.m.

at the Baidinger Walter funeral home for Mrs. Stella C. Lazenby, 61, of 607 South Franklin street. The Rev. Peter E.

Soudan of the Presbyterian church, of which she was a member, officiated and burial followed in Christian Union cemetery, northwest of Garrett. The pallbearers were J. C. Argu-bright, Tom Leeson, G. J.

Bowmar, Fred Salerno, Robert Rider and John Demske. Mrs. Lazenby died Monday at Deputy Cecil Barhydt participated in the investigation. Sgt. Rittenhouse said the Watson, Timothy Ralph Wheeler, Terry Lee Wilcox.

Girls Dawn Reyne LeparcL Joanne Marie Nycum, Karen Sue Picklesimer, Carol Elaine Reeves, Kathie Jo Reeves, Kay Darlene Roebel, Debra Kay Rowe, Lynn Licensing Council and we will leave this up to Dr. Elward ith 06 removed from the safe included his car. The impact threw the Lincoln out of control and it skidded off the pavement and plowed into a telephone pole. The pole, owned by the Bell Telephone was broken by the impact. Damage to the Lincoln was set at $1,000 with $75 damage to the Ford.

about $30 in change. Checks ap Youth Given 2- To 5-Year Suspended Jail Term Jon Buckles Hurt In Car Truck Collision proximating $451 and other papers in the safe were replaced and the safe door closed before the thieves left. Officers of the Williams county sheriffs department, Bryan police and Ohio state troopers were assigned the task of closing in on the still. The DeKalb county officers and a deputy from the sheriffs department in Ohio were assigned to moving in on the farm house in Indiana. The farm house is located in Troy township approximately 8V4 miles northeast of Butler.

Oris Jon Buckles, 42, of Rt. 1, Garrett, was treated at the Dr. Police said the station was closed at 11:45 p.m. Saturday by an at regards to what he wants the Council to do. "It is not what your people will want to hear but this is about all we can do today.

I thought it well worthwhile to ask you people to drive this far, obtain your views and place them on the record." When asked when the State Licensing Council would re-consider Dr. Elward's application to Nineteen year old Donald Lee Eddy of Chicago, charged with second degree burglary, was given a suspended 2 to 5-year sentence Wednesday morning in the DeKalb circuit court in Auburn. Judge Harold D. Stump ordered -1 3 i 1 a. a.

1 -rr ii Bonnell M. Souder hospital in Au-1 LICENSED TO WED tendant, Wilbur Pfierman of 914 Marie Rowe, Debra Ann Runion, Jerri Lynn Seeger, Denise Eileea Short, Ruby Lynn Smith, Laura Lee Souder, Cynthia Kay Steig-meyer, Elyse Carol Stuart, Christina Gail Thrush, Betsy Dawn Vice, Delores May Watson, Rebecca Kay Weller, Karen Lynn Wilmot. KINDERGARTEN I P.M. Norma Jean Harlan Boys Thomas Richard Allen, burn late Tuesday after his auto-j 8:09 a.m. from cancer in Lutheran hospital, Fort Wayne, where she had been a patient for 2Vi weeks.

She had been ill for 3Vfe months. Mrs. Lazenby was born Mch. 3, 1899, in Chicago, a daughter of Charles C. Swanson of Chicago and North Cedar street, Auburn.

mobile telescooed under a two-ton i i3mi t. rm a stn. truck on U.S. 27 south of Garrett. I dent and a resident at 802 East To Graduate As A returned to ine ueivaio coun- state Tr0oper Richard Raub Prater, who was identified bv Nurse This Sunday Buell after his arrest, had fled I the late Mrs.

Swanson. She was James S. ty jail in Auburn in custody of i said Buckles taken to the hospital Sheriff Dorsie A. Likens, however, by a Garrett physician, was re-until his automobile, which Eddy ieased after treatment for shock offered for sale to make restitu- and bruises. 4) married July 25, 1923, to (Continued on page First street, Auburn, and Mary Lou Shackleton, 20, a nurse residing at 507 South Indiana avenue, Auburn.

Consent to issue of the marriage license to the young man was given by his mother, Mrs. Genevieve Conklin of Auburn. Lazenby and they moved to Garrett re-open the hospital. Dr. Offut stated he was unable to give an exact date but that the matter would be taken, care of as soon as possible.

The meeting was adjourned. tion tor tne burglary, is soia ana Xne accident haDDened Tuesday restitution is made Dec. 1, 1941. He is a B. O.

engineer. Surviving besides the husband and father are a daughter, Mrs. Audrey Leeson of 604 South Franklin street; one grandchild and a 1 Small Increase In 1961 Library Budget The 1961 budget proposed for the Garrett public library, prepared by Librarian Mrs. Oscar Fitch and approved by the library board, THE YOUNGER SET Mayor eicx, alter neanng a report of the meeting from Mrs. Zerns Wednesday night, pointed out that following the announce-1 ment on July 28 that the Licen- i sister, Mrs.

F. W. Borchardt of Chicago. Mrs. Lazenby was a member of Richard Patrick Barry, Timothy Lee Bock, Dennis Keith Boice, Mitchell Allen Boyd, Joel Delana Brinkerhoff, Robert Darrell Coleman, Bruce Lehman Englehard, Michael David Gentis.

Dwight Luther Gilbert, Roger Wayne Gingery, Pedro Hermandes Gonzales, Richard Donald Heupel, Timothy-Roy Honaker, Larry Richard Isham, Phillip Wayne Isham, Ronald Richard Kock. Girls Carol Lin Baker, Deborah Ann Carr, Pollyann Creager, Anita Jo Fetter, Deborah Ana Fike, Mary Catherine Gael, Deborah Kay Griffin, Karen Joan Haffner, Karla Christine Hart, Mary Ann Henderson, Patricia Louise Hofferman, Patricia Louise Hyde, Denise Ellen Jinnings. Kalista Ann Johnston, Judy Gale Kinney, Patricia Joanne Knipp. the Order of Eastern Star and the L. S.

to B. of L. F. E. Appearing for the state at Eddy's sentencing were the prosecutor, Warren G.

Sunday, and Deputy Prosecutor H. Charles Winans. The court suspended Eddy's sentence to the Indiana Reformatory on condition that he make restitution, demonstrate good behavior and report regularly to his probation officer. The judge ordered the sentence suspended and inposed a fine of $1 and costs after hearing a presentence investigation report from the county probation officer, Wilbur Kimmell of near Butler. Eddy entered a plea of guilty to second degree burglary, in con afternoon about one-half mile south of the Garrett city limits.

The trooper said the vehicles involved were a 1954 Ford two-ton truck driven by Victor Delagrange, 63, Rt. 1, Woodburn, and the 1959 Chevrolet operated by Buckles. The trooper indicated he would book Delagrange for failure to signal for a left turn. The officer said the Buckles' car was following the truck when the truck started a left turn as Buckles attempted to pass. Buckles also swerved to the left in a futile effort to avoid a mishap and his vehicle telescoped under the truck bed.

Damage to the truck was minor. Estimated damages to the automobile were set at $300. Two Drivers Are Fined sing council had denied Dr. Elward's application to re-open the hospital he and other members of the city administration had received numerous telephone calls and letters asking the city to do something. The mayor then communicated by telephone and by letter with the governor, state health officials and other state In Garrett City Court Sl IMS! calls for an increase of $1,461, from the budget of $10,500 in effect this year to $11,961 next year.

If approved by the county and state boards of review the tax increase for this civil unit will be from 24 cents per $100 property valuation to 26 cents. According to Mrs. Fitch, the increase comes from a raise of $538 in salaries, as is customary, and $1,000 more to be spent for books, periodicals and book binding. The detailed budget appears elsewhere in today's edition of The Clipper. I nection with the July 19 break-in ELIZABETH RIST 'Kandy Ann Berry, Deborah Mary 4 at the Roger Mobil Service station in Butler, at arraignment Aug.

8. officials. He also appointed the committee which went to ianapolis Wednesday and which had had several meetings prior to that time. The mayor received the fol Foundation Is Donating The owners of the station re Chemistry Equipment Two defendants in Garrett city court entered pleas of guilty on traffic violations Monday afternoon while Garrett City Judge L. Dale Green postponed the case of another.

Charles E. Dennison of Garrett paid a $1 fine and court costs of $16.75 after he pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless driving in Garrett on Aug. 1. Judge Green also recommended that his driving privileges be revoked for six months. A similar fine and costs were paid by F.

Leslie Logan of Fort Wayne after he entered a plea Elizabeth Rist, daughter of Mrs. Mariann Rist of 416 West Houston street, is a member of the graduating class of St. Joseph's Hospital ported $301 was taken in the break in. Eddy said he stole $230. LICENSED TO WED Hoeffel.

KINDERGARTEN II P.M. Lorraine Weier Boys Kevin Karl Knapp, David Alan Leweilyn, Joseph Timothy Mansfield, Steven Wayne McNabb, Mark Stephen Michael, Randall Alan Mueller, Donald Gene Nelson, The young man was arrested at lowing letter" -from Governor Handley Wednesday: "Dear Mayor Feick: Yorkville. 111., for breaking and School of Nursing, Fort Wayne. Baccalaureate services will be entering a service station at Os "Your interest in your local hos- i held Sundav morning in the hos wego, 111. He was implicated in Directors of the Electric Motors Specialties Foundation in Garrett have approved the purchase of three pieces of equipment for the chemistry department of Garrett high school.

An advanced chemistry class is being established in the high school for the first time by Jack Bateman, pital at Garrett, Indiana, has not i pital chapel and the Most Reverend the DeKalb county crime when a Ronald Lindower, 20, a student living in Toledo, and Phyllis Jean Hoyer, 21, a teacher residing on Rt. 1, Corunna. Consent to issue of the marriage license to the young man was given by his fa -Photo by Thorne money pouch from the Kmsely Na tional bank of Butler was found William Alan Nelson, James John Sapp, Bruce Allen Smith, Dennis LeRoy Smith, Dirk Wayne Smurr, Lynn Alan Snyder, Brent Eugene Steigmeyer, Darwin Paul Stiles, in his possession Illinois authorities turned Eddy KRISHNA SUE GERHARDT is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Gerhardt of 605 South Randolph street.

She weighed 10 pounds chemistry teacher. The equipment being donated by the Foundation of guilty to a charge of speeding Aug. 14 in Waterloo. The case against a Garrett youth, William Ray Beverly, was delayed for one week. The youth was booked Aug.

10 in Garrett on a charge of reckless driving. He entered a plea of not guilty to the charge. Reynolds Joseph Thomas, Kim Carter Thorne, Thomas Lynn Wiley, Jeffrey Wayne Nelson. over to DeKalb county for prosecution and he was returned tc the DeKalb county jail in Auburn in custody of Sheriff Likens. and one ounce when she was born Apr.

25, I960, in Dr. Bonnell M. is an analytical balancer, analytical weights and a centrifuge. escapea my personal attention. Leo A.

Pursley, D. D. LL. be assured that it is our op 0f Fort Wayne, will be the desire to expedite the handling of speaker. Graduates will receive this matter.

I have directed Dr. their diplomas and school pins at a Offutt to sit down with the Hospital ceremony in the afternoon at 2 Licensing Board and the individ- o'clock in Central Catholic high uals involved in the Garrett hos- school auditorium. A reception will pital to determine precisely what follow. must be done to comply with the( Miss Rist was graduated from minimum standards of the law. Garrett high school with the 1957 "Of course, you realize that we 'class.

She will work as a graduate do have a responsibility to the citi-! nurse at St. Joseph's hospital and 2ens of your community who will then take a state board examina-be using this to assure tion in September to qualify as a them that this institution does meet registered nurse. 1 Girls Deborah Louise Lampe, Susanna Eve Lilienthal, Nancy Kay ther, Jason D. Lindower. David Curtis Cooper, 19, a truck driver living on Rt.

3, Auburn, and Malinda Burns, 18, also of Rt. 3, Auburn. Consent to issue of, the marriage license to the young man was given by his mother, Mrs. Hilda Fankhauser. Earl W.

Goldsmith, 21, an employe of Wayne Co-op and a resident of Spencerville, and Barbara Ann Cobb, 19, a secretary residing in Spencerville. Maurer, Janice Helene McCorkeL Karen Elaine Miller, Starr Kae CARD OF THANKS Myers, Carol Ann Ousley, Jo Ellen Owens, Patsy Jean Poling, Kathleen Quince, Kathrine Jo Schlagen-hauser, Anita Kay Shaffer, Linda Souder hospital. Auburn. She now weighs 17 pounds and has red hair and blue eyes. Her sister, Debra Lee, 7, will be a second grade pupil in the J.

E. Ober school this fall. Michael, her brother. Is four years of age and her other sister, Stacy Ella, will be two years eld Sept. 12.

Their mother is the former Margaret Slaughter. Their father is a Korean War veteran, having served In the Marinas, and is employed by the Dana Auburn. The erendparentt are Mrs. Dora i certain health anil lire regulations. Attending the ceremonies will be We wish to take this way to thank our neighbors and friends for their lovely gifts and cards received on our golden wedding anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis. Electric Motors Specialties Foundation is a benevolent fund of Electric Motors Specialties Co. of Garrett and Morrill Motors of Fort Wayne.

Its primary purpose is to assist needy students further their education, as well as to support worthwhile community projects. The Scottish Rite Valley of Fort Wayne, which includes Garrett and DeKalb county, will have a $500,000 fund raising drive to construct a new Cathedral adjoining the present Scottish Rite Auditorium in Fort Wajro. Sue Simnger, Pamela sue Judy Ann Von Holten. Thirteen Shopmen Being Furloughed Today Thirteen of the 20 men working in the B. O.

shops at Garrett were given notices Monday that they would be furloughed starting today. According to railroad officials at Garrett there has been a decline in repair business but it is believed to be only temporary. For the time beinj any repair work which the remaining force at Garrett is unable i to handle will' be done at Chicago or Willard. IN APPRECIATION -l am quite sure uus mauer wiu Mrs. Rist and Robert Lepley ot be handled in the proper vay so as Garrett, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Rist to satisfy all concerned. of Avilla and Jacob Schneps of the Sacred lie art home, Avilla "Sincerely, VHarold W. FIRST GRADE 1A Room 3 Lilah Gilbert Boys Keith Alan Anderson, Martin Douglas Bartels, Michael Lynn Carnahan, David Lorer Cramer, Donald Dean QeGraase, Maik (Continued on Jpage, Red Haven peaches We wish to thank everyone for the many acts of kindness and sympathy during the illness and after the death of our husband and father. Mrs.

Elmore Armstrong and family. Gerhardt of Butler and Mr. and Ice cream social Fri.t Aug. 19, 5 pjri Randolph and Order of Eastern Star. Art School meeting to-1 bushel.

Shirk's Market, Mrs. Okey Slaughter ef Hicksville, JOWev nicht at 7 for ell ttudentt. Avilla..

Garrett Clipper from Garrett, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.